Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1952, p. 5

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lWW um EXAMINER FRIDAY my 1952 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE EFRUlT VEGETABLES VlVIIIAW WM MMWW PLES ill Ercerlmu thijqaprING 00a COACH Phage gyl BUSlnegs Opportumly ffhgglSrg mileHf and Bah war VVErwVjmmMW llhls is buslnm site on maixand ham 54m gmageI mllplphme 3738 204393 llllALtt ltNCE tn crlect culllllil l935 CHEV COACH tr condllbusinm corner At present Vltzom If 83m highway EV JI ml pm 57153 7505l Se Cheap Apply 20 Centrelwnm sevenmom kaIOBoyle mullet reptmAntatlw Ol uAwwrMw 50 restdence lth attached store nimum 5c NRCIARY Hm duh NOV I373 3Wmnddle llllxlll Cotld converted lnlor Lam phonc Mini ml HA vw Following Consecutive muons ac word minimum 500 ply lll lvtuplgfoVtVow lwgl Vulll bu your can 93y 11131933 isrltilaVothVOAggi agrelsxlArunV large ner ftoreVplusVlltlng quarVVV STRAYEDIFVZOXI 41 CIVIIVV VW ADLXTB MAY BE mom To 0mm SIgYm gt 30m mod you gm vegl ISA Bgrr pf gt be xom cm maa newi ROOM STUUO 0W pm Holsteul Rollers zlxotllhs Wm bison airmailour lmoswone CASH word minimum ufw mll JOE lmatt mm out or 53gi Rowan Ina WM Ink HN 75 ixOI lbl DODGE Deluxe Sedan ox Wm WEN5 lAlARTMENI Sm llllllO excel IV Nim mu Insemom 150 rd mmlmum Bachm cundllion Plume 4747 74950 ccllcm c0ndltion good tires beat wmr mmd mum Beam 1051 Gum NHL Am riccd llttmv lrl Baldwlckx lllbrrIoI blocks on palhI 4w MUST BE PAID WITH 039 CTOSS TOWN MOlOTS llmm all 0r Maple Awllhls comprises three modern Sup l6495l lilSplo Avenue and Qowus alsz Maw llAllOLtlS mills Swmnoy 30x mugs or repliede to this ofce 350m 1ij Hayeld so Ihono 23m 220 Bradtord St Phone 5430 13 51 parlmems 93 MWWNWW lRowarll lhrlm Ml lw 45H Wbalh Hardwood floors etc xtroilllctllwm Cornwall Slort wuhgmwm COMING EVENTS LOCALS 4c word minimum $100 large lot with car garage Central quartuwnls and living llllullers in vH 74950 144 GOOD USED Cars and Trucks buufllz and solo nude and tcrmsll ELECTRK Swan MMNMV smI VII II VAOCdllO ontldrntlal excluslw llstqucellent rVopulr 1mm ut toot NOTICE Following Consecutive Insertions 3c word mlnlmum 76c iVVVVVVVV VIVVVVIV VIVVIVVV VVLVVVVIV HVOVVVV 369+ VthVVVlVVVVVV tVVlioVVVVtVneo Cals mug mow We III change IIIV VCVV VI momma cum or THANKS APPRECIATIOM 7450 COMPANY LIMITED mm ROOM BUNGALOW ngifiV AIIIIVIIO 571Vm05jlf To CREDITORS AR AND Domemc mdm SfWwlwuh cement block garage on welllamlnogz 1650 perm Hm 31 dumb anword mlnlmulnlSc EVGAGEMENT NOTICESJLM Efflb 12 30 33953 193 31 is Memmy Lincoln MeteorVIlIIIkIgglggmgwgpgrvdalggmoo =3 acre am no mlles murmmw gggglggg lgggtqff mm typo 93 for midmm Elm llck 750V mc TIIWII ur BIVIIIIiLI VIV mm an NMMM lt Chum lm The Exmmer he pa INTEltNATlONAI lOcan Mllk mom 5566 DEALER FOR PW Mptmr umlVlllef czlsll Exrluswe llstmg complete kllLhtll pond bathroom WW mmlm MilMl Hl WW vl ll 1td tr all llittilld who llttl rm ul about 15 my Eumlmr um awn mummy in my arm la LUUIN lllW