in mam 11 cartons 132s ind IKE BARBIE KXAMLNER MONDAY MINI 1111 Tutsi ma of fnrgsln incmmmm ed or nearly onethird of the rm laud urn Fresh cut pork were at ma laInna pm when bread cookies amdwmtaritecm sonabe planet hum ldt shoulder gm Cup gag HD ll 53 omhn PP met at NO School May 133llobc and Mail Packet and Tunes 7mm It onlumed from page onel By the way while an me puffy with Taylor In the chair 11Orillta Public School Board Ron lum am aibu sJILiI mourn MI lhruugn Llllldfrll personal plnt feel must emu lcirdlff was abet nl imson Hardware and Walker Cald 13232 szlUCI lube Walbey Ora Area School Board EAPPWI for MOM ll Continued from our you there is no aficlPvford in Fund ls Lattfte If were Scotch wouldi be eagerly pillalltd an Seuis and Wm cares The lrustees of Um Schml AleaaAndrrwn Om Telephune THE FIRST COLUMN Tempting maul dinghy home PRINTTNFFPION 841 lilnem ll 15 our hm 01 The minutes of Aillll rueclingwell were ordered paid =1 mlgmni SATURDAY JINE 14 uirimst would apparently sevm ml wern rehd udupkd and liuismms lhe SuptlHblllg princxpal report fl nu like being callcd judging by I115 arming dealt wtlh Ind on me cundilium at the vulmzlu fab mm 11 BI Monday chroniclmgs Now that hr Diluqu WIIWH ISINltd UH Illl Nuiwnmvg hmw Jdm has let everyone know of the trip in Toronto by the school chili prunes Of the Wall Inbc may dren and said approximale 310 x1 Iu 901m oul lbnl in recent cen persons went like fox books and nbrurv bunks mm mkl himm My 392 mil41 all the Way rum IN in TN $113 conducted in Lhu Uniled States The buard decided l0 write alfmm Bradleys 2w mm macaw illng in vim umi 4mm up Of the 20 most popular boys humus lctler of upprecxatiun tn the teachl fell by unusmr hllIItllnLl rumg Currespundencr was road 110111 Atl ll 12 than feel lf millE all INN harlu db Im hm me mp Ur CUUWWUMI 11 wwlhm LWe hmmmn mi KIIIIIIID IIIXUIY OOO LIOO Catv Spring chicken wlc 30c 01h Slallsllcs in llu USA there decided 10 Put gyprw WIImS ill Leigh Insprrwr Scott Flos TuwuE minis fndn Iumi hillllII balling foul iIl lvc Ship Sdmm Ama Glendmmngl lvnvmr1wlll Momuvn June is HI ID are 3023000 mm thus called and NO school my mum stem from Germmm ACCUUHIS Illetlmd 170 Ems Jarrett Gray and Roberls Ilium 11 50 pg lil youngest pawn on Le 8mm Omle mm cmva bunks Looking uf 111i luve On Display For Your Inspection mranmg man or lling chvr Low Gughnc Fire Brigade Bun and Toronlo Slur FURNITURE APPLIANCE SHOW oven saw anything resvmbling my mealicy Cum En min The rmtgnallunx II Alma Iranr 1m in the Burris Arena on Wednesday June 18 launch 171m IIJHIIKD plarlrcl IJiILV 31 liiv Iiui H1 Suliiialuj lJul llglilm txm 1111 2mm Egg przcc LifhclllCtlI cliunls an dll dd Iuld Iflldlllt buffering from the all the trualcts Mum of inrm previous Mvk Willl 15 cum in form Ine bunrd decided In purcliusw ne the See Why So Many People Choose rumblch Asimrugm was pickml up quickly Ifw bunch ivuucv Olllrllls dIlLI mubusb gtlIfI fut lllc bunch or for ix polulucs zmnumvd lit Ulla lmskvl bug Dally bultcr 904 pumiiipx buskul 40 variety of fluwirs briglitinvd rm LIDIUS plflll IILlwlllllfllt wild blm lllS yulluw ms and fresh IlIlLSI Humr plums are almost over but Wullscy umng the ollte but lben we couldnt have an ufflvv NummeI Nichol and Lms Janncdwixv which once lllucked dino abzsululoly full Of ilurm Could we on we received Naurs wo almckvd min the ru nllzuiion 12111 for from being The teachers of Schools No Imam of old my arthritis can at NU and No 13 whom that lurk nl unv llvrmd luutxgll life ban guan are to be played mu Alllmudli furlunulclv rare in Naming the Fair Gmunds chlldrrn il usunws really Merrill MISS Frances VarloySmilb wzm Showers Today lovely Weekend Sunny and Warm NO doubt one of the biggest talk ixg points in local affairs vur the wreokcnd Is going to bc the urn nuuncmnnnl made by the pllbIlC school board rrgnrdmg the new zvpct vlwn we sm toddler WNW made us he eulcrvd the board room remarked When the pnpor comes out on Friday will be well out of lhe way some businom which will keep me out of town doesnt think one the Boards deliberationsl Board manage There were 97 communicants haven 17 help Training College boundaries 11 Harris his inlcnliun clear as spun He have managed Io find all day anyone Surely he would criti hope that Wuwa Stewart and Doug Hoyle who took purl in the rescue of the two boys from the roll in the buy Monday afternoon will read this Mrs George Hughes 48 Louisa Sf the mother of one of the youngsters called into the Of fice yesterday She was wanling lhv uddruss of the two rescuers so that she could thank