Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1952, p. 20

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fruit for an tick one presentations to memben leaving the Institute At Canadian Club content reading was given by Hrs madam In Douglm Stewart gave Monsoon of WYEBRIDGE APRIL 4332 WI held quiih in bee at Mrs Carruthers We Dace Tl announce and Fiction and will include meat of Classes in ballroom dancing dramatic prescntations of Canadian for grade eight pupils in Barrie works of the 20th and ltlth Cttllul public schools has made us realize as well as original monologues pnt flat the awkward age is soon going to be an excuse of the post Boys who dont dance and furthermore dont want to are going to be de finitely passe in first form high school in few years We cant help picturing mentally some of the more rough and ready grade eight crpwc known solemnly progress ing through fox trot while some old diehards among the hockey and ball players leer through tin scliooiroom window But the fu terned on Canadian legends of the 17th and lSlh centuries The Can adinn Club meeting begins at 815 pm in llillcrest School auditorium Members can bring as their guests other vonicn ieSLdean of Barrie An acquaintance tells us that shes named lwr car Jnrwlls an Austin Alma Cairns and Bus Schedule South Simcoe Wl New York Trip The Error guts announced the times of bum llcaving Barrie and nearby centres ion April 25 in connection with 10 34 rms 330 to the CripL 1m sgum gimme Womens Imuipltd Childrens Fund and $10 to Etute trip to New York All thnuitlltancer Fund gmcntioncd are Eastern Standard bus leaves Barrie at oclock Stioud at 343 Churchill at will be lzrlrivlng zit Thornton at 345 It will 355 Fennclls at four Oclock and Bradford at 115 Another route leaving Barrie at 330 leave Cookstown at fourl oclock and Newton Robinson nit tiff Topper Elastic showing many Transportation Co pinging or the msgan Ode moronic which would be useful in lowed by the Mary Stew Compile heme such as plastic bowls itvt After iome discussion the courses provided by the exronr table cloths drapes etc rrnsion service of the Departmentl The meeting closed with the 01 Agriculture the members chosegelnglng of God Save The Queen the course supper dishes Theirland lunch was served by the wound choice is program planthosth and the committee in lung Lchnrgc The branch voted to donate 310 St Andrevvs WMS committee was appointed to buy hot plate for Newwn Rob Mission Band Hold inmh Orange Lodgewhich valryl0lnl kindly loaned choirs for tiicscr Kilns held during lht Winl The regular monthly meeting of ter the Womens Missionary Society Lrttcrs were read from ilieof St Andrews Presbyterian Mundy family and from Mrs Jnck Church was held Wednesday April Milton eipressmg gratitude forill in the diet Parlor The Pres thc wreath the Institute sent at idem Jim MW shied tho time of Mrs Mundys death by M75 Jnmrs Monrog Ehd Mrs ed hon cram 4Wasur Clarence Simpson conducted 21 drvotronal period followed by ghauefwllll covers covered tumblers apv FROEBE ERSKINE lintKELLAB as Jeanne first nurse Wesday afternoon Mrs McClung attended WI district executive meeting in Min jeslng Tuesday Mrs Wismer was hostess to Gulld meeting Wednesday after noon and Mrs Withers Sr Acton spent several days with their son hi5 Wife and son Kay Hounsome Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mrs VanCzimp and daughter Toronto spent the holidays with her daughter Mrs IL Eakley and family The ladies of the Presbyterian Church lIPld very successful bake sale in Midland Saturday Mrs Phil Lamb is spending the holidays with her husband in liam limit Lilmmis and son New York are holidaying with the formers brblher Howard and family Ernie Ilounsomc left Tuesday for Mamet annealle Fort William to take up his duties The dramatic trnter Mrs lvl gave favorable nancial rc lpml which showed the number of gnumbcrs during wot52 to be 25 illleven meetings were held during ltlw year with total attendance Sol The average attendance at moctings was 169 members on one of the Great Lakes boats titre Fred Astaircs and Gene Kcli Iys will have an advanmgc in theiri later years They Wont havcl to go through the first painful steps around dance floor vhcn theyrel oldtimcrsVof 15 or 16 Evrrett Corivspomlcnccv The local home and schuol The marriage of Miss Allllil socialions who instigated