lllllllllmh Ihfme Mercury curs Jll Chev Sedan l0i Ip CEV mm LV IIIB II ocovuumh Mm mm Michal not to cm in can mum natlo Zimgxing 744601 In Couch 48 mymmnh Ema 4ch Vwcxt Vcnd Qluck ltlgteln VVVV AI IUA all unl mm lawma 1901 MN CllSlOm C0110h mum Panan Sum pmmuwltll gt room plus place mm lmA mspocuml comm nonry and Hill lmr lamb WW CE El Al DlOlllS and tables Black flvtldllvl llfilllr Very pa ular lakesld royort on LakcElrlck Realtors Barri l650 dld ll llllsAUilld hr CopySaturday 530 p13 for and lsauo lib limo Couzmm Apply MYV 10w mumng $2095 1m mww SOIQiEQMV south Emilia Complem Slllllll 01 llll gtllltltlllltzllll Tuesday 530 pm for Wednesday lune mg mg Buy ppltll anytime 1950 Custon Ford Cozlch Ways0mm mm marl911 glIv furnished $2500 cash Exclllgiuulsplh BOOMED mm llll VlVlu VillV illllHVVXtVlli on V5 by Thursda 530 for Friday 7495ol Air condillonmg heater ka The Mum in gmmy hum mac ort tl my uy l3 mu 1L AND flap no sun ls Mara loved but TllL lmmt lb lll to LLJU mat qutkl ln Loud ruunlng order LAKE FRONT ll CRBSS OltN Szllvt tor stlrc r0 white wall tires chrome EM 100 pawlan St erhIl lwull cquippttl lnplaCt etc Can antr Slltll last mulltinncd date the 0f Your mlmist sells CFO3 rings $1895 Him NI 13494 ltact Marshall RvarcsmltutlLAc AdllllllqurVillllV thltll tlu Vvlll lll Iwww Callous bnlw too lAvllevcs uulckly l950 Mercury Sedan ubo with moms Sham BM mm Courts Real Lsmtc Broker ltMfl Hll lllOUld to rllslrlbulv UNDERGRADUATE or cxpCll 740 tnnc tan ltndio overdrive $1940 BUICK Supcr svrlcs sedan Concmhgior I06dI wcn St Phone 2377 1650 the HKSCIH Ixmmwl llh lmltlos Lll Plumbers Steam lllers 11 ph lluzlltr whit wall tires Low Morot hm rum white VV IVth we Mm lllcd mow llllvlng uson my mm mm mum 0m 17 CU Ulllllll Offivlfllor mlleagg $2195 mm Complelely msmd BEAUTliUI NEW stanc bungalow to such claims or which they will Barrlc Post Otfiro Good gardenJVlim MODEllfhl llomv llVlEg 3133 Bradford St Barrlel mm 38 1344432 Open your round mad $3300 wilhroom dining room budmtmlsl nsmrtation from l0 wullctl tires and lifeguard ltlbts Ir Agptllglyhlfll ljob Wml ovum Condmm ADM 1950 MOTCUIXV COUPCAl lNcw front end battery and on hm chmswo Vlbung lmiokmglmb mod we the will mm MOTHERS HELP llflustkttllil SNmMCk Hell llonc MR trllctlvo blue and grey Radio llzillv Phone 3352 Suturdny l3v50 lnlpou mm lr mung AND mm lh 19 flu English Ohd MOUld or mother wllh children Them 7750 healer $2095 helmamr mpmw hmwd Alm AD 933 VvVVVVVMVVVVVV Hm 00m cottage near water from pmch Mqrgm mt momma RCA CAMP BURDEN must lie Wmmnc VVWhQV ulll hog QUANTITY or anICVIIJMS imuL N11th SiltililllOAVIVLCVIK Gurluzo on lot 70 100 Completely WI 6mm ml bongo 8018 bERAV3Vq Own VVVVVV 00 IV CVV my VVVVVVVVVV VVV mo VVVVV VV VV VV furnished $3900 Excmsivc liVVthVl Tm Omarm 144150 ltmn cllmp ll Osborn Bll ltlll arm homo Phunc BINBarrio beater $1100 Bmkm 0w PM 2377 Solicitors for tho Allllllnlltll0llt AR Pmmm Omh Xmm GRADE HOLSTEIN lltlfels 19 nl wllll the Ill lllllrxctl 49Il Buy