Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1952, p. 12

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Two We girls sail today fromter of DAlton McCarthy The two Quebec City to join their husbands women who inspected the local who are taking eightmonth army nursing members were however courses in England Mrs Lloyd well qualied in other respect Cornet and Mrs Jerry Betting left Toronto last night to travel by train to Quebec where they are sailing aboard the Scythia for England Thcy expect to rcl Mrs Cronyn provincial sup erintendent was awarded the Or der of the British Empire alter the Second World War when she was in command of thc whole turn to Canada sometime in DCClleadlutt toinans Army Corps ember Mrs Botting recentlyl returned fiom Moose Jaw Snskg alchewan to vmt fill her par3 in England and Europe She shares with the other inspecting officer Mrs ll Anderson of Stioud cuts Mr and Mrs SUJCIXHDtl0ltttlil ruining officer the before leaving to Join hcr husI band Lteut Ilottinp served with honor tI being liczid woman if the St John Ambulance in On thc Canadian Infantry in Kuicu form during the past yczir Mrs Cornct the former lZlcunor KtIly lllgtl The IJLChL thing in lmozito teen bccn 51de Bank mm tum it Loki IiIILILS bu departure for England LL Izin Sinclair provincial conimissioncr for the St John Ambulance was wishing that his wife were with him when he in spected the Barrie Brigade on Fri day evening Mrs Sinclair has strong local connection as the for iner chili McCarthy granddaugh IIIIHIIIIIISTHIIMESIIIW We iust love our AIR SHADE Aluminum Awn lngs Theyve done so much for our homel ms ALUMINUM Awmus YESGE AIR ADD BEAUTY STYLE zvrnv HOME F01 BETA15541 IUlt tliool titittcm unit the ind has routhot is for north in Barrie Iitdtiy cvcniiic before the BUCI graduation tIlIIlCt Miss Beverley Uutill entertained zit her home I27 Iluppcrton Strcct with coke party About It couples were in attendance In Toronto the younger set also go in for biezikfmt parties in the curly morning hours but we havent hcnrd of any of them so for in this cction of the country The spring flurry of ruminch stiles reached its pciik on Saturday With four nlcs scheduled through out tonn In the LTB Hall on High Strvct Loyal True Blue good for solo and the WA of St Andrews huicn held its annual bpliilg Sillt in the ltCllllC room of inc cliincli nlOlIllllLI crship of Mrs ll Pearce Barrie lent Awning Co lScIiool Association sponsored 34 BAYFIELD ST Phone 43 sulc at the school ne of the final rummage sales ofthe Season is scheduled for lli iMrs Hutchinson secretary ll wmt 5390mm an Sue hpase onlloheSD litmus irs IHE GIFT snro BUY HERSELFI Mother has always wanted gleaming EKCOWARE cooking utensils for hot kitchen Now 13 up to you to make that wish cmtwe thisMolhers Day KCOWARE it easy to keep brlghitho thick copper bottoms dIsiribute more heat faster sovo fuel and cool tna time Save iorage space 00 the lids when inverted awaitnormal You can buy EKSQWABE tgLMothoi REL time as sum for 111 dividttal pieces or $2050 for 3pc starter set starter sat witIr Lodgc 33 offered it variety of In Allnndnlc St lcoigcs WA sponsored solo in1 thc Memorial Hall while in the Oddfcllows Icmplc members of St Marys Church Altnr Society enjoyed one of the most successful SIIILX in recent years under the convcncrship of Mrs Arnold Zicc zlcr Around $135 was raised by the ladies of St Marys during the The previous Saturday tlic morn lllg salt in tho Oddfcllows Icni plc was under the auspices of Beaver Rebekah Lodge and in the Sunday School room at Central United Church the WA held successful nlc under the conven Two April sales were held at Trinity Parish Hall the first under the auspices of the WA of the church and later sale under the auspices of Trinity Junior Guild At Collier Street United Church Group of the WA held its annual spring sale in the recrea tion room and the Wide Awake Group at Burton Avenue United Church sponsored on April Stit luidny morning sale Barrie Wom cns