Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1952, p. 5

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Smith Collects BOB JOHNSTON WINS HONORMcArthur May run mum summit rumor My Ammin IN THE BAR mum Another $1000 TEENAGE DRIVING ROADEO Lose Sight of SEE THE EXAMINER foo minim WWM mmww MMMW MUWV MW towards great ball Season in town The seniorsoftball crow had at which time the electrician is likcly to be on hand to odjust the lights1 Llle opening practise and with the exception of few Shadows cxtcndcd to all payers in the town and district Law states stress is being placed on young talent to assure future teams gonIch this week andmost of the 1951 rosleris back in harness camp from North Bay Paul Kenny stocky little mittman of the Barrie By GEORGE STOREY THROUGH THE COURTESY of Bob Roscy Bush who is as active administratively 23 his IJIXIUU murmur Eddie we were able to mine the second game of Cullingwoods irzlcrmedinie final scrics agnins Simone Gunners And what we saw we liked The Sthbuilders on without doubt fine liockcy club developed thoroughly through un doubtcdiy lmrd Iirzltmg by that fumcd puckstcr Eddic Bus Edd deserves grunt Licle of credit for the way be but lifted the slandzud of Isockcy In Collmguuod 11c Em the little neighborly lawn lumllms with hockIy conversations all stout lhc Shipbuildcrs and his repeated junior champmns ilic Gltflrllilla Big Ed fired two blnzing packs into lhc yawuing Simone cage it was yawning in that game and each light was flushrd tln capacity crowd roared joyoust for their beloved IIIIIIVL dcfcnrcmun Simcoi offered nothing in Incway of up position Sliipbuildcrs nun 11Ol Perhaps it was duo in the driving hzirdhiltin attack Eddic and Ins boys liczivcd iii them Tlu Ship buildcrs pcrfoimcd like youngstcis 5Ed ildl called on few junior lads to force the lug power 11111 it Is going to tukc phcnominul rc versal of form by tho Spunno entry to dispose of LolllIzcuoods defending chumps Allan MoiIll lubby 15111141 Don Keith Lcn Cook and Bur ncy Walmslcy curdvd irciiicndous performances Unlcss we miss our guess that lnltlilltlllllu litlc vil sit for many yours on llic Col linguood liockcy shiivcs BIG ED is not only glcnl lockcyisl lie is also uniun lflelIle curd Should lull rvcr czccp 11110 gzunc the fans can depend upon Eddie to liven pruccrdings lies Ihc colorful type of LlcfcncLmmi and certainly vnrrnnis me priccot 1411111551qu to Illllgt his acts For in stance with Simcuc faking sucn pounding Ed lirukc up play at his own bluclinc Somciiow nc puck was lost Out of maize of pluycr roared Ed waving liis arms minimally at the llIUlLtI and IS the vliistl blew the little back disk ilioppwl from Eds huckcy gain This nab urnlly drew loud response from tho crowd for their bid Hes cute customer loo Ccrtainly noi the fastest mun on skates Ed con tinually has nn Elbow glovc or sonic uthcr missile lungch around his uppuncnts nogginmulwnys when in rcfciccs buck is lurncd MANY SIORIES IlilVi curululcd around the hockey from ibout Big Ed the most noud bcing his udvcnturc vun Philadelphia in the American League Always on 1111 lookuul for stray buck Ed would purchase dollar 116 from Fifth Avcnuo CODLLlll in New York City and attempt to sell them to rival players in the other American League CIIICS Alter game time Ed Would be $001 trooping down tho corridor with ugliastly array of tics strung over his arm nopinz to barter tlic ncckpicccs at small profit known as handling charges There is also the story about his poptalk voiced between periods The Shipbuildcrs wcrc trolling this particular gamc and Ed in boistrous manner VZI placing the finger on cinch member of the tcaun for poor performance And then without notice hcswung sharply to mirror in tho drussmg room bolloxvcd and you Eddie Bush etc etc etc There uc many more soribs about Ed Ins days in the National Hockey Lennie with Dc troit Red Wings IIicn he would 11ch Jolly Jack Adams fit to be tied his tours of the American League and even form with Slicibrooko in the Qucbcc Senior League Ed has contributed much to hockey both in playing and color 11111 if is 1111c wonder he remains the toast of Lollingwood grunt sportingl town THINGS ARE HAPPENING Inst in the executive offices of the Agricultural Park recreation commission The machine invented by Alex andei Graham Bell jinglcd yesterday and Win Law who is moving fastcrthzin the fine fishing waters of the Fraser River announced IIIL commission agreed to sponsor