where he works as CNR fore fish which Ron sent to his mtJther measured 20 inches andt weighedthreeandahalf pounds rm war on 1932 or MRS EARL SMITH 109 Bradford Street with three speckll ed trout which her son Ron caught near Armstrong Ontario man The largest of the three to We BOND HEAD WAVERLEY MAY 20Wilbcrt Orr attended MAY ZOMMr and Mrs Morris the Grand Ollmtlt LUdLu in SudSodcn and family Huntsvillei bury last week Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith Alice Elba JBIZOWH and Velma visited Mr and Mrs Mrs slittiolt and Audrey last Lloyd Council in Weston Sundaywweek visited in Toronto and Ham Congratulations to Donald Wil ilton son and Blanche Johnson who verel Visitors with Mrs Wallace Wood married in Toronto Saturday were Mr and Mrs Ernest Millerl We understand that Rev MintBMIle and Mrs Llkesv Mld Newell of Arnprior has accepted timid call to the United Church here and MYS Kennel Sheppald Kidd Baker with Ada and the iline Ridge Mountain B0ysput on dance in the hall here Satur day night Conrmation Service The Lord Bishop of Toronto the Right RevA Beverley visited Trinity Church Bond Head on Thursday afternoon May 15 for the purpose of administering the sacrament of confirmation The rector the RcVC Hearn presented class of eight to receive the laying on of hands They were Alan McLean William MeMinn Donald McMinn John Williams Dennisniartridge Gordon Herw ridge Dorothy Herridge and Mar iorie Coffey Miss Edna Miller pre sided at the organ Womens Institute Meet The May meeting of the W0 YouRY Welcome Wagon FRIENDS GRlEl son Toronto spent few days with Mrs Edward Latanville Herb Hornsby Bill Corlett and Morris Drinkle spent few days up north on shing trip Fred Wood visited his sister in Lindsay over the weekend Mrs Johnson Lindsay is visiting her sister Mrs Drinklei Mrs McWatters visited her sisterinlaw Mrs Brown Vasey Marlene Wood Galt spent at few days with Mrs Wood and3 Lester mens Institute was held on Thurs day afternoon with 23 ladies pres ent Mrs Kneeshaw presided and opened the meeting with the Ode followed by the Mary Stewt art Collect Minutes were read lt have moved also thank you letters It was decided to give dona tion to the Salvation Army committee was appointed to ar range exhibits for the Quilt and Rug Fair in Barrie The ladies dc cided to each bring cottons to the next meeting to get an Institute blanket made It was also decided to send in resolution petitioning the government not to change Con tederation Day July The leader of the girls sewing class Cottons May beSmart Mrs Leo Paxton and Mrs Keith Kneeshaw were each presented with cup and saucer Mrs Robinson convener of education introduced the speaker Thomas Gardner of Bradford Mr Gardner proved to be very in teresting and capable speaker and certainly gave us all an insight as to the ways and means of educa tion Summing up education he NEWCOMERS TO TOWN If youare newcomer defined its aim To discipline the intellect and train the mind to think Mrs BMrickMa vote refthanks to Mr Gardner Three of the local children Val ma Smith John Broderick and Marian Sutherland then favored to town or if you know newcomer to town coll Erial McNobb no Cost oif obligation land CVP+ www the members with piano selections Mrs Gould conducted Know Ontario contest which was won by Mrs Brownand Marian Suther Roll call Was answered by How our education system can be im proved The meeting closed With God Save the Queen and dainty lunch was served by Mrs Robinson MrsBroderick and Mrs Gould Asfsociatioii kTand Toronto spent the weekend ionic 10 GUTHRIE Hear Edenvue Male Quartet Life to Tell for Jesus and Will Tipst Him Summer Service Time Beginning Sunday June the service in the United Church for yJune July and August will be 945 am with Sunday School following VASEY MAY rillSunday Mrs ll Hroun were Mrs Irezv Mrs Mollalters Naveriry Mr and Mrs