The Press Serves Public It seems that too many people fail to re alize or understand why press representativ or attend meetings There is more import ant objective than just getting the news which of course is important Any body or group of people who is supposed to be serv ing on civic body or community groups of various kinds should expect and usuallywel come the press There is tendency on the part of some to hamstring the press by prefaclng their re marks with This is not for publication Often said with tone of finality We think there is danger of using this sentence too often and on occasions when it is neither fair nor warranted There is also danger of forgetting that the press is serving the pub lic interest not the whims of any individual The Bowmanvllle Statesman points out The press attends meetings with the ob jective of placing an accurate and unbiased account of local happenings before its read ers It should be realized that story writ ten by an experienced reporter is certainly much more accurate than the street rumors that get circulating The reporter is repre senting more than the paper whose repre sentative he is He represents the public who are not present at meetings but who still have every right toknow what is going on if it concerns the public interest Reports of closed meetings get around any way and every relayer usually has differ ent version of what happened The press can usually be relied upon to report fairly and accuratelyand with discretion if circum stances seem to warrant The Maple Moves On Back in the days when people built three storey houses the family pride was usually towering Canadian maple on the broad front lawn Often the father had planted it himself and he took pride in watching it grow and flourish while the family increased and prospered Nowadays however the lordly maple on the Jawn is thing of the past especially where the family is just getting established The other day landscape architect Ed ward Wood gaVe the Ottawa Horticultural SOCietysomerof the reasons for the change Wonderful as big tree looked beside one of the mansions cf the horseandbuggy age it is simplyrout of place beside todays five room bungalow The modern lot is so small that no space could be found for anything much larger than lilac bush Besides tree that stretched to the skyas the oldtime ones did would make bungalow look like dolls house Mr Wood suggested the time has come to get away from sentimental attachment to the tree of Canadas national emblem as aland scaping fixture squat Russiandeveloped variety of maple is better than the Canadian One be cause it does not grow high he said Another tree knowu as Russian olive was another good bet The Japanese lilac shrub filled in cornerand made good showing But did that mean Canadas magnificent maple forsomany years her pride and joy was to bebanished from the scene of its former triumphs Far from it said Mr Wood The place for the nativegranule should bealongthe high ways round theEpathways where its leafy ed confidences of young lovers and on the hillsides where itsfoliage can flame in aut umn glory Ibsren allits tfmemonored modesty longmayitflourishl The important thing about democracy is not the ideathatthe majority rulesvbut the idea that rules tbefmafority flhotarothree ingredients in good life substantiate and yearning gt+QhrlstopherMorley er OPINIONS OF OTHERS What Other Profession Has Job Like Medical St Marys JournalArgus baby was sick this morning The doctor was called and if being an early hour he was probably not out of bed Yet In matter of minutes be came in the back door of the house and within very short time his calm reassurance combined with his fine knowledge of human ills had changed the picture completely in that household On thinking about this we could not help but be forcibly reminded of the wonderful everyday service our local medical men render to the people of this community When you call the plumber the painter or any household servicemen you do mostly get response in the line of good service but what person would think of calling anyone but the doctor in the mid dle of lime night and expecting him to be on hand immediately We have heard it related this way When called the doctor that night expected he might be little annoyed or perhaps not anxious to come at that hour but despite being waked up from sleep his voice was as reassuring as at anyiime He simply said if you want me Ill come right away What other profession in the world does job like this Rummage Sales Full Swing Gravcnhurst Banner This is the season of the year when all men stand good chance of losing their extra trousers socks or