girls softball club and the 10631 North Simcoc busoball niry this summer With these new duties it is quite evident that the commission practically controls management and rcv cnugof the local diumond sport for this summer at least And after 3111 they practicuilylmvc to fairly hcfly deficit faces thocominission and with sponsorship of our major teams the commission can prol mote with some sense of security Such rapid advancements also points mild workout Monday night despite chilly temperatures and mark of terrific enthusiasm was evident Club manager Jim Boorman and coach Gord Brown were on hand to oversee the drill which merely scivcd lo limbcr up the joints held in captivity throughout the long winter months Brown called another drill for Monday Night 645 pml and properly focus the playing field The lights were switched on for met the approval of the competitors MORAL IS EXCEEDINGLY high regarding the Jocul entry in the North Simcoe baseball picture Since the commission approved spon sorship Ilietcams main sparkplug Jimmy Strachan took time out from his curwashing enterprise to place little light on the subject He revealed staunch baseball citizen here in Iho person of Gil Roberts former lopclass catcher in the InterCounty League Roberts is not ex pected to play due to an injured knee but as Jimmy states he would be gieutassct to the coaching capacity The teams ace righthaner Bill Hagan Is anxiousxfor mound duty despite sore left shoulder Allstar catcher Paul Mcger has returned home from the NHL hockey front but left immediately for Miami Florida sunshine Sirochan is the lakecharge guy for the present time in least and reports all positions on the club available Openlng practise Is WedI nesday evening at the Agriculture Park pm with cordial welcome The commission ap of the girls softball entry and Win and few days of that glorioust pointed Doug hodgcr as manager Midland Monarchs who walked off with three titles last season or HERE AND THERE report from Gravenhurst has Jock Dytc popular sportsman here leaving for the Gateway to the north to as sume duties as recreational director Owen Sound Mercurys have caught former Hamilton Szabos winger of 194647 Val DeLory in their building campaign muchtravelled hockey star DeLory played last season with Boston Olympics of the EAHA report from Pembroke has Chicago Black Hawks contemplating on holding their fall training session in that city Bill Tobin Hawks president looked over the Mam orial Centre in Pembroke and expressed possibility of moving their Wins Lady BynggSPONSORED BY LIONS CLUB Right Eye lli pzmzuvlnn has boon 322cm Ly by lhc Barrie Llulb Ciul pioiincbwide Emirdriving dlllpdlgl is in full Ixumg Th nl lsons murmured sifwdiixztzg 11ch it Agrttub lumi Park Wzd ii sflcrnuon IL VLIKICIIIHIH In Icpscsclli Elms wtllu 114 disllfc scumfinals Lixi mum Garrison Hold Doubles Finals Tonight Guirum Club builuiiulun finals link DIIIII 11 111mm Ammury Iouris tonight mm championship 1501s in mens and 511 SMITH opportunist hibiuud mm WM wingcr of the Toronto Maple Louis won llic Lady Byng Memorial Tmi p11 for 1941 11 1h QIIIIULIIILILL and Bob Chum today from Montreal In so 1011141 ioubl he bccnnu tlic fourth chif IIiil to 1110 mncx tho trophy which Is nwarrleI cach your to 1w player adjudgull In have cxliibilcii tin host typo nix sportsnmnship 111d gcnilvniunly II mm mbm Th ml Mrs Ari McKInn and Miss Doris standard of playing ubilily Illllll llu season IIunncrup to SmilhgblW vzis Hrd Kelly rillslur defuncv mm 11 n3 WW McNiibb Mrs Mcbnbl and Mrs blunluy Cup Champions binilh 10 Lnnnmn lcumml In Win lulled 31 points of possible 90 Ill ihc cwnl Illsl season the vulmg and carried out bv Hollis Robinson and panol of III sportswritcis uiII gt MNibl inc finalisls In spoifscasuers Kollv recorded 31 doubles points The Lcnf star who niswHH was chosen on the leagues second Kean Kczirns have won the cup four out Illslnr lcnm rccuivcs $1000 from got five you but Hm NW the NHL for winning the irophy ithis Llll He earned $300 as second lIIvSlill tonsulatmn finnls 111 each event 1will be played MW CN Telegraphs Win Close Struggle this your Also iiiw lllllllilS imim will bv champions pziir off against Sniilli 1an Mrs Mrs tlu Mc mixed EShipbuiIcIers Take Collingwood Shipbuildcrs took 21 lead in gamvs in their bestin scvcn OHA intcrmcdinlc cham Dermdmg Champwns CNR TOLL pionship series last night when and nehmders 1950thcy trounced Simcoc Gunners 102 malnfr Tanning