Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1952, p. 7

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IWWT PIeasing RgcnBI Barrie Citizens Bond Town of Sonic 5433 Err3me man Lecture and Songs $16 Tindeffglns VFW TENDERS LOST LIIIV ltElitS VALELISE ngf3ay seam centrai 11 gt talmrric1ulcbred Shetland YZ 1211111 15111121111 Brown and IIIIV II 4512 1ft 51121119 It 54330 Gamma ir Ia IIII InnII II Cl 1111 um Inga53 phune 3539 wn Mum IIIII III II III LSIIIPIILISC rimmed II III III II II II Vr III Ttf7I Linn math lz1t 11 Milly of OwcnSt Thur TIE V5 11 11V I3 Ii II up 133 II In Ir II III Tux IVV AB II IV if 11 IV We proudly present the superb 1IIIII IV II may lift 91le return LHLKINAKY IN ELION It III II VIM 11111114 lltulvlfe Store WW Maw gt III II II II II II II III II II II II II 0R RENT VII VI II It III IIIII II IVI II V1 III III IV III III Township at VeSpra IIj II II IIIII YIIVI Thrh II IIIIIIIIII In 113 VI 5171 ll thtle Lake wI ll Strum lt1 7111 1411 n1 it 1V V1 lit1121 p111 21 Eunut II lrldnx It 51 21x 111lliitilt 111111cnlurmmut 111 11V 11 11 11111111 Iilc Emltltull of 1111111111111 $111 111llllLS Im 11 lKicllii pmlllm III II II II III II 312111 Illulitil writer 41111 III1IIIIIIIVI 11 II VIVIIII1III 111 anvil own llth 19 III II 411111I1 IEIIIIVIZ I111 11 spur Iills ItttslifiiIlIId Ishc lInattn no 11 11I 11 II 13111 111111 Or ownu 1111 C111111 I1I 111111221 nu ci REWARD Huh muulmis mmmiI IhmfmmIII Iu III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIVWII III DI IN II WSW I1 II Sllc hall 111m 121111 to 1111114111111111 11111 the willing blow 11tlIElll 1111 01 i11111l10 11 1mm villlldl 11 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII Iluclulcr 111111 gnvc the 111mm 111 ill Mn H111 Lultuullm 11 Ltlitllll III 111111 the law 11111111 glzlltpx DIM IIII IILI IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIILIIIII 12 honp Cup bug FI IIIIV 53I 111 21 1l ulll 11l1 1r In 111 11111111 ilclt 1111 and to 53 If XRl3l ndr FENDER elimency idlUfOS styling COHVQHICNCCI 11 gupu pm 1111 limp 2411111 VI mg muHI 1I AI 5IIII1111I M111IIIIIIIIII II VIII III MINI Ihv timothy hv had not Itl1 one II lull 1111211 1Vu 111VllVIIIf IIIII III 11gtttl 111 111 111111ll 111 ulm 11111 111 11111111111 I1111II1 3ch 1m in 111 111111 lift 11 Jtll plumm 111 11111115191 5111 had gt lllll1wc tlxllzg 1115 of sorrow with in Quin 11 1111111 sun11 MODERN bliOl II 13 II IIIIHIWH IVIllcultittll 11111111 norm of sylliplIIIIII II II VII SCHOOL BOARDS HIT III hm Impoml and dII 11 BARRIL 11111 APPLY To 1111 and dud l1 killdnws particu 11111111 Uliitt nm lollll II unopcd ll ovv for old books ilvr III II 111 Ill 121111111 ulll 511111111 Mcdlcul 111m IRWIN ll 17 11411110411 run widc range taking in 11 iinuz 131111111111 11111 lulu11 IIIiS sIVHNFJt DRIG STORE Exdugivo New Commie Micmphonn gt1 IMIIVCI the MCI bum15 IIIIIJIIIVIIIIIIIISI Dam IIIIIImOI IVIIII III1111gt1111y and 1111 1311 ulI AIII II 111 liI1Iiia Ilc11ulI leuth trail mlhng FuilJon Audio meommnu mwmluns of Vumru 111 Iny MC 11 101 x1 11 with on mmu MW 1V l1 11gt lt1 gt WW Id 313 191 lllllttl 11151113111 111 lgillllinll11ll in mm or hm mlgiflwwwp112 AxiinailSomalia 11J1lllllih lior1 Famou 4way Fmgqoud To comm Itll 1111211 11111113 511 Laud icllltim Comer Sf 11h NO 1311141 5mm llcu IIHUHI In sump Hunle hump 111m 111111111 11 ix1111 11 111111 mm 11111 pousoru1VIV 10Li Alo 1111 mum Illlllllts to 1111 ml FICC DemOHSUatlon lofDay Rennn PerdegC Ctntlt and lillt11ll 01411111 child 8111 had tllIltlyod Show II II Simone PPM Klllillll 1W1 fliltlll1inlllv 11nd lilnl 100k IllJ K0315 IM 0m MWN 12011111111113 11 lllllslou 1111 cumu Hal111 3111111 111111 tilt Vwius put of 11111 11mm 11111 when 111111 1jIIVI ml Ipol tum111 1111 111 11 win1 chncsdnv 111 bl ll Jill 10 lllllso hard to HIVL our home uul bu II 111 01 5115810 31 l11151211115122 mu Vndg Vm 1m big lhmumw WMRb