Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1952, p. 3

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MWWWEDNESDAYJUNEleaSedurxadthcmwwgwwmhin lfnuwmbeuuuthcaguolwu EVERETT irrqu thanartuhr will UTOPIA gwmwlnwl cmmm George Skulls and Thelma Gerv no amt Mm Calvin um pa mmL the mwnrd who will be nurer ln Durban Mrrhixan dm mg England Church Everett on 58H 5111 131d Mrs JLA Jennett and we Hm mammal which cum urday morning June at KIer Mr Hat McCann Wllf They were advised six me any would have be mm iaclock by the REV Mr is and you Detroit UVth form asking for an appeul after at the tracks then this cost would Vrlim Mlcmni Rtel Lkklm back which they would motive notice of be eliminth M5 mmmli Dam mm Gnowmg m3 this hearing in the fall However this would subject the resume Mm Ben 31 town where he was delegate to mime we mi bridge long Mr and Mrs Frank Pattersunlhir it has llctrmt will the the Ontario Mayors and Rowes kph CW Henry dew and also we risk azlfld Gale spent the weekcnd atlLt Dlulflt Frank Elphlck convulllm Some one remarkedf cw Hurry cslledjuattoremlnd alfmrboroush M== Ham Tumnw With that be looked lagged out and hop Council that he muld supply them tzisrgflsgstwt Skism am Wedding belts are rmgmg furl 54 Mr Arlluil Mull Billy Mom Tim 9nd Thurs cm to p111 rd that it had bean good n1ectlrlgwlth many of the requirements The repair 01 we present bridge Jim Elder and Eleanor Peacockt zll Ncwlnarkct with his Wed 0111 to II noon Enquirer Who Kespomlble For gum roads em end was agreed on The railway will who be married On June mimmq Batman Fri 830 an to p111 la carload of snow fence at reduc In Everett Anglican Church 51 rs Mitclmll Toronto with Inspection 0f Septic Tanks led pm and take meme ex Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs Iog 411 Mrs lirucu Miller Sat 830 mm to pm mm mm mm Mum We have heard of the man of budge and ml similar to melronto spent the weekend whit Mpg jayk Calm spent on the not form sublelsion south who could sen Straw Mu Bi and Mrs Harry Wilson g5 my Mm mend in Toronto of the Nth concesslon was prcscnt spending some furlough with Mr and Mrs Boechk and family one under the new highway 911 Mm 3d to enquire how septic tank had kxmus Wu mm Rama mum in the ter of Titan 033211 adiiclgdagilhil alinf been permuted to be installed In Iveuedmmwed llelghmrhxd 25mo Mr and Mrs Fred Pearson AWLum HUSDNuhZfwn plan house he purchased which now Goldie Fleming diswm with WW be named mdmgm ale Mr and Mrs Edwin Pearson lltlpn Szllurduv was condemned by the sullltaryfcouncu an after by local can Board Tramp Cmmms and daughter Newmnrkct spent Dob department of the County HealthZchr grade the from under ardlgni Pmilias Mhe gundzly with Mr and Mrs Frcdlmxg imr ChQICC WhOIC Bee ofihu Unit owns Carson it He endeavored to have assurzlrlccgggtg gigantvg gpggdreief air Theb C3518 Ofkepln me in 5V LU 19 from Co nll that to er ms ccliun trcst rt ge in repair wo can had bee lLcQulrcdpwlYen thepllouse dcqmwd Under expmpnalm like not be nczlr the interest costs on This community was shocked snmninswm vum He mdifli lilflli my lwfamd or we draw of $1011 511th Incl 35 been advised that no ch ins ecw Council decided to have same 811 lam MOUTH insult lion was made nor wzxus the Eonhe Ldlh or me mad pom dltional warning 51805 31 we 39 kmed near Bremwom Thursl him G18 ozlrTu 29 mm requested have game it but ls intended to be used as park preaches and increase the promo day May 29 MI Meow was we mmr lon months 20 was pointcd out that conditions of The offer of $500 for the above lion with more rolling The rails wwn in EVere sm and liqfimfittsximar Rum Jack 02 nus 27e the permit stated that no one was MESHRCLePWd TIE lad flup are Imnd9d keel hm 8an Tixr C3 11 Efelesrn lIYISIUVZIlg after her recent ozhlkn 25c be allowed to use ucuupy the clwsol was glven lnstrucllcns to from gomg over but to show them Th LEIGHEums building until all lllcuc raclllllesjsze that it was completed as arrang vhf the sides areMrSma11 adj mgmasfngjabcfaeggl Mrs West Bradford and MIS mm 15 had been