if in IADIES GUllD lttll IIHION WEI tini mm Oman pany and the floweru With Although the skies were heavyileys supplle and rain fell Ill Fabian ShOWthc completion of the Fashion Show Ind 10 WWW by the Protest activity moved to the Auxiliary their closing meeting for this year gmm about 2i members present lAfter baseball game busteess was Volunteers at 70 idiscussed and plains made for the For Civil Defence iannual church service to be held ABERDEEN Scotland May 26 Sunday June at pm GP Mm Jeannie Cruickshank The May meeting of the chgc of this City is Scotlands oldest My Guill Junior Institute was mm man volunteer 2n the civil defencegfuesday evening at Mrs Ralph service gHoughlons with 2t girls present When Lord Provost Reid of Aber Plans were completed for the work deen appealed for volunteers fur detail at the Junior Farmers blgaj civil defence Mrs Cruickshank donors clinic on Wednesday who is 70 was one of the firstlflne program and lunch completel stow gade Three times week army trucks roll in to the former German ar tillery sheds which new house the composite transport platedn car rylng fresh vegetables from Hull and Refrigerated Dutch trucks was very ably handled by Mrsshow as well as Mrs Kcmsley Ruble whose husband Captpresidcnt of the Guild and till Peter Rubic is with the RCACthosc faithful hard working Guild School The young models weregmcmbcrs who do so much behind Tummy Dean ton of FA and Mrs the scenes to make things run II Dean Chaplain iI RCAIsniootlily heartfelt thanks to Kathleen and Brian Law childrcninll those who so kindly gave of Call Best wishes and congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jim Btecdon Bar bara Shortr Huntsville who were married Friday evening May 23 in Marks United Church Pcterboro Mr and Mrs Gordon Breedon Shirley and Mr and Mrs Charles Fury ghters and Avenger anti submarinc aircraft The NATO exercise which will bear the name Castincts will include forces air sea or both from Belgium The Netherlands Canada Norway Denmark Portu mt Ladle Guild took place as Hall where the ladies were ready Prepared by Directorate of ten Canada for the 531 on scheduled on Wednesday afternoon and waiting with tea and all the Public Relations National De July 1950 callers at the ytown hall She Hmwwmv 31 May 51 Bad weather proved wonderful estables that go with it fenccRQ Ottawa The as try resenled we 9mm DffM5dll of little detriman to Lilo suctfessglldrs Clark and Mrs prime Minister mt many 323 WUTk 59mm wmd of the affair en Fas ion Butler were on hand to greet on me the rst broadside Show opened at the CarnationI Th the incoming guests and make fired by Canadian Forces in the MWW for dire goodly crowd was tea yrthcm welcome Both the theatre lt war mm Communist region seated and many more arIIVcdland the tea rooms were lovely with ixgdcinadlmf Ir about ff IIMCSg Cayuga August 1950 Nemon Rabnson THE shortly after the show had bcl their bright decorations of spring lama are ch The Royal Canadian Navy5 arm gt BFS gun Noted among those presentiflowers All in all it was very 581an 10 ap craft carrier HMCS Magnicent MAY 2M55 WW were number of ladies fromi interesting and worthwhile affair an an amp omen will take part in June in mac home from 0mm or 71 waekend Captain MacDonnell who com Mr and Mrs Bill Madlll and son at flaxm and Alliston who inadc Land the apparel shown was both ands me Co 03 PM naval and marmme exert special trip to Camp for the eventpiactical and lovely to look at anp involving over 250 ships and 400 Sptfll Iht Wttktnd 30h ROW El First to be run off was the modzMrs Law who convcn jd Asp gimme 31 aiman of NATO cman SUBS elllng of the kiddies clothes allied the Fashion Show and Mrs ml any 19 we rlg 3th On boam he Gamer Wm be number of locle people atlcnd gt Br mm the Tot Shop or Allisionm Mutter who convened the tea Tin RECENTLY RENOVATED Mens Mess ROS of wargfgmfi 35 aircraft of an and an Squadrmts ed 50m Smm W1 45 The commentary for this group are to be congratulated on line Ofcially Opened last Wednesday night as Colonel Cam1m nle 3000mm1 58 27 of the 30th Carrier Air Group 31 Nd Band Held OQUIDDtd respectively with Sen Thursmy gt eron 030 ED seen above cut the