EENjsaIRTIiOAY HONORED BARRIE 25 Continued mm YEARS AGO ammramwai Wed than on my other day of the your there was comparatively Wile drinking though towards averting me Of the more boister Iifus spirits would have in action in the district around the Five Points and the revelry was pretty much cotdined to that territory with its four or five wideOpen taverns The lacrosse games were certalrv iii the leading feature of the day and it will be remembered too that Barrie always held prominent position in Canadas national game in the old days Lacrossc then was not only contest4ft was train ing and recreation Some of the kec est players used to run around the track so often offer the evenings practice to get their wind in shape that the outside lcg became stretched an inch or two in cotcring the extra distance and It was concludcd an optration would be necessary until someone suggested turning and running it the other direction for awhile to even things up Tllf Toronto Star rcccnlly cx prvsscd wonder what was happen ing the young men regarding all Ictics for With few tXCtpllflIlS their most arduous sport is turning the steering whccl of dads motor car while the girls are getting more and Thorc into strenuous games Probably however had flure then been movie and motor car attractions the avcragc boy would not have bccn so ardent in his six daysawcck athletic practices There were of course 1035 dis tractions then golf wasnt heard of nor radios jazz music movies or motors Players practised long carefully and enthusiastically and wore in consequence always in con dition Perhaps fundamentally the material was no better than today but it unquestionably developed more efficiently and the standard of physical achievement was higher It is doubtful if Barrie or any of tho othcrOntario towns will CVCI again see such large crowds at those regular annual celebrations in the old days when everyone for miles around used to attend whe ther they were especially interested or not for the big events were more centralized then and drew ittcnlion and attendance for it was the only attractive offering at the time Nowadays only those especially interested attend for the motor car golf and the picture shows account or the amusement of very large proportion on holidays as on other occasions no at else may be ace will be remembered too that on each holiday of the summer yometimes as many as dozen br fwcnty doubleheaded excuribn trains would come up from Tor onto loaded inside and outside with holiday visitors And not the least drawing attrac Safer Home FRED GRANT tions for crowds coming up from the city on these excursions wcrc the regular visits the Queens Cvn Tenth Iloyal Grenadicrs 48th High landers and GovctnorGencrals Body Guard used to make to Barrie cath summcr It was indecd busy scene at the Northern Railway Station each hol iday upon the arrival and depar furc of those excursion trains when everybody in town who could do so attended as Iicllo or Goodbye committee and among those cxcit ing doings one cspccially still Tc mains in memory Every old Barricitc will remem bcr Mrs Bcdford and her large family of children her springhalt horse with movement like Charleston danccr and dishwhecl cd democrat wagon The whole outfit was at the sta tion when someone of the depart ing or arriving Toronto excursion ists threw few bunches of lit firecrackers among her children in the standing wagon The clothes of one of them caught on fire and when he began bellowing the horse ran away up town through the crowds of skcltering pedestrians who made for cover while Mrs Bedford told all and sundry just what she really thought of every one and no one of the old crowd needs to be told just how ex prcssivcly that lady could speak when she so wished Continued on Wednesday Mrs Stewart page one own offices some of the intricacies of the organization fin ances and services of this large county agency Mrs Roth told the board that the Orillia branch committee had been discussing the advantages of paid membership In the society and felt thattherc was distinct advan tage in having fee and paid membership It was decided to ap proach all other branch committees from Korea mm THEFIRSTCOLUMN Continued from page one like conversation may then pro Cecil for some minutes on the weather until one and two find out they have some mutual ac quaintance such as friend of one who is cousin of the blondc receptionist of twos Uncle Ches ters dentist Getting mu conversation with someone from the nearest big city is often quite complicated for towner Oh youre from Bar lie is an opening shot by the metropolitanite Yes you admit bit shecpishly wufldtllllg if Ihu next remark is going to bear on the weekend traffic bottleneck But no next you get either is Emms going to have hockey team there next winter or Hows you lady mayor getting along To question one we hcsitatingly reply Yes and It question two we unhcsitatingly reply Fine Question three unquestionany will be Hows the mew highway go ing to affect Barrie Well on any of the above interrogations you can carry on animated con versation for some time For in stance on No you can confide that if Cleveland guts Into the NHL it might get Barrie as to farm tcnnii On No you always point that Barrie had the first lady mayor in Southurn Ontario but since then Oshawa Leamlngton and