Need for Game Conservation it In day and age when most people seem to have forgotten that what we do today af fcczs tomorrow it is gratifying to hear the first rumours circulating around Barrie that Conservation Club might be started in the town Many of our local sportsmen already have this in mind and meeting is liker to be called in the very near future to enlist the aid of others The purpose of such an org anization would be to educate hunters and fishermen along the lines of preserving our game and fish It is regrettable but nonetheless true that today many of our socalled sportsmen 2113 pear to use neither discretion nor common sense iii the pursuit of what should be and is one of the finest recreational activities man ledge and animallore against the instinct of Gods creatures The thrill of the kill whether in hunt ing or fishing all too often becomes the over riding factor and such consideration as whether the prey comes within protected list is overlooked In other cases great dam age to our game reserves is caused by nothing other than plain ignorance So extreme has this become in the fishing world that the De partment of Lands and Forests fish manage nientofficials are having to conhldcr revising existing rules as to fishmeasurement so that the unnecessary destruction can be if not eliminated at least reduced Present fish regulations require the mea surement tobc taken from the tip of the nose to the rear end of the body at the base of the fork Experienced anglers understand this but many others do not fisherman not conversant with this ruling might measure the overall length of bass and consider it if measuring 10 inches to be within the regu lation size In actual fact if the fish had been measured properly it would have been desig nated properly as being under the 10inch minimum for this species To bring in work able scheme that will prevent such errors the Department officials will likely increase the regulation sizes and institute overall measurement of fish recentlyconducted poll has shown that 24 persons to four favour the proposed new measurement method Gen eral indications are that it would be most sensible step Unfortunately our game wardens are met with certain amount of hostility in their work They are the protectors of our wild life and the friends of the honest hunter or fisher who does not attempt to cheat others of their privileges Netting and spearing fish cannot be con demned too strongly Small isolated instances of these practices soon build up to sufficient ldegree to constitute national menace Fully aware of this the police are assisting in the drive to stamp out these evils as are all gen uine sportsmen who value the privileges which nature affords them The assistance of all sections of the com munity is urgently sought The reporting of instances of game and fiShing violations does not place the individual in the category of squealer Unfortunately human nature be ing what it is so many of us are inclined to let things like this go by unchallenged The dictates of conscience are averted and we excuse ourselves with the weakknead ex planation Oh well someone else will catch them eventually To establish Conservation Club locally will go long wayjto help overcome this and allied problems Whih are becoming too pre It Eing argued the merits of Monday holiday follow valent today NeVertheless great deal can be achieved by the individual if he is pre pared to shoulder his responsibility and ac cept that what he isd0ingas an honest citiz en isVbenefittlngnotw10nly andcountry today but also tomorrow PoisonoUs Whispering The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has alerted canadiaifsto the dangerscof current allout attempt by theIcaadian Communist Party todrlve wedge between Canadaf and the United States andthus seriously damage the defence mechanism of the free worldlfv The warning is contained in the pryievvof WALLSI Pivesiiiiitf Mcmbcr of Class OntarioQuebec Division CWNA 7159 Average NetfPuid ABC Circulation Six Months ending Dec 31V105l Newspapers and Audit Bu WEDNESDAY MAY 14 1953 from most of the major contracts coming bis commullityiSponsopofwthesbilbdeclaredihata polLlasl Oct tram Class NeySpoper PublishedMondoy at The WilsoiiBuilding Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada by THE BARBIE EXAMINERLIMITED curmcx ViolaPresident diffs Authorized as second class mail by the PostOIflce Department Ottawa SUICQRIPTIONSPAYAILE IN ADVANCE MAIL OUeISlDI CAIRIIR ZONKS=2 $400 yearly lucnuadaru months 3225 months 31255 cnts situate copy $500 yearly outlaw Canada 31 charter delivery tn towns 29a for weaksrlo your months 0300 month 100 Ehilnrial flag of ll article entitled Wlnsperer Among the People appearing in the May issue of tiiel News Letter published by the Chambers Lilllllflli of Economic Development Accomp nying the article Will be montage of lurid nd sensational headlines from the Labori Progressive Party organ the Canadian Trl billlt gi ling some idea of how the Commun ists operate their propaganda machine While few Canadians come into direct cun act with the ilashily printed Communist lit erature states the Chamber preview the may ority are not immune to the terrifically po ent force of such poisonous whispering Lisl the United States is taking over Canada and the Government of Canada is dancing to the tune played by the Wall Street War nongers The Coriirnunists know that while the average individual may appear to reject such whispers and rumours human nature being what it is there is always left an un can have the skilful pitting of his know easy suspicion that where there Is smoke there is lire The montage shows that there is fire