Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1952, p. 11

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In By ALLEN FRANCIS Scottish Delegates To Visit Ontario This summer four Scottzsh Young Farmers wt be visiting Ontario from approximately April 25 to July 10 The delegan will be Miss Betty Main Waugbton East Linlbn Miss Ann Johnstune Dro chil Castle West Linton Andrew Barr Ilallhill Collcssiv Fife and Robert Thompson West Brilhsg irty Inurencckirk Exchange visats of Junior Farm ers in Ontario and the United Kingdom have been carried on for the past few years Scottish delegates visited Ontario member their visit to South Sim coc delegates will be changed consider ably from that of last year This year the delegates will not visit as many counties but will stay longer the counties visited Only one dcltgale is being sent to county The South Simcoe Junior Farmvrs will have thr pleasure of being hosr to Miss Betty Main from ap proximately May 24 to June Miss Betty Main plays large part in the working and running of her fathers very large typical East Lothian mixed arable farm She was educated at Mnrmion Pri vate School Edinburgh Ludics Col County Shorthorn Breeders Hold Successful Sale On Tuesday April 15 Simcoe County Shorthorn Brecdcrs Club held bull sale at Barrie Fair Grounds Tcn Shorthorn breeders in the county consigned 13 bulls in this sale The quality of the bulls offered was good and there was consider able interest shown by the spec tators There was large crowd at the sale and all bulls were sold to breeders in the county This sale is the first bull sale sponsored by the Simcoc County Shorthorn breeders Sproulc Stroud was the auctioneer Albert Stoltz of the Ontario Shorthorn Breeders As sociation read the pedigrees Starr represented the Ontario live stock branch Alllbulls in the sale were sold under the Bull Premium Policy and buyers are able to apply for the grant under this policy Rosalies Baron consigned by Ernest Crawford Oro Station topped the sale at 500 Harold Huish Stayncr was the buyer The average for the sale was $350 Consignors and purchasers were as follows Bellbrae Leaderconsigned by William Bell Sons Coiling wood and purchased by William Miller Hillsdale Sprucecrest Beaconconsigned by William New Stroud and purchased by Al bert Rumble Stayner Sprucecrest Deaconalso c0nsigned by William New purchased by Cul ham Stayner Sprucecrest Cicero consigned by William New pur chased by Black Foxmead Glen Islay Elderconsigned by John CurrieLNottawa purchas ed by Murphy Alliston Mayfar Lancerconsigned by Mur ray Faris Bradford purchased by Anderson Bros Orillla Wideview Delegateconsigned by Harold Huish Stayner purchased by Ruis sell Partidge Barrie Oakfield Royal Falconconsigned By tEd mund Murphy Orillia purchased by Arthur Gardiner Wyebridge Oakfield Financeconsigned by Edmund Murphy Orillia pur chased by Beattie Bros Stayner Stockber hiterion BILconsigned byN Romney Son Midland purchased by Alfred Daebn Egbert Shady Lawn Kingconsigned by Sproule Stroud purchased by Ken Wood Bradford Non pareil Esteemed Ladconsigned by Ivan Wright Cookstown purchas ed byBcatty Bros Thornton The Shorthorn breeders of Sim coe County are to be congratulated on very successful sale iFEEllNG All unicornour Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired and draggedout Do you have plain drudgery It may be theres justone thing we withahappyguuotk on mainline notgyour trouble is due to sluggish kidneys orijiist case of plain consti patron Kruschea Stilts is specially made to help conectlthose very condif tions Knischencontains laxativeaud classrooms realise found in welbknoym IYch 1339 waste mattergetly yet effective Its worth trying anyway Haifa tech apoonfulis allyouneed in of hot Water each morning before breaktast whithbacded at peOpI itsetbfsaidtogbettelttbaltbai ry it yourself Get package Kruscbeu sure an All Last year four and Juniors in the county will rc Ihc itinerary for this years ventjngyou from feeling fit as Middle when 1elej nos ut TO JUNIOR FARMER AND 4H CLUBS legs and North Berwick Schooi lxrlbiari jun for number of years Serv gtu uzi committee for four years and