Institute held its Sill this your in the Oddfcllows Tcniplc Illntl lIlL IIIIICC 0f VIIICS IIOIllf llltllhumu of Mls Johnson qt double week front Saturday ill Essa Itoutl Presbyterian Church under the auspices of the Evening Circlo Womens Institutes Mrs Hayes New President Edgar Institute Edgar Corresppndcncc Mrs Hayes was elected pres irltnl of lidgniWancns Institute at the April meeting held at the Other members of the executive for the coming year are Mrs Cockburn lst vicepresident Mrs Bidwcll 2nd vicepiicsidcnt treasurer Mrs McLean assist ant secretaiyticusurcr Mrs Strachan publicity Mrs Stra jclian director Mrs Slessor pianist Mrs McLean assistant pianist Mrs Lauder and Mrs Johnsonziuditors Convoners of standing commitK tccs ziic Mrs Cockburn agri culturc and Canadian industries Mrs Slessor citizenship and education Mrs McLean histor iciil research and current events Mrs Johnson home economics Mrs Bidwell public relations Mrs Johnston Mrs Cock burn and Mrs Dawson pro DOREEN SELWOOD disaster casual ty in the demonstration presented by the St John Ambulance Brigade at its annual inspection Friday evening receives trent ment for burned arm Mrs Evelyn Mc Kee holds flashlight in the blackedout The marriage of Miss Ruth Lil doughtcr of Storey of Barrie to Zygfryd An toni Zak of Kitchener son of Anlmnlly George Guy formerly with toni Zak of Knlwnrin Poland and the late Mrs Zak St Marys Roman Catholic Churcln Barrie on Saturday May 1952 nt 10 oclock in 1m morning RW from New Orleans via Little Rock Coley performed the doublciing Arkansas F0 103110 and said tho Giiio Illinois and Port Huron The former Burric rcsidcnt and played by his wife and nincmonthold dnugli the church organist Miss Margaret lci Karen Anne find the south McKinnon with special music pro limd Vily lIlSCillllllg vide by St Marys Boys Chou about 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and the average LCIIlpIIlm lure is about 98 degrees lion Storey mtiiritigc ceremony nuptial mass Wedding music was The bride who was given in mzirrizigc by her brother Storey of Montreal wore it cock tail length dress with pleated nylon inset at the finpcip caught to white lilac headdress and she carried bouquet of red preSSlVe ceremony 0f floats and general incriymnking front Ilcr roses Hct attendant was Mrs Norris with matching accessories Gcorge Storey groomsman and the both of Barric reception Strachan sick committee to attend hostess The May meeting of the Insti title is to be held at the hall on vijcdncsdnyafternoonMaymint two oclock The ladies were ask dug up rac covered borier skillet 77V MM 51 ciiurssrnmg in Houswmsi Cor Elizabeth Maple BUDGET ramsTo SUIT YOUR NEEDS JPhone 31195 mops to the meeting uisroruo concu Church wliuudicd recently gram Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Sleswr lunch Mrs Shels WCJL MYS JOlmSOn 811d MYS cess style coat withi white hat and navy accessories On their ch Ten members were present for turn Mr and Mrs the annual meeting It was un making their home in Kitchener nouiiccd that plastic and brush demonstration is to be held at the ding were Storey Montreal homc ofJMrs Johnson on Philip Newman from South Amer Thursday evening May Clowcs ica Mrs Stevens Mimico and Womens Institute has beeninvited several friends of the bride and groom fiom Toronto Mr ultclMtS Zak received scv oral telegrams of congratulations Outoftown guests at the wed Liinch was served at the close of the meeting with Mrs Lauder and Mrs Cockbuin insisting the and also cablehom grooms family in Poland AllltACTS OTHER INSECTS Oll4itcitroncllaused by cawinpees to keep away mosquitoes actuailly Walls MTVWarren Wilgal attracts some species of insects Mrs Charles Wilson Mrs ed to bring their sciubupails and NEW GLASGOW CP coach or barouclle has been pre sented to thctown for use at civic functions The venerable convey ance in gift from the liloyearold Church Livery Stables and was presented by heirs of John Nuplials are Held iFormer Barrie For Ruth Storey iResidenr