Point Pllollt 261121VVStgtVqulI 1942 NEW AND USED Rm Hmlm $575 With 100 llOllSl concrete vcn WON COSMETXCS has Openings MANURE or 3310 10am com 1939 Dodpc SvdzlnBlack SHOWT cor marked in brick hardwood RANCH FL Bungalow moms In women who make mmds IV bath utility on 52 aVcrcV laud woman nmmame Imk 01 Mimi LVN dCrCVSVHHEtI gill thVllVLl mom 1de $2526 lip 63 RE FEMIJEIISJDQ Slang LeiIIIfd$1333 213k 100 yards from town llmlts Owner lII gt for large dlSlllblltOr 100d DTUPOS rolmblc persong 7le or person galox Dodge Sedan vw Mr Her 10 acres wheat sSVSOOV tormsI loqvuu for pounon west Non Good opportunlt Pcrmlln W1 Menu homo 80 By 350 mcg WEEKS OLD wllI pdmivo Min $0000 $1000 down Mortgage up em to mm mm Exnmmeh 130 20OUTBO Motor brand lkmSImV AngusV phone 833142 950 lmlhtd 4th house No bldcroad II lnnlsl Township between High C0 MR HILL APPLICATIONS t0 lw received ElL5F3ff31mlSQIf 1948 OLDSMOBILE fl youxsnma mos weeksold lll16r00m brick house sun porch way 90 and 14m Con 16451t FENDER MAN ltur summcr routes Apply in lwr Blismh 79355 lApplIv lolmcy RR Bar and summer kltchcn Barn 40 ISO 35 pm to Brunt Lllkc mam mdio qup covers Jug 95051 70 step motI stancmonsV wnm ST PAULS mum 50ml of FOR MODERN SHOP bow Damn lots 00x200 $6 per foot Hm Dmy Amm to mum EOE STUDIO Slum me 01 OCR heme Frst Class 6dmonl2 HOLSTEIN Cultes 10 days Ap creel 9doggcgfl53l btlllltllalltggi 155 for cash Terms arranged pp to Ed agan =lllolloy ublic and arise earl is llmpcratch 14396 our Nmmg ned mmughout Idem Plymouth Sedan ply Rtlloll Robertson Slroud phone 0n highway few miles from town PUbllc school and church almost serwce Manager 14th iigrgygiummm comm Applelgo EXCEPTIONAL BUYVAT VVVVVVVVIVV 9750 SXOVOOOV Exdusivc listing opposite property also close to WW Lake Slmcoe beaches Contact POSITIONS WANTED 505T DRILL lull $13530 20 PIGS WEEKS OLD Apply owner Mrs Russell Wheeler NGERHELD used very Ernest Mowioxth leghurst phone Box 14 Lelroy Phone 37 Its4950 to sell nationally advertised cloc LAWN AND Gardolllng work for fpglgmmdiglgmgrchegg 845l23 950 8t store Mm mde week $3900CASH $3900 country homI 65 Colller St 2th ggggggeihcml2lmung Charles lsuldm 13 3Comm SLI phone 36 74m HILLMAN SALES SERVICE 23 GAVEEKSOLD Weanod Plgs LIMITED fully modem storey rooms m==aaama== long experience prefer Barrie 250 317 STOVE but top model comm TruCkS lG Taylor miles north of Edgar REAL ESTATE BROKERS ztlld bath acres with fruit large 30 Slzllzflyy and commission Car year old iurgc wtomauc dvm V3 170 GOWAN ST BARRIE llllouo Moonstone 94950 91 DUNLO ST BARRIE 01fo lloflsci garage large creek IN nr cncr own 113 AH who lihwa II eesentml App Box Bruno mmmb LIDm excellent Con no to YOUNG MAN desires Dogma with 00110115 and dlSClded Clothing Priced $200 below usual price lsonul bush Inmsl Townshlp tzlncc out of Barrie 115 storey deal regular checkup STOCKERS Hereford Heifers phone 3926 Evenings 3990 or 4708 school miles to Barrie mess in Toronto for 25 years now 7DD $331215 residing in 