BASH MOORE omu own onquapuomnywopenun mi gt0 IL Id show by Ill 51bll 111 Squadron N0 0mm ml T00 SMALL castinan instrument ofaverase sizeandwcishtmhooscthe llcnl lwchc or the aircraft 111 =1 INCH STONE 2mmMingamcwnmlng 1114111 prictd atoniy 335 Ingenious WorrySavor Emergency Switch llwrivl Svwlllv llllllr Wilson 11111 In 1115 Stalls Wort 111 11 Wcm 111111 Wriltllt 21119111 11f llnrrh Brunch 21 1111 11111111 11 pumme 1111 11 Slljll drill 01411151le11111 Cantcling Dcvkn if Your Waving impImam Pmih 11 he HI5p ppmIHNHLIII 511510 tflpIII1IHSI rmImgh it an Sm mum lllilv Irullzl Cilll 1H led 111111 1111 currlcd 111 1111511111111 111mAldgAnlnnmplww nish with Special gt 111 11V rumg ii lulu1 SLIIIlllCd Ill that ltludVv by reward furlI 111m 11 almulld 1111 01km of 341 llmbtI pm131 Barrie 921 am GRIVEL mmrm mmhagm Kl Phnrmacv ut Toronto for tho pnst Mills and llccllmllll it 115 ILdllV 211 111111013 in KUICII 11 10 CM InStill lovcd $1111 missed still cvcr 11111113111 Show at what thew 155 1V 31 gt 1119 I1cII1V 111111 111 1111 Muffin IaLI ICICII111I bIItI 13131 IN WIIIIIICMIII IIIICIHM mm Led II but Ill of 1lll11l Drug 5111111 Illllllmmll llilitf III 1p SIIIIIMIAIMS commandingmunI1AUIRlu IlornuI 11131112131101 HT KIN RAVLLI we Delive Phone UD DO CI 11111 II our car mo nur rs norm 11 ORILLIA BUSINESS 11 Sie booksThut highly mgrull 1Ll3 DEL who pusscd uuuy May 11 1941 DR Lvjy STONE WM and 0mm trades dealmg In heavy Olllmtb Without sinlzlc 111151 EIIILIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIV IIIIIII IIIII world IIIIIIIII 101101th 111 b01111 Humor 190 the 131 none 1111 THEN MOVCV Ewe rm qummmiw buildim Child 5110 Said lived Illmulzh 281m red mm 11 though absent she is over ucnr gust goods business ill Orillia was from the path mum mom KINCCI record of 1370 1111105 1n lloulzI Lovineg remembered by ililx ST HIGHESY OUALIYY PRICED RIGHT WHY PAY MORE 31 nrcr tlrcIsnmc period 115140qu 090 Indm on OFSABRES ARE COMING1 wean gtv bothcrcd her because as cvcry II III IIIG II III II doc Ibody knows in books you just 13 IRESll 19T Ire lc lWll Hrwwm va ccntl damzlgcd one ankle whenl31inOTQIIIItIIIElyiotggpgnct Students Tun QTOCK IHPLEMEVTS ll utcndlngIaIIiuc went into Iilc mus In western 5101103 on Mining Tour quluding entire herd of Registered 130 YKIWHH 03191131 Thflliddl She quippcd ntIsomc of the modI 10 xmV md gencml Ch cm leiSurely ction describingl group 0f 13 milling engineer one mama Who 10 lllelsuldcnts from VicGill Universrty utcd Toronto Maple Breeding Th1 Ilt Side Of the bed for 10 minmes do are on their way by CNR mil f0 Llrllililllclixisnm rlllOlTxiocme ding Whether 0r take an Hold itll 1110 minim mas aspirin VIIIIMHI Quebm not lastc r111 The speaker recalle suny ofjmnqm me ILol 12 Con Toy Twp Ida the lone travcller upon walledl LoI IIIIIIIIOI um Tim 1510 Pofbyicix arbour 11 50 ic uction on Holstein Cattle mostly all vaccini nitzhlmv who 111 not notice the doors in the walls but finallv open11150 SLdm 11 mm Fm TUESDAY MAY 20 home in Cimdlml Nutmnal mg 0m he him 113leme WU 130 1mm DST Books are those doors and lead R311 ms 931 CATTLE WILL SELL AT Innl manv interests and studies in biolVtekS While they V15 V31 1011 NO RESERVE logy and other scientific subjectSI ICadilluc Mnlartic and Noranda tOICHASI HI THORNTONI Auctionemz IYou may even learn how to get =90 at 51 and mmmg 0p 31 1810an llh other 13601310 lee us give your MIS Hurst tomth upon DOEtIl They will prepare their 01mg 42 11 frozen F00 est DPOkC of talented Ouno TOIOMO meal in 0011101211 115115 to liICMI cur qIIfmm utcr and as an 1ndlcauon of lamon mine as check todaIYI Iverse gwenI laughmglyI amongI ODHTAL PATIENTS mu save ou lmcnds by that write VThe lamb Daily average number of paticnisl what Mary had Of Old would now in public hospitals of Canada in mneY1 IIht goldgv our factory mined bowligrtlfiurst 1seliilsolakpoeteltlt 