Llcicri as secretary for two prcscni Vicechairman of the club Vicechairman of Lothmns and iImlilus County Association repre sentative or the Eastern Arra Corn rniflee member Show County stock judging team rn i951 Hus taken part in numer luus stock judging competitions in the eastern area the ladies committee Loihisn of the Agricultural and was Girl Guide in earlier life Miss Main has bccn on club tours Ayrshire Aberdeen Ihnark slur and Ireland and also took part in an SAYIC visit to Holland in 195I Miss Ann Johnstone Drochil Cas tie West Linton running of her fathers farm The farm is large arable one with Hill Sheep stock Miss Johnstone IG lhas been chairman and secretary Shc is an excellent judge of stock and at the Highland Show two years ago had the distinction of be ing first competitor ever 100 marks Miss Johnstone has travelled extensively throughout Scotland and England Andrew Barr is in partnership ywith his father in their typical North fire arable rarm He has lbLn member of the Bell Baxter zClub for eight years Mr Barr lreachcd the national final of the animal husbandry course in 194 land has been keen stock judging lenthusiast being member of the club team for six years and was member of the File and Kinross County team which won the nation 11 stock judging competition at the Royal Highland Show last year Robert Thompson is the first agricultural worker to go from Scotland to represent the move ment on an overseas visit His father is Grieve tfarmu manager on farm in West Balhagarty and Robert is mainly concerned with duties of tractor driver He has been member of the St Cyrus Club for six years Mr Thompson has represented the club stock judging teams at Inverness and was on the firstplaced team at the Dundee Highland Show He has al so represented the club in judging competitions at the Glasgow Dairy Show Edinburgh Fat Stock Show and Smithfield Fat Stock Show London gaining honors on each oc casion South Slmcoe Junior Farmers will no doubt look forward to Miss Betty Mains visit to the county and to meeting the other delegates at Junior Farmer functions during the summer Bracebridge Court Acquits Trainmen Of Manslaughter At the Bracebridge Assizes in the manslaughter charges arising out of train wreck at Kahshe sid ing both defendants were acquit ted As to defendant Victor Baker the presiding judgepthe Hon Justice LeBel directed the jury to bring in verdict of ac quittal As to the other accused Kenneth Mann His Lordship left the decision to the jury District Crown Attorney Ken neth Mahaffyof Huntsville ap peared for the Crown Counsel for both defendants was John Robinette QC Toronto The only cases on the list were charges of manslaughter arising out of headon collision in Mor rison Township between two CNR freight trains in theevening of November 14 in which three lives Used car lot Locum air VIZ182 Bradford name of Highland assists with the is member of Pecblcxs Club and to gain Barrie Halth WWWWOWWWWWQWWWWWWWW High She has been merizber of Jurirur Agricultural At Is member of East Society Whitckirk Womens Rural Institute 25 Soldiers Graduate NCO 27th Int Bde From The Camp Borden Citizenl Twentyfive keen young soldiers of the greenbereted lst Canadian Ries serving with 27th Canadian Infantry Brigade Group in Ger many havc graduated from the battalions first junior NCOs course These men are now quali fied to wear two stripes and as corporals most of them will be come section leaders in the Can adian NATO formation Regimental Sergeant Major Stillwcll of London Ont was in charge of the threeweek course assisted by three experienced sen ior NCOs of the battalionSen geant Fotheringham Regina Rifle Regiment of Regina Sask Sgt Doug Love Queens Own Rifles of Seaforth Ont and Sgt Mike Barnes Queens Own Rifles of Toronto Brigadier Geoffrey Walsh CBE DSO CD commander of 27th Bri gade took the salute of the grad uating class accompaniedby Lt Col Delamere Toronto com manding officer of the Rifle Bat talion Rifleman Bill Bourgeault 19yearold Freeman Ont soldier serving with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry company of the bat talion was at the head of the class and was in