831110 district desires dmo mom 1931i 1959 CW Galm L03 Ck5 OBoyle Broker representative ML or more gardens Phone 5333 31ch Brondloom Suva up to 50 FORD SEDAN lel Phone 73112 95051 IVE Lacey phone 4349 anytime Start In Business 49 50 50 New rugs from old rugs All condltlonlng and defrostcl 50 ACRE pASTURE Farm whh 1650 HIGHWAY Proper Short dis your car momr fair elf Ncwost shades Phone Rome 2706 II of 35 aloud 2oslll 1112 745 CHEYlFSACC Phn3lsll HARRY MICHIE llf wmmake you 100 re pen ch I4 ea or all ms or can eco sale of dRVlewlelghVPlPVducfgsV egilsgnljrgicceIVVEEOCPISON IluizV hpVVGntd3 nomlcal Excellent condltlon YOUNG YORKSHIRE Pigs res gilcggffrdf 8122 bums we are speciallsm spleni opporuvaV mg or mth ow con 01 v47 luv to wean Applv Maurice Pal $6 000 man No capltal requllCd Many 250 cultlvutor $230 Frank IVerltlns mom 099 013 house CSCMdtVlVC Coults Real Es established Dealers already mall Dalston Phone 845l14 Barrle Small Series Sedaneltc Torpedo E13223 en Mms phone 3510 1393 bgtht StOVIc hfmtld largelglo Bloker Owen St Phone in from $4009 to $3000 and mme AGENTS 74952 Nearly new tires Heater and dc mm la pOPSQSSlon ll 1630 er year wme llomlzuy Raw FOSlEF Really Clean lONE ROAN and one Red Sltorthornl$6v2001Ilz SlOTEY Slllcvo homE BAITGAIN 01mnitI Auto Electric senice laws Del MLE2216 023 SENSATIONAL money making Cirfflmggneflilats ggfi 46 CHEV SEDAN rpurebled bulls from TB and blood overlooklng the bay xerpodelled ate possess Dgeauumgbgggngi BARR DOSSlbllilles ll WOIldCIiUI honalmy calm to choose from Radio HeaterI DefroserV Slipgtggyhed$gmble ge Ana $2500 Wm handler 905595510 inc bungalml almost brand he 008 at Stloud or co ld EXPERIENCED Milk Truck sales stockmgs No lnvestment requlred COMPLETE LINE of Master Radlo heater defroster Cheap Lgfrggm Vllh RR N0 35 room bnck home ml ll moved If gI Ves healed extra plumbing suitable desired Act fast for this gem man alsoplanl man Phone 4252 Group managers mvnted write forlFeeds FlostA Fence Fertlllzers transportation Phone 81414 after p211 94g50lf01 duplex Several other homes WW 1868 Avenue Road Toronto PARTS MIAN wande JVWV Ham lldeV fllCEVV VloplacementV guaVrVauteef free estimate phone 3432 Roy cbvers Good meSV IVS505317 EWPPFVVOUV pombrick bungalow ingumedV pictumwindnwanVVZ bed phone 3026 l50 533 ggdwggiggs IITlac3 74550 37 CHEVI COACH 16 CHUNKS or weight 140 rm5A 13130 10 N0 Highway 150 llce sales kit SquerSox CanadaFarm supplies and Graham plows 37 nsled with excellent rental mm or phone Hudson 3281 164752 V18 YorkVStr Hamllton Ont 450lFor service phone Craig Hunter Radio heater In noodccdndition CLYDESDALE Galding years bullies DISHWASER gamg applggg mlsuoud 53r5 75075 $295 01d lighldmanc am milvbSirEd by 3250 ldown Wm handle this cggiolllYTlthBlglgalrgd 310111 Hrvnssa toe cm 95 150 WANTED lo up PLANET Garden Trac Trade 18 m0th pa ElgfrsgtgllfSllonpfoho Olgago min bllennlllultmflllggrn WWW new Shl are low Moderate monthly payments down payment mortgage monthly ltor