unwed fornt Simcoc The fourth game is final mayo theme BOWL slated for Collingwoml Saturdin 153 enguc TUQSday mght and thelnight with the fifth buck in Sim right to represent group two Tumda The TQICENPIIS COUQCIEd 6405 In The defending champion Ship Captming the ChamDIOUShID f0 3lbiii1dcrs compich 31 lead in the group but had make comebaCkfirst pcriod lcd 62 in the second from the first nights DIMOH lo do and fired four unanswered markers sf ufc driving illiit L111 11 In3 doubles Hollis Robinson 1an Clizarlic Scu 11mm lmzn rigourl Fwd Andurtml mens Lust nnr Robinson iillll Andiruin ieipprd the HUB ur rihc filth your inn split as partners Ihampnins in fln lmlim iiVIsiou as humus furnur uoigiim Hay duql against Larry Whitby and Robinson and Miss Honorsllead Against Guns so Opening night results saw Bur ric Tanning No head the puradc by narrow 18pin margin over RCAF of Camp Borden CNR Tel cgraphs were 82 pins behind in third place Tuesday nights bowling Saw RCAF perform poorly and vanish to fifth plane in the playoff race Meanwhile CNR worked to over lin the third Playing conch Eddie Bush tallied once and assisted three others to lend his mates zfifth placc while Farimis Spaghetti House were sixth Mike Farina hnda good entry this season and year is good bet to stir up trouble next haul the deficit and after the first Iva Loss game trailed Barrio Tanning by more four pins Thoy continucdi Average annual 1055 of mblr their determined comeback in the due 10 res and we discusys second and going into the third Canadian forests has been estimat gnmc held 71 threepin Inargged 500000000 cuhjc get in over Barrie Tanning It was in the third game that the Tannery gv Wool Growers Organization boys fell down They struggled but offs was Gohecn Billiards who led SHIP COLLECT T0 the league in the first series and our Registered Warehoum 240 finished on top of the first division In in the second series It was the Reliable Grading case of strong team unable to Direct Settlement nd the range and Goneens wound Shippers may bum sacks and twine up fourth without chamo from Dominion Auto Wreckers made SPENCER Thornton good bid for top honors but just TllOS BOWMAN Stroud didnt have it in the playoffs fin or by writing direct to ishing in thirdplace nearly 300 CANADIAN Co0PEnATIVE pins behind secondplace Barrie Tanning No RCAF finished in woo Gnowmb LIMITED Boxing Club is said to be suffering from spinaIArhcumalism and on last Report was waiting to enteivToronto Gen a1 Hospital Manager Orv Dash who relayed the information said Paul was not feeling well when hi3 fought at London in the Olympic trials and since that day hasnt been back to work and seldom out of bed Win or lose it took lot of heart for Kenny to enter the ring under those conditions Hec McKenzie formerly of Alliston returns to Fengus as playing coach of tho Thistles in Senior OLA Marlow Woods native of Orillia who playedon Owen Sounds Mann Cup champions two ye rs ago but refereed last summer issnd to have agreed to join Fergus histles this season Rusty White former wellknown lacrosse star from Rich mond Hill in the old TilCounty League coached Fergus to the DEA junior title badly outclassing Sunderland in the finals This was another case of poor classification by the OHA There was doubt Eorgds belonged in junior and Colllngwood in junior on the basis of tlioir unopposed sweeps through much smaller towns FROMALL PROVINCES Representatich from all 10 provinces will be in Ottawa on The Roman Senate in 250 BC attempted to case tough traffic April 25topttond the annualfmeet Situallon pawl1g law lng or the Canadian General coun limiting women from drums char cil of the Boy Shouts Asshciation iiotsi Farmjmprovemcnt loans can be used to electrify your liousc barn and other farm builcngs fAnioums up to $3000 may bcadvanced under the plan and the money repaid by instalments spread over one two or morc years The rate chaigccl is simplciintetestAsk for Citiculrs for our iienicSt branch FARMIwnovmrign CANSU sunshWM Ncwviiinplcrncnmmachinery and cquipnicnt 1rr of fin Iondco His Bub loin $10 of Campbcil AM who tlI 233 points out of LI possible 5W WIle tXuJLS lllliiilitul 100 11 Issi work and tho alrzng lf 11Vlkl the 12 Hs Liiflipthrl flu ILHZ non Jns gin cm Eigkl iiillis 111 unfold mxt wagon J1fl1ll loilid cash award mi 510 for finishing first llv hold MWpull nmrgm ovrr Clarke SI who wound up in mound more of 2115 for mil Il in 36 Jim chsicnulg 11 Isunoii out