charge of the passing out parade Men who passed the course were an Bentley Hamilton Ont of battallqp headquarters LCpl Brice Toronto an Chiomey Toronto an Ii were lost The Crown alleged that one ac cused Kenneth Mann of Toronto was engineer of the southbound train and that the other defendant Victor Baker of the same city was rearend brakeman of the same train and that the wreck was causedby that train overrunning ordersto meet the other train at Kahshe siding PHONE 5355 gt 1950 Adams COACH 1949 KAISER SEDAN 1948 FORD COACH 1951 PLYMOUTH cameraman SEDAN 1950 PLYMOUTH srmmTSEDAN 1950 anvilloom DELUXE SEDAN 1948 PoNrrAcsnnaui 1941 CHRYSLER sauna 1947 cotton 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1946 CHEVROLET snows 1946 MERCURY aspen lt 1940 STUDEBAKER sense 110W GRAFTING WILL SAVE young trees damaged by this years extensive mice and rabbit ravaging is explained by Alex Goldie of Barrie horticulturist with the lOntario Department of Agriculture to Wil liam Mills and Mrs Thompson two re lturlsi Helps and sidents in Dunview North York Mr Goldie is Barrie and district fruit grower Mice are at peak of treegirdling throughout Ontario Wild Oats Weed fauses Trouble 0n Simcoe Farms Wild alts Whch numerous wry troublesome WWII if urll according of ring brunch igilltrllulr crops TIiIlIIILxII Ontario gltl uz llllli grains Mr qucmly found lIl IZI0VII veterans subdivision wellknown Olds sevenyear cycle has been extensive Hayes Toronto an Bonzan St Johns Nfld an Moy cr Toronto an Cox To ronto all members of the Queens Own Rifle Company an Lctourncnu Chatham Ontan McElhcron Montreal an Phinlt ncy Sackvillc NB an Chew Montreal all of the Victoria Rifles of Canada Company Cpl Bell Hamilton Ont LCpl Palmer Hamilton Beach Ont an Maclsaac Hamilton an Bourgenult Freeman Ont all of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry company LCpl Reid Clear Lake Man an Laliberie Green Lake Sask all members of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles company LCpl An derson Mayview Sask an Sims Chaplin Sask an Was acaco Broadview Sask Em Rempcl Swift Current Sask all of the Regina Rifle Regiment com pany LCpl Warrender To ronto LCpl Martin Montreal an Guenther Saska tech and Rio Roberts New London PEI members of Head quarters company COMBINEHARVEst Sales of combineharvesters in Canada during 1951 $15496 were the highest for any year Of this number 7939 were selfpropelled STARTED LIKE TRUMAN Captain James Cookdtho great English navigator who filed in ticc when he ran away to sea Ross and Elsie Healy of Barrie present for your summer vac ation lodge housekeeping cot tage cabin resort resting among silver birches overlooking soft sand beach Quiet and peaceful nestled in natures beauty Lake St Peter Hotel provides haven of useful enjoyment Open May through November LAKE ST PETER HOTEL In the Highlands of Hastings close to GOOD FISHING SAFE SANDY BEACH EXCELLENT MEALS HIGH ALTITUDE STEAM BATH Algonquin Park Some months ago handed out tip as to how one might antiquean old picture frame This must have amused considerable interest for the matter has continued to pop up from time to time It is pleasure to repeat the formula to mu mm mm Old picture framed heavily ornamented with deep carvings are ideal for the purpose In applying the glazing fluid the tribk is to brush it on evenly then wipe immediame by working from the centre towards the edges or removing it from the high points of the AmocoAN oto morons FRAME oaosn OMAN ANHQUEGLAZEf COMPLETELY COVERING THE suamca THEN WIPE IT OFF WEDIATELY EXCEPT rue PORTION THAT NATURALLY REMAINS iN oamessrons lFDOING LARGE OBJECT soon as ercsoo Am sNDEAvouaiNo To gaseous UNIFORM SPREAD ran out ftcs use Donor use emu 1951 was EYzTON 19 we STAKEJ mesmamammss PANELS pawn FROM 18 Pvaooo HEIGHT 64 PAMgLs wI wine pom rosi OF CLEAR VARNISH or auaevuaeeurme owfgoua RAM UMBER orthonoaousutv yous Loan mm nonempr Mourning Young points can differ from the cultivated var rakes in several ways of must wild oats is black ill color the hull is thick and hairy and the IWII is long and stiff On the other hand the grain of cultivated cats is while to creamy hull is thin and