Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1952, p. 12

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anXWn new wasMM lcl in MArvWW no5 rgkvpmglafpwqii WWTYN wml solsobs rang While student new take vial tors on tours of the Royal Vic tori Hospital Monday mernoon the Womens Hospital Auxiliary will serve tea in the nurses reelworld as it morass and deuce Tour Ind tea hours in two about us today to six oclock in the afternoon Like Mountain Music lot of people in this district do any way We mistakenly culled one hillbilly singer at the Grand Old Opry on Wednesday night cow boy and he corrected us sharply We dont know as he actually qualied as eitheron questioning him we found he admitted to coming from Hamilton Ont not originally Originally he was from the West he assured us Seems hes kind of mixed up on what constitutes hillbilly too But we think we picked one of the only Canadians in the group The rest had accents that only could have originated in Alabama or Tennessee Woodsworth editor of the Ottawa Citizen has gained greatA admiration for Canadian Clubs irt his lecture tours across Canada At the local clubs annual meeting this week he said that he had discovered certain admirable qual ities about the organizations They link up people of similar outlook Surprise Shower Honors Ferne Wood Bridecleci surprise miscellaneous show or was given Monday evening May in honor of Miss Ferne Wood at the home of Mrs Ted Hardacrc 228 Duckworth St Mrs Burton assisted the bridetobc in opening her many beautiful gifts and Mrs Tat tersall proposed ll toast conveying the sincere good wishes of all at tending Over 20 friends were present Among the guests were Mrs Bruce Davis and Mrs David Merner of Toronto sisters of the bridetobe After an enjoyable evening lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Allan Clark and Mrs Ken Ramsay Healrh Unit Nurse Elected to Ontario Executive The annual convention 0fthe Registered Nurses Association of Ontario was held in Toronto on April 24 25 and 26 at the Royal York Hotel At this convention Miss Marg aret MacLachlan director of nurs ing services Simcoe County Health Unit was elected as chairman of the Public Health Nursing Com mittee of the RNAO and as such becomes member of the execu tive of the provincial nursing as sociation if Sludenr Nurses With Health Unit The Simcoe County Health Unit provides month Of practice work for students enrolled in thepub lic health nursing course at the University of Toronto School of Nursing Under the supervision of the public health nurse these stu dents are given an opportunity to apply to the actual work situation the principles of public healthllon Mrs Knox and Mrs nursing that they have learned during their year at university During April Miss Glenna Dow ney and Mrs Jessie Mills public health nurses working from the Orillio office of the Simcoc Coun ty Health Unit were the field mbut it must compare very favor end similar interests arross this diversied country he suggested And usually Canadian Club mem bers have great interest in the changes Mr Woodsworth had some start ling statistics to give in connec tion with his subject Can Food Keep Pace with Population In India today life expectancy is seven years an din Egypt the int est statistics show that it is IS years More than half the people dic before they are five years old llc did not mention what the cur irent life expectancy is in Canada ably Ills striking statement that lCliuzldll has higher brithrate than In0l Oriental countries including lepan Russia and India made it lsccm likely that given few more illundrcd years the East may be lworrying about how to feed the lstorving millions in our fleeLlllg lnorthlond sLawyer Stresses importance of iCar insurance Huber Smith barristrr was lspeakcr at the regular meeting of lthe Prince of Wales Home and lSchool Amociation held last Mon Eclay evening at the school The speaker gave an informative ltaik on automobile insurance siressing the necesity of sufficient coverage for the average family man so that he will not find hinl self in dire straits due to the pres ent day judgments that are being allotted in the courts Mr Smith further emphasized3 the importance of every person making will citing illustrations 50f complexities that arise in cases gwhcre this is not done lively discumion period fol lowcddunng which questions were answcred by Mr Smith The speaker was introduced by Neil MacDonald and thanked by the club vicepresident Stafford who presided at the meeting in the absence of the president Coutts Charles Newton also address ed the association at its April mcet ing dealing with affairs of the school board ill which all mem bers were interested Approximately 80 members were in attendance at the meeting which opened with report from Mrs Clcmmens chairman of the pro gram committee social hour followed the ldf dresses of the two speakers and re freshments were sealed lLegion AU iliary Hold Successful Card Party The ladies auxiliary of the Bar rie Legion held