Charles Brown Mr and Mrs Curl Brown Orillia Mrs Horisby Mrs Henderson Morgan Brown Dianne and Lyn Mr and Mrs Lorne Webb and children all of Midland Sunday viritors with Mr and Mrs George Hawke and Charles viitc r3 land Mrs lred Edwards Sunday Mr and Mrs Nathan ltiminey to their new home formerly mimed by Mr and Mrs linirold McClung Miss Ernrnelipe Edwards Mid land spent the Weekend with Miss Eleanor Edwards Miss Faye Tinney Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs William Iinney Mr and Mrs Wissmdre and Stanley lslington spent the week end with Mrs Delbert Brown Mrs William Faint returned to Toronto after spending week vis iting relatives Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards visited Mr and Mrs Morley Cle meiit Lefroy Sunday Mrs Mary Brand Midland spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Cowden Donna arid Margaret lluniney are visiting Mrf and Mrs llowman Peterboro Marion McClung spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Russell North River Mr and Mrs Peter Sharpe Io iStMIl Sunday with Mr and MlSgronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ken Robinson Mr and Mrs Eric Curry and Debbie Wyebridge visited Mr and Mrs Mervin Russell Sunday Mrs Lockhart spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rupert Mc Graih Elmvale Srrnday visitors with Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards were Mr and Mrs Lorne McLaughlin Orr Lake and Mr and Mrs McMann and children Elmvale WA and WMS will meet at Mrs Caldwells on Thursday after noon May 29 EVERETT MAY IllCongratulations to Mr and Mrs Frank Hawkins who were married on Satlirdriy May 17 in the Anglican Church at pm well at this beautiful time of the year we still have those wed ding bells ringing loudly and on Sqturday June Miss Thelma Ger rard and George Skillings will ex change wedding vows in the Angli can Church On Thursday afternoon May 15 Mrs Adair arrived home from Alliston hospital feeling some better Miss Adair is still very sick and has nurse with her most of the time We all wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Pat ODonell of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Peacock Mrs Stanley Beatty Creemore spent few days at her home last week Mr aners Alex Leslieand daughter bf Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wallwin Mr and Mrs Edwin Pearson and daughter of Newmarket spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Pearson Mr and Mrs Gerald Jenkins and Bruce accompanied by Mrs Moon spent Sunday inToronto Mr and Mrs Dick ColeToronto spent Sunday withMr and Mrs Choquette mnepkwrrrmson and Betty My with Mrs Wilkinson MrsBarney Featherstone arrived home afrom Alliston hospital on Sunday feeling much improved Mrs Featherstone underwent an operation and was confined to hos pital for 10 days Mr and Mrs Earl Lemon Stay her spent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs Henry Choquette Adair St Petersburg Hyj dro Camp was at bishorne for the weekend Mr and Mrs Tonks and family Leamington visited Mr and Mrs Dryden for the weekend oniof ML iii LWWW MAY it Mr and Mrs John Church had inusrcal treat taggerd Builuli it Sound43 Suuday afternoon from the Edenf r4 sr Halt mile lsWI The 91 zpenl the Weekend Will her cousin companzcd by Mrs Bert Maw and sang two selecttons Want Myr Miss Marie Young of former Miss MargaretDenim Open Tuesday Nights Carrineneing tlrr week the Lplzice of bu remain open ll on Tlltltlti evening tor the summer Toronto months Esonriay infuteci ear for four weeks and My Jun Gmth vanw rt and Mrs Wdlter McLean of we hope that she will soon be wel mpg it whim 1m Gables stirrunberg spentSunday with Mr his and Mrs William Knowle Congratulations to 31 and and hlis it McLean and family Toronto baby daughter The llllllrd Church Sunday anniversary ill June Miss Iluth Tipping Ioroiito ents Mr and Mrs Wallace