Jacqueline lMoore gBecomes Bride of ilohn Gardiner The marriage of Miss Jacqueliney glvy Moore daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Moore of Collingwood glormerly of Newmarket to John mamas my 14 1152 Warrens Institutes Life Memberships lHome Economist rancrs ar iie ormer 3o =Presented to Two gPraIses Work of afoidiirlaid 312331 lGardiner of Toronto took 13 11 Members Barrie Wl Homemaking Clubs mm united Church with Vket on Saturday May 1952110 Mrs Corbett and Mrs Reg IMincSIng Correspondencei Im 003093 Ihf memomi The Adams received life membershipil Miss Ruth Shaver county homciertmOy 35 PPYMFWM by my guns at the May meeting of Barrie economist was speaker at the May R9 MP Alktn Womens Institute held last ltedlnieeting of tliiicsing Womens 111 Given in marriage by her fath nesday at the home of Mrs C3stiuitc held at the home of the er the bride was wearing gown Pruigie 31 Sanford Twenty secretary Mrs Scott Muir of white lace over taffeta with seven members and two visitors Hm Shay was immdmgd by matching headdress She carried were present for the meeting EMM hum Davis Convener of bouquet of American beauty The bazaar scheduyed for 31313031 economic and Spoke on her roses and white baby mums tied as digcussed An mumg ork with the homomaking clubs th 55 PPR memng arrange the bazaar pm lShc strcsscd the fact that we are Her attendants were her sister gram be held my homerliving in competitive world but Miss Rose Marie Moore of New Uf My 090 Bowie Itliat the training and experience market and Miss Shirley Mills of BONES held coofuy trcccivcd by club girls teaches them Ncwinarket Her sister was gown 11mm 590 Imicoopcration and desire to beat ed in mauve taffeta with lace 21 gmlmd m9 Inqnmpq no 1011 own record not that of an bolero and matching headdress gothcr person They try to stimu latc appreciation of rural living rs on iccr is moving Ss MtilllltIll and Mrs Marrin is lent pml IMMM b3 trig lot ltlllliillx Both will bierl Jams pzcsented with going away gifts The 9W Dmeldtmt MYS NOFVRI and carried small bouquet of iiitiuvc and ycllow carnations The other attendant was gowneri in yellow taffeta with lace bolero and matching headdress and car ricd bouquet of yellow and Intal fund lliick was in the chair for thc airs Roy Ncwmn 0f Elimix 133 mauvc carnations WI iinoutiy Iittlllt 1l 1115 at itpOiud iI lit mu ig mam by mmnbvn inc nildllltl of 1311110 was Iozivuirrs conlcrcncc held 11 groomsmaii for his brother Act It was decided that two projects ltvould be held in the iicar future lliitillltll tlic Home with Color will be held in hlincsing 111111 on Guelph Thcnic programs with broader vision and the United NII tmris working for peace and equal ing as ushers wcrc Ronald Gard incr of Toronto brother of the groom and Frank Moore of Oak llllllt for everyone were highlights Jum from HO pm md Ridges brother yr the bride 13 orig tlllllllOllCC discussions 0110 ln V1 13 reception followed it 11111111 mt his 1111 ui ttllhit1 1Lc who been whedulod home of tlit biidts biotlici iii lllllitlllllll was Lets mett Mrsi commcc wH wpoinwd to 03k Ridgos Tm bridcvs mum Sliiikcr Mrs Worker Mrs hnow received wearing navy blur 11 til3 jump yiHIHthtf 101 quilting Salada Tea icompctitiOn quilt It the ttIllltitllLt Miss Horentfl on was answered by how Reynolds of Washington DC 10 make my head Saw my heels spoke on foods and agriculture ll mumwd by Splendid rand was gainanon of tlit Ulll ition on mom Whatever paper The ncxt brancli meeting is tolymw 1m in life it is merely be held on June 10 homPchallcngc to your resourcefulness of Mrs Lynn lGl TOIOIIW lgivcn by Mrs Mervin Fralick Slic dress with corsagc of pink roses llic grooms mother who also re ccivcd was wearing powder blue with corsagc of red roses Later the couple 1ch on mot or trip to Niagara Falls and Buff alo the bride travelling in pow der blue suit with navy accessor pointcd Olllllit nccd for inspira girnr3ilgo Iod lion common sense and courage Gardiner will so kr Dclcgatcs were named for the 111ml district annual at Craigliurst 011 mm 1010 Vlmllo r01 May 28 and all were urged to at omo OWL Guests from Toronto Coiling wood Whitby Barrie Utopia ls Iington Peterborough and Orillia attended the wedding Two very interesting demonstra tions were given it the meeting Mrs James Muir showed how to make good tea biscuits and they were sampled at lunch Mrs when only Zak are making their home portaiit items from all the rc Married in DoubleRing Ceremony vIhoto by Smiths Studio LEAVING ST MARYS CHURCH after their May wedding theirl are Mr and Mrs Zygrfyd Antoni Zak The bride is the former Ruth Lillian