135laaghhhloljzilllnin inelctiiltemgfl rig yu 01 31 mechanxcs WI Icompllmg book of verse and read check yo steering Id Doe In the Idem StyleI upon 1949 HOUSEHOSLD ins ect fronbend mom IIIS ring Dances Across me cm bnlfnce from 1111ch agemblic 1111111211 she wrote in Yonge St phalIMCY FOI some 1931s MV and ELEMENTS and equalize tire pressmes actor converting the name from Liliths Hurst spent the summers atv 111 Idizizcn1ngceing0lLC pgggce adverhacment ln aghlsamehoreaylcl1htheIlandI Phone Il one example Scape an ca 13 yn urs Iations carried out in this area Whee angnmenl Xoptimistic outlook quoted littch Doidwe extended the thanks HAVE YOUR WHEEL ALIGNMEN 151 CHESIIKED FREE 2f the group to the Sun amstb Coop Standard Refrigerate II II Has Will WWW I1 price was Chrycoisutrudamark ofthe Chlysler Coroomtion of Canada limited MrIS Hurst IthSIa great interest in Bame and dlsmct becauseI as the She herd dauhter of Rev An 1211 SIM had IVCd at MldhurStfor some III lirca1ggssceri II LUXE MODEL 090 No Trade LIMITED lgmnizd No doubt about It theres ml coor value 111 these grand tP ns gt Chrysler Plymouth Fargo 1W3 oafstllgnlalae Naiiron GO magmmicoemmlsgonobtgt mingling WW Price lHurst and was 111th the late Ar cost ktheso pointsadd up to the refrigerator youll wantto awn Cosh mm patterson in Anamme While II 55 El Ph 24271 studying chemistry and later be 132 $353331 13supo$loyilii 21111113 11 1mm ea Trm ege There are three models to chum tram Datum Royal and Standard which means youll sure to findamodel lust ght for your needs VlsltyourLacaICOOP soon and asktosewemw 000P VI Bottigmitorsl Below are listed some of theappliances on display in our store now This Sale 15 on our present stock only We are proud of these and you Will be proud to own them 1V gt The Coop Line Refrigerators Deep Freezers Milk Coolers are all made in huge Corop Factory in Minnsota They aremodern quality appliances direct from our factory to you for economy 1V or $2900 down and $1275 per month GENEROUS TRADEIN 121 As for the Line come mand quality compare itILQull seewhy we can sell you with confidence Lumber MI Work Servrce REGULAR PRICES II 11 VI gt BUILT IN MUST BE CUT II DEEP FREEZERS Mdemize your kitchen with get ofkughen cui Rogers Majestic Console neat waveIIModelsI boards matany our skilled ciattsmen We can SHkaGAlNGRGWING MASHWILL Do THAT used $10900 9009 34130 1mm $18300 to $21 011 make and installa Set in yourhomelor usurpris IMPORTANT JOB FOR YOU BECAUSE Consolesc705 $20650 Comp 15 0111 1o Rangesq Models VV GE Cunsoles C707 529650 from $204900 t1 WWV 1813 low 005 gt No feed at any price will grow better pullers 2V Consoles 07061 $249 50 Coop 22 cu $69950 full td baswoods and 11 VV 1V care seec IVI gonstru made in our shop or In your home SHURIGAIN is sold direct from the Enmu 13 BlaCK1D3Y11ght $469 50 II REFRlGER It 1313M 1t on facturer to the feeder which means that tu is 0001 60551 Im away that we know issue as IIS Hi hEQuamyx IV AV ANGED 0w we 01 Coop Deluxe Simplicity $220 00 13 DeLuxe1lm 91r$4590Ems the new Side lope gt BUDGET TERMS gt um SHURGAIN FEEDING PLAN IS DESIGNED TO Coop Royal IIIIIIIII II IIIII 5ng 10 only Comp D1I9C as above Cooling TYPE Gem 6501111Pontablc Cooler You ACmEVVE 11 90 0p Gama wered Several used models from $15000 Gem In Quote Until ECONOMY IN PRODUCTION 26 N91 NoIM89 sl7901 down This year more than eerPRIOFITVWIISE Fenders are turning 130 SHURGAIN flhse are Regular Prices on Seasonabllines generous tradedn allowance BUT if you have no trade in come 111111111391 us quote youIIomlImi trade Sm TERMS CASH 011 sunscrme erru up munch ll to the many shed and lifwa available Onnighway 11 opposite the Mincts Point 111111031 and Incuser leave aImessaee at 43321111111111representative II ELEVATOR and FEED Milly II Phone 51mm Coded Barrie 2118712271 II IV

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