them for what they had donv Its nice to come across pcoplv who still know how to my thunk you so mention Mrs Hughes visit here Incidentally hope lhe School to get Hon Dunlop Minislcr of Education In attend the Opening of the King Ed ward School extension If is only fitting that he should After all Darrin is rather unusual place when it gets down to this question of scholastic training Why even out 1011 Dunlop SL according to George Storey our sports author ity there is Sign which shows just how far we have developed ll slates Educated Dew Worms for Sale SHANTY BAY 33rd Annbal Conference of WA Simcoe Deanery The 33rd Annual Womens Auxil iary Conference of the East Sim coe Deanery met on June 11 in SI Thomas Anglican Church Shanty Bay The lovely spring day brought good attendance of WA members throughout the Deanery The Rector of St Thomas Church the Rev Lightbourn OBE MA DD assisted by Rev Calhcart DD Midland the new Rural Dean officiated at the morn ing service of Holy Communion Dr Lighthourn brought an inSplring message in his sermon The theme of the Conference was The love Of Christ constraineth us After the morning service pic nic lunch was partaken in the hall served by the Shanty Bay members and friends Last week wzui comparatively cool until Friday when genuine early summer weather set In with dellgmful weekend Bathing was lndulged in gin gerly with much beach par uding utd sunburn Showers tell this morning and may con tlnuc Unfortunately Walter Stub blngs the weather recorder who was faithfully on the job for many years decided 10 50 out where the West beglm and 1ch on Saturday faking along the best wlxhcs of the staff here Memwhllo the IIIth brown book wasnt posted so no temperature record is available for last weekend Temperatures were High 83 71 73 62 Low 40 52 48 42 39 40 June June June 10 June 11 June 12 69 June 13 um 75 OriIIia Workers Authorile Slrike strike has been authorized by employees of Long and CO Or illiu producers of engineering equipment to buck demands for wage increase The employees members of the United Steelwork ers Of America CIOCCLI have asked for substantial wage in crease The company has Offered three cents an hour for the firms 270 cmployees conciliation board majority award recommended eight Minels Point News Wednesday and hardening of the concrete engaged teacher for Om Station school Mrs Oakley fur the junior room at Jarratt Miss Hazel Jack man for No 10 The meeting ud journcd to meet of No Adjourned Meeting lhg trustees met on May 19 Jack Taylor in the chair Ed Iurdiff nb sent George Malcolm was presvnt re garding religious education in schools No ll 11 and 17 Teachers engaged for tho 5263 term are Miss Lois Miller for N02 18 Miss Luis Jamieson for CraigE hursl M155 Alma Fraser for No 15 cordial invitation was extended to all to offend the field day be ing hold at the FantGrounds on Juno l3 commencing at am Pic nic lunch refreshment booth on be ground The now culvert on the park mud at Mincts Point crossing the crock will be ready for use very soon The Inst concrete was poured on the forms will probably be taken Off by loday but the creek bed will have to be div crlcd back to the old channel and some lime allowed for selling and The level over the culvert will be higher than before and con siderable fill is required If the late Of speed ust by some drivers when coming down the bill is maintained over the culvert the ensuing takeoff should cause them to soar through the qir with the greatest of ease Dimensions Of the structure are cents while the minority report proposed 18 cents width 40 feet length with road 11 reel Walls are 12 inches thick lIU Maureen whusv arthritic joints 1mm bur xu llml she would rulher sit in chair than run and play 215 she should ln hvlp all ldult and child suf Ivrvrs from arthritis and rheumatism lhu Canadian Arlbrilis and Rheum lllgtlll Such1y is again campaigning for funds If hopes that eventually with sufficienl public support or lluilis Ibo wmlds Oldest disease may bu wiped out as successfully as smallpox md diphtheria RESTRICTIONS WERE NUISANCE It Sfclllh strange to us that cred ill restrictions were over introduc od In tho first place Il may be that the mulein plan is mainly rc sponsiblv fur the rvmoval Of much of the restrictions simply bccuusc ll ruprtNonfcd way around the laws The announcement wils merely acknowledging the incht ublo wlhc lns ann Northern Mail and placed on heavy footing Inside space for flow is approxim ately 12 feet by four feet The additional width will elim inate much Of the hazard on dance