Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1952, p. 13

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 195le l9S2 PlYMOlJTH CRANBROOKAQDOOR SEDAN Dom the past year ivvii and dozens of evolutionary change have been carried out on lllt lly mouth All of these Utllltluill improvements are in liltllllUtl to the many new style and engineer in features to be found in Pl inouth for 1932 Created among the manv utlllll res is llytnoutiis at SafetyFlow ride Chrysleivengin doors tcr to the rear body sill the top color of the new twozone tllllSllC to FocusonMenlal Health Needed Year Round Shawl ii LIJlt lite lifc 3151 neck Ilcsbk dritc Health sem of health out Ltll ifitl tltfl2t riiK Ag and alth 11Lltldt ltlll lltl who 1th mosaic d2 gt in 5H llii 02 down onto the panel and all the rear altar ncdalltoz and the traditmunl it way back ornaturn have been retlcrigncd 1c Tliis allottstbcr with Le moot lion Ut the fender ziictite script wf us Ll aa on Ll lliij niluni the litaitli pagaznte Iiwl 1le Ltrr flu tit include the rear duels The Belwdvtc is upholstered in newly levciupml fabric llltll llah fagttlirs lcltt ColorTune IllZLlCtlL ien IlLW ll7ll1 rkllllcl 1x Plymoziihs interior feature upholstch fabrli dour pawl lllltl llL ITllllttt trim Ttv tl lcxlurcitm eat llCCUZLllfliI to thts life mammoth color ui roll lthlllltitl feel Other nelhkuown llynusuth ride Ot HlRlll HILL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO DEALER invites you to inspect the 1952 models Of Chrysler and Plymouth Cars on display in our showroom and at the BARRIE MOTOR SHOW in the Barrie Arena on Friday and Saturday matIII with SafetyFlow Ride the smoothest of all Belt in Canada by Cinder Comedic of Canada Linlad ccrcd Oriflow shock absorbers aut omatically adjust ride control to the severity of every bump re ducing steeringLheel fatigue and improving driver control at all tunes relaxed titlc On the Plymouth Bclvederc Styling improvement gnu the hardtop club coupe new stain new llyzmiuth newer fresher less mouldin carries over the look it to claimed The hood features synchronized lug balanced weight tiistributiott long wheelbase and chainheiglit seats combine with Oriflon to make snoother safer and more pring The rwn model ouchd Plymouth in 32 arc in the Copy cord series the popuia allmhrl Suburban and its country cub count the Savoy the Cambridge erielt hagt fourwfoor sedan and club coupe and the Cranbwoit scrim includes fourAdOLwr sedan club coupe and the Belvcdcic CHOOSE STYLE IMPROVED PLYMOUTH Choose it Wt from seven body styles all available in wide color illlirtlth down nezn tit ltl Lilll it gU Ol liilllllit or ho fi ifl school orl work or who have body sympt toms for ninth the doctor 1s unablel treatment CAR RENTAL INDUSTRY KEEPS PACE WITH AUTOMOTIVE FIELD Illustrated is the Belvedere Hard Top Convertible fiitd cause or lh we people in suffer tat or emotional htnitli HISTORIC PORT Dgby in Nova Scotta was named in honor of the admiral who com mantiedtlte British convoy that brought Loyalist refugees to the port in 178 that Dr intros illt designed to further lte emo fan suggests Since the rcntacar industry started in 1920 its growth has kept pace with that of the entire auto motive industry This was reported by William Merrick manazer of the Hertz DriveUrSelf service in Barrie who said that Hertz automobiles and trucks travelled more than 300 million miles in 1951 Almost two thirds of this mileage was credited to pagengcr cars He estimated that mileage for this rental indus try more than doubles this total The Hertz System is the largest and Oldest international car and truck rental organization It has stations in more than 500 cities in the United States Great Britain Canada Mexico Hawaii and Alas ka Mr Merrick said that the rentn car firms have contributed to thel growth of the automotive industry in three ways Nearly twothirds of all car renters own their own cars so that use of rented car keeps than alert to the importance and coni venience of their own cars Only 17Jof all car renters report that their own car is out ofi service Therefore the rented carl points tip the advantages of ownl iug more than one car The great sales potential in the future may well be the twocar family Use of rented car educates the nonowner on the convenience and dependability of transportationi by automobile Such education can lead to more sales of cars Mr Merrick reported that thcl Ilcrlz System operated 9963 cars and H075 trucks in l951 the larg est private fleet operation in the world This concentrated marketi contributes to the growth of auto motive and allied industries It is not difficult or us to see that every car purchaser is po tential rentwear user and every nonowner who rents car may be converted into car buyer That is why our advertising and pro motion stresses the practicability andgconomy of the automobile Mr Merrick adds Fleet truck leasing also contri butes to the welfare of the auto motive industry by insuring pro per use and maintenance of trucks Manufacturers know that the