Tipping Exchange IulplLi Rev James Dorrran was in Bradi ford Sunday May ill taking the servrces for the United Church anniversary Rev ti Maclavish now owned by George Wrce and is the mother of Wes McKnight onto Fire At reamery What might have been serious fire was prevented by Bart Keoin on Sunday evening when returning from Toronto about 1230 am He noticed smoke resembling bonfire and called the manager Joseph Brlford who reported this morning that it took them until 430 rim to put the fire out It was burning in coal pile back of the crcarnery Bud Bzudlvy nit tire birth of ii School Choir are pliitlhlllg tor the spent the wovkrnti with her parr sports commentator of Till Ioi alr and Mrs Mclrlullen Calev con liast visited Mr and Mrs Wilv irr Iulnier Friday last Dorien McLean Weston rted recently with he grandpaiw sa ei ants Mr and Mrs McLean Newton Robinson MAY tomnto spent Friday with her mo llirl in Friday Junior institute catered to Fishersiwishes of the community go With vlzss Ioronto daughter Mrs Helmar in eWestern Hospital Mr and and family Ansuoweld visited Mr and Mrs llarl Bell on Sunday and it it trad irot been noticed the VM7M Ilews of torrential spent few days with Mrs IL Hall this Week gunnery and all would have burns 155 The wugwgmm we Umwdlaikur isrzed hands in Palgrave to llubbert over ST PAULS the Frances Hubbert Toronto EDGAR 30 Vrsiiors with Mrs MAY 22W Cooke Toronto visi lGeorge Hubben and Miss Velma tied his parents Mr and Mrs Ni veekend were Cooke this week Mrs Partridge spent Mr Bollard is very gratelulland and MYS MElVllle Slam Ivy with relatives Liz Keogh for his timely warn is family 323mm MS Mum Auduwn who spent spending few months at the home the past two months in England isi NH cred home on Friday havingl lSick Mr If MIS Herman Lenuox llluse Mrs William Rovve and Mrs Fred Dales andiGuui visiting the latters crimn break Mrs Martin DeJong ll Fete were Sunday guests at their ater For Fishers WI preset evening TecWcxwill and White sidewall tires rear fender shields ond bumper gritlo guards optional ct Extra cost when available NEWiIETSWOP FDRERUNNER STYLINGemu the most challenging new car design on the roadmudo possibloby new methods in metal engineering The results new and dierent lets Spaceplanned interiors for greater visibltltyIZ moreecspeciully dowu frontond over the lenders MERUIHI Irim MrIn 90 lines roomler Haw INIEttcEPwR NEEitems the most beautiful and practical instrument panel ever designed It lake It lnspirution from the quicksight controls in the latest ghting aircraft All Instruments are con veniently grouped In handsome unitized consolebuitt for outfrom the panel for easy reading cosy reaching ondfoyea front safety av Low iy How and Grerg children ier father Mr Scanners We are sorry to report that Win Oshawa my Amy 13 aboard um Quemtston Howe has been placed in thelE llttli Keogh and son Bart rare lSillIlg friends in Childrens Hospital isli him quick recovery Mrs Knowles over the Weekend and Mrs William Reynolds and family and Mrs Sam Reynolds with relatives in Drillia Suri Mr and Mrs Cooke Waubaosh one spent Sunday at Cookes Allan Partridge has been transy tierred by 3350le Construction to Mr and Mrs Nicholson Mri rumpm and Mrs Strachan and Ockcn den Toronto Cockburn Willowl Edna Kell has been Ii with arildale Mrs McKnight Kimmie were recent visitors at Stiachans MM Ir litzsirumons catered for mm the meal Many of our SS pupils with =Irei ItaCllvlS attended the service at Sr James Cathedral Toronto on Sunday The children enjoyed Mm 53 CYIUldS 5W5 10 irnarching to the Boy Scout bands days Confirmation at St Pauls Confirmation confirmed were William Weatlierill Ralph Ronald Tuckry Josliii Norma lurvis Beverley Robinson were Everett Evens Mrs of Bradford tool the service in the trinity Toronto visited friends here Spreule Helen lituinimons lohn Browr Mrs Morgan