Woodstock have copied in that phase of civic administration Then the other party remarks about the food Torontos Mayor Lamport had with Ottawas lady mayor and how she rtfuscd to kiss and make up Well you point out Barrics mayor wouldnt like ly kISS him either Just imagine Barrics mayor kissing Liberal Conversation wasnt jcct planned the sub for today It was salutation llow lid the type writcr ever get off on weather Someone pointed out recently how silly was the usual middle age greeting You say Hello how lnrc you today And the reply is Fine and how are you This is varied in youngcr age by the greeting Hiya and the re ply Hiya Then there is the topofthcmorning well meaning muscular individual greeting With one eye struggling to Open you are seated having cawfcc next door whcn suddenly you are whacked friendly whack on the back which almost knocks you off the stool while the voice booms out Howsa boy this morn ing Some day youll turn around and wont say Great howsc yourself and ask that they give this matter study and ard their recom OM management com mittee of the board The Orillia branchs request for assistance with renovation for their offices received the faovrnblc con sideration of the board Mr Cal vert again mounted to the board financial statement showing that the receipts for the month were $12114404 fnd vile disbursements were 208636 he society is con tinuing to live within its budget and present indications are that it would have credit balance when it presents Its fivemonth report to county council in June Twentynine children were ad mitted to care and 27 discharged during the months of March and April Thirteen of those admitted were for adoption services only seven of the others were children of unmarried mothers and the five others were wards of other societies who now live in Simcoe County and are being supervised by the local society Illness and deathof par ents meant that four other children were admitted The next meeting of the board will be held on Tuesday June 10 and at that time report will be prepared for the county council which meets later in the month The directors expressed their sin cere appreciation of the interest and support given the work of this society by the press and radio in the county Thcy have been gen Lf erous With time and space They have made it possible to reach out into all parts of this large county and keep people up to date on ac tivities and development their support Rom Rosanna or the Princess Pats who arrived metfromkoreaon Friday seenherewtthlits nephew Ricky fyqunnSt on his tattonuleave following flit Regiment InKorea knee Ronald isjhOme onrot one yearsaervlcewhlch he completed very necessary thing in holding the in terest of peopl and truly serving their needs and continuing to merit Boy Struck by Car In Front Of Home Has Head IniUries Thomas Saso 202 Bayfield St was taken to Royal Victoria Hospi tal last night Suffering from con ctisilon anda possible fractured While wheeling his bicycle across is Family Hospitality The fellows may drop in aim the Scout meeting How about some cats Mum Susan wants to hear my records Friday night Shes com ing over right after supper The gang are going to the sat uruay matinee Could we throw supper party without too much fuss Home hospitality is valuable to boy or girl at any age but it excccdlngly important during the teen years An adolescent is apt to know moments of insecur ity about his place in his own group It IS great help to able to ask the gang in at short notice or feel free to invite special friend to enjoy music or game or some other pleasure Informal entertaining is much less strain on teen Tigerand on the family than formal party Any parent who is puzzled by thc behavior of tall son or daughter when company is present should read or rcread that incomparable story Seventeen by Booth Tar kington Turn to the chapter be ginning At Home to His Friends for an amusing but painful pic lure of Williams brain storm over dressing for the party for best girl Miss Pratt Recent surveys in different com munities have brought to light the beef of many adolescents about the lack of parental friend liness to their companions boy may be critical of his fathers ways of his mothers haird0 but all the some he wants to know he Ohio Man Rushed To Hospital After Bond Head Crash Ernest Sfahlckcr 44 of Bolivar Ohio was rushed to Newmarkct Hospital late Saturday night with serious body and internal injuries after car collision on Highway 27 two miles north of Bond Read southbound pancl truckdrlv on by Munroe Stahlekcr 45 cousin of Ernest and also of Bol ivar struck nortbound vehicle driven by Milford Melvin 40 Barrie and in which Rose Can cilla 29 Barrie was passcnger The panel truck turned right over and came to rest on its wheels while the other vehicle skidded for 100 feet after the coil ision and finally came to rest against tree Ernest Stahlekcr sustained broken right leg broken left arm broken pelvis and internal injur ies The other three persons suff ered only minor cuts andshock Both vehicles were totally wreck cd ParkaCar Falls Info Hble asRain Washes Out Road Town police had an unusual call Saturday evening when Fred Mc Cherry Thornton who was visit ing his sister at irf Napier Street reported that his car had fallen into hole in the road Mr McCherry parked his car opposite