the Class Cllims HP14m if 311 and Mn es in 5mm deporlmem an no my Robrrt Cairns of Allistun to lil mg see their daughters let on bcrt Iloelikon of Mr and Mrs ill the cold howcvor One the 311m Bmlhk Ewmu Mk 1m stipulations in registration is that ll Knox Welylcrmn Chum AH mere b0 we same number of bovs listen on Snturtiny April 12 1932 as girls the Class lat thrct oclock in the afternoon The ceremony was performed by Short mine lelllng taintr who will presuit program of Canada in fact and fiction to the Womens Canadian Club On Tum day evening is in costume for one of her original monologues bascd on the 17th cvntury legend of French Canada As the historical figure she welcomes Marguerite EHeads Crown Hill Wl Executive er lotiin was rleclcd pltbltltilt of Crown Iiill Womens lel on hand at April I931 Institute at the annual incctlngw itil $12765 Cash on hand on the mummy Wu Imd WC held at the honuof Mrs Cough ninc late in 195 was $22690 Ex on Tuesday April pcmcs by April 1952 totalled necdlvpnintings an tasy ltllltltlUCi 3st tion to it fascinating hubby And mmlbu mum uxllrrts will finish this lIlll oflmr ll comm ywr ale MFS hutnu Sponsor mob UH illillllidgt first ricopicsideiit Mrssnif tuc cuchrcs and served luncht Ruth llickling second vlccprcsill farm sale Some community XQKX LeimcaugogwwMulw The members then adjourned to the primary Sunday school room for their annual joint meeting fvitlt the Goodwill Mission Band llhc children took complete charge of the program The presirlcnt Elspeth Currie was in the Clltllf Under the guidancv of Mrs Jl II Maclnircn and Mrs Jack Mci DRAPERY Bourgcoys the colonys first schoolmlstresn to Ville Mario in November l653 The Canadian Club meets at Ilillcrest School auditorium corn mcncing at 8l5 pm an the children learned more about South America both in song and story The meeting Closed ltttltlll C7408 has transfer of two SEW Kw Jar ltlt wwwwiww waged umwyy My Mum Dramatic entertainer Phoebe Hi skint MacKcllar who will present an unusual program for the Wo mens Canadian Club on Tuesday evening is one woman theatre according to advance With background of over 30 lecturcrcclinls in England she has achieved success in both Canada and the United States Ilorn in Montreal she attended private schools in Montreal and Rothesny New Brunswick before nishing her education with year in London England She attended McGill University as partial in English and played leading roles McGili Players Club productions in two seasons Next came train ing at the Royal Academy of Drain atic Art London where she was awarded certificate of merit Work in British films and teach ing dramntics in London followed For five summers Mrs MacKellar returned to Canada to give outdoor productions of Shakespeares plays with casts of all ages War found her on this side of the Atlantic The summer productions continued vvith the addition of plays on North American Indian legends some written by herself As war progressed Mrs MacKcllar turned to her One Woman Theatre acting scenes and stream lined versions Of Shakespeares plays to schools and colleges Later came the use of Canadian poetry as means of interpreting her own country Recently Phoebe Erskine Mac Kcllar has added her original mon Ologucs and monodramas to her repertoire These depict Canadian heroines of pioneer days the most noteworthy being Blessed Mother Bourgeoys Her program Tuesday evening will be entitled Canada in Fact Plan Countywide Meeting of Quill Fair Committee planning meeting for the fourth annual Quilt and Rug Fair being held this summer in Barrie has been arranged for Monday April 21 at 815 pmin the offices of the Ontario Department of Agriculture ll Owen St Representatich from all parts of the county have been asked to at tend and may bring along one or two other interested people from their community Plans are already well Underway for the fair which Is scheduled for July 30 and 31 and August in Trinity Parish Hall This is thmflrst year that the fair location has been in Barrie This year small working com mittee of people located in or near Barrie has been looking aftcr tli organizational details The commit tcc was set up early in January and under its chairman Mrs Ken Cnvnnagh of Barrie has been doing mmxclzilent4nb was felt both by the councllt of the Slche County Arts and Crafts Association and the working com mittee that