nights with heavy traffic Willi the beautiful weekend the park and beach had great appeal and the crowd was equal IO midlt season attendance last summer Quito number of swimmers braved the invigorating chill OI Kempcnfelt Bay and there were many waders number of swings have been greatly patronized by the kiddies of all ages Rafts have becnyplaced as last year and the wharf is in good condition Dance attendance was quite heavy on Saturday night but much lighter on the previous night More than 312 Million General Electric REFRIGERATORS IN US EN YEARS OR LONGER This Is Your Guarantee of Dependable Service Year Warranty mm The afternoon session was presid ed over by the Deanery Officer Mrs Walter Moon of Fairvalley with Mrs Milton Sutton Shanty Bay secretary The Scripture reading was given Leijghrairvaney Mrs DTRaikes Shanty Bay President of WA brought warm message of welcome to all nlembers and friends Mrs Reid of Fair valley responded with fitting words of how in the first days of the settlement Of Shanty Bay it was haven tOall newcomers Today St Thomas Churchstill remains Miss Edith Page Orillia accom panied by Dr Catbcart sang two sacred solos The enthusiastic hymn singing was accompaniedby Mrs Murphy Shanty Bay Highlights of the TOronto DIGgt1 csan Board meeting were brought by MigsiDorothy Hale of Orllha That missionary work is needed at home as futile fields abroaWas stressed Life membership of the WA means commitment of heart and faith for all life The reports Of the branchesin Deanery were Of great interest to a11They showed faithful anddlll gent Work whether the member smallm Mrs CrLong representing the Diocesan Board Toronto brought greetingfrom thatlaody She urg ed theWA Inembers to work to pray to studyandthusincreasg the scopeiof our niislonsi She made special appeal for for the Anglican Church for Women In Tor onto which receiVd fine responsn The higprint of Kornlnskyl Superintendent of Nathanil Institute Toronto This work Is mainlywlth Harmonio nuns both in our dismal ploifrom Euro ed us with man the merit 11 meean was the addressiby countrybndthe be ship of the groupswos large or some you get them crab Max GENERAL ELEthCLW Frm cohxum all mule Space Maker Youll marvel at the Cu REFRIGERATOR realms sealed humungnpvenm Sm mums Au sueloonsmumwim iamousnnniam 9v SAVESWImR the nilTIER CONDmONEu more illustrated hlgb bottle storm See this beautiful efflcienbr dependpblenfrlxV many timesaving und laborsaving features SAVES TIME See lineup refrigerants on display ulnar FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE SHOW Wed Afternoun Eiqu EARRIE ARENA offers everyfoo 3W need bulln stanza uni bunny famous GE StorADOE torj in oiling 13 mnImv uu ALL rOROEnArNmxumon INCLUDING boon few snld wrll ill llllc bux In buliu Axlvrs and Ivlunius Smallg plllz of Baby Fingers and Cucnlsi nie 25c Buxm of egg plunt llllfll prppcr plums wcri 30c Cabbage BARRIE TENT AWNING CO lilnnls lc ouch 34 BAYFIELD STREET PHONE 4314 Ask for the FREE BOOKLET on AIRSHADE ALUMINUM AWNINGB Choice honey vus again on dis play in while guldun and umber FIRSTin CANADA THE NEW I952 COOI REFRIGERATOR 42 lb Frozen Food Chest NEW MODELS NOT ILLUSIRAIElll NEW SIZES I8 10 CU FT CAPACITY on display for the first time anywhere in Canada at the FURNITURE APPLIANCE SHOW IN THE BARBIE ARENA New Features New Sizes New Prices IO be announced afthcsbovr SEE and COMPARE THEM All YOOp sold refrigerators owl ers and freezers covered by Warranty and by Servlce Contract with factory trained experienced refrigeration expert iv DE LUXE MODEL 041 1951 COOP DELUXE MODEL ON SPECIAL SALE AT SHOW ONLY These were brought from the West to clear the balance of COOp 1951 models Only 51 Model cu $28900 General Electric WASHERS WithDaily Dipper Only S1650 Extra NOME EREEzER cu $413 15 cu $525 221 ft $695 All The Features You Expect COMPARE THE QUALITY AND PRICE Maderin the shine COOp factory as our refrigerators CIDOp Made and CoOp Distributed the economy way Colop Washers Models priced to suit every buyer from GENEROUS TRADEIN ALLOWANCES The NwestD Best GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES 20410389 QUALITY COMPARE THEM Youll get better deal of Co rad Mk Low Down Payment and Budg we have no et Terms available on all COop on hand soldappliances Insfallfstinn and mu tank mm usual uvcrage cOst $1500 AJKEMAC COmbinaIion Range Oil Burnernsdnea In yOur kitchen range igivee you rapid clean at my to dost rORRIOAIRE SPACE Medium 22 69 7Lurga3 Or Sign when Comm these names il IVgt Ev Dualseon GelleraljleclfuCough Rad Smial SEEE much