Visits And Zygfryd Zak Here From South The Burric Works of French lace vcil WilS Zak will be members cs4 first aid depot bet tip in Trinity Parish Hall while Mrs Marlon Selwood treats the young victim The local division staged very real istic emergency situation to demonstrate how it eculd quickly be of help in case of disaster in the Barrie area the Can adinu General Electric Co hzid ii visit from former employee rc thc engineering department of thc took place in local plant who left in January 1949 to take up residence in Hous ton Tcxas made the trip to Barrie Indizfuii They live Most houses are equipped with air con ditioning units or attic fans which tend to moderate the tcmpcrnturc He has visited thc Murdi lms in New Orleans and found it an im parades and from working on the construction of re Season Held at care ofThe Barrie Examiner Pat Armoury sunday tern Dept 60 Front St West Tor The final ten of the season Sun day afternoon in thc135th Bat tery officeis mess at the Armoury was attended by large number of ston The teas have been very success ful and more and more popular during the past season On Sun daymcmbers were heard express ing the hope that they would be continued every season in the fut cluster of pink snapdragons and babys breath in silver bas ket and pink candles adorned the tea table which was presidd over by Mrs Flynn and Mrs Hook Among those assisting ure 75 weteMisG MrIlhomaerrsrwr mwv ruiycoArl stat lTapeslry Depicts Sorprise Bridal iWomens War WorkiShower Honors LONDON May iCleFonrMargafel Hodges years ago Womens Institute meow bars in every county of England and Wales began to embroldfi aptt tapestry depicting the work of uo MM l313u1 men in the Swond World War low Sliccl May l7 PItzs fcr The finiahcd work hos recentlgfugnoz lbctll displayed at the Vittorio and wrung by Wm MM was project they hzld plowed since 1945 iAlbtrt Mtzseiiizi here he Ccntig panel ICpftlub the and in industry Framing these are ill medallions illustrating every kind of war work done by Women not forgetting the housewife The point in this last tiny puncl t5 ic inurkablo wcary woman Kiill mg or bus Stopprobably after mill in lImld ShtllTmL pl itlitL of honor an decoiiitcd bli trsiycd lkot by 31 Lozipliiirst Wild sICIDI by twic llfttfl to lt three scrum work on the land Mm mmmmwws awnmmm of prisenlct Witt nudge niniitc ioscbtni whtc ostiicli plume Mi vvt rL awn flimgarct About inch of the bridetn gifl llccn thi0stilttilgt one in litr LJIILltI colo pale mnuw deep niauw and tunic and it the be lgizmng of the evening she was of tiny backed by it Im EXAMIXER WANT in The tttts were illtitllltil to Lie cmbwmpr llUcUIl Tu ht in ML H361 ail stuiidnrd yet some of the workw ichpnll rcproduced in pctit zen had first to go to school zit Several bzidzil gthoncz gamesj were followed by delicious lunclr Winchester to lturn the hillClltSJHrde by mm mmk ltliey tcrc to ltilCll others The labor joining the work which was ill 15 pieces as tedll lioim One join 06 inclus long Citi through corresponding holes in the LElllZlS It wns lCCOllllenIlLd sol accurately that there is no trace of the join More than 2000000 SlllCIltS have colic into the tnpcstiy about 3000 in czich sznzill picturc and 145000 ill the centre panels lhittyfivc pounds of inoihproof wool were used on tho canvas which mcas tires 15 feet by nine Ittl Easresl kirl 24 25 M26 28 L30Z 32 WRAPTIE SKIRT And scVlt Pattern R4636 Waist Sizes small 2425 medium 2628 large 3032 Medium size requires yards 35 inch fabric plete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS onto Ont CALL Tut EXAMINER r011 the legislative leasy Look at the diagamfeW MI Guy 15 employed With T0110 pattern parts No fitting problems Fullerton of Barrie who was want bsei Construction His first job in 41 wraps N0 ironing ploblelhs mg princess style dress of Old 050 the south was with structural it opens flat Make several for steel building company is drafts yum Spring and summer suits top of Barrie was map making prefabricated build