Inan raw Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOI Since I864 88th YeorNo 47 sum ammumm ammoniaammo BARRI ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY APRIL 25 I952 011 IBttP Examitwr in Grub Clus moum QWJA And mu km II Cinema MONDAY WW3 and FRIDAY Iingk can l4 PagesTwo Moose Squadron GRASS FIRE SUSPECTEII BAIISE III $20000 ELMVILE BLAZE melodlgvalue FIREMEN WATCH ANXIOUSLY AS FIRE THREATENS AGAIN MIDNIGHT FIRE CHIEF ALVIN SIMPSON with flashlight watches anxiously for another anticipated outbreak in the roof of the Carnahan premises where the mattresses were stored This was just before midnightwhen the firemen had been attend lng the blaze for the better part of five hours It was while trying to get view of the fire at the real of this section of the property that the Rev Stubbs rctor of Elmvale Anglican Church fell betwecn two buildln feetbelow with fractured right leg ELMVALE BUTCHER DIES FROM me BURNS RECEIVED FOLLOWING gs and landed 15 Dancing Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights atClub 79 Admission ladies 50c gentle 750 48th Old time and modern dance to Mac Jones and his Hep Tones from Wasaga Beach at Pine Crest miles north of Barrie on Highway SHOPEXPLOSION LAST WEEK Danny Columbus the 25yearold Elmvale butcher who was exten sively burned followmg unexplo sion in Browns Meat Market last Friday died in StAndrews Hos pital Midland yesterday from his injuries Donny was working in the shop alone at the time of the accident and had been preparing to enter the meat smoking room when sudden explosion threw him into the air and set his clothes alight He was knocked unconscious and received first second and third degree burns to his head neck back chest and throat Moments aft the explosion the young butcher burst Into the post office mass of flames He was assisted by Postmaster Sam Kim berley and was taken to the hos pital where an immediate call was sent out for volunteers to donate blood for transfusion Ernie Brown proprietor of the market said the valve operating the smoke room heating unit had not been operating properly for some time new one had been purchased and Danny who built and operated the room had intend ed to install it Danny who was married with threeyearold daughter was to have attended his brothers wed ding on the day following his ac He was born and raISed in Elmvale and vas popular cident young man there Harpist Mildred DiIIing Closes Community Concert Season Evening of Memorable Music The harp of Mildred Dilllng provided an evening of ex ceptional music for her concert audience in the Roxy Theatre last night Playing in the final concert of the 195152 Com munity Concert series the famous muslclan captivated her audience with her completeymastery of he instrument and overwhelming stage presence Even those of her listeners un accustomed to hearing the harp as solo instrument this rare musician placed under spell with the magic of her touch gtSlfe had complete command of her audience her unique art mak fingxthemrforget her for her music as soon assher started to play Familiar and unfamiliar harp mu sic flowed from her ngerszach at Its best Scarlattl brilliant Schu bert Dbusgy and Chopin delicate Iy and romantically beautiful and Granados with tremendous Audiy ence appeal unsurpassd Technlquo Uppermost technique was her phrasmg Wlth varied pauses that Increased the feacb of be sel ln hep unsurpassed The four sectlons of her program were designed to build up to climax with the more expected harp showpiece invariably clos ing the group Encores were care fullychosen simple and traditional airs for the harp fence rappal She tglling ngusing anecdotes manner that charming Temple Thursday May Between her rst and second sec lion the artist added an extra prommagesale satuday May 11 gram notethat heightened her aud showed her audience afew harps from her ex tensive collection explaining the origin and history of the harp and In it WAS inexpressibly MiSscDillingiland her harp onctilge made yeabeautiful and unforgettable M1113 on Friday April 25 Admis sion 50c 4447 Dance in Ivy Orange Hall Fri day April 25 Paxtons Orchestra Admission 50c Lunch counter 40147 Rummage sale at Oddfellows Temple under auspices of Beaver Rebeka Lodge Doors open am Saturday April 26 3347F Rummage sale Saturday April 26 Central United Church Sunday School room Doors open am Auspices Womans Association 47 Threeact play An Old Fash ioned Mother presented by Cooks town WA Central United Church Hall Monday April 28 815 pm Auspices Central Church Married Couples Club Admission 50c 47 At Angus School at 815 pm April 30 Angus Horticultural So ciety presents debate andmusi cal program Everybody welcome 47 Bridge euchre etc Oddfellows at pm Auspices Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Lucky draws lunch 50c per person Anyone wishing to make up tables please call 4954 orl2705 All proceeds to wards Legion Room at Hospital 4749FW Threeact play entitled Danger Girls Working to be presented by Evening Auxiliary in Burton Ave United Church on May and Admission 500 47 Rummage sale on Saturday May in