successful card party at the Oddfellows Temple lon May The guests were welcomed at thei ldoor by Mrs Adams president and Mrs William Fleming lst lviccpresident Conveners for the card party were Mrs Harris and Mrs Jewell Several prizes including door prize were donated by local mer chants and individuals The prizes were lucky draws and were won by Mrs Sarjeant Mrs Tim mons Mrs Sinclair Mrs Howard Mrs Harrison Miss 50 Dunnett It Wilson Skrypnychuk Giles Burl Drake The door prize was won by Mrs Webster Lunch was served under thel Iconvenership of Mrs withthe help of the ladies of thel auxiliary Hadden RobinsonRoss Nuptials are Held The home of Allen Ross Dril lta decorated with spring flowers we the setting for the marriage of his sister Miss Kntherlne Mary Day Rose only daughter of Mr and Mm R035 Orillla to Chiquc Robinson Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Robin son Barrie Rev John Robson of Huntsville conducted the ceremony The bride given in lrlarriege by her father was attended by Mrs Andy Hunter Toronto She wore smart sult of navy gabardine Small hat of grey feathers and white orchid corsage The groomsman was Albert Bar rette Toronto reception followed the wed ding The bride and groom Will me in Toronto Killaloe is Fine New Customs Boat SAINT JOHN NB May One of the finest customs patrol boats on the Atlantic seaboard has been placed into operation at this port The Kilialoc built at Tullcook island NS was designed by Nova Scutiall Roue who drew the pious for the famous fish ing schooner Bluenusc The new vessel is 42 feet long and has speed of nine knots licr cquipmcnt includes radio zln oils burnillg stove sleeping accommoda tion for four men and lifeboat She was named after community in Revenue Minister Mchlnns con stituency of Renfrew South Ont Customs officials here had been without vcmcl of their own since removal of the Ilayman from scr vicc year and half ago Pend ing arrival of the new boat they used the port doctors craft The Kiilaloc has complement of three Custom officers board all incoming ships at anchor HalfSize Fashion messuiiew 51AM WW THIS IS FOR YOU The brand new talllooking slimmaking Em pire Style And this is your own halfsize fashion too Less tting to do no alteration worries grand twosome for your busy days and gay dates Pattern R4853 HalfSizes Ill2 monomouomouomouo 1312 1815 20 2212 24 size 165 ensemble takes yards 391 inch 15 yards contrast This pattern easy to use simg pie to sew is tested for Has complete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CKNIS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Printl Arnold Mrs Midhursi CoupleMark Silver Wedding Cundles WA Ends Season With Euchre Party Cundles Womens Auxulary held its closing pnrty on Wednesdayl April 30 at the horm of Mrs Ken Miller social convcrler Sixteen members and visitors Were present The evening was spent playing cuchrc The prize for the highest score was won by Mrs Ken Millir while Mrs Lou Graves lml consolation prize draw for the mo lone hands between Mrs John Murray and Mrp Graham was won by Mrs Murray The monthly draw was won by Mrs Charles Brooks Lunch was served by the bus tesses Mrs Hubbcrt 51 Mrs Burbidgc Mrs Murray and Mrs Graham after which gwgrapil contest was held Mrs Lornc Olhil the president 1hr thanked Mrs Miller for thy ller of Photo by Smiths Studio MR AND MRS NORMAN BARRETT of Midhllrst pictured with their son and laughter Barrett celebrated their 25th llllllW Mr and Mrs Francis wedding anniversary on April 25 One hundred guests including several from Barrie Tor onto Collillgwooici Oriilia Tron water attended reception at Creek Shanty Bay and Cold tlle Barrett home and 42 were present for silver wedding anniversary turkey dinner Mrs Barrett is the former Kathleen Hayes of Shanty Bay and was married to Norman Barrett of Barrie 25 years ago on April 25 1927 by the late Dean Hugh Sweeney at St Marys Church in Barrie One of thei rett was present for the nilniv bridal attendants Mcl Bor ersnry celebration if Smith Mrs Colitis Mrs French Mrs Lamb Mrs Stillgcon Miss Ramsay Mrs iicgci Mr and Mrs Mehcr allrs Buckingham Mrs Kabc Mrs Institutes Ciubille Mrs Hunter Mrs Jcbb Mr and Mrs Houghton 1lrs Creighton Mrs Ralli Ni neiySix Take South Simcoe New York Tour Names of the 96 county people who travelled to New York recent ly on fourday weekend tour sponsored by South Slmcoe Dis trict lOlIltllb lllst TLs are as fol lows Lm Mrs Altha licalllcrillgton Mrs Gladys Caldwell Mr and Mrs Aidcrson Mr and Mrs Latil mer Mr and Mrs Banting Mrs Pearson Miss Jean Bailey Mrs Whitesidcs Miss Banting Mrs Baxter Mrs Baxter Mrs Halbcrt MrsG Wilkinson Mrs Beth Burger Mrs Dunn Miss Barbara Dunn Miss Barbara Kerr Miss Mabel Hand Dunn Thompson McLean Mrs Watson Mrs Gibson Mrs McVittie Mr and Mrs Shephard John Brolley Mrs McQuay Mrs Spencer Mr and Mrs Hodgson Mrs Wood Mrs Blackwell Mrs Kell Mrs HHughes Miss Wilcox Mrs Kell Mrs Gorham Mrs Gorham Mrs Kell Mr and Mrs RaLSOll Mr and Mrs Glassford Mrs Reid lvlrs Gregory Mrs Carr Mrs illiss 3D Harvey