Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1952, p. 8

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iEltiinrittl liege of Editorial Noles It may be contrary to Deniocracys con cept of free speech but we cannot help but applaud the group of 200 University of Tor onto Students who interrupted the May Queens Park gathering of Communists in Toronto These people have abused their pri vileges as Canadian citizens Some are na tives and others have adopted Canada as their home but all have the same idea to overthrow the government and set up ii Red regime We have for too long sat back com placentiy and let them get away with their scurrilous propaganda Muskoka tourist lodge owner at recent convention told his fellow resortineii that ample satisfying meals are of greater im portance than any other service to tourists The season is just about here and this ad vice should be well noted The speaker listed in order of importance the services to which resorts should pay special attention Ample satisfying meals properly served comfort able clean living accommodation recreation al or entertainment facilities Rt Hon ilowe Canadas Minister of Trade and Commerce made statement sev eral weeks ago to the effect that the coun trys economy was becoming stabilized and costofliving index would continue downward trend unless organized labor rocked the boat In view of what is hap pening across the border with final result certainly affecting Canada Mr Howe was hitting the nail on the head Despite roars of disapproval fr0m some labor leaders it was no exaggeration but rather an understate ment Apropos of talk aborit making the West Indies an 11th province of Canada the Fort William TimesJournal opines that this would cause very serioos gap in the Trans Canada highway Amateur archaeologist Frank Ridley of Isiington RR and Nottawasaga Bay has recently published in American Antiquity most interesting article in which he exlporcs the Lalonde civilization which preceded the Huron occupation of Ontario He foand evid WW Mono MAY 1952 OPlNlONS OF OTHERS Lawyers Not Aiiront Judges Examiner the appointment of judges on entirely satisfactory though we thin that the inoportion of unworthy appointments has been Ulllllltliflilbly small We do say how1 ever that the present method of appointing judgesl has connection with parliamentary democracy in which we strongly believe and which we do not tlgtl1 to see weakened in any way With all its imperfections it is still the best way we have do istd of governing our country To allow profes sional zissiicinlion however high its principles andl however worthy its aim to usurp prerogativemf Parliament would be backward step Pcteiborouuh Wt lt Zfr piililzca um ii Dream of Reds to Sow Hate Montreal Malin When will it be learned that violence settles on problem and that it is not broken windows and dairi aizcd machinery or blows and threats which win for striiiiis the sympathy of the public leewise when will it come to be understood that those who directly or indirectly incite workers to acts ofl violence are in no way seeking the interests of those workers but on the contrary are seeking to make their position worse instead of better It is enough to run through the Communist press of Canada to be aware that for long time certain strikes have been hatched up with the hope that there will he brawls sabotage and flowing blood The dream of the agitators is to sow hate Tempest in The Trees Daily Commercial News lhc Toronto Globe and Mail is excited about tree destruction In its leading editorial of Friday April 18 The Globe properly blasts at indiscrim inate tree cutting in cities and suburbs But the complaint is on unsound ground when it lumps the Ontario Government and the Ontario Department of Highways as among the worst offenders lrue an adequate defence argument is yet to be brought forward by municipal utilities administrai tions for their slaughter of lawn and boulevard trees in cities and suburbs in the interest of maini taining the overhead wiring systems which are in fact outdated That defence may yet be heard with the explanation that underground wire install ations cost more than cutting down trees They do indeed but they are better in the long run and should and will be planned in progressive stages by the cities towns and townships which have mun icipal councils boasting responsibility Meanwhile nothing is to be served by 10050 and hysterical claims that everybody is agin trees ways merits no beefs for the relatively smallscale Were Thankful its Different POLITICAL ENEMlES on THE omen SIDE OF THE CURTAIN or uncommon GREEN AMONG CANADIAN Pouriait sutures Ctth Barrie Examiner Wmmmunuxuxux Perform On let Them Wish parents would give their children the chance to make their own choice in whole lot of lit tle things from the time they are small Then they would be pre pared to make important decisions when they are out on their ownt collegiate teacher with long ex perience said recently willingness to take responsibility when they come to us in First Form and all through their years here How do you know they dont3 iei friend asked