DAY 21 52 Mrs William Sarieant Mrs Rec HERBS MA Wilson Mrs Jack Batstonc hire Entersgn gbb Mfg Ruben an strong Mrs Reg Freeman and Mr Keith Meredith MFS RObell Ramsay Plans June Picnic Entertained at At St Vincents Farewell Party Mrs Dennls OKeefe Mrs May Ncsbitt was guest oil Charles ugfse 8333 Puts On Bonnet the Unity Auxiliary of Collier St 9d 33 her mme 00 ury Loves FNE United Church at the May llilv Thurmay evemng ewe mg hed Ian Monday me name party for Mrs Robert Ramsay who gt Make Presentations This afternoon at three oclock St Marys Church by Dean Clair ll boys and girls will reach thcgwith St Marys girl choir pro hlxh point of their school life viding the music Following the that St Josephs High Schoolggraduntion there will be benedic droid its third mnual graduationltion in the church for the gradui graduates ates and their guests exuciscs Thirteen the girls in their formal white gowns of graduation with tradi The students will be Before the formal graduationl itiorial bouquets of red roscsvwill party at the home of Miss ibe presented with their diplomas llclc by Very Rev Dean James Clair supp addresscdltheir dance partners at the home Mary McVeigh more will be party for the graduates and by Rev Cbafc SFM Vicablof Mrs John Woods Ending sGeneral of the China MiSsionaryloft graduation week there will be Serninary in Toronto glve the incnsagc to the graduates who willianothci party for the graduatcs on Friday evening at the home of iSpolicsman for the graduating class Mr and Mrs Young whow will be John Woods dictorian Parents and twill also see prizes of the school 1952 vale niece Miss Mona McConnell is fricndsla member of the graduating class of Mrs Morley Nash Mrs Nesbitt prcscnkd an interesting report of the lrcsbytcrial meeting at Be tori The presidcnt directcd the May mccting which opened with the singing of hymn No 15 followed by prayer Minutes and roll all lwcrc road and the collection and trvasurcrs report were presented Articles for this years layctte word colletcd and dcdtcatrd by Mrs Greer it After much llSClLQlOIl it was dcl idcd that the June meeting would be held in the form of picnic all St YHECCHIS Park on June 10 at pm ltlgs Margaret Smith showcd slidii illustrating the work of the United Church Training School for women worship scrvicc and Skit in rclation to the dIlYL for funds for At Close of South Simcoe WI Tour the close of the South Sim coe Womens Institute tour of New York presentations were made to Mrs Monkiriaii of Cooks town district president and Mr and Mrs lloughton of Hilltl ilton Mrs Monkman was in charge of the arrangements for the tour when 96 people from Simcoc County cnjoycd almost four days in New York Mr Houghton tour conductor and Mrs liongliton wcrc members the tour party At present monkbcr of the teaching staff at Ccniral Sccondiiry School in llamgt ilton ho is native of South Simv too and has made 11 hobby of edu cational tours of New York for tlic leaves next Tuesday to join her husband in Preston Guests included several of Mrs Ramsays neighbors and friends on Drury Lane who made the present ation of gift to her during the evening Mrs Gcoigc Hamilton pourcd coffee at table centred with an arrangement of pink and white snapdragon with pink candles Guests includcd Mrs Harry Asp ion Mrs Roy Webster MrsRobcrt Campbell Mrs William Vincei church grounds The branch is planning fowl supper to be held in the early Fall and it was decided to hold an intergroup sale of small articles at the ncxt meeting Delegates were appointed to at tend the district annual meeting at Rugby on May 29 Mrs Dennis Ochle puts on liicn BONNET Margarine for FAKE Flavor Nutrition Economy Like flm ltfll stars witc you will love the delicate SilllllySwt time BLUE Box Nlll adds to any food Youll npprcci at its nourishment ton IlLiJ BonkLT zinc blllltlllli to house the school VKIL conducth by Mrs Siddall and Mrs Ayrcs At the conclusion