and that this fire blazes out of the depths of the hellish hatred of capitalism which exists in the minds and headsof the Communists The thutm Chamber preview furthers warns Commmustsponsored organization called Denimform is actively at work spread ing false news to cause confusion in western countries Communist activity of all kinds will be intensified in Canada during the next few years Canadians must be prepared to sift factl from fancy and recognize the differencebei tween truth and Communist propaganda Editorial Notes is not only idle who does nothing but be Is idle who might be better employed Socratcs The popularity of costofllving escalator clauses in union contracts is taking nose dive The wage COL tieup was fine while the index was going up Now it is coming down and unions want to get off If the down ward pressure lasts escalators will be dropp up for renegotiations thissprlng and sum nier OPINIONS OF OTHERS Milk Cheaper at Store Victoria Times Institution of onecentvaquart saving throuin sale of milk in retail stores in Vancouver and of re duction in delivery days in the Courtenay district brings note of sanity to situation which many consumers have viewed with bewilderment While the problems of milk producers and distribu tors have been recognized it has been difficult to Justin the retention of any system of selling in which prices to the householder are kept even fractionain higher than they need be If milk can be sold more cheaply through store out lets then that is saving that should be granted the consumer If reduced delivery arrangements result in other savings without seribus detrirnent to the provis ion of milk to families that this reform too should be effected The improvements mentioned are confined to cer tain specified areas of the province viz Vancouver and Courtenay fIhere is no reaSOn why they should not be extended to any other areas where it is desired to try them out It is to be hoped that application forlstore sales of milk atria reduced price in Victoriaebvill shortly be made and as speedin granted The Milk Board should facilitate every effort to see that milk is provided for the public at the lowest possible price Public Holidays Mondays Smiths Falls RecordNews Last month members of the House of Commons ing May 23 and June 30 bill was introduced calling for observance of Queen Victorias birthday on the first Monday following May 23 and of Dominion Do on the first Monday following June 50 showed 75 of Canadians in favor of the bill and that numerousTifganizations were supporting the measure He added We have royal precedent for changing the date of statutory holidays Our late beloved sovereiganing Gabige VI decreed that his birthday should notlbe celebrated in December but in more pleasant month during the summe Certainly the1e is tremendous badysOfEPUMic opinion infavqur of these changes with at View to providing long Weekend for everyone during the summer season The change to Monday holiday for Victoria Day and Dominion Day would not lessen the present significance of either occasion Ifmight well have the contrary effect 77777 Wednesday Friday RIVETI SecretaryTreasurer Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association mail of Circulations Subscriber to GP brylcm WALLS Maximise EditorK CHIIlICKI Sales Munici Ii mvnrr ottich mum it Tommaoubtqmucuoi Maritim mum coornn Plant ammonium mu ed when we did have to wigilk there for most every small 22 pea revolver or an equally deadly catapult for there Staturday They Get Bigger But Fred Grant Reminisce Hi Deep Shallow Cmon 559ml l0 5Wlmmlng 595550 saris has from the present level of $40 and that they should be made payable Continued from Monday But there were compensations boy carried either was great sport in potting frogs among the cattails in the ponds which then existed all along the railway tracks or plugging swal lows roosting on the telegraph wires and more often guess bustin the glasses which held the wires to the crossarms This guess is used advisedly for there used to be and probably still is stiff penalty imposed upon any culprit breaking telegraph glasses Safety first is pronounced policy of mine Some among those sharpshooters became so expert in scoring bulls cyes that armed like David of Scriptural renown with good homemade slingshot and pdck etful ofrlead slugs that we could easily secure from broken seals from the boxears at the freight sheds had they gone forth to the Bisley meeting they undoubtedly could easily have come back with the Kings Prize And it may be noted that the nearest Barrie ever came to annexing that imperial honor was when Private Perry of Toronto and later Vancouver captured it in 1904 for he had shown good judgment inchoosing Barrie girl for his wifeMiss Leola McAllister daughter of Archibald McAllister Dunlop Street hardware merchant in the 00s WHERE ARE THEY NOW Where are theold boys gone to The dear old boys knew In the oldtime days in the play ing eld Where the grass was wet with dew und for sweet old frolic Saturday and no school Fishing for minnies and having swim Down in Simpsonh pool Where is the old crown gone to band of comrades gay Some are alive but many are not For they have all passed away Where are the old boys gone to Boys of the dear old times Boys of the days that have passed and gonel Friends of my faricys rhymes Ah how Id love to meet them Greet them and troop away Through the dewwet grass to the playingireld Attheope of summers day Bound for sweet Vold frolic lino school Fishing for minnies and having swim Down in Simpsons pool And regarding swiinminiz which in our boyhood days was very closely associated past line with fishing every one of