By their hesitation their unw Today the Household Science teav ciicr was laughing about Ireshie who asked her which match will usebut its really no laugh nu matter Iris Adolescents As get to know my scholars can only become accustomed ithinking through problem reach Grow llp By Nanq Cleaver Father will tell you the right thing to dot They have not seen clearly enough that child must be given the chance to decide Sometimes he will make poor gor even wrong choice But he ll ing solution and acting on it through his own experience lle must have firsthand knowledge of lifenot secondhauntR child must learn from fai ire as as from success Parents Commit Blunders In the one matter of selecting their childs life work parents have committed so many blunders that one would think that the thoughtfulparent would hesitate to rush in There are scores of biographies which tell of unhappy hell can mi mfqujlimen and women who were forced Palms lei Wm mjby fathers domination to follow perhaps the one thng which irksa profession which they we adolescents most of all Irequentlupmid Zane Gniys ram ab more 15 bill mum l33nlsolutcly insisted that he become ll boy 01 girl midfne bOlhidentist He obeyed but was mis parents over the chemo of vowlamb in his years as denim on The same ling i5 mm inIinally he abandoned this profess it was made had the good of her scholars ail heart observing not one or two adolesg jcents but many teen acers over shonld allow their youngsters to proxy tip anti make their own de cisions was also voiced by girl iwho was chosen classmatcs at large youth gathg ering recently in one of our main iCzinadian cities Leloquent as she said We wish our fathcrs and mothers would trust us to do the right thing How ican zens if we do not feel free to pick lout our own special friends or dis ieover what vocation we really want to follow Windsor Star Fred Grant Reminisce SUNDAY lN THOSE OLD DAYS may the ammo nepaiimem oi niliitWAS DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS licking out girl friend Why up by encouraging hem to make their own choices Do you think this is fair critl cism It was sincere one and by teacher who It was her conclusion from1 iiimber of years This plea to parents that theyl to represent her She was quite we become responsible citit What Is The Reason Perhaps this refusal to let to youbut it is quite apparent in far does it happen parents do not have sufficient con iidcncc too many families Is Why it true that in their own youngsters Or do they feel sure that their generation is so much wiser thanl the younger one ship of his love that sion and turned to the writing pro oh why dont parents help thIIi children grow tession in which ous he became fan Mothcrs may not be so strong minded about their childs life work but they do have 11 hard time in the field of human rela tions It is difficult for most ninth ers to accept the definition of ii good parent as one who becomes progressively dispensable Ile cziusc they are so fond of their little son it is hard for them to see that by nature the companion peerslthis own age group becomes increasingly im portant to him Should Look For Best little later on how rare it is for mother to look for the good points in her sons best girl An outstanding psychologist has point ed out in this matter that It is lets him go not the possessive love that keeps him do peddent that mach boys heal thy growth to manhood possible Mothers and fathersarc making your childrens healthy growth to maturity possible by giving them chances throughout the years to make their own choi ces Do let them grow up Copyright DREAMS or FUTURE We should envision city of you teen ager grow up does not apply tree cutting it has resorted to in widening andi straightcning roads Continued from Friday In the old days every village had its merchant tailors who were fpatronized generally by all local lpeople who now get their ready imade clothes at the local store or Georgian Bay Communities Appear to Be Flourishing illlllfilli 21ilitidiifiihilliiiiii Owen Sound SunTimes iquem mot mps to the City The purchase of the big flourishing CopelandThe City tailor can supply clothes Flour Mill at Midland by the Pillsbury Mills of now Cheap than can be PIOduced Minneapolis one of the United States biggest mill7 in the Village because 0f llls large crs is further evidence of the recent industrialiblymg nd 3Cth 91d1l06d advancement which has marked the Georgian Bayvftlllh suggdeel $31359 SJnChfflfccilhat area feature of the recent developments in the var can and at about 185mm rate ions large communities which are situated on the 0f ages 35 the tow timor has to Georgian Bay is the national and international re W3 cognition which has marked them Owen Sound hasl already had very goodly share of this develop ment with the recent establishments here by Ho bart manufacturer of kitchen and other similar equipment the construction of very fine new plant now rapidly nearing completion by Edwards of Canada both of which companies have very close connections withthe United States the Geor One of the fundamentallreasons 75000 to 100va population and lay for