Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1952, p. 3

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Recently Returned From Greece Girl Describes Athens Continued from page one well as beautiful handicraft small linen articles This is necessity as buying these articles is luxury beyond them On the other hand men are very well informed on current affairs especially on European politics and meet frequently to discuss these The gathermg spot for all young and old is the sidewalk cafe com mam in village town and city where Turkish coffee very thick and black is served in dcmitnsse style The most common form of re creation in Greece is strolling Earl evening people gather for their leisurely walk and always the girls are together and the boys and men together Women very seldom are seen at this time As girls and boys do not date they He never out together Marriages are usually arranged Will the girls dowry playing very import am part Without dowry both cash and trousseau she has little chance of marriage The yOung girls are modern in their dress and national costumes areyseen only on special octttsions Kerchiefs are the common head dress and are quite lovely Athens Crowded City Athens with population of one million is an extremely crowded congested city Building has not Fifteen candidates were present SL Johns Parish Church Craigl hurst on Sunday evening when they Right Rev Wells assistant the Christian church The church was beautifully dcc Were presented to the church by at the confirmation service held in orntcd for the occasion with numer Mrs Brock Toronto lous baskets and vuscts of nurcrssi and tulips donated by Mrs Sin lclair Mrs Snider and other to the Bishop of Toronto officiated members of the congregation Flow and gave an address on the practice crs on the altnr were in memory of of confirmation and its entry into Harry and Minnie Brock the pur cnts of one of the candidates These Angus Laura Illthtll Miss Betty 35 ll lien Sh Ifl Kid Dianc Entries Sinilnlir Wit Irhtnflgiigf Igfllrillrbilnglililv If $81734 GIFIINS 25 on rrvuet nusic smcrc IIIIILI Wlllch was augmented by members mi Stilton Allztn Slnton and Wig 51 of frown Hill church tnt r41 ltrkt ill ttfl The candidates who were conl llie Rightlllev Mr Wells wnsl 01 59 firmed were Mrs Craig MFSilgtItd by the Rev William Newi ozlfix 35 ISJL HEINZ SPRGHBITI in tomato uucs RYLMBR STRAWBERRY 13143813 offal LIBBXS DICBD BEETS 03 25 29 GOLDEN BAR CHEESE tdmt $22 28 ROBIN HOOD White Cake Mix 33 29 Quaker Puffed Wheat Sundries 21 SinTlnfd bf 44 Belmon mm RICE 5m MIX ids 25 SRVOY MBRROWPAT PEAS 112 LI LOBLRW RED LABEL Teachers are Hurry Home EUSIARII POWER Wt553 r71 IUNKEI BENEFIT POWDERS stiilll ms WETHEYS Bread Butter Pickle OER MITCHELLS Ollie APPLE JUICE unswmmw hitting 13 31 21 ancron Agnes Martin tn is 25 01 TINS HEIGHTS FANCY APPLESIIIICE kept pace with population but helped by the Marshall Plan many new buildings are being erected The buildings are all low and the city is id out with squares which are som what like our parks They have benches and seats and are bordered with sidewalk cafes which are numerous throughout all the city The sidewalks are so congecd with people that many walk on the roads which slows uptraffic This is further hampered by the fact that law was passed prohibiting the blowing of horns on cars How ever as the mode of life is of an easygoing leisurely type with no mad rush at any time it usually does not cause undue concern Shopping districts are rather dif ferent in that one type of business groups together in one block an other type in the next and so on That is all shoe shops are together dress goods are together etc No dresses are sold ready made conse quently the dressmaking business thrives Wages are low but ac cording to our standards food is not expensive so the Greeks man age reasonably well Poverty is evident in all the smaller places mostly due to the effects of war Scarcity of Water The scarcity of water in Athens affects all phases of living as Athenians are allowed water only three days week and must fillall available vessels for the other days In some of the newer dis tricts there is no water at all and the people must buy it from wa ter carrier