Storey daughter Of Mrs Storey of Barrie and her husband is the son of AntonIZak of Kalwaria P01 and and the late Mrs Zak Bridal attendants are Mrs Norris Fullerton of Barrie and George Storey of Barrie brother of the bride After wedding trip to Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs 11 Kitchener IIaight ironed mans shirt in re cord time Tea hostesses were Mrs lIaiglit and Mrs Maw County Institutes Lead in Reporting Years Activities Sinicoc County Womens Insti tutcs hcad the province in the number of reports on home eco nomics and health reports the Stayncr Sun This interesting bit of institute news was received byMis Spear ing RR Stayncr iIi letter from Mrs Albert Hogan of Oiillia area convanr of home economics and health for Simcoc County The members of the Womens Institutes in Simcoc County have reason to be proud for when Mrs ports received and from these shc compiles her report to the FWIOI and this is Siincoc County ArcasLQvely proud standing in her report Out of 1079 reports received byl Mrs Weber Sinicoc County ArcaI number only 78 but in her report of 19 roll calls eight were takenI for Siincoc County Area reportI nine mottos four were taken from Simcoo County Area report 21 papers and talks 13 were taken from Simcoc County Area reportl 16 nutrition two were taken fromi Simcoc County Area report 17 housing Iivc were taken from Simcoc County Area report 28 demonstrations 15 were taken from Simcoc County area report 10 ex hibits six were taken from Sim coe County Area report 13 con tests six were taken from Simcoe County Area report 10 dis cussions four were taken froml Simcoe County Area report Approximately 44 per cent of the best will do for your ANIOVD IVKI Cost No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaning Milton chci of West Montrose min is he piovmcnl convenei of report home economics and health in the Womens Institute sent out her re port of the work done by all the Womens Institute branches in On tario for the year 195051 we find Simcoe County headed the prov ince in the number of reports on home economics and health rc ccivcd by her with 94 per cent There are 13 areas in Ontario comprising 1177 branches but Simcoe County Area is one of the younger ones being organized only 15 years The Womens Institute CLEANERS LTD has been in existence for over 50 88 Dunlop St Phone been reporting for wellinto half Mrs Hogan is convcnet of home economics and health in both dis trict and county and she sends sincere thank you to all conven crs of home economics and health for thelriVOlldCFfHlCOGDGIREIORT ANTENIWIiis School Trip To Toronto MAY 12Last Thursday proved to be most enjoyable day for teacher pupils and parents of An tcn Mills school No 11 bus was chartered and at 745 pm was loud ed with happy group en route for Toronto At 10 they arrived at the museum and spent an hour touring this most interesting place One can hardly realize In this age the work and hardships of the early Indians The next visit was to the Parliament Buildings where we were met by guide arranged for by George Johnston MPP This tour waswvery educational While there we sat in the seats of the members of the house and listened to the guide explain what takes place when parliament is in session From there we visited the CBC studio and heard the Happy Gang The next and last stop was to the zoo and the animals really took the childrens eye About pm all Enter your claim checks now in our The second bicycle contest will be drawn for May years and some of the areas have century Mrs Weber takes the most im Ive switched to Bordens Evaporated Milk Itreally makes dip of coffee MtJhiLapron with amusing te ctip pocket over its own pret house aproneyorure fresh and neat yards 35inch apron 114 yards If youve been habitbound for years to one brand of evaporated milk you likely dont know what to sew is tested for complete illustrated instructions it was their first bus ride and for others the first trip to Toronto and view of street car We all wish to say thank you and well done to Mrs Metcalfe and her pupils for it was through their own efforts the trip was made possible as the mon ey was all raised by them at Iheir bazaar out what difference there can be in evaporated milks Use Bordens Iivapdratcd Milk in beverages see how it points up the savor of good coffee Wherever you use evaporated milk in coffee in cooking on cereals in Babys formuliizyoull notice the improvement that Bordens truetOmilk iavor makes Just try it least once andscc forvyoursclfl STYLE NUMBER onto Ont Muclern Window DECORATING Mothers Day Service Mothers Day service at the