this undesirable situation is BY THE CANADIAN FRESS that all through their childs grow om our buque and rebldcmml ing years they have been sure areas amordmgly THE HIELAN TOUCH The suggestion that Highlandtf Moth 1mm best or Prmce Gem EC Citizen piper and tatga nIcIing Iiglilandblazsmi vammresmvvmvcccgwao ltVVx per orm ova co ian or er during the tourist season is aroussg FOR COMPETENT ipleizteggzztand we think not Antigonish NS Casket CONSULT ences of this more primitive people at the Flanagan Farm site on the Sturgeon River near Waverley at the McGuire site on Orr Lake and at six points inthe Township of Tiny He was aided by McGuire of Eimvale Mr and Mrs Fallis of Wye bridge and by Ouellette of Thunderay On the Fallis farm there is evidenceof both Huron and Lalondecivilizations Mr Ridleys papers should be on file in local museums the Midland Free Press Herald comments RESTRICTED CREDIT decline inhome building in Canada during 1951 has been noted Surely loosening of credit rei Noel Stephenson RO OPTOMETRIST itifiiiisiiiuiiisy il$iasilinilii good than harm STEPHENSONS JEWELLEBS and OPTOMETRISTS Wood NB LR FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOP STREET 0C en me ewe PHONE 3333 BARBIE ONTARIO Ww6 There will be more births in Canada in 1952 than there were in the postwar peak year of 1947 reports The Financial Post In 1947 the stork made 366555 flights in 1951 366 470 In 1952 with slightly lower birthrate than in 1947 but with higher population total births should easily exceed 1947s re cord It was the high birthrate of the war And only recently it was stated that An Ontario town of 8000 population is now without custom tailor that this species of artisan like the blacksmiths are gradually be coming extinct It seems strange that town this size cannot COSTLY METHOD Latest fad of us and Canadianc=Ti lcities is to have their water SUDPLYi riuoiidated This is supposed toi cut down tooth decay among chil FRED GRANT and postwar years points out The Post which hasbrought the present day large markets for childrens clothes food etc and has been dominant ctor in the de mind for homes It has so brought the pressures on schools At the beginning or the century 60 of the population of Canada lived on farms and 40 in the towns and cities When theyfinal figures are completed for the latest census it will likely be found that those proportions are now reversed In another 10 years ifthck present trend continues less than third of Canadians will be living on the land Even if we could produce enough with onlya fraction of our population on the land there would be grave disadvantages It is not good to have our peoplepacked into cities and certainly not safe in these uncertain times It wiilpay us to watch carefully the movement of population from the country some of it is ynattiraljahaginevitabiciSome of itmay be iactuullyybenehcial But we Would be short eightedfifwepretended thatit did not mat ten that it canine got on indefinitely without cappingbui national strength iaiere been increased with the establishment of Amerock ed invthe days beforcpresent gian Bay WoodvvorkingCo which is affiliated with large international industrial interests the acquisi tion of the William Kennedy and Sons by Had mills of Sheffield England and the purchase of the Empire Stove Co by Messrs Bryce James and Charles Moffat long well known figures in the heating and cooking equipment world At the same time there has been very extensive expansion of the RBW as well as the establishment of number of smaller industries Also of an international flavor was the recent establishment of the widely known Leica camera and lens company at Midland Collingwood too has enjoyed share of this ex pansion beside the very profitable revival and ex paniofi of its shipbuilding industry That town recentlyracouired the Freeman C0 manufacturers of bakery equipment Meaford has seen very con sidernble expansion of several of its established industries while its industrial life has but recently manufacturers of cabinet hardware At the same time they now have branchof Silk Knit Limited 0n the West extremity of the Georgian Bay Wlarton has also enjoyed the results of this indus trial eXpansion with the construction of very fine plant by Silk Knit There is every indication that this grewth will continue The construction of the St Lawrence StiWay will of course give further impetusitothis growth which doubtless results from the growing recognition among industrialists of the advisability to avoid industrial concentration program adopt day ease and speed of transportation the world that those creations support Va custom tailor any more Time was whenthere were Several such shopsoperm atlng thereand all doing good business but of late yedrs the readytowear concerns ap pear to be getting the trade by greatly reducing the prices as well as the qiiality of work manship And every old boy of Barriejvill remember that he had choice of having his Sunday suit made by any one of the following tailors all doing businessat practically the same timein Barrie Alex Mc Nabb Alex McRae Sam Gordon George and Lou Lane Low Whittaker