Hillard United Church here Sunday morntn Sunday tricia llowe Kathleen Sloan and all of lororito Mrs Jack Waples ing Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lois Burke Seniors were Lyall Mr and Itlrs Harold Kidd auri Mrs McKnight Visits Bub Button Irene Ilileyi whotluest Ihmuus Fithimiuons Wil children lIImvale James McKnight loronto is uric married in Bradford on Satllian Martin Jack Webster Muriel gt Mrs Leopard Brown Mr int visiting lurcousur Alis Vlllltllli urriay liVLblilii ml JUSTIIll fillllllllllii lrs Leon Todd Miss lsabelBrown liezil Mil Mtlinitlht at one time Harold Andrews and Mr and Sunday morning at mne oclock iill of Victoria Harbor visited Mr lived in lottenliam in the home lgt Willtti Alldltws Slmnl Him Isonre 5t psople attended the new unrczrtes when church fast was servch after service entertained their husbands at din nd prograrii in the church basement Mr and Mrs Lorne Clement and Krllli and Miss Pearl Metealf lor ntllo and Mr and Mrs lellyr Bradford Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coboiiis Mr and Mrs Elmer Wiggins rry pleasant event of Thurs lday evening was party for Mr and Mrs Elmer Wiggins prior to moving to Barrie They were ited with clock floorlamp clothes hamper The torners Institute when those ladies them to their new home NEW I25 HP PERTORMKNCE Mercurys improved Iiicom pressiqn V8 has greatem poworloaweighi ratio and is the product otthe or ganizationwhtch In the tags 20yeors has built more V8 engine than all other manufacturers combined WITll naive best administered and Jun zit St Iauls Church on Tuesdale Will be Rev McCoIlum of CAPlocated ot the rear otlho cor bohtnd the now hingodllcmoploto holder You con approach qu pumpsfrofmeither aide makes ro fuolling costar ond tastersaves precious time when you on on tho roodln the 1952 Mercury theres Something new everywhere you took The lOist anniversary services will be held at St Iaulc on June ti Preacher on June gMay l3 by Bishop It BeverleyYork Mills Ont Donald TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI WeekEnd Service To Wasaga Beach Eticctivc Sunday April 21th LEAVE BARBIE I045 an it pm 743 pns Lizavr AKYILW 740 It 130 pm 833 pin Ii Sal Only Fir only Sat Sun Hui DA YLIGIII TIME Tickets and Information at little Bus Terminal Phone 5571 GRAY COACH LINES features auto Ioariswlor nancing or worthy purposes just drive auto to the oice bring proof of ownership your money promptly retain poms sion Bankable security and contour not required Phone or come in for your auto loan from today renancing repairs or on approval get loans $50 to $1100 on Signature furniture or Auto IM COHPAN run 10 SAY us FINANCE C0 2nd FI Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD $1 BARRIE Phone 2952 Donald Fish YES MANuer OPEN DAILY TO HAIURDAY IO learn made to viiidentr all surrounding tour rim Tinanu ampcny ol ondc NEW BENTRALIZED HIDEAWAY BIS NEW ROMTREE PEDALTheroLo took of the future in every colonyJ The brutro pedal is suspension mounted for easier action ondoxtiufoooorn liq povierful quickacting broke pro vide smoother safer straightlino stops In response lo the slightest toe prom The I952 Mo ry is the newest nevi car that you co drive MERCURY AGAIN WIR ECONOMY Ru Mercury the moxtcholiuuglng cor oi my has ifogoin won the dread Sweepstakes prize in the longest cad toughest that in Economy Runhisiory Thlcr years Amcrlcon Automobile Autoclconnn covered TAISsniiltl come from 10 Angelo to Sun YoIIoy Rood devotions ranged from below sea love 4w 80I tool In Arizona mountains Mercury unpirformodcll othm over this round and gruelling courst look oLMorcury 3imqrow rocprdr out of timm winner in In price class2 out of tiniurSwoopatoke winner ogotmt all can in every class 35 Road Test and own 52 Mercury similar tho out that wonztop award in this oiciot importioltoat FORYOURROADfTESTSEEYbUR marrow wmwzsmpiwim