tlut old gang will surely re member the old swimming hole up Simpsons Creek at the foot of Mary Street The hot picture buckgwlth all itsder llth colorlngs It was up the creek placerwe called lowhanging red barked will gammytheir branches over Who unbound under which for belly Whopper mldatimmer days being the it prick multimillion were own swamp beach and cedars boy oonllllmlljnmtihldo when Mouton made itexpedtcnt as wlten fsomeone In lliarrir Examinrr Is That FRED GRANT passed on the way to the West Wardsohool where you should have been yourself at that par ticular time Most of that water was hardly waist deep though in one part it was almost five feet and unless you were very big boy the water was over your head You could take as many as half dozen strokes without being able to touch bottom once That water would hardly tempt you now and any way the sanitary officer would be likely to condemn it for itwas not exactly limpid but oh how inviting it was Pity the poor unfortunate boy who had always to wear shoes and stockings in those days How he did envy the W5 whose toilet consisted in getting in or out of only couple of garmentsshirt and oygrallshgligld in place with generally only one strip 61 fathers braces and topped with dilapidated coyvfeed straw hat The sweltering dog days may have held terrors for our elders but they never worried us young sters as we paddled aroundin thatold Simpsons Brewery swims ming hole Ordinarilyrthatcieek and pond was only deep enougli to loat raft made of railroad ties joined with nailedon broken plankor two but at that particu lar bend the stream had scooped out hollow deep enough ifor some of the moSt accomplished to dive and bring up bottom in one hand and that particular boy beldashonored place as did some other kid who could dive from the bank without making and every boy will remember ust what jolt one of those gaVe fellow While it wasgcnerally safe retreat for the smaltboy to disport in thules garb still there was sort of unwritten law that in case of the and den unexpected passing or any interloper mpdesty partlcular Iy In the interests at the in leper demanded that you were Ville bank or when teams up any flowerhunting female mar peotedlv approached sonnets at present labor or ignorantly we seek lower in come reduce our capacity to pro duce we could get an estimate of the cost of the whole performance means reduction in the number higher wages shorter hours and reduced production to meet the bill of costs raised for pensions must be paid Then we are not immune from contacts with other countries fuse to go with those frequent lunches of hot outlive if you chanced to been Letter To The Edifo Good Filo 3U 1932 liJilis llll to 1131 What cementum do you liULilL in the eJl 1953 ti to celebrate the you and Mr or or as that Lung psed Law Define me lib write as Giant of lands dated 21121 to which docuizient desw la lying and llLL Town of flame 111 the illlltl if Sinicoe and being hi im nintzi ltlt of Collier Slimt lli lilt viii lawn Till to me iiil llttli liit llue Lu geogrziptilci tli otit hundred UIEI Ieilinps intended to Ctltl brute iln eczitcninal of Ilairies iillnmn inuniczpal self governl Emenl Ilairics lilnl municipal coonl itll elected lilSttlie untill tllill leiilulioii having appurl curly llilal parsell ii 1053iiliiii therefore to adopt your definition inf centennial 15 having live completing centennial lasted such lo llvi would organization at the beginning of 113 Why tliiuefore was not llkil the centennial year llowevcr my real objection to cclrbritiiii at this time cen 1strict the hours of work Reduc ltioii in hours of work will reduce the total volume of production unless technological aid comes to isllUlltBllml and pay increased pri ices will rise There may come pensioned in order to live Let us examine the total salary land wage payments of two per iods twenty years apart The workers seem to have done fairly well Here is the first Table lIreWar Year Salaries and Wages By It DEACIIMAN 1926 $025682242 l1927 602705 The Canadian Congress of Labor 1928 721471234 1920 777291217 65 years of age instead of 70 as The scheme is biilliantfrom the same basis standpoinr It reduces the latelv interesting if greatest possible total wage pay ments The two do not necess arily run together In the com parison It would be But thats not all This proposal total volume of production The production of the na tion is the basis of its pros perity It means the use of an increased volume of raw mat erials It means increased wage and salary payments and in creased zuid greater capital in vestments which add to still higher comings for labor though not recordedsin this summary The tax rate would have to be We have substantiail export markets but if our workers work lessor the same thing in another formreduce the work ing period of theirlives or are bribed to do so by an in crease in state pensions even the blind can see what foll ows the prejudiced see what they desire to see The Prime Minister suggests that at this rate pension payments in the new Nirvana would soon be beyond $840000000 There is virtue in this suggestion indir ect though it may be it connotes the idea of limit upon folly There must be point beyond which sane governments will re total wage payments would induce someworkers to not of all The prosperity of the dation There is thank heaven another workers and Over period barrien The workers are paid rimmLpruduction They propose to adopt legislation which Vwill re to retire its working force at unwelcome trespasser had pass ed from view As has often been noted previlt ously in these sketches the boys of thosedays were much better behayed vgentlemanly flock