Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1952, p. 4

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SiCAAIN Snows wane mensgoorauicx Ham us Firm Bu mm the me their places um um moments on made available by the em Ibe to day for tho blind Will be held loudly on Saturday May wide verier of of themes airman handled by the CNIB recently was tho ofAnnc Grayagnduatod the Ohmic School for the Blind who with the help of the lnstitulcsg ti Hour Mill Midland in maladies Afternoon Bowling AnhurEPowoll $Raafimw at mucosa Ladies bowling Lew Culllnn Water Softener maintained their torrid pone My night to finish onl top of their closest occupation Queens Hotel by 101 pins Paced by Grace Boannan who rolled threegame foul of 7072 mom Culliznn take am the crown held by PegTops of last year who finished well down the list this season Captain of the champions was Dorothy Aycllffc who piloted Nori inc Lanthfcr Vera Terslgnl Mari ion Roblllard Skip Mallion Bus Baker and Grace Doorman to the coveted tillc schedule finished 336 pins bchind in third place with 5781 with 5751 Monarch Refrigeration 527 Culligan produced sixgame 10 ml of 6115 which bcItcrcd Quccnsi determined bid of 6014 FK Min chlncry who paced the rcgular Adams Butchcrcltcs were fourth fifth with 5635 and Coulis Real Estate trailed the playoffs with Winner of the leagues high sin glc trophy was Gcncvicvc Icdling ham whose 331 stood up for the season Lydc Davis rolled thrcc game total of 752 to win that rc spectivc scasnns award whilc Marie Grccnsidc coppcd the high average honors with 190 The leagues annual banquet is slated for Trinity Parish Hall May 13 at pm then made by the speaker when 110 Singles Event Averages 283 Bob Mallion 1950 mens singles champion is back along the victory trail again Mallion for five games to lead pack of bowling aspirants contesting for the Amby Rivctt Singlcs Trophy Mallion won the title in 1950 but lost to Murdy Campbell last season For fivo games bowled on the first nights round Mallion averaged 283 per game His final roll was 363 single Closest rival to Mallions lead is Ross Peacock who scored 1268 Last years champion Murdy Campbell failed to roach the 1000 mark The competitors roll again tol night at the local bowling allcys Those who bawlcd 1050 or better are as follows Ed Lewis 1228 Wcs Perry 1162 George LcGear 1112 Sid Woodward 1098 Gord McKenzie 1097 Stew Harris 1082 Wib Green 1081 Ed Green 1069 George Greer 1065 Clair Robinson 1060 Rube Corbett 1000 FLAG OF THEIR OWN W01 Cubs of the Deaf and Blind Shool Pack in Vancouver have been presented with lettered Pack flog by Cubs of the Dunbar Polnt Grey Area rim role msumcr rwmsm 84510 900 Needs 01 Countyi affected the living of others people rollcd 1416 mm mm Hun W11 over WWI Lucky flies Torry Hummer paced the Pu ers stuck which saw them collect score of 3030 Gwen Gmrs neat rolling allow ed Lucky Strike to stay on the heels of the lenders Trailing the Puddlen by 100 pins and In third place are the Act with 28 Big surprise of the playoffs was the collapse of the Red Hots who paced the sixteam loop all 52215011 They are entrenched in fourth place with 2789 Happy Mediums arc fifth with 2644 and only two pins behind are the Ilyers in sixth and last position Meritilhh Continued from page on It was somclliing which could not be ovcrlookcd added Dr Hood When something was around us and began to be conscious of it Willi the increasing interest in mental disability attention was now being focusst on prevention and early trcatnicniTliis had come about vcry gradually They had not yet reacth the end of the trail hmvcvcr and Ilicrc were many more steps to be taken Community Effort SAM KIMBERLEY fire team McAulcy owner of the tobacco firedamaged block and f1 Thompson survey the gutth lhc vorricd child might ch1 turn Carnahans mattress Shed at the rear of the Pillsbury ions or simmerIsl have bought the Dixieland our Hills at Midland the companys first move into Canada Philip Pillsbury president announced yesterday The announcement was also made by 311 Pinchln president of Cope had and Renown Mill Ltd Cal may also taken ovor by the Pills make flour mill in North America bury firm Thc two mills are described as two of the most mod emin North America The Copeland mill at Midland has daily capacity of woo cwt and is the only completely pneu It employs abut 80 persons After taking over the two Canadian firms Pillsbury will make avail able In Canadafts full line of spo cIalty flour mixes and formula feeds mansion NEEDED AS BLIND captainKcn store in the roman Earl remains of store Itwns here the blaze started from what was believed to have been grass fire The firemen managed to prevent it reaching the actual business premises but these were extensively affected by smoke and water cope with all types of difficultiesIIculnicnl facilities which providc highly interesting point vuslinlo the sick adult and flichwstionllhis was the main but not the the potential of prevention or the said that he thought that these ful cilitics which 11113111 prcvcnt menial llllncss and provide treatment were igoing to come not from those