even underwear For this is the time of rummage sales All over the country halls and Sunday Schools are stocked with the odds and usually unusable ends of many homes and sold for charitable purposes For the most part these flings at merchandising by the women are put on to benefit the poor The history of these affairs is obscure but they have been going on in this country for so long that they are now as much port of spring as housecleaning Because of the nobility of cause we condoncthe rummage sale even though through them you might find half of your last years summer clothes given away But we believe the rummage sole of value also in that it gives every woman in town chance to sell her old junk and buy her neighbors old junk Woman having no resistance to what could be bargain always buys even at her own rummage sales Then next spring she realizes that the stuff is Junk so she donates it again to besold That way it is quite conceivable that one woman could eventually own for year the ju of every house in tOWn if she lived long on Its undoubtedly true that every woman has some of the huckster inher That is why rummage sales are so ably manned Although chances are that roost of the women of group will be too busy to aid in serving pot luck dinner they are never too busy to aid in selling at rummage sale This is so that they can give special care to the getting rid of last years purchase which has been haunting them allwintcr Bracebridge Courageous Slop Huntsville Forester courageous step has been taken by the Council of Bracebridge in their decision to employ full tlme industrial commissioner In addition to his dut ies as such the new appointee will take over the management of the Chamber of Commerce Thereis measure of courage in thelacllon of our sister townA fulltime industrial commissioner in towns the size of Bracebridge is something of rarity and when undertaken in the faceofmount ingv costs in municipal administration displays type of courage Whichls rareiniOntario But its justification may be proved by experience The modern tendency to deCentrallze industry has awakened reneWed zeal amongsmallermunlclpalities to developan extension of their industrial life Thoae offering strategic location where labor is readily available where increased housin accommodation is attainable and whereindustrial tea are not pro blemenjoy an adrlantage overrmany rural centres where these advantages are honexistent The situation at Bracebridge apprOXimates that of Huntsville Geographically thesenorthem towns suf fer measure ofhandlcap unless it be in the ad vantages they offer inavailabllity ofcertaindypesof raw material The wideopen field for general in dustrial development isdeflnitcly restricted But this does not justify depreciation of the forward step taken by Bracbrldgein its expression of faith in the possibilities After all reward is dependent upon effort The courageous initiative shown by Bracebrldge may prove justified to adegree beyOnd immediate ex pectations Huntsville hepesit will Editorial Notes New construction 653nm buildings in the coming year under the Department of Public Works will cost thetaxpayertam millions or 121more than last year While theink crease is less proportionately than the earl panslop normally expected in an eiectibn year the public works prosrain is onset the mildly surprising features of governmontexs lienditure ina year wheneffort fainting fo coated on defence Theprocraniisconflned to Ontario Quebecand Nova scorn with small primarroryuma 6010573 McKnight Sylvia Inc And this it my broiler Stanley with whom we can now dispense Fud Grant RamlnluS WHEN CIRCUS CAME TO TOWNl is ATTRACTED WHOLE DISTRICT Continued from Monday So wheres the kind of bareback riders now we used to see Wheres the barrels and the hoops of fire the girls used to jump through Wheres the girl in red lights who used to put her head in the lions mouth or the other one who would wind mile or so of venomous reptile around her neck or the one who stood up against board wall and had knives thrown all around her Wheres the fellow who had an apple shot off his head like William Tell or the one who divcd from the top of the tent into tank of real water or the really funny clowns They used to tell some good jokes toosome of them you even yet come across in mud crn comic journals occasionallyor on the radio We didnt have the looptheloop then simply because there were no automobiles to make cm in by the performers And all the time we were occupy ing favored place on the soft side of blue painted plank with our feet dangling over the edge with bag of peanuts or pink popcorn in one hand and great big