ribbon and declared the Mess open The occasion was the Fourth Wheel party which was thoroughly enjoyed by all ranks JR mo on Jimmy ROY TRACY of Minor and Mrs flatneir time and their efforts to make also pour wm quichhozen Phone 3482 87 Maple rsr aug 15 Eggs butter bacon sardines and the unned Slates WI Monday Vtfllllglllt YPU held range over large areas of the North MS NC We beef and pork and fruit juices lm ported from Palestine Trinidad South Africa Australia Italy and Holland are the items enjoyed by Byers RCASC School CarolLaw and Mrs Mutter All pro lInagcson daughter of Lieut andicccds arc to be turned over to Mrs Ilaogoson RCS of Izgthc Garrison Church Carpet Jamie Milne son of Lieut and Fund May this reporter say con Mis Milne RCASC Sclioolgratulations on job well done Barbara Buck daughter of WO and Mrs Buck 205 Base Wksp RCEME Jory Rowton son of WO and Mrs Rowlon RCASC School Kathie Bowey daughter of WO and Mrs Bowcy RCAMC Sharon Dobson daughter of WO II and Mrs Dobson RCASC School and David McCorkcll son of Cpl and Mrs McCorkelI RCAMC School Following the childrens showlng wearing apparel for the fairer sex was put on display with the foll owing attractive ladies doing the modeling Mrs Sheila Walsh wife of WC II Walsh RCAF Mrs Eve Hodges wife of Lleut Hodges RCAC School Mrs Mary Ann Lane wife of Licut Lane RCAC School Mrs Sea the Channel and adjacent areas and simulating wartime con ditions will place emphasis on pro tection of trade and mining counter measures In the Air Force the well fed Canadians Among the NATO forces in Europe only Canadians and Am cricnns receive fresh milk Every man in the 27th gets about pint dHY The RCAF recently instituted Working Closely Wuh the EU series of jet aircraft flights for the lSll III the European ICICIICQ bonet of press and radio report HILLSDALE MAY 26Mr and Mrs Harold Whttcsido have opened their store with full line of baking grocer ies and fresh meats grcaLmany from here attend ed the music festival at Body on Thursday and Friday night Mrs William Rowat Ottawa has returned to her home here Her daughter Mrs Torrcncc Sudbury spent the weekend with her The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr and Mrs James Bell in thedcath of their son The Young PcOplc of St An drews held wlcncr roast at Miss Madeline Johnstons on Friday cv team the Canadians draw stores ers in Canada Thc mgth were from the British supply dePOIS arranged because it was felt that Keeping the wheels and tracks although the jet age was no son Of the brigilde mOVmS C3115 IOF seven years old the average citi large quantities of petrol oils and 0f lubricants These are handled by the POL section of the compOSitc platoon ICIURED ABOVE is view of the dining room of the new jeimifn iscpt3e3j editors for 191 flights it was ns Mess RCS of as it appeared at the Annual Fourth thought that the general public Dommo No Cape Bretoncould also get some idea of how heel Mess Dinner last Wednesday night delicious meal served to the 170 guests after which refreshments and zcn still hasnt good idea what jet flying is all about Since the RCAF had received numerous requests from military NS the noncommissioned officer simple jet flying really is through In charge the D01 FOAM Slates the medium of press and radio that normal delivery 15 OVET 24000 One writer had this to say The J0 Palfrey wife of Sgt Pnl cnlng ertqinment were provided hires day and more than 32000 trey BCAC School Mrs Mcrnlc The WA of the United Church high whine heard by the people Blakeney wife of tht held advelryk successfsull sdale of When the brigade on the an the group 335 far geind the REGULAR cm 11 or in cc to er cs gliglwliagcrirlicsiwltflgvtg themhomceoanlr fties 1312351 The he mai MM leavesgonli the oddly EIxnreal sgn 3195 quantify by the Small RCASC it sation of slow motion movie to Ted Shortreed Sudbury spent the holiday weekend with his par ents Mr and Mrs George Short reed Mr and Mrs Bert Thompson and sons Orillia spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs Harry Dualey Cold water spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Morrison ls ammunltlon of all types which during ring practices is conveyed