Bolas it Reeve Clifford Lockhart back in the chair at the regular matting or Innisl Council Mom any in Churchill It was tunnel that the rates or the chroy hall were similar to Churchill so no open or WM nu tam on the 5th lim which is now ennui ms made for metUnit It the multcr as finally mm hhcep 1th and 0E3 tisllkfxmtwf all bung used for farm purpose wtll likely mean that Stroud hall Com Gmbms WM Mal of ELM $13100 4th 112111 11 mb 1010 1th was Withheld until report lt in align Se mL 5mm mm the was cord or umiiill imidldi iii glldnillodiiitil hiiplmu Ian Vliitr tlctldcd on be Ubumdd When math prefer Chenille my Homebpun tux ipphcant thL indttciII Should not IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHim ZIWiinonth or morn ngto mukc up the To in mud Jun Spreads 3011 ll find wide ChOlCC ill alkerS See these Hewitt Ditch Debtan law be d5d 31 nttm ml WU bedtillful sprcads plenty to choose from Tuwnsmp Engineer we 15 we only mummr wmch we 11 xi liloill tm ltd An pbng Lite lVMmUl lg tbl UI taunt the roar inanciii an present discqu uh home tsrscpiffxt Epujpcjztcr 1422 WW ll ttlttt 1111llllllt llltc lintI MIMI Ihf IHIH Lined up Hf HnmmuuwI Comm RnId um llampiyvrs 3m in mifflf Mag khicd an is anmmzh bcint Dilltl out IglvanLil imizfd Giftioui aiiourmiwnt until Monday June owners along Io owl 1C1 II in ltl ric fI II which drains It lands bdwccn pm knIM makes 31 11 Imamin that um Lhangtd mmmd 33 WNW some of at Shoud qulmIS Lalltd Into Lb Con across and on to UM my effort to opcralc lhcm placm pro IlIIIIIIlIId3ldI iflgthc llltlllbtin ILJllltil jugtt vlizit RWW This men which was placed 35 tllll clIH tlm nould mmn tiny immediately fndauon To 5530 an award mum in 1ng has been Dumb Rm Swuuh hatISIlIUIultiII 1I31 Inn Iin mu idiom WW IIINIIRI IIIIII bIIIIII oInIuIIn III III IIIIIIIIII IIIII Theres my nice collection of new drapery fabrics now kept in order bl DCTlUdlCUl aim as goo Cmuuuuml MI mum it with blimd Mm dndll Th NWT dim rm lllllkllllltltd Tilda femurgd in our second oor Dept at $159 yard up tion which it is claimcd is again bc little torgitcncss in thc Iiiart coibidcrablc discussion congmmdivuul wlui buy them all ready for 1138 nccdcd Thom in the delegation He Mid that he had burn mlvismi llcputv litcw Sproulc lgt not he incantnnc the Clark has II were Melville Cook on wliOSc hill HUM Will WC lllld 11W ill Nmml 110 bimrijlh an mlV my the igtlllh01lhlllltllllllllllltIlilllljldmt33 Ready To Hang Pa Property in Con the course bc Hd against 10 illlilicalit taxcd high ax ho lld tliatllilli NOW and to bc crhnmcndcd Ll1 the hon gins Orville Cameron ncxt along PI am lot of pcoplc had HtUIld small 911 Ittmlilllmg ill3 50 Hit fwd carom mmg put into Kcn Wright north half of 8th 0m liouw dog that Would run from aim bill be ltlldtlkll Sim 1i LOVEL ALL WOOL Tlic llccvc itlYthd that aptcial tuv 01k up ilk llLd light 10105 the toad III IIHII MI Shun ll Iunnd lldlillltnh tin It Wt gt101 bl Wm 10 mo Depanmcm Ferguson Fialick Thomas Wright glgjmt IIIIIIth lquIIIIIIlI IItax it double thu work unlcss tho bylaw was fhImcpr1 whim who Md WI co ica gt Imiq III xixuuLaLlfiiimftlhk kcuxilkUl nto tho cotidltlutls at tho paik Sllpluhlm HIM UN Vklilm 011 tf mUI LIllllllltlltltil Air hiniwlcs to the II II he if wilt pgrulauiczhifg lottcr was road from the Pro lhv dog llllltl hay bmnng mIII if 111IJHI Hm lillgtllli NLLKLLFS II Vim1 mm Engine the tax dnl not got gunmanaim WW MA gnoocung ElgrlilxIttIcZSFizdLllt MN me BURY Ski what it any action MIN tint motion 21 11111111 ll mm Change tmm LXCITING SOihc otl thine thought that the had yet be mm in mane mmld Axwxor wunm Slum Ldiallilttlirflf122lDt Htun infllligh llb GIFT FOR lat ii lwhusc hitics includc lllt Cll1l lwwr lll away as as the lIll lDlllllflltlSp litxKlllfLStklllll lot do lilx calm in llll ibidctgtl ssussnwm was MM the 10 LARRINGS MOTHER Itch cour 11 it in the lth IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIS IIOlIIIIIII IIIIIII II IIICLIIlISI III the IIIIIIIIIHIIIU Wm IUDI ItIuI LIiIiIir lItf xtIalcd that Milli 13ng III III IIIO II II GHT blTb We ve truly grdnd II ll itl it this tltgt gt cu these dng out 01 mm pang nnm ha bun lllhlllltiml to xtaLlII IIII collection hm mun 0w aIIIIISI the usual 5pm Cleanup and It jIlIilad humid Ill Illn clmugoIctIlI bIILIllldIlllIlIIll llltdtb Nov 49 INTERNATIONAL IrIiI pull deluxe wool blank Mr Wcir stated that thcrc wcrc N3 order is 10 mm llrddn 10I lmlhl It tllghwllfI haveElianllllmizi l1 cxliiidl 10k pltllb TON PANEL gm cts now in