with plow disc and ctlltlva BOY WANTED BarrieMetal Salvage REGENT STATION mm wlrk days week Apply lclleap George Pearson Guthrie second calf due May 15 Good VV will be the happy owner of this Lfmlled Owen phone oroV cream COVV VGeolIge Holt Blllldlng Lots We have seveldl home soonV For interview contact lots listed on the following streets Thommn hone up my 950 Coutts Real Estate Broker zogggzlllgngvglslglnfugls 335 330521 ugllllcecallllgngalltggedvvlgl Ekggfggoigdgngloggolgggg EDIE 0N HIGHWAY 27 Glove Tlffln Napler Sophla Pen Owen St phone 2371 1H0 FARM STOCK AND 5V MILES NORTH OF BARRIE elan Ke 11 GRADE Hem mm TB mp ne IMPLEMENTS Awning CQ 34 Buyeld Street he COUnly request Phone 2933 walnut nish Perlect con ition 13 50 tested and vacclnazed2 fresh with Small homing $5800 15 acres OXBOW PARK Wasaga Beach 14950 5r 820r31 Iresidence 5306 Slayner phone 3493 or can at 105 Burton room house small barn hen house roomed cottage lased in 1st or 9813 91 Phone 2577 Barri Ave AllandaleV MISI Donald potm VI ea garden lel cedar bush full furnished 1111 SALESLADY llmmancm 90mm 760 Jun lingo Angus one 83 12 Summer cottage for Oro tvattzr sink and pcletrlcl geslgtss with Steady future Experienced 01 Yard and 0mm 156 Tm St 94950 Beach district June Julyrilrrltd Aug ch1 wooded all in very good con otherwise WalkcmStmCS Limltcd F29 TYPEWRITERS office machlnes CHOICE Rggistcred Yorkshires 11 ust $350 dition boating shing one mile 14950 poltables adding machines cash V76 Elizabeth St phon 3600 weeks stralgllt Engllsh bloodline Listlng required onsummer cot flm raceI track $2300 terms or WANTED reglstels sales and serviceH both alents lmportcd Joseph Fttz tages for sale or reht lakefront bargam for cash Phone 7757 SALESLADYV expericqced me Gamay 17 FrancesI st BameVV germs Moonstone phone MOMV preferVVedV Toan OIL RiedV 1594A uan ferred but not essentlalllpl Bung Your scrap iron tlncar bod Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona IN stone 95051 Av West Toronto 1650 Bloomeld Corner CUPbORd 31 65 Lu Francoz in Orlllla and representative 743be LAs hardware and lialice 49x0 mu tI PPI ery and 118ch lt rleghgreglrg ttlllirggg USED VACUUMCleaners with all 53 EEEEFliglztgglls 2btslf1r3 Realtor Clapperton some BuSinQSS Opportumh Salas clerk toVspeciallze In ybUNG TYPIST for BMW 0f Illic Acaanay you the most for attachments recondltloned and Wm considei loan arrangement Ph 103551 service to and installation of ntale or female Apply Ii and FRANCOZ guamteed Free home demonml to responsible partv Simp on healing equipment walel mung 10 Box 60 Bame Exam 93 yVhere Phone 3482 kin Stloud 950 FRED Mums pressure syslems mllkers and ler 14950 lllbw Sts Phone 4261mm WFllC ROY Tlllcy 87 M81316 Ave 1650 interesmlg land Protable MS other farm equipment Barrie 74550 THEGREYBRUCEAberdcen An ness making big progressin Cam HOUSEKEEPER Comm 50 PLYMOUTH gns Breedrs are holdlu thelran LOTS 65x165Apply 20 Allrd min and the v3A elderly lady Do not call befme