hairless and there is either thin own or none at all No states that the seeds of wild unis possess great vitality and may remqu in the soil for several years until favorable conditions for their development occur as an impurity Ill sccd and this is the main source from which the weed is spread An other source of this troublesomcl weed is in feed and if precautions are not taken to thoroughly crushI or grind the grain those Wild oats fsccri will often find their Wily 03 the field in refuse This weed is difficult to control uncn it becomes established parti tcuiurly in fields where cereal crops Mr Young advises that iwhcrc it is necessary If continue growing cereals on these For further information write Lake St Peter Hotel Lake St Peter Ontario deparlnnnt Since they are of the uini family as me cuiiiutrd whee they grow best Iii lhr satire ncatnni as the cereals lnuisturc and plan food thereby rcducmg the yields of tir for Actuai rcqlircti TILZITZILIUFX Elli photo available this irmzrxv if litlnria It It IIlr of than ll irirzr tzli lit in this and corn it lfiizzi do xv rt tznl 5031s primrim your and zirimaimns are shortages of no in umi to Cull It lrZin Fertilizer Supply The generally anticipated slam 563 and awn 13 mm igr of mprrpimspliate did not his Magnet this year argriy IkrtzltSr Mm modal mummy Alluialiufl 133le plztidtd 1h rerun are vm ln fertilizer industry Willi utiiiim Hump um mgher mg liaiziul lilldflliilrn of sulphur ltlllillymhd Wm mm mm me lliiphwkmw discourages the importation mm Ipzltfiphit from that source Inns more aiiiizuiitium plus your in lhcl superphoepbau fertiliser the 3515 1953 period iriple summation hm an early improvement of this Other fertilizers such as mm wt of potash sulphate of ammonil ynllnld nitrate of ammonia nit ogen stillliimui and anhydrous um nmnis are ample supply my exams wasr so PHONE ll this In any runs of the seeds will icing out that Wild licir vitality The seed per LlllilJIluIL Mr Young stoics Ill color the They are fre infested thorough spring cultivatiunl should be carried out hasten the germination of the wild oats and make possible their lfldl cation before seeding the crops However where the field is bad ly infested he suggests that it be summer fallowcd seeded in row crop or longterm pasture lie adds that since all the seed will not germinate in one year it may be necessary to summer foll 35 habeld35l19r5 pprin low or have row crops for couple of years to get them under control This will ll HOUSE PAINT Gal $725 or $210 Then the remainder can be easily CJIlliUllsil with prof in conclusion Hill in chemical control is reborn anemicii as wziri out how Arthur Powell Chartered Accountant 24 Dunlop St Barrie Telephone 5228 sirniluri cimrscieristzcs lo the cereal grains wmmusoaurmoori Benjamin Moore Paints mics DICK mm Gol $7l Qt $205 orcoumv mm colon Gal $965 Qt $275 Consult us about decorating materials types of paints or any of your decorating problems Our staff has total of 34 years specialized experience in the paint and decorating field Call in today we wIlIbe glad to help you carvings light coat of varnish gives the nishing touCh BEDROOM SCRIEN We have new neighbour on our street He turns out to be quite handy withtools His rst job after moving in was to construct ne bedroom screen using 80 Fir Plywood and when nished he started to construct one for his sister but this time be utilised scrap wood from packing cases It is question which is most attractive BIRD FEEDING STATION naturalist friend has constructed bird LQURFORADESPER 9L9 This BOIDSI PAINT and WALLPAPER Clapperton St Phone 5206 feeding station from an old pique roost top being of glass to permit full View of the birds An old colfeetable might serve the same purpose He endeavourd to impress upon his visitors that the closed endshould always face the prevailing wind as this pre vented tbe feed from being blown away SIREN FOR SOCKS Necessity is the mother of invention so my friend George turned coathanger into stretcher for socksTo make it more attrac tiVe he gave its coat of enamel by simply dippingit in therrcanandthnbangfng it mo

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