OddfellowslHall Collier St Doors open am St Marys lad ies 4749 Rummage sale in St Andrews Presbyterian Church lecturer room corner Worsley and Owen Sts Saturday May Au5pices WA Doors open am 39501 Essa Road Pnesbyterlan Church Ausplces Evening Circle QW KeY Pm pictureAthe artist seeming almost part lot hrghuge golden harp Irrhefrowinggownofwgollaine and brilliant green Ichlffonstolc Her program opened with the fogmalrnoodcrof the Bach Boutrec in major and Arloso moving lpto the brilliaxit Capriccio of Scarlatll Andtuming towards thew romantic with Schuberts Moment Musical The showpiece of the section came at the last Gabriel rfernefs Impromptu Caprice Sh reachegl artlstlc heights11 the vigorous and gay Scllatti num ber in whichsbe Showed hercome plate mastery of all thelehnlcal dlfflcultls of that harp The Birch Bourree was beautiful choice for her opening and she played Bach abila best with life bud warmth In It showing her audienCe the formal peonhaplmualf harmonies such special grants zmd others from BDCI Board lmvc an uppmntmcnl to discuss the mat ter with Dr Dunlop next week at Band Grant Not Yet Authorized No authority has yet been given for grant by the Ontario Depart merit of Education to assist Barrie Colleginto Band In defraying ex names to Chicago for the MidWest erlSIL Clinic in December George Johnston MP for Simcoc Cen tre stated today Mr Johnston was at Queens Park Tuesday and had an interview with Dr Althouse and other officials who expresSed interest gold were pleased that the local band Unlltyl States event had been selected for the However Hon Dunlop anikter of FAucution was no present and only he can authorize Mr Johnston Toronto rd Photo Prints Available Now Prints of pictures taken by Barrie Examiner photographers may be obtained by ordering same at this ofce This applies to pictures taken at local and dlxtrlct events whether they have been pub lished or not Standard charge Is nude for the prints and prompt service ls given think the shrouds of shame and despair are being very slowly butsurcly lifted from mental illness stated Dr Angus Hood of Toronto Mental Health Clinic at Codrlngton Home and School Association Wednesday night giving an outline of the work of child guidancdlclinlcsr and the preventive work they were endeavorlntz to perform In his opening remarks the speak er said he had heard people talking of the interest that others took in mental health work in Ontario Slmcoe County is always spoken of with more enthusiasm than any other place on such occasions he added It was felt them was small but very active ancl forwardlooking group in SimcoeICounty who were anxious to take at good look at the conditions which prevailed in the area who wallzed the countys needs and how to meet them The committed had very wisely DALSTON FIRE spent most of its time to date in helping to educate the public on this subject It was very evident that public demand was having an effect on the attitudes and feelings of peopleItiul tbs wide question of mental illness and mental health No 10ngerwas the subject being whispered about in corners People had begun to recognize there was nothing sham ul about being mentally ill There ere more hospital beds devoted to mental ill ness today than to anything else there were 65000 alone in Canada Turn to page four please CLAIMS LIFE 60YROLD MAN SUFFOCAIED FIRST DAYIN SUMMER HOUSE Basil Moore 60yearold crippleI who had been spending the winter in Barrie returned to his summer house at Dalston Thursday and several hours later was suffocated when fire swept through the build mg Mr Moore who has been crip pled for number of years was driven by his wife Minnie to their summer home farm house on lot during the late afternoon They moved many of their personal be longings with them in the car When they reached their home at Dalston Mrs Moore assisted her husband into the house and then made her way back to Barrie pick up some other thingy she Grass Fire Spreads To Orillia House An unattended grass fire ate its way out of valley yesterday and destroyed the home of William Wallis at Orillla Loss will exceed $8000 family escaped from the needed Returning an hour later she found the building on fire and completely gutted inside Moore who was bedridden was lying on couch unable to move in oneof the robms MrsMoore wasunable to enter the house for smoke About 50 neighbors who saw the blaze rusln ed to her assistance forming bucket brigade They managed to break hole in the roof and pour water or to the flames Turnbull coroner death waSdue to Suffocation There lwlll be no inquest Dr HgN Smith was calledtoith house but MrgMooreWas dead when the arw rived The caus of the outbrcak is un known It has been estimated 50000 lives have been lost in shipwtecksco the Goodwin sands 3Kent0085t Tom signalty honored but he also off the English lilloutenamt governor Not only wzi won second place in the oratorlcal contest which he decided to enter only thefinlgbt before dent of rate Stud9nts IMINISTER IN ROOFTOP FALL MAIN STREET CORDONED OFF EXTENSIVE WATER DAMAGE Fate dramatically dealt the lust In series of three