who goes by daily The warm climate means that everything closes for several hours during the day from one until 430 or five oclock for nap The stores open again until around eight oclock when everyone goes for stroll Dinner is served at 10 pm or later The drama theatres and musical concerts are very popular and are attended before dinner Miss Spanis was introduced by the club president Mrs Rodgersand thanked by Mrs Phillips Business Meeting Business during the evening in Four Meanppear Court Following Recent CarChase Four young men whose arrest was due to the prompt action of PC Grenville Wood on Thursday morning May 22 appeared before Magistrate Gordon Foster this morning charged with theft of car owned by John Stevenson Barrie As they are charged with sim ilar offence in Midland their trial will be held there on Thursday May 29 at 10 am The accused were William York and William McEwan Barrie and Ray Hazelwood and Rodger Carty both of Orillia The latter was apprehended later in Orillia after the three others were rounded up in Barrie by PC Wood PC Wood took Mr Stevensons car and gave chase when the four jumped into another car Speeds of 80 miles an hour were reached in chase through the east end of town The stolen car con taining the escapees went out of control and hit post Soldier Remanded For Sentence On Stabbing Charge In connection with the stabbing incident on the night of May 22 on Dunlop Street Pte Fred Dob bin 31 Camp Borden appeared before Magistrate Foster and pleaded guilty to charge of caus ing bodily harm to Dale Bardon RCAF by stabbing He was found guilty and re manded fog sentence to June PC RIG Lackie OPP who was on duty came upon three men near Owen and Dunlop Streets Bardon was stooped over holding his left side and was with Dobbin and another man The officers investigation dis closed that the men had been rinking for some time and an session agreed by its ing position increments 29 at noon decided upon clinic on May 26 27 and 28 from one oclock until nine oclock The date was set for the annual tea which will be held onWednes day Sept 10 at the home of Mrs Rodgers It was decided that $25 cash award scholarship from the auxiliary be set up for the middle school students at the Bar rie District Collegiate Institute the scholsrsmp committee to be con suited on the subject in which the scholarship will bigirven The meeting closed with the theoueenrron lowed by refreshments and social hour Body of Man From Honey Har or IS Mel Buffan Thebody of David Rice 23 of Honey Harbor which has been missing sinceMay 127 was found recently oating in theharbor at Buffalo NY only fa matter of MPP for anferiuSixcoe Further Wth disamWSre amok details as to the centenary later the lives of three childrenof the gt Ricehimily They were burned to angular cut causing wound in his side above the hip which re quired 15 stitches at the Royal Victoria Hospital Dobbin stated that he could not remember just what had caused the argument Is Ivy Lakeview LOI To celebrate I00l1 Anniversary ed his work David Kean Ivy Lakeview Loyal Orange Lodge No 450 will celebrate its 100th anniversary next week with special functions On Tuesday evening June at the regular lodge meeting represen tatives gof Innisfil district lodges will be present There will be public meeting in the Orange Hall on Friday June when the special guests and speakers will include the Grand Master of OntarloMt Ron EarlfRowe MP for Dufferin Simcoe and Rev Wallace Downer I945 death on Dears Anatiye ofParry Island Indian rview other 31 daughter Ruth Poxrift held in If to Friday evening weextend sincere sympathy the late Bis would not leave port in the bad Weather at thatrtime immigration Rattithorities 11virere nmled that ce was on Anterlcan soil Apparentlyhe bad thewife and 1m 01 Robem fallen off the dock at and titerewes no hint asto his where Sum was 01 M1 and Mr ErnestDaleawere Elmer Dales Mr mm tmi body was Vd Mrsd Sgogegtler Barry and or an es Mrs Flet solidified its fog Cheri Children 85nd Master John loby of Konoy Hutton 9383 are rsmammg for few she wutoncdmsiu weeks visit helpl Tmby whileflnel levelled At Strthccno Prtvate Hospital lien modest home aitd lock thelives Tomntotsundoy 25 to Mr