stock 101 one oio ic iccnxinul El HR 11 thrcc things Ticcdcd to decide ml buldmbb de If 11 these hpdlk startcd lIL statcd 11m nibuh Illtlllll iica tlu highcst whole the thers la ltts hr whether dud mmed 111 muum MiamiL hmk PM was that thc motion wis WEIin HI illllll ratc will be closc to 35 This ling COSLumC MO mum SLTOML If 1m awessmcms llllll thc sanitation nialtci 11 IIIIIIIIIII IInhOIIIII not VIII IIIIICI 11 IV were of pi pCr proportions third fmfd MM 27 Should Have orrcct Acreage durum rwimva mm ieqwli fwe 01 MOTth It it was iuxt to bc clcancri or JCmcs hmkM mm Robl II lcrIl rat is II pieces 111 ALWAYS ENloyb did it rcquirc additional work Ws Ms mm con WilliL mm mlttl ldhl in ndildl Im 1111 mm it NEW PAIR OF SJCSSN or 05$ 10 00 After some dlscmsion l1ll Jmlc Mb ML 111 Hl NI 233 Bradford bl Ill 4981 Mothers mm Wde it HIS HOSch nm as Sinai out with some 114i Ihcsc costs arc the only ours hat In dclcfltmn IO inif ImI Educational Meeting acrcs lhc assessor should make ovcr which Council has control 110011 101 other roOm indcontinijic th talks township Omcmls lei VM sure The milwi culvcrt Wi 11 Hill mum illClUdlnli Clllki MsWY Gordon Mackay NY wlicrd tlicw1tcr 1xlblllllL to md Other umcmls um Red to PRICES theyre cannon fme Musnn Sheets Ittond Intcling arangcd by tho th hi lltlllt Mother be stoppcd It did not take away ST Rl tactical the dmimgc Dopartmcnt of Mun cipal Affairs pretty pM likes DOUDIC bed size 895 in Barrie when thcy will haVcI Gifts for 181 align THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD 100 quality par iou roblcm confrontin municil there had been some dispute prc IIHES and their gum Featuring viously Blythe McConkcy felt This mccting lll be held on that he 10 1d replace Im CIgecsllol May 10 commencng at am DST er HARD EMBROIDERED 51510111 Three Years Await Action Mr Weir did not agree as he claimed thcact did not provide for it The nal outcome after mornings discussion was that no action be takcn until the culvcrt under the tracks be settled as to depth Mr Weir gave report on hisl suggestions as to the handling of water drainage over property of Mr Mantier on the 6th line This was left to the road supervisor to endeavor to adjust along the lines he suggested The 12111 West Course The ratcpaycgs aftcctcd by the proposed ditch on the 12th west of Highway 27 are to attend meeting at Holly School on Wed nesday of this week when the en glncci of the Department of High ways and the township engineer will be present to go into the mat tcragain This is the ditch which Judcharvic has asked for under the Water Courses Act in order to drain his and other properties in that district to Sh for P1 pc ch sh CO Ask Sanction of Change Following motion by Barrie District Collegiate Board to have portion in the Cookstown area changed to Alliston District Will iam Wainica township represent ative was present with it map to show the area included These pupils art now going to Alliston school and are much closer than to Barrie They are being paid iOI by Barrie The transportation problem to Barrie was much great er than to Alliston CouncIl agreed that th change should be allowed The county committee will have final recom mendotion of Barrie Area Debenturc The share of the debenture charg 5791870 This is over and above the amount required to operate which is also abovc last years levy by Isome 155000 The mill rate neededto raise this sum in the north area will be 58 of that assessment Mr Warnica gave the gures 01 costs expended to pay 101 education of pupils atrhigh schools outside theorea for which Barrie was responsible Nantyr Park At Beach Nantyr Park Bcdch sent dele gate Mr Wingrove to ask that roadway leading to the water be lled by the township so asto make park for bathing They agreed to provide the ll from the property close by Council will look this War and decide soon Dance Hzill Liceneg James Rolston proprietor not Miners Point dance hall was pre cisont to have thcmatter 01 his license discusscd This 10110wod ItlIe action of Council on Friday whens motion Was passed that no licean bejgranted pending the outcom of decision on Some urt case in which he was said chamohad been made agalnst calving violation of the ecv Sproule told Coun cil Vth thin the motion was pass he been turthcr approached god zoueto Barrie where he planned Ilia ascertalncd that no Elite mm mm mummy MAY 1952 Mic Council had rescinded the motion Whit magrwd With mm and when he told him to go bucr and no pg Imd Um II Mrs William