along narrow German roads from isolated ammunition dumps the rider in the plane Another writer summed up his flight as follows There was no noise no vibration and no sense of speed The only sound was the rush of air against the plastic can SPECIAL MAY mchding bells are ring ing north and south of Ivy Mr and Mrs Roy Wilson and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sutherland and Gary Toronto were weekend visitors at Mrs Maude Wilsons Mrs Roy Wilson Toronto is spending couple of weeks with Mrs Maude Wilson Jackie Cochranc is home from of Sgt Stewart RCAC School Mrs Myrtle Wilkln wife of Cpl Wilkin RCAMC rSchool Mrs Be Potter wife of Cpl Potter Coy RCASC and Mrs Bea Poirer good running commentary was made by Mrs Lucas of the Better Dress Shop Barrie from whence came the dresses shown To round out MAY 26Sympathy of the com munity is extended to Mrs Jack McCuaig in the death of her grand father Mr and Mrs Harold Crawford Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Frank Crawford number from Guthrie attend ed the PeacockWiltshire wedding in Orillia on Saturday 159 Ihcse smartly styled short sleeved sport shirts of san forlzed plain or printed broadcloths plains strip ed or checked seersuckers are In the Navy The House of Commons in Ot town was the scene of the pres entation to Prime Minister Louis opy It was as effortless as glide in garden swing Not to be outdone by the men several women also took jet rides follows The the fashion display furs from Gol densons Fun of Toronto who have Mrs Howard Brandon visited The Willing Workers Mission hospital but still confined tobed St Laurent of an ash tray made one reported as an agency at the Better Dress over the holiday with her son in Band of Guthrie Presbyterian Joey Wilson who had his tonsils from the casing of the rst She flight was so smooth had prac ideal for the warm days Shop were shown with the many Sudbury Churuhvmct in the basementpf the removed is able to be out and red by Canadian forces in the tically no feeling of movement ad at Mr and Mrs glen Murdy spent churchton Saturday May 24 Miss around Korean war any further commems are Sizes smal me um large to fit ages to 14 years lovely coats and sfoles being des cribed by Mr Goldenson himself The chic hats wvornwith the en sembles were fromEvelyn Tuck Hats in Barrie Mrs Harris who is with the Beauty Counselor Com necessary to convince people that jet flying is now the conventional method of travel one need only turn to the pilots After just one ride itlis almost impossible to get them to fly the 01d propellor mod els George Davis Spent few days last week with his daughter The GuthrieCrole will hold Mrs soiling Sudbury meeting at Central Oro Presbyq MgS J9mev MIS tcrian Church on June at 830 Dams Mrs Lee Banting Mrs Earl pm All young people are wet chid Mrs II Jennett and Mrs come illnrry Banting attended the 50th The presentation was made by ViceAdmiral Mainguy Chief of the Naval Staff on behalf of the Royal Canadian Navy The ash tray was madgirom the casing of shell red by BMCS Cayuga destroyer August 15 1950 Cathrine McCuaig and Mrs Robert Sunday with the lattcrs father Campbell led the meeting Miller at Waverley Mrs Garnet Reid ls convalescing in Midland haspitalraftcr her re cent operation Johnston William of Mincsing were Sund guests with Tecumseth Farmer Mn and Mrs Gordon Rowan Mrs Cecil Cameron Ross and annlyersarl 50 Slmcoe WO She was then commanded by Cap1 Mr and Mrs Ian Murray and Ivan visited relatives in Oshawa mfmS Insmutes c919braled Iain Jeffry Brock of Winnipeg AnnualmoVfalls 100 feet Leonard Corbe family Toronto Spent the holiday on Sunday agict annual at Bond Read on May She and two other Canadian deg common in Paradise Valley Mount troyers the Sioux and Athabaskan Rainier national Park good crowd attended Guthrie Presbyterian Church to hear one of Mr Malcoms many good ser mons This Sunday he gave the conclusion of the sermon on the mountJesus gives Warning The Junior choir also favored with Onward Christian Soldiers Mrs Campbell has return ed home from her daughters in Orilliu Mrs Cameron is home after visiting Mrs Allen Henry Thorn ton Misses Cathririe and Anne Mc Cuaig