properly passed He is VISL Ltttll allllll few days withl STANDHV nFL seeking redress from some source Mr Fleming offered to pay $100 Minds Duct 1h itsmnm ftltffltlfi last week rm GL0 TOMATOES WW 21 hgvmg mm new sysmm itthivflsm 3331235 10 lib3 WhenAthmslanEct Emmian mu dxfriehd we lend llA mva mun hem mending ED BEEF Ya 49 on 15 ll mun Would 3mm And opeme property across the mad He also licenses for dance mus and other degpesl sgmazmy sundzlugmggplt Leaf Guardian ed Pmeupplemmc 01 as 22 Summer Community Centre spoke of memanner which the places of amusemfrlt was beln Challlarzrlln it Eillfllimll MM th Good Taste Choice Peaches HAM 18 Isaac Llndcnbaum property mad was mmmned whmh anew dlscussed Councmo 0mm Sm Sculumm anniversary sap oz 1m owner in Belle Ewart asked Coun ed theshoulders to get higher than brought up the matter of the Min 1tw on Sunday ml to assure mm the excluswe the driving portion He asked that ets Point hall which had bee privilege of building and operating summer theatre and community centre He stated that he would if he went ahead with the pro jccl be required to spend lot of money and he wanted assurance that he would not have other such activities in the immediate district motion was adopted stnting that permit be granted andrec ummcndation made that no other commercial cntcrprlse be allowed there He also had drainage problem that he hoped would receive atten tion This was referred to the roads department James Leonard Threchquesls James Leonard asked that cul vert be opened on the 9th line near the former Green property The water blocked there was causing damage He enquired if permission had been given to allow fence to be erected at the foot of the 10th line across the roadway He as ratepayer demanded its removal He complained that dances were being held in the beach community hall for which he had sold the pro perty to the committee with an understanding that no dancing would be permitted He asked that no permit be allowed It was ex plaihed that if the place was used for members and their visitors with no charge it did not require per mit and was not public dance hall Mr Leonard claimed that outsiders were allowed to use the hall Assessment Doubled 0n Swamp Farm Scharanagl and his wife ap peared before Council believing that they could have their taxes reduced They claimed that the 1951 aSSessment notice did not get to them The notice they had now received for 1952 assessment show ed double amount having been raised from $1400 to $2800 He told Council that his total revenue last year was about $650 gThey had found the farm in very run down condition Members of Council who knew the farm which is near the swamp on the 3rd line east of the new highway which will close this road off eventually stated that the first assessment would near value One suggestion was to rebate 11 part of the tax made on the new assess ment This was thought might start aprecedeht that wouldcause trouble all over While the protesting ratepayers were present they both talked at lthese be worked into the road Complaint About Dump Clifford Carscaddcn who has property adjoining the township dump on the 10th line complained that refuse from this dump was being shovedqthrough and over the fence into his property It was agreed that bulldozer should do some work there and also that nearby resident Miller be asked to take some time to see that pro per dumping be done in future People come with loads and dump them wherever it is easiest was the complaint Will Bold Materials Until Hydro Account Paid Noel Andradc electrician told Council that he had been engaged by the former contractor at the park to remove some wiring and equipment from the building there He enquired of township officials if there was release for the rrlater ials which were part of the build ings He was told by the clerk that no release was granted and that the 1951 Hydro account of $61 was not paid Mr Audrade flt it his duty as ratepayer to advise Council that some sort of agreement covering such installations and proper release