Mrs Hughes Mrs Hughes Miss Isobcl Kneeshaw my Mrs Lowery Mrs Haldane Wilson Mrs Spence Mr and Mrs Noble Miss Mary Warnica Robertson Mr and Mrs lcnll Calnpiiu Mrs Smyth lliss Jean Watson Mrs Elviss llrs Council Mrs Stccrs Mrs Iitchie Miss Ritchie Mrs Harvey Miss Muriel Mchcr Mrs Miss Mary Mcnary Mrs Jcssop Mrs Welcil Mrs Monk mall All county papers llllcrcsted zlrc rcqucsted to copy the report on the tour prepared for The Exam incr by Mrs Monklnun district president Gardening Theme Of My Meeting Mitchell Square The Sewing Club girls presented skit and display of their bed room accessories at the May meet ing of Mitchell Square Womens institute held last Thursday at the home of Mrs Miller The girls presented their leaders MrsScott and Mrs McArthur with gifts during the meeting With their leaders they wcre also plC sentcd with sewing kits by Mrs Gordon Jcrmey on behalf of the Mom Sweet her home find lnzldc StVLIl closing remarks The opening lllectlng of the fall season will be held in Scp tembcr 3r Films if interest in May Block at Public Library The block of films available at the Barrie Public Library for members of the Barrie and Dis trict Film Council during the month of May contains two films of particular interest Terrible Twos and Trusting Threes is study of child be haviour at two and three years showing what to expect from youngstch of these ages and sug gesting methods of dealing con structively with problems they present Routine Job is an example of the routine work of Scotland Yard police constable reports rob bcry to headquarters Clues are followed up ill Londons East End The criminals are found and brought to justice Among other films available dur ing the monthnrc Canadian Wheat Story Docs ll Matter What You Tllink Eyes For Tomorrow Gras Sv Shires Inside Newfoundland Mexico Today Music In The Willd New Chapters North To Hudson Bay Primitive Painters of Charle voix Saint John Valley Singing Stars Of Tomorrow and Trappch Of The Sea Womens Institute There was good attendance at the meeting which opened with the president Mrs Walker in the chair The opening ode was follow cd by roll call Gardening Hint Mrs Earnhardt agriculture con vener introduced Mrs Storey who gave an interesting talk all garden ing Current events was taken by Mrs Albert Strachan The meeting closed with The Lords Prayer followed by the Serving of lunch CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING lment valued ct SIM was coumntlfamsoops trout ltbl before l3 cared from group of Xitchcneritrout lishermen csugbl by acme wzr lwtre at the Grand River near here FERGUS tCPl Fishing equip fdcn in possession of illmen season opened The men hwuboMM mnwwmw WhineHandgun ammumuwa mwdowhhm DUI RENTAL PLAN mm mm Willis HARDWARE so DUNLOP sr BARRIE won 23 Mal tileWkl SPECIAL NO 45 SIEVE CHOICE AYlMER PEAS 23 15 Fluid Ounce TINS To The Mother of an Examiner Carrier Sunday is Mothers Day On that day and everyday we stand in tribute to the won derful mothers of our corrier boys rSpanishjllill All proceeds drewgomg towirs ADD ii the month of May Miss Ruth 1103 wmg at the Royal Victona Hos Send Order 10 AN ADAMS and M155 Elem 3931101 Plal are The 33 mammal so gt Sweets to We stand in admlration and respect for your part ill the newspaper route 1mm health55 Pm me Ba wcuooi Esnmms Kilian Dec 60 mm west busmess fllSllln encouraging your son to assume the lresponslbilitles of 13 and Ammo mm route and then in seeing that he promptly delivers hispapers collects 1th Umt 111 old the acth Collulgwood public school board fo we or studerlls lifiss Lia Flaxman cut its estimates by $5000 following regularly lS courteous to his customers and pays his paper bill on time and Miss MBroadbept meeting with Town Council anew tastetluill forroulur=tr crownlllllwllcunltsvnur sesamem 904 xulde3for students Miss Nlbi Itt and Miss Stremecki For the Legion Room in the offering affine selection of deli cious copdies for Mothers Day PHONE 2414 The time of delivering papers sometimes interferes with plansparents have made but we havo found that mothersadjust their schedule to enable the Josto deliVecto customers at the regular time 79 With your assistance he is an industriousbusyboy learning like fundamellt alsvrof good business principles rind developingthe habitsidr yndutry thrift nnd manliness if people worthwhile whomhe Would otherwise be unable to contactrlt prol His route gives him the opportunity to meet and become frielldshvithf video him with extra money he needs earned money more than any Weeklyallowoncew tgothevalues We haveu fine organization of carriers The good qualities we in Vhem Choose fruit and nut as sortments cordfaIs creamsor caramcls In one to five pound boxes gift decorabed especially for Mother See them uow willmfs ollug srolig 338le 33 3323 are but prefiection of their good mothers Styto you mothers we Send our heartiest congratulations particular on this specialocoaslon set aside in your hbnor Mothers 1me IL If =f ll if

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