his sisters house but later in the evening when he looked out of the window he failed to see it When he went out to in vestigate he found it sitting in washedout part of the road The Board of Works had appar ently been putting tunnel in that spot but the heavy rain car ried away considerable quantity of the earth There was no dam age fo the car however Arrangements werdfmade for the Board of Works to block off that section of the street but not before another car ran its two front wheels into the excavation The sed car which was also pulled out belonged to reporter calling to find out what happened lo the rst car lt9 CHARLOTTETOWN Flounder shing may become his CP 77 By Nancy Gloom can bring his chums in the front jd with him Almostgrownup ghter may think small broth or sister perfect peat She may judge her mother as sadly slacking in sophistication but nev fcrthclcss she docs want from time to time to invite her friend or fmnds into her home Fathers and mothers are seldom askcd why they arc so reluctant gabout endorsing an Open House plan for younger members of the ifamily They may be very busy for worried by financial or health jproblcms They dont do icntcrtainlng of their friends so iwll Should they bother about ithuir childrens chums Sometimes parents considcr hos pitality luxury which costs too much Boys and girls who are turning money in their spare time with paper mules runnlng errands baby sitting do should share at least half the bill of cats for the crowd Dad may think with good rea son that mothers job of running the house is already too heavy Added to her regular duties clean ing up in the morning after teen age do the night before is no fun for her Son or daughter should be smart enough to see to It that mother docs not find her kitchen looking as if cyclone had hit it after the gang have dropped in An older boy or girl do not want mother hovering around afl cr late Show giving directions about the kitchen clean up With little home encouragement son or daughtcr can organize some cooperation for washup gang or tackle the job themselves after the company has gone home Copyright 139 Dunlap SI Past Governor much KENNETH LOIIEEI of Tor onto Iast Governor of Kiwanis OQM District who Will address the Kiwanis Club of Barrie at their dinner meeting this Waning at Community Iionsc This year he is IIilcrnatitInal Chairman of Public Affairs Five new mom lJtIS will bu induclcd into the Barrie club by Post Governor Lu lited Firecradier Believed Cause Of Roof Fire carelesslythrown is believed to have been respon sible for fire which broke out in the caves of housc at Eur ton Avcnui on Friday evening Firemen who wore on the scene moments after being called tack led the outbreak for the better part of an hour before bringing it llllfltl control An arca of the roof was dcstroycd while other damage to the house was caused by watcr CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTINGPHONE 2414 Il0 Ill0000 Spletts Radio Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer We service all makes of electrical appli ances including ranges washers etc Expert repairs to Oil makes Of sewing machines Phone 3721 IOlOllf TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN lIlll0l0lIfllj lm CAN BE BUTIT QUICKLY ECONOMICALLY SUBSTANTIALLY COOK CONCREIE PRQDIIOS Cook Vlbvopac blocks and brlcks answer your needs for foundations Interior masonry walls and backing up exterior walk Block and brick are produced In thm materials concrete 4109 and cinder Concrete brick an available plain or In colors red liqu or ten COOIII Conmto Products glvo Plano ALDERSHOT GNUPhone BURLINGTON 2363 HAMILTON 21323 TheSarieanl Co Ltd Dealer you the qualities you desire In stronsth Insulation soundproofing reproofing and appearance READYMIX CONNIE SAID MID GRAVEI EUILDEIIS SUPPLIES EXOIVATIIIR AND GRADIIIC wuooztns AND NOVELS ambit with OH on operators MARY ST BARRIE viii WWmaking industry instead of mere pastime in PrinceEdward Island this summer The provin cial department of industry an nounced plans to help develop the industry as an extra source of re venue for shermen Flounder fisheries have never previously been operated on commercial basis here the roadway in front of his hisLme by John LLewls Stroud NO charges were laid noun connector More than 5000600ffhlstorlc doc umenta andcivic records are hous ed in Britains public records office an Eratan rPublish Class NewspOper ed MondoyjWednesty Fndoy lhgWilsbn building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario armada by LCHIL1ICI VicePreddent TBEBAEBJEEXAMINER LIMITED FRIVE1I SalaamTreasurer of mm NGWIPDBOIIIM In Woolly Nellttlm Asmiuttm whom WM MN of Circulation autuemm to leivice With manual Miler Mt cannon lulu uncut dawnr Office Mmmr If mm Hanover mat Bttvorlnundeut oiioumbaamuut la MAM ovum comma Itlfm tarmac mm mm he was struck by aivehlcle driven YOUR FRIENDS IIITIICOMERS to 10in If you are newcomer Ictown crifycu know newcomer to NW can tidal 2159 Inccert LorJ ammon WelcOmeWfagon McNObb nothing abothgrs venetian blinds Slati and Plasticitapes Icause Flexalums fabulOu new vinyl platic tape nont shrink fade strefch fraynever loses its decorator finish And Flemhmij slats too are terric springtempered airlight aluminum no nish thatwonl clIip peelhcrack rust 165 color combinations ifltItllIm lllmvcost as Itttlo as