representatives from all partsfof the county should meet pwlththo local committee to air plans Inspire further interest in the firir and arrange fonpubliclty and the collection of Quilts and rugs publicity icr the bride wore it gown of bro er Wigby performed the llicr cnugllt to l1ndshe carried bouquet of red the Rev Mr Mnitlzlnrl Mrs Ionnnc Baker was soloist and sang Love You Iiuly and Because Given in inarringc by her infli panels Dlxll 52 inches each Send TWENIYFIVE CIINIS in coins for this pattern stumps can not be itcccptudi to The Barrie llxnminrr Household Arts it Front St West Toronto Ont lrint plainly NAME ADDRESS IAIlllllN NUMBER Exciting Our 1952 edition of Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book Ilrilnful of new ideas its only lwcntyfive cents NINEIYONE illustrations of patterns of your favorite necdlccruft designs plus SIX casytoIo patterns printed right in the book MW VC Venture Club Dollar Doll Aids Hospital Miss Iat Irebble of 34s Mary Street was winner of draw made last Thursday on dollardressed doll by Barries new junior service club the Venturists Their successful venture will assist the girls of the Von ture Club In installing and supplying toys for toy cup board In the childrens wing of the new Barrie and District Memorial Hospital unit mm was wearing pale green Ewllh white accessories and cor snge of red roses Norman llillicr of Everett was ended nylon ovcr tnffctn illld lncc veil of tulle illusion was pcnrhstuddcd tinin roses ller attendant Miss Dorothy Briggs of Alliston was wearing it gown of blue taffeta with nylon lncc with matching headdress She curried bouquet of pink roses Miss Shirley Uriy of Barrie who was flower girl was wearing pink brocndcd orunntly with pink roscsl and sweet puns William Lllll0 of Everett vnsl groomsmnn and Robert Bochk of Everett and Mervin Cairns of All iston acted as ushers At the reception which followed in the church parlor the mother of the bride received wearing wine chiffon velvet with matching hat and navy accessories The grooms mother who also received was in navy sheer and wore navy accessl orics For travelling the bride wore beige suit with pink and brown accessories and corszigc of red roses Mr and Mrs Bochk will be making their home in Cllatham New Brunswick Dryboughlier Easier Nupiials Held at Everett Everett Correspondcnccl Miss Joy Eliiine Hillier dnuglh ter of Mr and Mrs A1 Hillier of inooiiisman of the grooms parents in Stayncr Swlierc the mother of the bride rc ccivcd wcnrlngroynl blue crcpc with pink nnrl navy accessories and ceisagc of pink carnations The Everett was married in St Dav ids Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon April 12 1952 at one oclock to Robert Eldon Drybough son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Drybough 0f Stuyncr The Rev cere mony Given in marriage by her fntl or the bride wotc gown of blue nylon net ovur taffeta with white accessories Her flowers were red roses She was attended by Mrs Will lam Davidison of Hamilton who was in pale blue crepe and wore corsngc of yellow roses Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Barrie the bride travelling in navy blue suit with white accessories On their return Mr and Mrs Dry bough will be making their home in Stayncr Outoftown guests at the wetl ding included Mr and Mrs Will iam Dnvidison Mr and Mrs Rob ert Davidison and Kenneth Dav idison all of Hamilton ltion of officers for nylon 320m reception followed lit the honicl grooms mother who also received Conncll press secretary Mrs Ben ist Cl Dom ll liix historical research Mrs Mrs Mrs II Switzcr Mrs Drniy and Mrs inghlighi Meeting iglcnl Mrs Dunsmolt secretary trcnsurcr Miss Ruth Iiickling as sistant sccrctniytrcnsurcr Mrs Partridge and Mrs Switzcr directors Mrs Clarence Smith Mrs Norman Thompson and Mrs Normnn Tuck Institutc directors Mrs Tuck and MrsI Atkinson organism Mrs Partridge and Mrs Atkinson auditorsers Partridge Miss Ruth IIickling Mrs Drury Mrs Dunsmore and Mrs Cough program committee ClllVCllLlS of standing commit tees nrc Mrs Quinlan agricqu turc Mrs Thumpson citizen ship rind education Mrs James Atkinson home economics ers Clarence Smith hczilth Mrs Switzcr community activities Mrs Gougll public relations Tuck resolutions and Buzznnt flower committee Election Plastic Demonstration The highlights of the March meeting of Fishers Corners Wom