in the imtdicul spheres who had the skill Ito from those patients but from the factions of the businessmen and oth icrs min the communitics lhcsc peuplc could do great deal by Iarousjng inIcrLsl in ullurs until icvcryouc had the conviction that Isomclhiug good could come of such la schcinc and the funds began to fmaterialize lo carry the projcct through We have to look to people like vyoursclvcs to provide the impetus lfor the drive for facilities in this country Dr Hood said Historical Background Turning to the pionvcrinz work ln this Sphere the speaker said that back in 1800 psychiatry was of juvenile delinquency had also toi be considered Dr Hood rclntcd how fhc first child guidance clinic was fornch in 1010 in Chicago to study the dclinI qucnl problrm Ihcy had come long way since then but one foo turc of the prototype clinic had con finucd through the Inter advances of tho work namely the teamwork spirit Iho social worker psycholo gist and psychiatrist pooled their resources and integrated their find ings in the diamostic work of the clinics thus giving at comprehensive uiclurc of any paliinls makeup In the beginning LIIC work of the c1in ics was largely diagnostic and tho rcconnncndiuions of thosc working in them were transferred to some others agency for the treatment of cases From all this early work the largo clinic as it is known today dcvclopcd Anoihcr interesting Ihint which Ifoif this county but do not think concerned purely with the custodial was happening about mis time 135 care or the mentally Lalerv that many psychizurisfs were mov around the end of the last century mg out of hospitals and going attempts were being made t0 into private practice The question cover the different types of mental then arose whether something could 111035th CXISICd not be done in this rcspcct with ivou wl Differing degrees of Imporme Icuud lochildrcn as well awodults 11 led were then attached to the various groups Today there was great icndcncy by spccinlists to regard icrc hddbccn two with swings from these had arisen the more or oilierwi and what tpr of 521111 of the pendulum said Dr Hood and is ow to do any good you patient mcrcly as nose or par ticular limb but not as individ ual It was with the advent of Freud and people like him that psy chiatry began to become concerned with the psychiatric growth of the Individual with the attitudes feel ing and growth patterns of people as they entered adolescence and with the kinds of conflicts that arose between them and their en vironmcnts It was not psychiatry alone how ever that was responsible for the advances in this broad field Psy chologists began interesting them selves in human bchaviour2realiz ing it was some kind of resolution the person brought up against his environment and which the en vironment set up against him The whole business of the in divldual as person in relation to his environment began to assume more and more importance in the consideration of the illnesses that upset people the speaker explain Many of these illnesses have icir roots back childhood Frcquently these aroscns re sult of the relationship between the child its parents and other children Consequently attention began to fo cus on the growth of childran and what shouldbo their normal de velopmcnt Advent Of Guidance Clinics The child guidance clinics came into belnnglth the realization that nianagcublv sysicm of operating in existence today in their work At onc time it was considered there was no such thing as the problem child but more were the problem parents child patient would be seen and the parents would be in lervicwcd for vccks In another place all the work was donc with the children and the parents were left out of the picture Both these schools of thought fziil led to recognize certain things but they had nevertheless brought was employed today in most clin ics Now the parents and children about tho way of working which were both interviewed and given the chance to help the clinic work ers find just where their problems lay Dr Hood then quoted from case histories to give his audience an idea of some of the difficulties which the psychiatrist psychologist and social worker were faced in solving cases They had to meet people from all walks of life and in the persons 71951 Ford heater and defroster 1950 Pontiac Sedan equipped with ra 110 fulcondltlon 1950 Morris Minor Here lsldeal econ omica1 transportation 1949Meteor Sedan lovely condition Inside and out 1948 Oldsmobile Hydramatlc Coach real 1948 Chevrolet Fleetllne Conch good if condition 41947 Pontiac Sedan to choosefrom bath pqulpped with radioland many extras 1946 Chrysler sodomlhls oar his in beautifulcondltlon 19h Chev only function of the clinics icutting off at its incipient stage of 1Illncss constitute pOSIIWC up Slmcoc County Attltudc Ipwachw he added lcople talked in SimcocCounty In introducing the speaker Frank about wanting mental health clin Dingmam chief probation officer 10 311m swam but ii im Family Court said they had to con porlant lu remember that it could Sider this topic in relation Wm only be really as strong as the other was happening