gt U8 CAXADIAN HMS BOISEANDBUGGY swam Canadians should get away from dumb Gt Mtforta rai E1118 that Americans are italici ktlri 35 555 far WU harm ed win2i we iarm our rudlsurafzlrj 143 imr 3mm laminate dur Tm NEW York Bedouin Uci mi hgt Jr some other pseudoAmerican nann it for slim W31 for our tourist enterprises in im impi Lif lllttlgliflg tourists Then are fine Canadian lliillit which are scldom seen Canadians pr should get to know their mm any bctltr Laclillc tQilr Watchman mm mm mamas may lt only BIG ORGANIZATION Wiil i1ciubcrsliip of about blood llll llliptTlnl Order Daugh ter tLlv iliiipizr Canadas larg rst voluntary imillvllc WGHltIlS or gaiiimtiuii by breaking small limit in dam and suiting trap nearby piccr of Willow or poplar is used for llilll iIraps also illL placed on feeding trails Iii Sumo cows lltdvtl Most of the moving gobs are from districts wlicrc the dams flood ul uable farm lands or highways mifle PAVIt IS Eigic mooring70 35 LIST IN THE PPlME xvii TELL us ABCuT THE OLDEN CAVE WLL val DADDY 00 THEY row AUiCMCBILES WHEN you Beavers will lIVc almost iinI where they can find water and few lrccs 041098 loci THAT Ila mm as CLD NJ Nil Irma wau SPENTFormmtcly repairing fences is 110 in Pr0blcm it is for this veteran British Czlnuntihbelagagfr invitith gn5es igufzmilxlz Sill even on the small farm Special permits are issued only uni he sunan was lot of yng llvutockoftcn with the recumimpn of guiiic war mendins Win or rounded up much more than dons who decide how many iillllll AnA n8 11 P0 315 can be taken from each llngl lured truplinc As rule the icgu gincering than man that their damsl mm imVldl that trapper can an Seldom if ever wughcd Um by take up to but not iiiorc tliziii thi Spring oodx annual increase in beaver lll that illtl Trapping of beaver in Alberta still is kept under rigid control Beavers Called Aid Albertas Conservation EDMONTON June CF Thousands of eager beavers are hard at work helping to corserve Albcrton water and forest resourc es The Wilson Building Three twoman crews will be em 0m BARR me 5533 ployed in livetrapping and moving of beaver in Alberta this summer In addition about 10 fish and game branch officers will be equipped with traps and will work in their own districts Wemccemvecccececcc FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE Wt FOE nonim IOV WILL we ewe GET CONSULT Poo ormvm mars ism FOR 10 OMAMA 115A REAL we anomer BElN TAKEN Noel Stephenson R0 imii$ltliiltgygfgEmaarch OPTOMETRIST AWafMIfm com or sum 00 iTAKENFGZ NOTHNBI roor mums 5356000 52227153 STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS son APPOINTMENT DUNLOP crassr PHONE 3338 BARBIE ONTARIO cwmxxuw nus mommies you it or SEPARATELY msiemmloeocrutoeem Evezv EDIToz we comm l5 cover on Livetrapping must be done early in the spring before the young bea ver are born or in August and September when the young are able to fend for themselves Moving can not be done safely after midScpt ember as the animals need time to store food and recsuiblisli themscl vcs for winter The trappcrs usually catch beaver In almost every part of Albertas 225000square miles of land in hundreds of rivers and creeks the furry symbol of industry is build ing steelstrong dams which store the supply of water with an effic icncy that manmade devices could not equal The beaver may not be fully 21 ware of his value as conservation aid but the Alberta government is and has been since it started fullscale beaver propagation and control program about nine years ago One official reports there are more beaver in Alberta now than there were when the Indians were running the country The theory behind Albertas bea ver program is that if the animals are encouraged to breed in suitable areas they can do much toward storing water in the upper reaches of streams and help to keep norm al flow of water in the rivers all year around When the program first started the province did not hava large enough beaver population For bout three years strict controls were placed on the beaver trapping Six years ago the program of livetrapping and moving was started Beavers were taken from areas where they cause damage and movedto areas wheretheycwill he of value Withstand Spring Floods he program is not expensive and he beaver know so much more 0E course nor our IM IM Arron THAT wow 90 WWGMW ANIMAL FlZiEND we CANT AFFORD To mom MIMLS IM ALL BARNES THE CANDIDATE 560 to BRIEF IMPMD Wu LL HAVE To 7095 JOUT A5 REERETTABLE mon is we BEST mew l6 to BE IN mm or me CANDIDATE 10 WW GannonJD silt WILL KINDLY REMAIN our or Focus mil To INQUDE TIIE CAM DATE AND WE Abatdarmncws Doc 70 05mm A9503 Did A112s HEWOQNWCOMEOIER we mEsmBavoEom LOOK at SET DOWN 10 thim TESI me STUFF IMF MKMFE as To YEP WRE THE JELLYA mnmsafuicn cuss comp EM WlF WELL JESCOME amt our HYAR PlCK Ir up IN oua wnsaLBMtv there IT Home Wis usii moo TWASTERECKON WELL aes nave 17th rr HOME FER MY momraved OHWELL LETS FIRST school graduates you CAN AN OFFICER ou MONEY You can often save money by replacing outdated inefcient machinery or by improving your home and buildings bev fore they are rundown Your Royal Bank Manager is the man to see about FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS which may be used to pur chase implements equipment machinery to improve farm homes KL buildings for electrication etc Up to $300000 may be obtained for periods of one two or more years Rate is only simple interest Young men recently graduated from High schoolwith Junior Matricu lationor equivalent educational standardyniaybecome officers in the Army Actth Force To qualify you be Single Physically fitBetween 18 and 25 years of age and have Junior Matriculation or Equivalent Educa tional Standard Apply today to the Requiring Ofce nearest your home If accepted you begin training at Camp Bordenas an Ofcer Cadet to qualifyg as ScondLieutenantlin the AcverrForce You will receive Second Lieutenants pay while When you are granted commission you will then serve for periods of or years as you choCSeundElfllieSltott niissioix Plan At the endaof this 239MaingeemesigNoInlirgyOm 7af srvice you nil1y apply for specifics Am in St ecromngCenfreJomasSfArmou 290iume5iNIiumiiiononiv ImAmi 6m No 13 PersonnelDepoLWollis House Rideau Chorlotfe Sts Ottawa Ont No Personnel Depot Artillery Pork Bogot Street Kingston Ont Canadian Army Recruiting Station 90 Richmond Street West Toronto Ont No Personnel Depot Wolseley Barracks SEND Elizabeth Streuetl0ndon0nf ll proctor Basins BRANCH manna Manager dammitwe you BEENFOLLOWING YOUR DlElEl ANowurcobisouT proctow voun