chunk of Jumbo laffy in the other And those sideshows Remember how we used to stand for an hour before those big canvas walls in front of the row of sideshow tents gazing at the flaming pictures until we had decided on which oneiwc would invest our money Andaf tor we had seen the fat woman or the tatooed man the Circasslian lady glass cater sword swallower or some other special favorite and had compared notes with the other boys who had seen something we hadnt each of us wished he had seen the other thing instead And the sawdust we used to kick up as We edged along the rope which restrained us from too in limate an inspection of the caged and tethered animals And ask you what fun was it for any normal boy looking at the animals if he couldnt poke asflck into the cage of trimaoln monkeys or feed the elephants chew of tobacco or something else undesirable along Withdhe peanutsand start tremendous excitement and then fade away with the rest of the crowd while the keeper pacified the old trump eter And all the while the trainers or keepers in gold lace and braided coals with short whips or thongs in their hands out within the cages or along side their charges to our aweE and admiration And the grand concert which alwaysfollowed each performance tickets for whith were always one dime ten cents The audience was herded into one section of the seats for this And who doesnt remember each one of those most popular tunes at thoseiaffairs and which carried rhythmic lilting accompaniment Which only one of thosereal old circus Worlds Greatest Concert Band knew so well how to play and to which everyCIisTenr beat time with his feet Andone of the most regular standbys of the clowns stunts and as perennially atttractlve as was the regular performance remaining for it And in the case of the con cert after the evening regular performance when move would be made to the next town while the concert was going on those seats Just vacat ed would be disjointed and car ried off to be loaded on the waiting vans with clatter amid clouds of dust which would almost place that con cert outside seeing and hearing for that audience rnun GRANT Another old favorite was the Jumbo iaffy you got at the circus You do not get any of that kind of taffy nowadays Those candy but chers made it in big iron kettle and pulled it over great steel hook fastened in pixie tree The man who ran the lemonade and candy tents made it in the morning before the crowd came except the boys There were always boys around of coursewe each got 21 Turn to page twentythree please theairvfilled bladder tied with string to stick or his trick donkey whichonlyhe could ride was kevy are you no any ihyispeak of so highly Are you Mr Riley th song hewarbledln highpitched keeps the Opinion of Our Reader lo Writer life and W119 0n Subjecl Ihe Church in Russo lcrailc society Mr Morris has had 97 lcel 52 Barrie April l952 To the Editor Tlle Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Your paper contained inn article reCenily written by John Grny Morris entitled The Church in Russia isomc comment The writer IS admired by me as clergyman both for his ability as preacher and as man coring cons enough to express his opin flons on important controversial lsubjecis It is my personal view IIlll some of the information inlt lcludcd on the above subject was rnosl regrettable Mr Morris was dealing with al subjcct which is of vital concern to levcry person regardless of their re lliglous faith We should there fore not be misled by person who should be better informed on matter so CIOSC to his lifes work He referred to remarks made by Dr Martin Nlemoellcr and Dr Endicott as if their remarks Willson Woodsidc one of Canadas best informed writers on Commun ism today as The German Red Dean Pastor Nicmocllcr is cour ageous but never very bright in politics Dr Endicott is Canadian of doubtful molivos Although not proven as cardcarrying Com munist he nevertheless is an out standing loadcr for their cause He is president of the Canadian Pence Congress Communist Front or ganization which supports the red line whatever it may be Dr En dicott was relieved some time ago of his ministerial rights by the United Church of Canada The article by Mr Morris uses quotations and information from the above source to support the view that the church is playing an important part in the Russian so ciety This has no support from any facts or information available from any reliable source church or its representatives which cannot express its opposition to the state on persecutions fixed trials slave labor and the disregard of basic human rights is church in name only The church under