of lit tl innocents than arefthe juven= ilevrollicking ioystering rowdies of the present hectic age Oh my yes Thats the reason for my often wondering now why most of us boys uSed to get wallopedhali adozen or 30 times every school dayfor nothin And was that swunming hole sanitpry someone asks Gracious No But it was probably more sanitary than is the presentday publiclyused tilelined tank where you pay real money to swimand it Was whole lot mope fun You may go swimming at any uptodatez pavilion and in the most elaborately trimmed bathing suit from now until doomsday With the frequent visits to that hot Wain cone stand for refreshments but for real pleasure you can never equal that muddy old swimming holea la disbabille of living for its citizens potatoes or earn 02 corn roasted Dep Reeve Heber Smith Gives Views re Proposed Centennial lemilul of doubtful validity is on as geogra Foi town grant is hundred we illlUlitll llt celebrated III llIL ytsll till 11934 To cite 311 Iliiiitcr Barrie be iciiine town without municipal llltlll relief If hours are to be ltiiiie when labor may have to be Now total wage and salary pay ments are much better measure of the progress of industrial labor than measure of individual wage rates Here are the figures on the Labor struggles for higher wage rates Its real goal should be the of total wage payments 1920 to 1929 inclusive they stood at It all boils down to this Labor wants higher pay normally it pre fers higher wage rates to higher It knows that pensions at 65 years of age tire earlier than they otherwise would Taking these workers off the labor market might possibly raise wage rates That would be the selsh interest of some workers years the national income will de termmevtliepr9siisriv 9f dispa tion No nation today can affordqiii sounder grounds Even modest ZiLl celebration involves consider expense in advertising printing at vli1ii of Ytdlithell it souvenir booklets entertainment and innumerable other itunx and smnwric has to pay the bills lltOLI Without exception centennial and old home weeks in other com lave been run at sub iuniiul deficit which the spon tillllg body has had to mks up obvious reasons feel ceri tain that this would be the taxe impulses paycr and in view of the already Intrivy program of necessary expen diture for one have no inten tion of adding to his burden by the eml of centennial be it large or small By i971 most of the deben tures issued under the heavy buildng program necessary since the end of the war Will be paid and then the occasion may be marked in manner which prop erl befits this town For your information run and have been for some years mem ber of the Chamber of Commerce As you are aware it is supported by irieinbership fees and by modest grant from the town The made largely be of the useful work the Cham ber does as an industrial commis 51011 should like you to note of the merchants and busi ness men iii the town hotel and restaurant owners would be among =the first to benefit directly from lcenleiinial celebration No hotel and not more than two restaurant opcmiors are members of the LIiuinbcr of Commerce Therefore iyour suggestion that the Chamber of Commerce should demand that like Town Council undertake the lsuggested celebration might well lbe reconsidered Finally the tone of your cditor Eial made it appear that the Mayor lsupported the suggestion and that the centennial was opposed only by myself Evidently you over estimate my powers of persuasion as the motion to defer the cen tennial was supported by all mem bers of Council present including the Mayor Yours very truly HEBER SMITH av me CAanmN PRESS number of workers increases the Table 2Postwar pensions of those who have rc Year Salaries and Wages ELECTION ISSUE tired The nation would lose the 1946 $1740687254 With June 12 officially set at the production of the workers if they 1047 2085925066 provincial election date and three retire ve years 0811101l101l 1943 2409353190 candidates already nominated in fore the goal of the nation was 1949 25913906137 Fort George the campaign may be higher incomenow deliberatelyI There we tale to whole story said to be progress we be here there is one topic that should be aired during the campaignsthe lack of good roads in this region and we believe this isa subject which is bigger than any political party or candidate for office of workers There will be fewer $2737150425 in 194349 they employed decline in the national amounted to $8827372067 The THE FARMERS PRAYER income and wtth It demand for source of that increase was in As all good things come from the soil we can only hope that the 1952 crop will be harvested without the trouble and disappointment suf fered by harvesting last year Farmers should not have to suffer these trials too often Me1fort Sask Journal PROVINCIAL nAnIo for Saskatchewan legislative ex pense for this fiscal year is the amount spent for broadcasting IbuLis one item that could be par ed out of the budget withoutl any loss of administration efficiency Estevan Susir Mercury N0 Frva SAUCEBSI Trenton unique in this respect OPPOSES GAS EXPO RT of 65 of the province Clarsholm Prince George 8W Somewhere in the $283070 allowed RCAF officials here announced this week that not single flying saucer has been reported over Negative though this statement is itis certainly news because Trenton appears to be is Tr measured by its national income enton On Courier Advocate and not by the wage bills of its The natural resources of the prim vince belong to the people and exporting them does notfieem lobe teoglcal when sorinany parts acLuithout gas and yet provide decent standard service Alta Local Press to remain until the