In writing was necessity The clerk was instructed to ad vise the cmractor that until the outstanding account was paid the materials would be held Deer Season Will Remaln Closed In Township Similar to the adjoining town ships Innisfil will not have an open deer seasonthis year Councillor Gibbins felt that if it were to be open it should not be permitted for others than ratepayers of the town ship to brave license to hunt This was said to be impossible The recommendation was that it stay closed As an argument in favor of this decision an instance was relatcd of an organized group in the Cooks town vicinity who last year sur rounded an area in which herd of deer were knownh to be living They closed in and slaughtcred the whole herd This type of hunting in an area such as Innisfil was not considered sporting It was felt that at present the deer were not menace in the township Tollcndalflkld rollxldal tliudder bridge1wn1cll figured in the car accident last week wits the subject of discussion given license when the owner wa under court charge He claimed that the arrangement of lease was Simplyx means of getting around the issue and the clerk should not have made any change in allowing the license until the motion on the matter wasclcared by Council The reevc told the owner at that time to go home and not to adver tise his hall for dancing until he heard from Council yet be simply got another party to take over and was granted license the Coun cillor contended Reeve Lockhart felt the clerk was justified in issu ing the license when proper lease was presented by party with no reasons against them for refusing Simply getting friend lb take over did not clear up the matter Councillor Gibbins stated We have to collect taxes on the property and cant do that if it Is kept closed Deputy Reeve Sproule remarked Weed Inspector Asked Coopentlon Weed Inspector Herb Dunn asked Council to continue the program of roadway spraying of weeds He told them that some parts of the township needed attention to dan gerous weeds that spread rapidly Brush killing by spraying was also discussed Tenders For Park Toilets The clerk was instructed to con tact the provincial sanitary en gineer to have the specifications that hadbeen agreed on by Council returned so that tenders could be called and bids accepted limit of 10 days was given touhave these bids in Sheep Killed Clalned Valued At 368 Herb Gibbins of the 11th line came to Council ready to take them apart over the decision reached at special meeting to enter pro test on the valuation allowed for damages he claimed were caused to his flock having atotal value to date of $690 He brought statement addressed to whom it may concern from two veterinary surgeons who stated that in their opinion the worrying of the flock hid been caused when dogs were seen running them One wrote in an added postscript they are liable to give birth to dead lambs even if not actually worried by the dogs at the time When sheep have been worriedto any extent the whole flock my not Robert Wilkinson and Betty Hy land of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Harvey Lemon spent the weekend with friends in Toronto Shower Bot Bride and Groom Those attending the shower in the Orange Hall on Friday night May 30 for Mr and Mrs Frank Hawkins reported good time with very large crowd attending and many lovely gifts were re ceived by the bride and groom Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs George Graham took an active part in getting the shower up for Mr and Mrs Frank Hawkins At the time of writing Mrs Sim Jenkins has taken ill and expects to be removed to Alliston hospital for treatment We all wish her speedy recovery councillor hadinterfered with the valuator in setting his values was repudiated strenuously Im going to fight for my rights and get them have to make my living on the farm cant afford to come to the village to live take good care of my sheep and ex pect compensation for losses under the sheep protection act Mr Gib blns stated Following the discussion Coun