in simcoe County services which existed for children some the welfare organizations COImunilVv including the Family Court had 1f the clinic attempts to IOOklbccn aware of the nch of psychi nftcr other works it is goin to fail mic services here Dr Hood warned To think of 11 Adding that he was Speaking for clinic one has to think of all lhv his own branch of warme work other childrcns services and what Dlngman Stated zwe have felt demands are going 10 be made onlquim handicapped in our work in Clinicu inot having our own mentulhcalth In community where there wcrcscrvice hero in Simcoc County In 5091111 SCIVICCS 01 CCIlin llper the field of mentnl health wcarc Iof work it had to be considered far behind whether the guidancc clinic might Gcomc Holloway president of be turned IMO Place for marl81ltlic Association was In the chair old age and other problems think it is an ambitious schcmo m0 RIVERS delta of 11 15 Insurmountablc Dr Hood rc 11 0me marked You will have to considcr Ganges and Brahmdpmm we the cost whether the work of such Bengal COVCIS andaisalelleally as clinic uld be purely diagnosticblg 35 Ellglnd an Inthc lust analysis of Who or The SIUDIII 110 CODRINGTON ST must consider how the people of the community feel about it The financial side might be helped with grants but these shouldnol be con sidered as permanent form of lfinancing That responsibility lshould be assumediby the comnuin lity or county in which the clinic Phone lis to be run There is p180 great Ideal of consideration to bcgivcn to the purposes which the clinic has 2to serve the speaker added Everyone felt it would be desir able to have such clinic Exper ience had proven this tobc so In terms of dollars and cents such scrvice would save the community great deal of money by giving early treatment to patients who might otherwise become burden later on the community In reply toa question Dr Hood said he thought more positive ap proach was needed to the whole questionof mental illnessond fof how they could achieve success in ensuring mental health for all There hzis been somuch despair aboutthis subject in the past offers spacious and attractive facilities for various forms of entertainment WEDDING RECEPTIONS BRIDGE PARTIES DANCES BUSINESSCr CLUBMEETINGS Let us help you with your entertainment problems Used CarLot corner of Bradford Land Ehone 3775 John Sts Barrie roan CAB Sedan small mileage radio heatcr extras In wonder bargam Wop have 1937 and 1938 FORD COACH and many other older models 4111 are ideol forflie Stock Car Drlver Priced to clear off ourlot rolet Sedan wondrful run7 nlng eondltIOn Clan the Inning PRICED mm CAMPAIGN OPENS Residents in Barrie arc remindedi that the annual financial drive by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind begins next Week and all are asked to be generous The campaign locally and in the surrounding area will be sponsored by the Barrie and District Advisory Committee with Girdwood ras chairman and Hancock Bank of Nova Scotia as treasurer Contributions of $1 or more willl be acknowledgcd by an official receipt which may be used in claiming income tax exemption Employment possibilities were at one time limited for the blind bull Round Boo Fiat Rib IRISH Wrigleys Anoitod GUMS Jolly Good PIIINUI BUTTER Tonder King Ins Lows Large ONES QUEEN Malkihi Choico cm BERKS GREEN 215021 vrmmrmsn MILK BREAD WHITEor BROWN sucro iuoz SPECIAL FEATURE eachZQC HWhito nonfatqu 0uick orikyulu OASQUAKER ohm music consultant was summing obtaining position as omnlst and choir leader in an Ontario church In her chosen profession Anne will use Braille music from the Insu tutcs music library and will inn cribehcr Braille notes on special Brno mas snoutmullahs mew boneless lb snow lions use Ibo lSoz tins 16oziar ins 29c stniv Indoor Aynin 255 Furs pig Accounts 24 pumps Ionic Tckphm 5218 GILSON Furnaces IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION SIZES PRICES PIPE PIPELESS Your choice of 18 24 unit Imbox mode of steel or out with electric welded dome or my style you may desire See the wonderful GILSON ALL STEEL FURNACE spool11y suited for 011 Home Freezers New Designs New Beauty New Yer formuice New V11ch In these wou ldcrful Gllaon Home Freucrs Retains frozen quality for long as 24 hours should Hydro be shut off Sizes Prices GILSON snow 3mm REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS VISIT US room LEARN oun PRICES LIBERAL TRADEIN ALLOWANCES DRASTIC REDUCTIONS BALFE SON BAYFIELD ST BUS 2916 RES 3003 Price in Effect until Saturday April 26th ISIABIMID ussv AP MIGHTY MONEY SAVERS YOUR CHOICE blade Ith out cor ROAST when nm um nous extra loan boneless khan1m some our Slicod or lb 35c Tomato Tostylreuh SHREDDED Mcal for Fol Hoih 1302th mm 29 unan mm go 27 unmixed Ron and MARGBRINE 4519c comma EMISEDSIEIIK we 65 Pll mumps songs 1L 1ch jnmousn mm DTPQRKREgtM lv 1937 Nash Sedan clean In every Way See this car today BIG USED IRUCK VALUES 1951 our TON Honor good tires malariagnome Mcondlifon 1947103 2T0N PICKUP new motonnew tire IMI OHDYROLET TONJIANEL This truckhgs new gt

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