of the meeting delicious refreshments were served by tho hostcss Mrs tyres and Mrs Siddoll As long sufferer from ladics hats at thcatrcs and tall broad mm ha Ml persons who invariably arrive at tculminate in the formal gradus the from of us mo Au rackling celiophane loud whisp mr the gradual le 03 crcrs and prcvicwcrs who tell Mls Lab cf 01 whats gOing to happen ncxt on allend Sptca mass glthc rare occasions when it isntl isald 10 mom mnelfcur obvious we have made IlllllEMrS resolution to remain Silent suff linenno matter how many people nlerlalns al Trousseau Tea llaugh when 2i deadly serious pori Mrs Elgin Harris entertained tion of film has us in stiff sus pensc or flowing tears at trousscau tca last Wednesday iltc noon and cvcning at her h0llltl ltH iIlizubctli Si in honor of her daiizhtcr Joan wliosc marriage tol Kcrircth Edmund Cooper of Barrio Cut took place Saturday llltlItUUll in cm 81 bmtd Chmh iiiii SMITH BETTY sums Ilic bride rcccivcd vitli lltl 31f mm and THREE BARRIE 1an and girl from Thornton will be Pouring 103 during the afternoon among the members of the Toronto General Hospital School Mid evening were Mrs Joscphlol Nursing graduating class who WlIl receive their diplomas Tm and MD Charles Harris tomorrow evening May 22 at Convocation Hall Toronto 531232Engehf ngfurmd Miss Gwen Johnston is the daughter of Mr and Mrs groom Mm mum Limo Mrs Johnston Ol Burma and Miss Syliia Jamiesonis the daughter Dan McFadden Mrs NormanScott of Mr and Mrs Jamicson of Thornton Miss Helen Smith leord all and 318 Ethel is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Smith of Barrie and Miss gflc ht Csmmg Betty Stairs former member of the Barrie Collegiate Band 00j 333 ff able llfillsiifgy is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stairs of Barrie ins Maxion Grim Miss Dog All four are graduates of the Barrie District Collegiate In COpcr sister of the groom and stiiiitc and entered training during the same year His Dora May Knight Thc tea table was covered with linen cloth and centred with past seven years Institute lnLlll hers were very grateful to him for his special efforts in connection with this recent tour Mcmbcrs returned sheets and drawsliects hemmed for the Royal Victoria Hospital The June meeting will be held at tlic home of Mrs Wallwin on Thursday cvcning June 12 at eight ocloek when members will be re mindcd to bring something for the sale lricnds are also cordially In vith to attend is it valiinlilc source oi Vitamin any month of Illt 3an And youll save dollars lllll ion use BUT BONNET on llltl tomt and vcgctnblcs wcil as lnr cooking rind rciipcs So buy llii lloxsiri gil All 25 lliivorl Nutri Iionl llcniioiiiavcl liiiii Iloxkizr Margarine is Sold by regular ftluulll package with color wulcr also in the famous YELLOW QUE bag for last cosy color In ear resented at the CXMCiStS Dalston WI Plans Evening Meetings During Summer Dalston Womens Institute mem bers decided at their May meeting held last Thursday at the home of Mrs Lorne Jory to hold evening meetings during the summer months There was it good zittcndance at the meeting with full coll answered by household hint lhc motto was commented on by Mrs Wallwin and minutcs of tlic prcvious meet ing were read It was decided to purchase flown crs to beautify the cemetery and OTTAWA WOMEN scoRE SUCCESS IN MANY FIRMS OTTAWA MAY 19 CPlOltawa business men arent exactly shak ing in their boots but in recent years they have come up against an increasing amount of competi tion from the fair sex Woriicnin Canadas capital are more than ever taking up their own busincss enterprisesand prosper ing In one or two cases they are even showing the way to men One of the more unexpected of these is Ottawas woman mover Mrs Mary Alexander doesnt ac UNWANTED rum Pemwently eradicated from In part of the body tith Sacolelo the remarkable discovery of the BuoPclo contains no drugs or chemical