cillor Cook moved that the claims be accepted without protest The assessor who collects the dog tax stated that the sum obtained this year was greatly exceeded by claims to date Toronto Humane Society vrote offering help to take action against the dogs that were causing the damage Constable Ferguson was Instructed to get any assistance he could to put down the menace Send Assessor To Convention motion was passed to send the assessor to the convention of asses sors with expenses paid Account were posed for payment as submitted by the various com mittees Adjournment until the first Mon day in July was passed Illczc Llll by no service in the lot11 church on Sunday owing ml 311121 Hch dflllthlSul The foll owing Sunday the usual summer lrvlcc schedule Will be resumed YPU Church Service On Sunday evening the annual YIL church service was held and Rev Mr Unstcud of Beeton preach cl lllc sermon and Rev Mr Mc Ilehn conducted the instllatlon of officers solo by Mrs Wallace Illllbcrl and trio by Mr Mell wallll Charlie Wilcox and Jim Thompson 1er much appreciated fireside hour in the Sunday School room followed at which very interesting film St Johns Alloy was shown and very much enjoyed HOLLY MAY ISOMrs Ii Brandon Hills dalc Mrs Cockburn and Mrs Whaler Orillla called at Mr and Mrs Slcssors on their return from Hamilton after visiting with Mrs Blough who has been ill We no pleased to report Mrs Blough IS lnlpmving favorably Mrs Lougheed Ray and Bob Visited friends in Toronto re cently Mrs Cochrane and Mr and Mrs Charles Campbell visited Mr and Mrs Ralston at Cookstown re 50 DODGE SEDAN LOW MILEAGE AIR CONDITION HEATER REAL BUY DANGERFIELD MOTORS USED CAR MARKET 233 Bradford St Dial 4901 ll NOW ARRIVING mnuss Goon TANGY III name 33 For us mm mm Noummm sums LARGI swear mun CALIFORNIA rum nun LETYUCE warm wurm nvoumr ALSO AVAILABLE gas on 14 snug Mm new no 2413 MILD cum omens currle AV am RIPE mucus TOMATOES cusr counts rouuo an Rws no rors no OHS JUICY ron comma onmxs 21 SPECIAL McCormick nAISIII COOKIES 13 216 TENDK LEAF LmUCE swivelch SERVEASALADTODAY neon mum 11cm cu 1r mm Strained Baby Foods ozm THE NEW Implements Rom mum 33 DOMESTIC snonrnxmo us me cnovnn vmcv Link Cheese 29 TOAST In cuocol favoux 31 13 mmonns roan snvr mt 34 MAST on cannot pnxon 1111 tar 151e mvosxnmsr air3L 31 1mm cm na ase vIrom rune 111x mum 31 save Guava nnovmmo up 14 l7 cannotm swam 511111me 25 mumsn 11111 PICKLES 65qu cc 41 Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles olSl 32 245 small GRAPE 1111c will 19 mm 1601 LOAF 211111152 warn com um ch nvumnmnuo Pulls oralN AMERme Sauerkrqu 31 1131113 1m mm ll Niagara Kist Buspherrvlum fcllll olfln mummy SPILGHEIT curmu cc suncnnsr Evdporutedilk NEHSONS Famous Ice ream Iller ji 19811503533311 Pownun momm reasons 3111111 011 oral 19111150115311 pownun mm smmnr son was CARE once with hands and voice which and eventually an adjournment of thrive well for several mouth58f sum 32 made it difficult to realb know Council to visit the structure where terwards CONCENTRATED mm 0231 19 gamersliilig how they felt about the whine af they met Mr Small the district heated argumentlbetweeuthgf fair It was gathered that they superinterylent of roadways for the ratepaer and Deputy Reevc Tl 14 wouldhaveto leave the farm unless CNR It as pointed outthat th Spro to almost reachda sparring lg mirr some relief was given with the tax railway mgmtaineddhe bridge and point when the charge that the 22 Lgnlunwm mum wax curses savanna11 wax v253 BAGS The dollsine girdle 31 PKG on mans 51 29 Ti masons mot 1151111115 cur 29 3i snacks Sandman Bags Em 13f cumadept China91th llsll l3k45 ill 75 ram slaw and plastic tapes alumsftlbuloug new vinyl plastic tape wonfullrlnkg 9ll1versvenean117 93 MIA ruvoun mnuuucmlnuormrss WThiIrtvefllses its decorator nish And Belgium terricrapriingtempexia anillgln aluminum win most tiniest Summit 11 mu reform in mutant nylon oloslk limb 70 with cracktustl 115570010 combinaliolu $495 WNJpAmEm 55TVVWY m5 Emory Fubamhxll

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