are visiting their parents this weekend Pauline Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charles Fell Forest Mrs James Stoddard and Cliff Home and Mr and Mrs Portsmith Alberta visited Duncan Camerons TheOntario manufacturing city last Thursday of Gall hadaflour mill at sawmill Mr and Mrs Charles Scott and and distillery as early as 1820 weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs John Murray Change of Date for Dlntrlct WI The district annual meeting of the Womens Institute which was to have been held on Tuesday was cancelled and will be held on Fri day in the Presbyterian Church here Film of Mission Field Shown Members from Craighurst and Moonstone congregptions joined with St Andrews on Sunday ev ening to see and enjoy film given by Rev Jesse of his tripthrough the west to the mission field he served last summer Misses Mar ion Martin and Doris Thompson sang duet and Rev Mr Jesse sang fBless This House social hour was spent at the close of th service Mr and Mrs Skinncr Sta Oshawaspent the weekend holiday with Mr and Mrs John Hogarth Mr and Mrs Norman Skinner Oshawa spent the weekend holiday with Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruth ers Misses June and Marie Speers Toronto were at home with their7 parents Mr and Mrs Isaac Spears vfor the holiday weekend Jack Hirons spentrthe weekend at home with Mr and Mrs Earl Hirons lWins Photo Quiz Winner this Week of the Rural Photo Quiz was Leonard Corbett whose farmls on Highway 27 and is the second south of Cookslown on the west side in Tecumseth Township His property was purchasedabout three years ago from Mr Muir of Toronto and was formerly owned bnyeorge Gibb It comprises 60 acres of grand loam southhalf of lot 24 Mr Corbett operates mixed farming and is working alone but has good average equipment He was born in Essa Township son of the late Joseph Corbett and attended First Essa School His wife is the former Laurine Alderson ofAlliston Their home is large solidly built brick house erected in the Itime of the building boom about 80 years ago probably due to the higher prices of wheat and other grain thenf Tuesday when the mall TcourieranvivcdMrcorbettWentr to the box and brought back the Monday copy of The Examiner Her husband jokingly asked to see rtbe picture of their farm in the Photo Quiz and both were very pleasantly surprised to nd that rthey were actually the winners and received the usual 34 gift cer ticates awarded Mn Hulng orfnctst Now Introduced in Barrie Po The first lm GENERALELECIRIC Swivel Topr Valium Cleaners The onlyVocuum Cleaner in the Worldltobring youTIIReach Eusyf Cleaning Ambxing SwivelTop lets you Clean the average size Living Room Without OneMoving the Cledn er Low DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 10 Dirt Getting Gilllet tantrum for hard towel at places like not tor create and behind cabinets FLO ANDJWALI CRUSHremoves dust dirt tom bare floors leerd walls and linoleum no NollLlfor whiskway cleantnl of all your run and on eta DURING VIN410m soft bristles clean lump thud curtains Vonetlombunda UIMOLITIRY Noni not that deepdown dirt from upholstered furni ore brocades and nuns TILITY HIMfor vacuum brushinc of draperies upholstery and clothing moon IPIAYIM is insecticide waterpaints 3nd mun we lion DINO Owtho modernmetbod for demolit Perfect for your summertime wardrobe any pair of our casual sandals so excitineg designed for gay outlook as well as maxi mum coinfort Make your choice early Weve many colors all sizes Pavmnlslras tow assttterweet are is owonderful new kind ofvqcuumrcledner that death complete housecleoning job with such phenomenal ease and time sovin thoroughness that everything comes out With frosty spark insclean new lookLisfen While you clean built in eliminates interference with yourrudimCaII in noise suppressor to puma today well be glad to show you the engaging new Smooth leathers cumin or low wetlxlos clownfclothu ms and woolen TINIION IUIIH peorated ope worktoriss 155 strait all your reachlna Use Ileltltlrll lardfvldlliall Vne buckle top and many other styles Multicolor red green blue beige and white AUTHORIZED athcAancmc Mum budge rWrrrsingingrbfrrGodSave