church was well attended The number given by seven girls assist ed by Moire Knapp as soloist was well rendered The infant sons of Mr and Mrs Harry Priest Mr and Mrs Ted Patterson and Mr and Mrs rWilson were Chilstened Mr nntLMrs Bartlett and family Barrie have moved toL Adams house on the 8th concesson Cecil Hayes Barrie spent he weekend at Hayes CONCRETE SUPPLIES no ORDER T00 LARGE ORTOO SMALL =54 INCH STONE PEA GRAVE Material can traumatised at the optimism SAND pit RUN GRAVEL DRIVEWAY sronu Dlm 11 MAXTEID conraacron the luteslideslgns 1FREEESTIMATES 811111112111 11111 Dial 2116 zI LOOK LOVELY while you work dress while you work about the thn its marketatimej or when guests drop in whisk off the Pattern 4542 in sizes 12 14 18 18 20 30 32 34 36 38K 40 42 Size 16 dress and apron trim This pattern easy to use simple fit Has plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Put tern Dept 60 Front St west Tor Dinpes drape Track venetian blinds valanceboxes eta of Phone6303 51 DLAKEST Lady Lawn Bowlers Hold Final Party Of Winter Season The ladies of the Barrie Lawn Bowling Club held the last of their parties for the season at the home of Mrs AMcCarroIl 107 Davis St Following short business mcct Iiiig plaiiswcrc made for the play ing season The evening was spent playing bridge and canasla and lucky draws were madc Winners were IMrs Stewart Mrs Scytlics and Mrs Hewitt Lunch was served by Mrs Stew art Mrs Mayhew and Mrs Suth xcrland EGBERT MAY i3Sunday visitors were Mr and Mrs John OHcarn and Roy Adjala and FrankRusk Ev crett with Mrs Thomas OHearn Mrs Arnold Rogers Icy Reid Alliston with Mr Mrs Brollcy Mr and Mrs Bellamy with Mr and Mrs Taylor Toronto Mr Mrs Norman Scott with Mrs Annie Holt Miss Grace chg Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Alex Hood and familyl Toronto Mr and Mrs James Leigh ton and family Holly and Mr and Bond Head with Mr and Mrs Brollcy Mr and Mrs Alfred Thompson Frank and Jack Mr and Mrs Len Walton and Donna Barrie and Miss Shir and and Mrs George Holt Thornton and Mr and Elm Grove Ukrainians Adept At Egg Decoration SASKATOON April 28 CPI The Ukrainian Womens Amish tion of Saskatoon recently gave at course in decorating lkratnianl Easter eggs Its aim was to acquaint and illl tciest Ukrainian amt worriedi in the oil and to encourage theory to carry on the traditzon Iresrdent Mrs Mlchalenkol provided the illutrativt niateriall rand gate short talks on the mean ing of designs and origin of the art from pagan times to its present day form tvith its religious igiiificaiicc The vgg itself 15 symbol of new llife Ehcw Eatcz c3395 or l3i lky Slllltllll the rebirth of thel worth on of Winter Hill spring lwith its promise of new tile ncu hope health and properity Matty of 1111 Saitll 151 Iparts or whole plants animals and ElOUls tire Assocrated with Spring Many of the designs date back lto the lil when people still worl sliippcrl tlic sun symbol it goodi yfoitunc designs istar Ifor Atiir an Illlttlil Sun godnl Hllliltl IIIItIlIIiIil tltl1ll stintsv liltn Igood luck and others Ilesigrts Varied In the Carpathian Mountains the Iliutsuis had patterns that were iri liicziIIly gcornctric Across the Inllitl stcppcs in Eastern Ukraine floral itsigns pltdtllltllllilld Iysanky are lttiililltd by complictitttl dye proccss akin to lllzitik Melted been wax is applied Ito fresh uncooked white eggs and thc eggs arc dipped into sum ccssion of dyc baths lictwcen cach dipping wax is applied over areas rcniain After the final color has set the Legg is heated the wax removed and Iiand glaze applicd If left undisturbed pysauky will last indefinitely despite its fragility The oldest and true Ukrainian designs were handed down not through embroidcrics or some other medium but through these fragile EIISLCI eggs lysanky are put in an Easter basket along with other food cov ered with an embroidered cloth and taken to church Easter Sunday where it is blessed at the conclusion of the service is spending two weeks holiday with Mr and Mrs Bellamy Mr and Mrs McCutcheon T0 ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Whitesjde John and Charles Randall spent the weekend in Toronto visiting their mother Little Terry Wayne Leighton fant son of Mr and Mrs James Leighton of Holly was baptized during the Mothers Day service on Sunday May 11th Our pastor Rev Hughes occupied the pulpit assisted by the two Sunday School teachers Mrs Broliey and Mrs Beatty each very ably telling story suitable for the occasion We were pleased to see goodly num ber gprescnt Mr and Mrs Orvai Carr Marg aret and Mary had dinner with Mr and Mrs Boake Sunday Miss Olive