ADDING Machlnes and Typewrib GRAY FEEETLINE COACH nual sprmg sale nt Wu kcrton Oll 31v 911 5231 1650 The young man to qmmy for 352 afternoon May 5132 all llgvynlbfggfllilelfgedntr Air Condilloning healerv 10 sliwggmllogggsef ure Still LOTS Donld St Sewer 111 HaddlngtouAve 13 Permmenl Bowl in cook wanted hours ll to 130 430 TOP PNCESPADFOR llfefgorgtBggff eg Vclyv Clea inside Markdale gisbslir wall PhOne 4436 4639 Toronto 12 Out 113 We 339 mm mil Mogrnlkllcggl unggrgggrggg SCRAP METAL phone 4524 g1738 5m OUR Shorthorn Igor Tie 100Mwllggalltvi lndsgod cgm Hgmr are Rams 33 tlezzlll lu S14956 Amgmoi TYPEWRITERS and Addlng May 4LTRVEESIIEDOOR SEDAN 3333laggegglgglggg glfggg 3123 esslolll lpplgnisoxrgedgrglgnl experleilce or willbe an oul chlncs new and factoryvrelcondl gt lSl950 LUNCH ROOM near Borne Phone standing Shtdenl with mech ll You cannot afford to do aminen FOR Porter Walk betWBED Wd Bud 0mm EllZleh 51 West tmned Servtcc by factory trained Thls gcm ts lb tlp to runnmg wln qe 5221Ibelw9en and Im 295051 himI $9 2040 hospitalization and ln Femdaleh mechanics Speclal student rental conditlon Exceptionally Clem 1th OW Clmk and 50 HOUSE rooms electric garage ca as Rave shoe 944950 gt ranged accordinr toquallc urance benets Apply Umted F47 rates Call Rem ngton Rand le lnSlde and out Good lalr gnrden Apply Anderson ST PAUL mlles south of ElgarStoles Ltd 14075 wLIVE POULTRYW 70 Dunlop St BarrleVV Paola 47 CHEVROLET Ho or IEVthuiVa 27 about miles Barrie on Highway 11 large Ms apply manage sou an PROPE EVERMER COTTAGE on lake fVVonAV caslgfTermsalVa1ranged ExceVlcut V7 7V sue orsm meet mo 39 BED SITTING Rm 10m electllclty semlprlvate at Slmcoe tionery shop mi lurgo of high WmimwcclokiuLodgelee tn No pbjelcjign tlinchgd lam Fryers IIan ggfiglmmgglflmgrlmIEV ROTARY Tillers wofk me Lwimw mammal ge ay HIGHEEEEIXgESV iglulsteggyggefguwoygiu glut 33 it egrctgglrlrilejlloae38333 4724 Iii50 algeVnearplgawkgtoniVVg rig Way 11 for CrescentAHalbciur and good the ME is wmevfor free rec drlv ngthlsI is the car LARGE ROOM in new homeI 3111 lCleU One 10 other Lake Simcoe beaches Con IPhone 2429 Barrie VPVhone 26r121 Stroud l50i2 GIRL WANTEpl Stgady posmon tl our de for you tact Mrs Russell Wheeler Box Wm pamlt 59 wllal5l3ml1bl c3llollkar Ballgnguitlognlvllldlbtlst 3073119512 bk fo guh Phone 2320 1H7 ROOM HOWE With 31900 ball 14 Lefroy Ont 294950 Mime in ofce 913 Wllght Van located neat St Marys Church 939 Dun 50 16me ANYWHERE CATALOGUE or bl noon SEDAN Nl8t3lcrlffndlllr 36 Mme sizable game WW See us for the bestprlces on hides pIum ng ml VV WANTED FOR lunch counter girl leathers Wool and horsehair bqalmlz supplles Wrxte or better Lovely common inside de out hone 4521 154de llif 11le Phantoms 16st FAVOURABVLE gm over 18 Mm be rem FREE PARKING 395GB PM wmhws MM is Perle llmmng 001 FURNISHED ROOM very central COOKSTOWN Cement 018d hollsel We in Ap lylal Once on true Wm ca anywmre ailmgpggp lm NWMlVeyPTWa 13 located Suitable torbuslness rooms My ebomledvRmg 