and will kill the hair rTORBEEF LABORATORIES 679 GRANVILLE ST VANCOUVER 80 We had rinseup vicw of movie pramp the other night at particularly moving part of the movie namely somewhere between the news and preview of coni ing attractions Sonic niawiwgocrs wch jiist settling down to catch the second show made couple of unncccssazy but not particularly infuriatingi remarks to one an otlicr when large hand reached out and gave firm tap closely resembling threatening shake to one of the partys shoulders After smc nottoopolitc but todhc point remarks he settled back NOISILY to enjoy the Show His anger latcr bozlcd our to the point where he had to get up and leave dragging mcck companzon behind him Now we dont mcan to insinuate that Mr Sorehcad in the back row wasnt partly justied in his aniioyancc But we dont think he added either to his enjoyment or the enjoyment of others around him The film hadnt begun andl floral fountain and the brides weddin cnkc as he had scores of empty seats around bumL hp ed on the pTIalS are him as it happened to move to vs amassing Memes Tom ChUrCh helped make his annoyance forcei ful But wcivc 01 faint SSrlmlOSleSS TO clbowlcngtli veil and she car ried noscgay of white carnations forgetmenots roses and stcphzm otis Mrs Watt of Hamilton cousin of the bride who was matron of honor was wearing ballerinalength gown in pink with taffeta bodice and full skirt in The marriage of Miss Jean Elcanor Ralsion daughter of Mr Boatlines Service Ltd FOOT OF BAYFIELD ST Phone 3461 We are happy to an nounce our appointment as AUTHORIZED DEALER of johnson SeaHorse Outboard Motors Let us help you with your out board boating needs done it doubt if the finer points of the lm were able to penetrate past his watch on his fellow members We dont know Maybe thci Ipsychologists would call it muscle iat her home on Friday evening for lithe bridal party before the rehears picion it isnt the first time hes nor the last And we of the audience what his trouble is complex Mrs Ilarold Cooper entertained for the wedding of Miss Jean Elvcnc Harris and Kenneth Ed mund Cooper on Saturday at Cen tral United Church LONG SERVICE VANCOUVER CF ice Royds of Kamloops who work cd half century with the tele phone company in BC was pro sented with life membership certicate at the local chapler of the TclcphonePioneers of Amer ica Mr Royds retired April 30 after service that started with the old Victoria and Esquimalt Tele phone Company BC Telephonc Make mealtime Maur predecessor of WNS atChurchill Mrs Douglas McPhcc was hostess to the Womans Missionary Society of Churchill United Church for the May meeting on Wednesday cvcn ing The president Mrs Stewart was in the chair Russell Twentyfive members were preI sent and there were number of Visitors The prayer for the societys special missionary Miss Bird was taken by Mrs Kcll Reports of the Presbyterial held in Trinity United Church Beeton on May were given by Mrs Robl rt Campbell and Mrs Russell Stewart The offering was receivedi and dedicated by Mrs Annui Wati SOIL Mrs McPhcc and Mrs Bedford gqnerously offered flowers from their own gardens to be sent to the societys sick and shutin members Mrs Kclls Christian steward ship selection was on the steward ship of time Take time to be holy Speak oft with Thy Lord Mrs Allan Todd and her group Mrs McPhec Mrs Reive Mrs Allan and Mrs GregDavis had chgnge of the worship service pro gr Mrs McPhcc chose Mark versus to 13 and Mrs Todd took the chapter from the study book Healing and Hospital Ministry Mrs Davis paper was The and Mrs Harvey Ralston of Les froy to Edward Alfred Pichora son of Mrs Pichora and the late Mr Pichora of Toronto took place on Thursday evening May 13 in St James Bond United Church Toronto The Ilcv Bruce Millar performed the ceremony and wedding music was played by the organist Arthur Middleton who also accompanied the soloist Mrs Eleanor Thaler in the sing ing of