blows in the life of Mrs Elsie Qucsncllc when fire broke out last nlgbt III the business section of Queen Street Elmvale and caused damage which has been estimated at around $20000I Mrs Quesnelle had her beauitzfuidepurtud utter huvzng extinguished lyfunlshcd home extensively dIInIl aged by the fire which sprcud fromi an adjoining pnint and furnmiungl store in the same block Before the blaze started lIowucrI she was already griefstricken with the news that Danny Columbus thol young butcher who was extensively burned in fire in Browns Ment Market last Friday tiled jtltltlllji us result of his burns The ycnrold butcher was personal friend of Mrs Quesnclle and had worked for her husband before Mm Quesnclles death The final tragic ISDCCI was thnt Donny who was II member of ElmE vole Fire Department would norl molly have attended the outbreak last night Grass Fire Believed Responsible For Blaze Just after pm the local fire dc purtmcnt received cull to fire at the rear of Curnuhnns pznnt and furniture store small shack had ignited as the result of vlunl was suspected to be grass fire The outbreak was confined to thej small wooden erection and fircmcnl Daylight Saving Starts on Sunday The Tomlin Barrie goes on daylight suing than this week end Proclamation calls for the change to take place officially at 31m Sunday April 27 when cloaks will be advanced one how Eastern fast time remains In force until Sunday Sept 28 at am when the clocks are put back one hour Rallwuys mmain on standard time However there are two chant In the ONE timetable from hem affective Monday April 20 No 42 will leave Bar rie at 750 mm and Allandale at 807 for Toronto No 60 will arrive at Alluulale from Mea ford at 750 mm These trains run every week day except Monday upstairsapartmeht after they were warned by neighbor The fire ignited woodshed at the rear of the house Two drums of oil added fuel to the blaze which spread rapidly before high wind The fire was burning out of control when the Orillia Fire Departmen arrived The owner and his wife were both absent at work when the fire started Some furniture dragged out of the downstairs apartment by neighbors was all that was sav ed from the flames no ovum minima in many Minter ll little over two hours EIowenr the fire leap to life again and quickly swept through the ad jolntng store in which was Stocked large quuntlty of mattresses and wow uzl Fortunately the fire did not go rIght through the store to the front where valuable collection of fur niture wns displayed nor did it travel upwards to the overhead stotklooln where another large quantity of mattresses had been placed The flames however did travel through to the Idjoinint property but owned by Mrs Qucsncllc The flames did not reach her cents to $1 shop below her aptlrt ment Adjacent to the Quosncllc proper ty was the tobacco store and pool rooIn owned by Ken McAuluy and ubovc which were more apartments Fire did not travel this far but smoke caused considerable damage ITurn to page six please ooocomooc The Last Column NIGHT BEAT By SCOTTY TAYLOR nnnl lhis columnist who like many other people in Barrie usually only hears the police mentioned when there is some criticism to be made came across two little vignettes of life this week which went to prove that the policeman is just like any of the rest of usand some times even little better In the early hours of Thursday morning an OPP cruiser from HQ Barrie came across battered old 1930 model car making along Highway 11 near Guthrie Stopping it to check dim head li his the policemen discovered it co Itaincd couple with their five ch ldrcn making their way south Th father told the PCs that they had left Trenton two days before and had gone to North Bay where he understood there was job waiting for him This wasnt the case however and disillusioned family crept back into their old car and spent their last few dol lars buying gas to take them back to Trenton They had had their last meal coffee and doughnuts earlyglfednesday Twig The policemen escorted them back to Barrie where they Called local mother who was not keeping well Diagnosis revealed lack of food was to blame Thedoctor Doidge who got out of bed to check the mothers condition waived aside any suggestion of fee Barrie Air Cadets Parade Saturday The Air Cadet League of Can ada is observing nadonnlAlr Week April 20 to 20 Burles Moose Slam will parade Saturday my at 10 The route will an tho 91m down Elizabeth 8c min the Armory past In Guam In Mulcutcr don Collar and return to Queens Put tlurn to page six plum Air Cadet CHIC 13 IMoose Squadron FL RONALD HARDY Commanding Ofcer its way rt JACK ems Adjutcnt doctor to examine the Some of the policemen got to gether pooled their resources and bought enough gas to enable the family to continue on their way Most of us would havefelt we haddone enough if we had given this amount of help to strangers But our muchmaligned policemen did not stop at that They con tacted Mike Farina who runs the Spaghetti House out at Stroud and Turn to page two please Training Received By Barrie Air Cadets r0 plummetin Trslnlnx Officen