OHcarn is spending few days in Adjala REAL BUY DANGERFIELD MOTORS 233 BRADFORD ST Dial 4981 an ty ltbtlte tve JDMENr 410 extra YAG mu musing in boarded the bus ready to return Send THIRTyFIVE CENTS will time you lsliidgongatvrl home The mp move very eXCII 35c in coins stamps cannot be the can with mm on it nd mg for the children as With some accepted for ms pattern prmt WillIVER to ALLWEN my ecuvac FLA WinNOR ONEr oust 0781194 Home cw 11 Alma 11w mo awe mo GEM mm was 70 from 1948 clip 01 held microLu extga WW extra konmz mamas extra spurSECOND INTERNAWONAL AIR RACE FAMOUS FIRST IIoIISIoI stunts WNSAWCWAND mm NEW 70 IWD 199 mmm4rw MK 70mm 923 WCWMMMDWV oww mowmswas r831 thattits Worlds Speed Mark looxx cums cramo cooest 6354 was PER aowz can There are also the cighbpointcdy where the picccding color is to Always in Vogue 4151 Always in vogue Janis Carter who appears in RKO Radios Technicolor production The Half Breed models cocktail dress made of chocolate taf feta and Chantilly lace DeW signed by Ernest Newman this gown features his popular Opera Twist bustlinc It has short bolero jacket of match5 iiig taffeta with pushup sleeves and standup collar mast Father which on liome The clip WYEVALE stay rawTm yrs Church met at M5 week Mrs Mhriigl interesting gape Clute read Hedda Valli Titlighy lilf Family warship There was gum the morning crttre the Sunday Sela it jorned together In fem Mrs Spectra spoke on Homes puint py homes rim part of the of the rtwrnben in one anothr lrlm ur 11 for Muthers 111 Shirley Brock Mac nie lloudrii and it all of Toronto spc at their It5tll Wil Mr and Mrs Mr arid Mrs Toronto and Mr irzt 31 Goldsmith and hop iiiite Midland rll Halls Thankful for Rain The farmers hate ili completed their sowing it grain crops and all n1 31 for the rain Sunday IllKin DUST BOWL REMINDER WINNIIEG gt ICPI dust whipped tip by st winds reduced l$lllll itoba roads early thi minding many drivers of dust storms which swept iii and Saskatchewan in tht lilie vii TOP CROP HYBRID Field Corn NOW IN STOCK also NO CHINESE BEAVER VANCOUVER CPILkBecauscl GadefPnd the Japanese or Chinese languages Potato Ferflllzer have no word comparable to beav or the Canadian Pacific Steaml Shrubs Rose Bushes 10 ships will change the names of two of its vessels The Beavermore andl Beaverdcll are slated for the new Orient service from here startlith next August SEEDSMEN stxct 1811 MY CLIENTS HAVE MADE MONEY winking opportunities in From time to time write myclients about money thestock market Here are two examples of what mean Had you received the letter wrote $150000 llll in addition to this have received last year more in shares cost you originally about them AM we as AIR FORCE mommy mopav MAINE2 05mm 95 outrun mwmo COMPANY lIMITED letMe Tell You About Baska Uranium Mines If you thisle the big money made last year in base metal shate3 31 you did not get in on tltepmsent boiling oil utarketcdont miss the coming uranium boom Because unconvinced that lot of money is going to hellllllld mining uranium am sponsoring company Willi three properties in the heart of the biggest uranium development on thin continent The citinpanyhas more than $100000001n itstreasury If you would like to know why believe Ruskin Uraniuuthliues shat no 93 11 good It buy at this early stage as Silver Miller and upiter were when rst recormtiended them get in touch with me at ottt PM me phone or use the coupon below and by return mil will send yo convincing information will also tell you what think you ought to about Silver Miller Iities and acted upon my advice you would have bought 1000 shares for $23000mtml you could sell out today on The Toronto Stock Exchange for morc than very nice taxfree prot you would cash dividends than the 1000 it Another letter wrote was about pilot 011 shares llad you received 09 md again followed my advice you would have sent me $111000 01 1000 sharesuitil you could rsell out today on The Toronto Stuck Exchange for more than $400000 With the opportunities of these two stocks in mind believe have another just as attractive Neither Silver Miller or Jupiter Oil looked half its good when rst wrote 110 If you live iuor neat Toronto come in and see me HUGH BORTHWICK huIhb 11 Borthwlck Sou Owner 111315 Bortlivrlek 8118 21 KingSmct East Totonto Cnnudul Dear Mr ITIRthtsirk te Name Adamo tunnintttItttetsiu illllttltiuInlllllllli llugh llattliwitik RCO act Uranium Mines Limited them tvhlghig nggtigg in Phone EM 81091 Please mail me information abourlltiskti Uranium Mines Limited Ietittinitsttns1tA tII0lilODhlootuill Lllliltltlugtllllll III principals in the sale of Bush