if sq ft hm unit for trot situates 37 firecracker IRecreatiOn Group lHave Varied List For Review Night Simcoe County recreation servch will hold its annual Recreation Re view Night in the collegiate gym nasium this evening beginning at 330 pm The purpose of if Svlwgelhif is to review for the benefit of thcl Ipcople In the county the develop iment and progress of the Simcoe County recreation servicc and to igivc them an opportunity to hear bout the scope of the work as well making any suggestions which hey think might go to help the or ganizalional activities One thing is certain There should be something of interest to cvcryone according to the program iwhich has been drawn up There iwill be community singing few imports one perhaps in the form of skit festival in miniature iof folk and Square dancing in which groups from diffcnnt sec itions of the county who have had Erccrcation school and special train ling during the past year wIII par glicipatc party games Square danc Ing and lunch will round off the cvcning An open invitation is ex licndcd to everyone It is expected that MCNnbb editor of The Alliston Herald will Ibo present with his puppet group report on the swimming program will be given by George Woods who will also stage skit using sobc of the local bathing beauties Manford Horne Orillia will prc side at the cwnings entertain latent ACCOU NTANTS ALLEN LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 91 Dunloo Strut PM 4595 INCOME TAX SERVICE IAIIIIE PARTNERS FMACLAREN 800M CA ROBERT GILMASTER CA LICENSED TRUSTEE LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR BADGLEY LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Dunlap Strut lurch llTelephoneAm INCOME TAX BERVICI HERBERT HARRIS Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Burt Barrie Office Wilson Bulldlnl Post om Mun Telephone 3391 Resident Manner NEEDNAM CPA ARTHUR POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Dunlap St Barrio Telephone 5223 SAMUEL ROBE Charnnd Accountant Collier street Phone MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RMJ TEACHER 0F PIANO SINGING no THEORY Pupils prepared for lxlmlnl float of the Royal Conservatory of nude Toronto all nudes lnclucllnl anon Madam Methods studio 27 Bradford st Phone 41 WARREN LiITacLEAN ma Instructions to Piano and Voice 183 Owen st Barrio Phone 4283 OSTEOPATHY WILSON OSTEOPATNIC AND ARTHRITII CLINIC WILSON BUILDING IAIIII 4TAFF EDWIN WILSON 00 QURIOE II MUIDOOK 00 TELEPHONE 223 OPTOMETRY ROBERT BARRE 380 IARII OPTOMETRst I3 Bunion Attendance Phone ROBERT SMITH 80 omnymm Dunlap SLPhonc BIO Hours 96 daily NOEL STEPHENSON no OPTOMETRIST Punlon at Barrio Phone In IFarm improvement loang branch up can also In and It New foundation or breedi livestock Fences drainage and other developments Construction repair or alteration of any building on the farm Farm electricaticn manage and equipnnt mm mm Josephs schools is machinery Teochers Give Outline Oi Courses To Parents Tomorrow evening St Marys ParentTcachcrs Association will hold meeting of Interest and Im portance to every member The Teachers of St Mary and 31 have agreed to give the association an outline of the courses of study for each grade This will be an cxceilent Oppor tunity for parrots to learn more about their childrens School work to discuss their problems with their lEachcrs and in this way to help children to more successful and satisfying school life HQUR SERVICE Garments left at mt plant be fore II 111 will be expertly cleaned and pruned ready for you to pick up It pm on the same day fluSERVICE CLEANERS Pickup and Delivery Service If High St Barrie Phone PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL BOYS SEAGKAM HOW InWu Silelm Public Continuance It Mom in max emu St lard Brlneh 0mm Bunnie 0am IOVS 06 ROW mon COWAN COWAN lorran solicitor mu Comtutlnc Hours 10 on to Maud to Pridu loss Comm COWAN IUILBNo Collier lurk OIL GLADSTONE CUERIE QC Cannon and Collette noun TO Dunlap Stanlurio DONALD r2 MacLABEN 90 Barrister counter Ito Honor to Low lmnlo Tomato lultdlnt DanIO HEBER SMITE= Succcsaor to DUNCAN McCUAIO Kb Iarrisbtr Heifer Ibo lull Ilock IanIo no me MONEY 10 L0 LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED HARRIS Chamnd Llf Underwriter Personal and Family Plum mainline and lstlte Analysts Close Continual Group Key Inn Partnership mien and dole Proprietorship Insurance FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF VOUI LIFE INSURANCI It PIIOIIO 5551 or 2105 larch Renreseutlnz London Life Insurtncc CO CHIROPRACTOR GEO ELSIE BURNS DIU Licensed Druulens Theth mute Radio Hydro and Mechmo mm as Dunlap not rm TUCK IC DOCTOR OP CHIROPRACTIC 17 Owen Strut to N1 XRAY Residence 823d uccessor to Corbett 110 JAMES WITCH 00 all Doctor of chiropractic By Appointment PMONF 7530 i9Essa Road VETERINARY DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON unlit st barrio Phone can DR SPEABIN vmmmuuau ma canon sm st uni PHONE can be used to buytnew implements machinery and equipment to make your work easier and more protable Amounts up to $3000 may be advanced under the plan and the mbncy repaid by hulalmcnts spread over one two or more years The rate charged is simple finierest Ask for full particulars at our nearst TARA IMPROVEMENT DQ Askforu copy dflIllI Who lttcllutl about rum hmmlgf loam muni OHth II Allandalo