226 Huntsvlle or phone ll acregzuden close to 27 ngh 11138 14850 onItmo Sce 10 WW3 ll95 person Phone 86 15749 way Phone Cookstown 895 33 ColllerSt Phone 2301 101 ll 09 homer bathroom Sets LOWfPrlced SpeCIGl FURNISHED Bedroom wlth double 164340 XdUNG MAM Pally DOSlllOll Collect phone calls accepted We Terrlgerlmm Sm and bed Suitable for one or tvmgcn illfnallillmlghlalllllvlilf lalelsbllllonillllall 333 45 CHEVROLETSEDAN em Phl 97 1552A8Tbl3513fllllofllllflllll PRICE RATION Wright Cleaners Dunlap TOOLS AND Electric Motoruwan grams 14702 Beautqu condition has bulltlnVGIRL WANTED share apart Lasts bevel sidlng tor outs do or 71 150 led Phone 3032 34950 rad clock 00m918lel equipped moot very central Phone 5357 be onset 25x36 Good location apply The consumer ls getting better prices but the farmer is THIS WEEKEND on 5o 23 OK Wanted hours to $30 HUGS AND Slngle Beds wanted BUILDING on teen and it Bore St 16 50 getting theVsqueezeV However little better price for loI3No Sundays Modem km in good condition PhoneI 5209 Take Your PickIOf These FURNISHED pearoom and melt $6090lNSUL BRICK rooms llVeStOQszand llttlelower price on feedwouldglve the doorbllzzltr 35 LOWER proceo was out wltpllloxudsumo tallhalbummull rarmermemarsmhe needs All 50 TQRNllIQPl Mb pLultlamahllromlAttNa 41 cumvnonmi aminer IMOWW limol West churches Phon W553 dnlcu 321$ lyedcl Special Deluxe 4Door Sedan Stayner 145 1H0 Feed MO Nfgsnaayggd 233 32 345256 ElallT new lllbllotlib gfg llltllllz ENIorthagel72gltlllalmgfl MODERN ROOM ktore oxop ees are lower Len UnltormSand lmealtl Barrie Includes slrawbetrlesantlb1lkhminbludln Mom Mom mutantslsurtllsllllt 33 We 97 Ill Sgtlnsledumlsu 3950035232 llllaelmlpfclllln dub lolSlAfrildollrllnell lskalnillf Narmada phone number lrle Examlnen 16lt4850 sell Tu pet BarrlegExamlnert 34951 as erms APARTMENT rooms bathroom demonlmll low 1340 heavy witlug hardwood floors LARGE BRICK home on blgbway Cosop 500d HOURS TopQuaIy Market Puca Pygggn qgfguggy faIgySgggggrn Bygggeda SHEET METAL WORK 311 mlggllgltgoliaover store Garatze lgggegfguggmllggingmgg No need to be blsh pressured into premlumpricd teed 30501330103 tor lad Pleaae se Alr Furnacea 1933 CHEV 300d WWW Mllsl gt su lies Ask us for feedln ti 1I49V5lphqneVV mar Wm Hm I53 New mm Vsell Phone5259 134990 St phone 2318 15 to so Coutts Real Insure Broker DD esut gures by which your 0W9 Sl Phone2371 11H rnelgbbors have proved for themselves th to 1l are lh ind ce RNISHEDCOTTAG tW New and $2 AINTIQUE Jeweller chlna sum 39le oollbuvonmg grill gifon saga new 398 lbw by maul lnsllcleaV 0113 nous cusp Idf rooms economy or coop Feeds wquMWl GWNmmmwum$mommmmw two It radiometer ml cl pH M8hopl Phlme la in can hadlb tehasemt gt 19 on outllamllflsoso39 II 5w 1mg Ive$goag He and ItssonIpwsmsss as tour gallows WW stud bl Mott unclmyal mroos ll uluom 123 mudggrdqendesmlg goat lull dmu lemon not con unlit All 34950 FlumeADM Beaten tj Sh Inoroaml

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