of 111ml pillti vw porn to urn 1111 final przzc iil SJ Olin i1lflr j1112 Vail 199 ZZLTU iUllll as follows lion 11mm 2H Immm 11ml II iluuius cuniplvlu gtkillful ll llltllifllll Izzughf 11m Willi 11w 12u4J111gtslllg through row lillil bulls spach 11m Izullzw ipnil and spnrml llVfl if IIIII lugl wilN illiy vI Il up 10 do luznuzn flu ilrivms ability In miivrn vuliiilv and this ISl 111 scr IllCll ioiisislod of rliuw imizvl spacch ll lwl Ipuit hurl211 which lln 111I1 hail lo lmvk llillmllll Aimilnr lcsl includcil Ilu puss Hill of sizinrluons lllt width of tho 2211 plus four lllClllS zipnrl which luff tun ianur of clearance on xurli sulc of 1111 car The lrmr fluu llflll to stop us close to Whill chalk line as possible with one point off for mach inch iwav Most of llu drivers Iilllclcd on iln parallel parking They were gin If two tries to park bciwevn luvu jlfllkl cars and sit only six irichcs away from tho curb loinls Krvri chuclcdif one of the park curs vcri touched It was nlso Inolicld that the drivcrs with ihc ignored signals lcxcrpiion of one winu pulling awuy Itziirniun Joc Iullncr had praise for those who hclpcd in the rundco which included officials Boyd Gart shorc Ed Norman Gerry Smith Iiny Horn Charlie Lowe Toni Tat Icrsall Bruce Brown Frank Dot son Harold DulCIlillld Nocl Sicph cnson luimvr llytr cczilzr ixI Joe Jamiif chzzhur who Infflied local lull null his stunting swung IIJI in 194546 mu mm again enjoy full vision of his right cyc victim of high Ilik wiulo play for Haliqu In llu Muman ilznjor liockcy League finals Mc ililllfl has broil univrod to bod for 11 lcust lhrcc Wltlb for iuiiiplcl of mg JAYDEE McAIIIHLII In but buck in Sound Jamilv is town IIl CXDCII jaml must uncomfortable jour ncy from Halifax llljlll JayrIic Following 111 was iuslud 10 Halifax hospital and spccnilisi from Monlrcal treated him Illl more than work III llnspilul Ill vns IIIfflhml with his ryisighf ap purcnlly billk lo uuutiil 12m wwk Ill and Iltllfltd homo rumhurl Iorunfo IIL blind in his right cyc IIKIUI filflllttl Ilim humi illlllll1 that tho only rcnl was rust and 1t111 of It Should By the IIIIII In was to lLl his uyrsighl in 1lllll to tho Mnrifinms askml if he lIllflldtd to play for wcn Sound Mcrcurys nvxt season fund Juydcc more stntcd If can makc the club OYSTERS 0N LAND Oysters grow on mountain slopes in the Philippincs on Frailc Island at the mouth of Maniln Bay The oyster is found thriving as high as 20 lo 25 feet above sea level During high iidcs the waves wet the rocks for long periods making it possible for oysters to grow bunrilcd pilllll lotally Toronto cur lfllllll Io nurnnil McArlhur fins uni llillllfl Hc was PERFECT Clltlllllllllll PORT COAT and SLACks AND RIGHT YOULL BE WITH SPORT COAT CHOSEN FROM OUR RACKS 111ml Right all long Summer at work or at Icisurv thrc ever run arc wlutcvcr yourr du iug Right Is IIH word for our Spot Jackits Make yourr visc chuicc today 52495 to 38 See our special Summer collection of Dress Slacks Smartly styled expertly tailored in Gabardine Flannel Worsteds Scrch and many others in wonderful new shades Stephens THE STORE 1FOR MEN ORG EST 1885 15 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 2556 OPP WELLINGTON HOTEL couldnt keep up with the torridi Ipace Set by CNR Telegraphs Big disappointment in the play 211 Bay Street Toronto Canada $395 $450 LEVEL WIND REEL wlth antibacklash control to adjust spool tension $173 up tremendous variety in range of colors av allable LARGE ASSORT MENT of wetland dry flies for the bpening of thetrout season 15 25 FISHING LINES domestic and im ported Includes ny lon Silk and linen $145 $1 15 $209199 THREE PIECE FLY 1100SelClbaiib99Iungi 3f slen steel guide 31 Standard troutactlon $1775 ond szojs WIIOIPIIIa was and heres your promise of good fishing all season long Fill your needs here today everything in one stop All famous brands too Complete stock of fishing supplies books New foundationorjbtccding leaders gaffs nominating rods minnow llivevslocikir iiis1iiononfnnGENrr DEDANLFlidrgooiidlilonlng 1951 Folio Vicroma HARDTOPyrudlo airiondinon mg spotlighl list binnvnonirc SPECIAL COACHIinew tires less than 11195 1959 MErrIion 1151091 SEDAN one and overdrive gt 1349Ironmonousronsnnaiv airobiidlliloimig gt gi13d1ll4 enccsdrainagc abdomen MIMU wan booklet Ittcll all 5001 MM dcvclopnienls Constructionrcpair or Mslltermion of any building on tlicfarm pails bolt boxeselc

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