The Lords Prayer before the nccrcmony and Perfect Love during the signing of the register The church was decorated with white gladioli snapdragon and babys breath The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore gown of ice blue lace over white taffeta with bouffant skirt and matching cape Her headdress was of matching lace with an read Acts verses 31 to 37 The bazaar committee brought materials cut out and ready for vol unteers to complete It was announ ccd that the committee would ap preciate having them turned in for the June meeting Plans were made for the annual June birthday party which will be held at the home of Mrs Chalmers Pratt The program committee ap pointed consists of Mrs CAl Ian and Mrs Stewart The lunch committee will be Mrs Rich double not over taffeta She wore toilet bolero jacket and match ing hca dress withstioulderlength veil and carried nosegay of swch pcas roses and forgetine nuts The Misses Linda Rciclicri and Linda Pichora niece of the groom were flower girls wearing baller inalength gowns of white cm broidercd organdy They carried nosegays of roses carnations and sweet peas and wore matching floral headdresses Lloyd Pichora of Islington was groomsman for his brother and ushers were Kenneth Ralston bro ther of the bride and Robert Tin lay brothcrinlaw of the grdom reception was held in the hearth roomof the church where the mother of the bride received wearing gown of French blue crepe with lace insets navy ac cessories and corsage of johanna hill roses The grooms mother who also received was wearing naVy ensemble with navy access cries and corsagc of pink carna tions For travelling the bride wore suit of pistachio green with kclly green hat and gloves and match ing snakeskin bag and shoes On their return Mr and Mrs Pich pra will bemaking thcir home in Toronto Fwh REAL NEIGHBORS paily carry pianos and furniture around but she owns moving and transfer business Alexanders Transferdocs her own bookkeep ing and hires thrcc drivers and man to look after her trucks The citys only private hOSpital is owned by Mrs James Thomas who started it in 1938 Her staff of 15 includes only one man Mrs Audrey chge has success fully dirccted the Legge Press Canada Ltd since her husband died in194l and the Union En graving Co is owned by woman Mrs Florence Bailey But it took Mrs Abramson to Show men how to operate new type of business She started the first childrens wear specialty shop in the city in 1945 Since their men have moved into the babys bootccbonnctandbotilc trade and hold twotoone majority over the women Thin RIPI Mod top Mu I9 VIIM INOX lop Minion mama$4500 MMW JEWELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS OPEN DAILY8 am to MIDNIGHT Gaming it fast efficient courteous Shep service somethin ecial just like at home meals se1vecl in pleasant friendly atmosphere in Barries newest restaurant the herds Psalm ardson and Mrs Kcn Sturgeon The Womans Association also It was decided that the associa held its meeting at the home of tion would assist the Young Peo Mrs McPhee with Mrs Robert plcs Union in the purchase of district farm of Henry Trippel this Sinclair the president presiding iprojcctor for use in their church spring Mr Tiippcl was unable Themceting opened 7with the activitics to plant his crop himself becausc singing of Let the Beauty of Jesus Both societies juincd for quch of burns suffered while ghting be Seen in Me Mrs Newcombe eon stubble re on his farm ROSTHERN Sask Cl Fourteen neighbors seeded 60 acres of wheat in 31 hours on the Kay Bee OPLE Ni 69 iuiicii BARE Fm May TIGHTLUNCHESIromth Grill7 Simplybrder whatever food pleases you the most and then add icecold cocacoiaxe Warm thew icggim suNDAEs and scripts AILEEN NICOL xii correettantrums SOPIIANO SOLOIST JOHNNICOL miniyiiritNIEinIAN 23 ton WEBB um PLAYER EAT in Words humid1min instill Special Feature of the Kaybe Home Made Pastries STREET comm ix