oftbfee of her seven yelling chil landmine Harold Dales son drtt brother to neighbors attending mass at the Miss Marysmrgem span Honey church less than weekend with augments Mngnd beutiues urinals iterate away rushes to he Mrs Linwood Stutgcon Comm scarletmy were onlyableto keep Sunday visitors with Mrs the di tractcd mother from dashing LHouse Toron Dunlowd Cl Oro dome proposal Ritchie were Mr audMts bfumg micron homogeneousli title or yeah her martin represented meeting of ofcials at Drillia to decide on procedure for addition of two roomsto the collegiate Municipalities affected Orillia town ColdwaterMatchedash Mo township apron and Mara were asked insub wit to their councils fogapproval thatithe cost of mead dltion be paid out of taxes in fhe Orii votes to Superin Applicatlons will be Called to fill the position and will close May Salary has not been JAMES ROSS NIXON In January of this year Mr Nixon requested substantial in crease in salary but received none Native of Barrie nativ of Barrie Mr Nixon attended the Prince of Wales Pub lic schotll and Battle Collegiate In stitute Upon graduation he took course in thexRadio College of Canadaand then joined theRoyal Air Force as navigator and radio operator in the Ferry Command From June 1942 until September Nixon saw active service His training was taken at Dorval Continuing his education be en tered Queens University at King ston from which he graduatedrlast June with honors with the degree of Bachelor of Science During college he won thew Neer scholarship in civil Ienglneering and other scholastic honors Experienced in his field through summer work on the new Tor ontoBarrie fourlahe highway Mr Nixon was employed in London with the Bell Telephone company of Canada as an engineering assist Rescrve David Rice was remkn MAY 25 lSunday visitors with ant tolthe toll engineer aboard $3 9mg ler Y0 Mr and Mrs Stovold were Mrs ed News en sns 88 from Helen Leader and Pat andJames Buffalo May 12 shipotfrifglgdii 032 Toronto Mummpalmes covered Bicewas no un was thought that Rice gentile boat We the dance Learn Adamo Barrie Man Hands lPREMIER ANNOUNCES GRANTl Over Resignation To Ontario Council The Ontario County Council nft construction er considering the matter in closed hospital was announced by Premier eight to accept the resignation of Engineer and Road tendcnt James Ross Nixon not ive of Barrie who told Council he had been offered betterpayllmdS and 20 bussmds Mr Nixon told Council he would new $400000 have remained in the county postg if given an increase of $500 now and would forcgo his $150 annual working plans It is unlikely that 80000 Vt buildin will commence this car communly 01 Wc ghave been hoping to yturn 851 at port MCNicon recently Pkg 15 c2332 he rst sod in 1952 said boardaugmcntcd by the addition of 7000 chairman Felix Turcotte and ltlmm red Im05 ngms and Iamh 0130 mav still be possible to do so How 40 mil 01drfn wn eve it seems unlikely at presentiductcd their annual planting 1kg 0f 60 $87666 PENETANG HOSPITAL FLORIDA obn tMidlant Free Press Herald The remainder of the money willl Firs may gram towards the inc borrowed and urrangemcntsi of Pcnetzmgs new Wm mad dCi CALIFORNIA swm VALENCIA JUICE At Last Two Sim To cm Fm nettlurc issue SIIE StlE SIIE LCSllt Frost Wednesday Members of the building commit 49c 35 29c tw in addition to Mr Iurcotle are Mons Cnstcx Rev Mci Loren lnyclte Loun Jun Llriclfscn Coun George Mead and fleece Alf Cillie Icnetnng he said would rei ccivc front the Province of Ontario $8766666 towards ll active treat ment beds 20 chronic treatment SWEET JUICY IIIIIIIEFIIIIII CALIFORNIA SUNKIST LEMIllIS AGAIN AVAILABLE DEEPRIO CUTTING VARIOUS SIIE CUTS WATERMELIIIIS GOOD SIIE IOS 33c FOR 21c Total cost of the hospital will be lPOII McNicoIls Preliminary plans for tihebbultlglch1d ha e1 sonnets re Annual Planting and architect Chester Woods of To route will shortly be starting on the WARM WEATHER TREAT ATTIACTIVELY PRICED SIIE 300 ill LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE that we can start this year Ollglmled Some 12 years 30 by Rccvc George Patterson the WRITE Hospital Will be secondctorey WHOLE WHEAT building Wlth the 20 beds for gentlalfijrmfOglm if ocncxsn was