these condi tions is in effect dead regardless of deep religion which exists in the hearts of some of its people The church can only be considered to exist again in the society when its actions or opinions are not suppressod by dictatorial stale as exists in Russia and her satellites The opinions expressed by Mr Morris are more shocking when taken in the light ofrecent perse cutions of representatives of both the Protestant and Catholic Church in Communist China and European countries controlled by Russia In closing would like to state that in our Godfearing and demo UNWANTED HAIR Permanently emdicatcd from any part of the body with SacoPclo the remarkable discovery of the are SacoPelo cont ns no drugs or chetrnfcal and wil kill the hair roo LonBEER LABORATORIES 679 GRANVILLE ST VANCOUVER EC which feel deserves nl rihe opportunity to express his lvlews regardless of his apparent Zaccepisnce of quotations which are gmisleading In the same way this2 lciter is in opposition to manyuf the opinions put forth in his col3 urnn on this particular subyect The most disturbing thing of all is to think man ofhis faith his intelligence his sincerity and hisf close association with the United Church of Canada would prepare an article which proves he Ls mis informed on subject of such imi ports nee am sure Mr Morris will ac ccpt this letter in the spirit in which it is written it is meant lof express difference of opinion and in no way personal reflection Yours truly HARRIS YEAR ROUN AND CONVENIENCE Mount Carmel an lfmile range of hills in Palestine is me am promontory on the Palestine cum Now You Can Enjoy IISE AND CHIPS DELIVERED not and Fresh Right to your door BY TAXI Just Phone no menu 9002 Elizabeth St Barrie Opp Wellington Hotel COMFORT wer lllllID pimp 645 WATER HEATER IIIIISHINO IAIN ANYTIME Never wait for hot water Fax gas in afwjspecd Ruud kccpsmfy of hot water on tap IASIII MS llUNDIIINGI speed is designed specically to keep step with automatic washer demands supplies continuous 140l60 be water for whiter germfree washes SPIIDIII DISNWASIII cmumm Plenty of hot N0 IND water for hand or automatic dishwashing up to i60 for sanitizi ng rinse Instant hot water for all household cleaning IIIIRIS LLISPIID $12 FOR 10 NEEDSI PerformanceRalin ncmm be water service provrded It rakes into account feed linking but 461111 on uutlrhnplrarun or your guidance the model num ber of each Ruud water bearer atuotts the PerforminceRaiinx IOWISI COS Hill Ruud mspced uses low cost gas most efficiently lONOllfl CONSTRUCTION Ruud Bjspeed is built for extra year of efcient service HIOHISI HO WAIII OUTPUT Ruud mspeed offers top hot water output for todays greatly increased needs POCKET OOI SAVIIIGS WITH RUUD mSPIED 5A5 WAIIR HEAIIRI SUPERIOR PROPANE LIMITED invites you to see them at the Gala Opening of their New Branch 124 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Ask About Our Generous Credit Terms Growing in size and strength the Canadian Army Active Force needs more Infantry Soldiers The Infantry recruit is keyman in Our defence plans For as he finithes his training he will take his place in the front lines of ounfreedom at home and overseas But it takes time to produce these highly trained soldiers And to maintain our security to discourage aggressibn we must be able to meetany eventuality That is why we must have more young men for Infantry training now If yourareiintercsred in Canadas future howls the time to do something about it Serve With thej most important men in the Army the Infantry Thereare outstandinggireer opportunities for young men in the Canadian Army Activeforce You are eligible if you an I7 to 40 tradesmen 64 full nous from it bray to and ready to serve myluborel noeloiling lectures your Ionic ulsrtmsnlom Wollia HommoouChlvlotib mom NMSNMMOIWbMIIIuy Fuck hotel Well ifryoure Mr Reilly they gt Conditnmilxxmmthr speak of so highly Nhmnd St 1M hum Ont Why Mister ReliQ youre look 97thth igquueveun ndn Armynuruisunccuumcus Anoiherfof those colitis which Mhkvvou lmlvll yecratiervear was repeated at Armylmulllnghurodmsndotkolom the circus concertmsfutyou want documentiiumumnhmw honey you mun have money for Ammo its money moncy everywhere And only quite recently in the popular ltipley cartoon Believe It or No appears an illustration of caddy Wedne oy Friday ass flit or smurfs Mtl are Canadian Audi Mammoth Association uu etcircuiaiiou Bubccrior to GP denied ralvltacrearynemur ifohnfancaaiercvhohas sung tiresome song twice each circus day for sixty years And have sort ofahunchhe may haveE been the singer of some of those songs above mentioned at the old rooswsarassseauu wersootcoPles