cns Institute held at the home of Mrs Orvnl Hughes were the elec the coming and demonstration on plas tics Mrs Dalton Jackson was chosen to head the 1952 executive lnthc elections conducted by Mrs Frank Allan Other new officers are MrS Ted Edwards first vicepresident Mls Orval lIughcs second vice president Mrs Clarence Noble secretnrytreasurer Mrs 01an Hughes pianist Mrs Charles Wil sonc disitict director Mrs Elgin Stcors assistant pfess secretary Mrs Ted Edwards andMrs Bcn Steers auditorsMrs Ernest Hodg son and Mrs Hounsomc branch directors Eighteen members were present for tho meeting with only two ab sent in spite of the fact that due ies travelled the last haf mile of Mrs llughcsk home on wagon pulled by tractor The meeting Was opened With the ouGHsiiIAROWARE CLIRPER LAWN MOWER An lmpiovnd 1952 design featuring din bulbous type rubber tires Sllullg tubulnrm linndlc spiral cutlniy blndcs nnd precision ground bottom lllndc 14 cut$l$95 16 cut $1695 OTHER MODELS $1150 to $2450 SUNREAMAUTOMArlc Ranking LAWN SPRINKLER Iniitunllyjsols to itprlnkle ortyclrcle5 to 50 feet by simplyturhlncrthcdinl Hui ter chronic plated revolving arms bronze bearings greenenamelcd upright base 5grnEn MODELS liquor insane ALLMETAL HOSEREEL Hus channel on twine and is Etmngly reinforced at nltheurlng points mounted on wall wheels for copy handling Holds 16 tech rotandardehoae ms DELUXE WHEELBARRQW All metal constructionlight strong unil rlnrnblc Stch plpc himdlos supporting full lointthof tray 10 bullpenng wllocl with puncture proof semipneumatic tire cubic foot trnyLdurubly flnishcdln rod buluncc ofburrow In aluminumfinlsh lmdglass killersb ron sPAons mun GARDENToots $1995 LAvtNO CAREER sens FERTILIZERS YOull find the highest quality seeds In our store VIGORO plunt foodKUMARsoi1 con ditloner and many types of weed with the Mizpnh benediction ictivilics to which the membersi Wv contributh were the Red Cross tho ambulance in Bradford large box of groceries given to needy family the Salvation Army in Barrie the Hospital forI GREECE POULTRY FARMING With the object of promoting ricultural Bank has purchased from Sick Children in Toronto lire victhc United States 125 hatching tims two families at Cookstown machines as Well as brooders of flowers for the deceased boxes Ofivarying capacities poultry farming in Greece the Ag New Fabrics New Patterns New Color By the yard if you do your own sewing or we will make up your drapes for small labor hnrgc BARR rm AWNING c0 34 Hayfield St THE LATEST IN DRAPERY FABRICS FIXTURES Phone 43 ofew Branch Officegax Showroom On Thursdays Friday SaturdeyJpril l7 l8 19 to road conditions most the lad at 124M Dunlap StreetfBarrie FREEeVOluoblc prizes given in attenddncetdraw SAVINGSSpecial Sale for ranges of big diScount PRIZE if FREEDemonstration Gas FREERecipe booklet given everyiwoman attending pening Only of modern 590 of modern cooking with Proprttne JIADISILAY of rsznhgs with innovations for newlcOOkR ling ease and economy WIN One of these SALE of FREE PRIZES lllndsome ethylene set pr futons Enkllslr dinnerware lovely fStaffordshlre Rose patteruwoomlilte setting for persons finclerle New typ nodriiadliunhiciicnhi hoard to caster better Ironing Earthy adjusted by innerorfoq to diffqrent heights figpiece riot Of lyiox Ovenwnre vhwlltdlnx IllInch and8mohomorolos lunepie plate sguarocakoolsh ind forn oumrd critic it All vein me oi ml to and tile impunity draw for thoriumblunting lsfllt out tlw gt and provided amt deposit to boxer ttWiliiiifv WOW ymasourgvtnrrf ff rmvAn gnome Offlie values offered Inthe open lug sale is the healthful Muffat range With tilinutcuuinderjand lamp on sale for EEO MOFFATRANGSS opening onlycompletely insulted including vantages of two cylinders ofygnstapproxlmately months supply for $26199 ivgtvou ARE mm coilinwlgnd13ytiuiselr the Superfund will Propane giveso hotter faster flame mommy yet can nanJo he set lo Provide hingeOf fJust rlilit heat Selections rremiomicai troublefree cookingrlfropane gas isclenn because it burns completely Without odorlegges no greasy Soot torrent utensilslfccist of mm gusts loiv Its extra sore Millions of families use toeprefer it to ANY other typevof fuel Come any timoglthiusdity or Friday of this militarism trim not pm Saturday sin uPERIOR PROPANELIMITED ANNOUNCES it GALA rumour OPENING

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