Steph ens William Hutton Humphrey Bennett George MayEd Tyrer Alex Milne andA Turner besides others of marker less private nature And everyone who used to be boy in Barrie in 1870 to 1890at least will remember that it was one ofthe aboveith measured him for his first suit of clothes when he had grown too big or as scrtive to continue wearingthe handmefdown affairs which Moe ther used to ratarrange of mater ials which lid formerly been Dads old trousers And well tell Mothers tailoring effortsjwebe noted more for their longwear ing and utilitarian qualities thali dressmaker provided most of mo thers demands that she could not herself supply It will doubtless surprise many of tho presentday residents of Barrie to learn that at one time about 1880 there were four sep arate emufactories in the town employing in the aggregate possi bly 25 or 30 cigar makers and quite staff of assistants who did the preliminary sorting and stripping on the tobacco leaves Ben Mc Dermott Hugh Quirk Will and Tom Haslitt arid Dickand Con Comfort werethe proprietors re spectively In the ordinary bakeshop of those dayswituusually required staff of ten or twelve to produce 1500 loaves of bread in long day of far more than eight hours Now staff of half that with uptodate machinery puts out as many loaves in an hour And it took shoe or two days to make real good pahNo oots now one man running machiheiturns out 500 pairs day if we can depempoa newspaper information flu those days the boys did no have to leave town for the city in order ioget job fortheieiweroi always openings athometo learn some trade That is one of the reasons why even every small village used t0gthave lacrosse baseball football or cricket teams and there there hundred teams dreni Absurdily of this proposali is thatit uses Sledgehammer tot crack peanut If children oughtl to drink fluoridated water it would surely be cheaper and simpler toi supply it through the schools Irenton Ont CourierAdvocate IMPORTANT PROJECT It is worthy of more than passing attention that Cochranespublic li brary was reopened in larger quarters The Cochrane municipal council has always supported the library with reasonable generosity and it also receives small grants from the provincLThe library only exists however because of the untiring work and interest of few people to whomythe com munity owesa real debt Cochrane Ont Northland Post VAST seahorse It would appear that the only way by which the extension of federal government spending can be stopped is by nationwide coma bincdcomplaint that is unifiedancl loud entghMcarw planners out of their boots 5m7 aEstevan Sash Mercury playing labossje in Ontario those days where there are one how and it was the small places too Which had the best teams Concluded Wednesday PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS summons MINER co CHARTERED ACOOUNTANTo 43 Collier Sta Barrio You 8t 1pm Resident Partner MocLAREN 300m CA up our ucmsnn eunucaccomm mmomcm moon TAX 3mm mas Ms mulled gull Ammo Tonto tad Bard Barirene mentions 339 We Bonner me Huntingon SAMUEL I085 A7 cum Mn as Onlth sum Him IALLEN ucmsxo PUBLIC accounnhr humor stmt Phone 595 INCOME TAX BERch Alimenti POWELL CHARTER ACQOUNTM 24 Bunion it lam WPhnm fMUSC lessons Carissa anceme roman all Marlm studio 31 new at imam mt mm new in we uh Voice 530 4m LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM 30 bluish Simeon Notaries mule Conveyancon In HONEY 1V war ofce 13 own so larch Bunch Office Elmvale Onion BOYS LC ROWE sacrum COWAN COWAN which Solicitors mu Compiling Hours 10 Lin to v3 Monday to Fridu loss await COWAN IUILBRNG $3 Collier st Innrig OM GLADSTONE email oo ursnr andSolicitor MONEY 10 LOAN MH St PM 1701mm MacLAREN do What senator mo Money tom luaulo Tomplolulldinss larch mm sum Successor to cum MIMIC Ice Imam Iolicittm alumina ilm MONEYTOLOIRW TTira msuamcfa 11 Abramn aunts ardent Life Writer WW uul mm Annls crane Common Mae Key Mao rumorshin Gallon WWII om Ion 0t mnunlmulmmu music+2705 minim momma London We lusum Co 13 cuss for their artistic attractions cPublishedMondcy Wedne ayFfidoy VltTheWuonBulldlnmPoatJT equateamiiioiinno Canada by MBA VLIMIIED Newspaperhrca than We Newspapers Association Ontario CHIROPRACTOR Butthe iiomemae taiioring institution is not the only one thpt Ontario towns and villages of thewdays haveliost to be replica by the or mass around alld tho Audit mm renunciation Subscriber to or Service paodgoonl of trimanlzed gggmgoggm 3m CidCline VicPrasidett MSW dial Mimi ck Rivetk8ecretary1reacurer stow mm mammal 5mg lung their output om $1813 BURNS Dnc Dmless rumba mm thlo man and mun Momma Simmer to AVCorbett no JAMES vmonnc Chi oath mm Annual rooms PRESS RUN TIZOOQQPES 75years agouearly every tow and village supplied the greater part of its own requirements and in various degrees had grist flour Woollen and saw mills foundries machine snaps tanneries harness modem Eta load vmntmav its rater swarm smtiiiingwoiksipumps fw aoap and potsh so drinks Mm mm and Multwe and iilioeymkeranotmereahoo copulate and theihomeftown milliner and outside Canaan

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