chronic patients on the ground oor Main entrance will be on goungstcts an immcnsc pride the 16 oz UNSLIEEIiF Jeffery St W5 Jar Further grants for the hospital Joseph Lea SUDCFVISOI 0f 51m lagtz 15 will be made up from the federal coc Countys Orr Lake Forest was LOBLAWS governmnt about 571000 from supervrsmg the planting when the County of gimme 544000 am most of the young trees were set 30Fl rom St Annes Parish in Penetang barf 5PM the Part Of the 02 BOCIS SPECIAL LOBLAWS 550900 forest immediately back of the fine Plus public and wnlittuation school Deposit building Also present were Reeve Albert Calvert Brownell clerktreasurer and Arm stpong principal of the school Councillor George Patterson who LOBLAWS SPICE LIGHT MALT cm Barrie Distrid Girls in TGH eluded donation of $10 to the Salvation Army Red Shield Ap argument had arisen Dobbin drew He 135 hlrted Jgorauarlisl 19595 Township Miss Sylvi Jameson of peal Volunteers were asked to knife from his pocket and stab Salary 53 wows Thornton Miss Helen Smith of help at the tuberculosis Xray bed Bardon through the tunic and oi Increments f$150 each yem Barrie Miss Elizabeth Stairs of PKG 22 shirt which showed six inch tri up to $4500 maxmum few lLB CELLO tune and MISS Charlotte Lee of Seedless Rumns hm JUNE ISSUE months ago Mr Nixons work was criticized in council by last years warden Ferguson Munro of Brock Township but council as whole vindicated the engineer and prais Mr Nixon succeeded the latelthe Hon Dr Dunlap Mim cost to Orlllia bCl COIDWATERRoeve Andrew erkheasucer Chengt1 Coldwater at share can be $12187 year focltwo years This Respitt represents about onesthlrd ofa mill 39 EACH 5c QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY had never before missed tree planting was not able to attend this years ceremony as hewas in Sunnybrook Hospital Torbnto Apart from one outbreak which took out corner of planting on Coronation Park res have never been problem at the Port McNicoll Forest The children take such great pride in their trees that they never start blaze in or around the bush FRUIT CAKE Graduating Class By RGS Five girls of the Barrie district received their diplomas in the To ronto General Hospital graduation exercises held at Convocation Hall on Thursday evening They were part of the largest class of graduates ever to com plete their courses at the hospital The district graduates were Miss Gwendolyn Johnston of Innisfll QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOELAW BAKERY SPECIAL McCormick FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FREE PARKING FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE AT OUR MARKET AT 52 BAYFIELD st Bradford The class consisting of 121 mem bers was under the guidance of Everywumans Magazine No surv GLOBE DESSERT FEARS CHOICE 27 31 lsFL ozrms isrL oz rm snuws Miss Mary Macfarland superin temmggdgfswe addregs by CORONRTION SALAD OLIVES offSka 29 his dd MAPLE LEAP son rims so its an MC ser on ess on SA lar Dirnlop goldd the yo ganulses CONCENTRATED 69 Alix that they shoul b3 known as FOR MARVEmmuns tug 319 SOS Sisters of Sunshine He 77 gave titlem four motltos to follow sort FABULOUS suos 25 38 bee fitness origina ity nthillsiasm as the core if of 38 characters know that matrimony will claim more than half of you very Tues Thurs mm to 6pm Mon LIPEBUOY SOAP ftct13f MAPLE LEAP TOILET SOAP cuts 15 and $295 to $550 quickly but hope the trainina you have received will help yo Finest straw weaves to blend If 45 643 15 Wed am to 12mg in all phases of yourlife with todays fashions 32th 25 835 an to Eighteen scholarships were awarded for special proficiency in various phases of training One of the winners was Miss Jacquelyn Naylor of Toronto niece of Mrs Simpkin Stroud CALL Tan 12an ER Fun comm nouazm THIS lsrwsir ONE or 1111 MANY VALUES AT con BIG SALE0F owns Alto SLIP COVER Fannie Sat 830am to 2pm seemr pontoon 15 cum Pass wax so so tantrums nay Fmuritejfotgion BREASTi ins RUM WWW an SIRLOINQ BUTT no Steptend The Store for Men Org Est 1885 15 Elizabeth St Phone 2566 mu0N SOHO1 Hand Screen fPRINTSI Retwy Quality 48 Winch width Regular 8395 yd Toucan us monocular Swims out ambiance L1

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