Goodfcllow came matter settled that she claimcd had been hanging over for three ycarau Mrs was once divcrtcd over this pro sidc of the 9th line to the lakcm She claims that this is municil p11 problem Clerk Allan told her that copth until the water was taken property Road Supervisor Cowan said that some of the watcrusing this course had been creek and that more could be if an additional culvcrt and course was made across the road west of cidcd to look the situation over Mono Township to ask the support votes in an agreement to form at watershed Valley He felt that if conser vation authority cd to Innisl this year will be ithoSc in the area gimpSupt of rxpcmc get tin tam crs and pzopczty ownch Inoic in in gcncrui pint that Cguuwilgz jaggfwould bi provided So izicliiicd lnc lintw Ul Mono Lilli laat Li The rcSult was that Mr liixlzton rimting no plamicd In lltilllrf told to mine did back later or 311 Jinn and he solicnnl tin hvlp the Run or 1iniiil to not on bclialt of lilo odiortirc llln hail unul Council to endeavor to have has bccn cndoavoring to got plan of some property passed registration and this has been attrition held up by the Dcparlmcnt of anning and Development Goodtcllow claims wateri Messages of Current Interest This Atomic Age Signs of the Times Etc lullsized picture will be drawn and given free each night to the one bringing the largest number of vis itors rty She requests that this be tinged either by sending it down southerly course or down the could not get the plan acI re 01 and not sprcad ovcr thof changed to the southI rise in the road Council dck Everyone Is Welcome Invited To Ilartlclpate Reeve Parker was present from Innistil in obtaining sufficient the for Nottawasaga was formed it CI Hwyn DOwn Ddyment Essie so $900 PER MONTH The worlds finest this StrombergCorlson RodioiPhonogrOph with speed Automatic Re cOrdPIOycr featUreS modern picture framede sign waInutlfInIsh console cabinet with con coledjphOnOgraph player ind record stOrage cOrporfment Permanent magnetic Isotonef yspegker Variable tone control Full vision eOSy Toreod IIIuminateddial Built in loop antenna Ipmemmensions 33 high 23l2 wide dame SEE THIS MODEL IN OUR wINDoW TODAY Tum AFTERTRADEJ would llllmlale the workauwug this my need conservation ciy it was zigircd 13 the onus was rail be up scvcral more mills abadly in this Valley he Statedgm in Jolltt to know how much And on could get an authorunload he lzm An instance fumfi flockmx djrnk ptartcd we could withoat any grrati IzigI curtd oil term be Um We tillt tizv Tina Stages of tilt days nitcling BAGGETT Pianist and MISS MAE BAGGETTT Soloist Is nitricgrammars no 0DDFELLOWS TEMPLE BARRIE SPONSORED BY THECHRISTIANAND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE mr Haw ant surreal he tanned correctly Writre there is Strect lighting and glibagc rolleetlons use tax rate tic bylaw which would licensa duck car racing tracks in the t=iilllp The license in was set $150 rcccnt Act 01 the pro tll itglsloltlit wt out the rci 4llUlln 9151 mm cited when it SS at chcl 100 acres lm biggts inii inmt important Mill Rite Nightmare lillt1 of IV do GS brought up At Lam Dance Llccme Withheld That uni mill rates to arms llittcivncc in school iratmzml coda or dcv 11 lloucil applied for peri lIl to operate dance bull in PRETTY New LINGERIE DAINTY THINGS OUR LINGERIE BUYER HAS HAND PICKED THESE SPECIALLY FOR MOTHER SLIPS GOWNS PYJAMAS CAMISOLES PANTIES BRASSIERES GIRDLES ETC THERES TRULY WONDER FUL LACE TRIMMED GORD ON MACKAY SLIP OFFERED Al ONLY 298 PILLOW CASES Chalk Artist on mm Richly hand embroidered in Madeira these gases will charm mother 459 and 550 pair Its Easy to Buy Pretty Things for Mother AT WALKERS SCARVES HAN DKERCHIEFS FLOWERS RI BBONS NECKWEAR GLOVES for MOTHER Whether Mother likes her gloves in fabric skin or silk youll find them at Walkers PricesStart At 100 TRADEIN ALLOWANCEiw MOTHER WOULD LIKE DELIGHTFUL PRETTY BLOUSE UMBRELLA Youll find thm here in great variety Sheers crepes nylon sheets or tricot including figures and plains very smart collection of styles Shop for MobheTat Walkers 411 7sz 298 FORYOUR OLD RADIO ON THIS Theresnodiriicuuy to seIecII 1forMoth HER thandsome paraso MOT er from our wide selection A1 WILL most anything you could hope WELCOME to see in pretty umbrellas NEW Priced 393 to 750 HANDBAG SIIIIII Walkers IiSthc storeta ICIOMIFIQRTEBSQSS turing the wondrful largo stock oijpretty III ghandbags 101 Mother PILLOWS 3349 495 Sgieiggszges9r $14995 llll 350