pal33301th ushers were lugs Later he worked at map Alozy Isbrandtand Carmen Wright dlamng 01 Gulf out there wont With the United Gas followed at Bay Pipe Line continuing map draft stairs Lodge Mincts Point where 85 In his present 905ml he is the mother of the bride received wearing pale pink wool dress nal and Synthetic with matching coal and navy ac Planls CESSOIKS Later the brideand groom left on wedding trip to Niagara Falls Final Tea of the bride travelling in grey prin This pattern easy to use simple rubber to sew is tested for fit Has com Smith and Mrs Ray Living vvoiirn BUSY liniled with thrizids being threaded OF LEGISLATURE REGINA Mn iClIwThe Sits kutchowzui locirlnturc has no wo men members at prcscnt but not tnr behind the scones is Miss Nell Curler IlllSS Tzirtci is assistant LILlk of assembly She looks nftcr gathering together the nintcriiil that is tabled in the log wslnitirc chry day during St$l0ll5 rnnnunl rcports returns to the as wenrbly and such She also sees to it that the ques ious and answers votes Illld pro cccdincs and orders of the day are typod illld $tlll off to tlic printcrs tl ivcninc tilltl thc house rises llclpiug Migts Curttr is Miss llfnrtinnc permanent typist in thc Ictzislulivc assembly officc Anothcr task assigncd to women is typing the transcripts of mem hers spocchcs The spccchcs are recorded in the housc As soon as recordinc is Vcomplctcd it istnk on downstairs where four women Lypc the speeches verbatim lHostess to Barrie evening surprise the home it to BradSilk April meeting or 314 brideelect oti Hdtfilllozt Barrie branch She eh and Mrs Lloydl for lltel Loziglinrsti shower her Dorothy Johnson Music Teachers 51525 ilozulfi Jolibozt Now to TILE Mini My Registrrc Music Teachus the fact that thought prior Ii lion ncccssory Muzibers met zit Mm ltti home to Maple Ave ill the usual busniess putt ng lilccllllg Mrs Inger Azir ducted lively contest in M21 only Qtzcstior lthc mmnbcrs pazticipatul The lioness served lunch ii close of the meeting Mrs MacDonald Carey Puts On Blue Bonnet Form FREl Irs MaiDonald Carey puts on Ili=i BoNNLr Margarine for IIC Flavor Nutrition Ilconomyl Like tlm famous screen stars wife you will loo thc dclicntc sunnywswect tnsto litii litmxicr odds to any fumll Youll tip previoto its ltotlrllmttllt too Li llimxiit in nnnilus fine llllllilvl nil eizctnlilc niziruarilic And youll noi tUllli the savings you iiirike when run use Iiiitt Iloxsiyr for all your cooking land recipes lt lLII RS on bread no lbuy Bitn lliixstrr got Il Ilnrorl Nutrition IiintlLlCC illntt lloxxin margarine is Still in two types rcguhir cmnouiv tiitcloigc with color inlcr nnil tLIM intlic tumour lrLLotv QUR bin for fast cosy color In Blue and Chartreuse PRINTINGPHONE 2414 it MunyioliIheni one of Kind Samples at tin10113 them Prints Poplins Indian Head Gin hams Broad PM CSePeSv CliSkayiiBllSler Cloth and many othegrs In Yix Oversize in many shades stirs Bothfpretty and piuctienll in riced at $1150 to $51295 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS nice closely woven chenille in shades of Grey Powder BATES BEDSPREADS Hard wearing washable practical and pretty NYLONS Something that no vwomail ever has too inanyof we have them Household Gifts OTTAWA VALLEY BLAN ETS Beautiful quality blankets in many lovely shades Rose Blue Green Yellow Wine ea $1 50 $995 $1295 Personal Things fWATsows UNDIRSL brand thatds known for its well mung tong wearing qualities rReg Size 95c $i09 $129 $I l9 and $l39 nil lost15 many styles that tire sure to please Pricedl$2i95 PRETTY HOUSE Dncsscs Floral patterns bright checks UMBRELLAS grand special in plaids and and plain colors in utility Styles Priced $295 $393 $495 plains at only $295 Travelling um blella in better quality that folds into very compact size sill lhals Sum loplease $795o0thers at $395jand $495 IF Mother Likes To Sew Gil he dress 151131511 of material We have many pretty fabrics Priced from 509 yard and up

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