great 05 source of irritation is the cus tomer who does not use proper By LORNE Larnmmr celilwater Briefs Members of Goldwater Lions Club enjoyed days curling at Qrillia on Monday Pheamut actedas supply teacher lug Lady vocalists from St Catharr ines provided special music at St Matthias Anglican Church and at Youig Peoples fireside hour last Sunday Duulops crew not painters from Moonstono are redecorathig the United Church at Victoria Har bour Mrs Epletthas returned to her duties ontbe teaching staff of Goldwater public school 011 owing an illuess M35 William The public schoolpttpils are hearsingv for the forthcoming Cold Witter music festival and for sehOolptw Mr aners Eplett have returned from an extendedhollday in Mexico Reappolnted orreli Sr was reap pointed ass forAColdwater for the coming year at salary of $400 per mourn the some as last year at special Council mach April Council had advertisedrfor raps pttcatious for assessor at asst salary considering reduction in order as reassessment was cer riedoutlatffatl KevTemp 110 at ptleationcyior the positirin were received Henry Mr Wortell appeared eating ma stat lied beaten Hersaitthe W0 ntimtmthe work rneetings tioral development of chzldrcn null perhaps iecotnplLsh more than any thing else to improve the mental health of any given area High oir7 ilte list of prerequisttcs for accom Olncn outnumber mm wulplishing this is parent educatiooi iscnbmg Federal Guwm and training in the fundamentals oft nzcnts Annuities according to La chnd cum ibor Department figures Of 48000 lcontrncts under which annuities ara alrcady being paid close to 27000 lare women equipment and give proper care Lndcr truck lensing agreements fleets are engineered and main taincd by the Hertz System which OMEN Alb Lnuh provides the expert personnel re quired for skilled work This means that trucm operated on lease basis are most apt to reach the performance and dur ability maximums which the manu facturer built into them ALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTINGPHONE lel l952 CHRYSLER SARATOGA 4DOOR SEDAN 40 NEW SAFETYFLOW RIDE on The wide range of Chryslerythe roughest roads and at addition fender and contains an integral models for 1952 include the Chrysialfcost FluidTorque Drive to humbly light eliminating the $094 ler Saratoga car with 1251add Even more to the Firepower cttamm backup ng used on 1951 wheelbase and the tilt bursepowehgines record acceleration and perm models Firepower V43 engine built in Can formance aha The first Canadianbuilt Firet The Windsor mle has an New interior styling lends lllttlll DOWN Vs engine toned 3pmvcd version of the Chrysler sithslm disthlLwTSS the ull new manufacturing line Of the CUTcylindur Spin1m engine highwttcrlor of the 19 line Attractive poratious motor plant severallpowered and designed or improvedftnoftone pool broadcloth trim 15 months ago The available in choice ofcolor COXIN The Firepower V8 engine which torque available from this engitiq 14121313 53 lhas caused sensation in automol is higher at all speeds than that cb in ltive circles will also power illegtairiable in the one it supercedes eenlm 935 an cam ad of tufted buttons Theiseat cushion he lurker and Imperial modehlhe engine produces 119 horSL Ieat much tb so on 131152 wheelbase lpower with compression ratio villa covnget doubleewigm Other engineering highlights of to Longer life improved ecom rest provides armchair comfort for the Chrysler line include Hydralomy and greater scuff tetsistaicei driver and patengers guide steering which it is claimedlresult from the use of the new will allow the driver to park theichromlumplated top piston lngS Eighteen body styles may my car with no more than the effort of and new wideslot oil rings customer wide selection in the finger extra cost on some mod Smarter exterior appearance reg 1902 model Eight haste colors aitd Eels newDriow shock absorberssults from the use of new wilifour metallic finishes available at which engineers report smooth out light performattce and longer life which projects from the extra cost are offered lMatchedash Will lThree Canadians IControl Butlding Near Top In Summer Cottages Korean School hat as man as can amend the NORTH RIVER Matchedasi Two British and three Canadians will prepare bylaw to control the Walked off with top honors at the 333ng tgggosgi construction of summer cottages Canadian InfanufBlkgadeF seven gnaw Medonte CPR station be 10 motion was primed at last weeks 111 NC Schools pamng out lied near Highway 12 imeeting of the township counciL parade in Korea recently Gouneil passed accounts and dis F10 Space mam bildlng Highest school award went to posed of other marine monegs but is to be not less than 320 square British soldier member of the deferred consideration of norm 99 and Sleetlmgabms are to 132 ng Shropshire Light Infantry her otimportant matters to futurel 11 amrdance Wml SPeClcamns Regiment Cpl Leslie Feats 23 of gt provided by the Department of mgham Eggere Northamptonl At the next session it isclT1aV1 and PVWSRYL England gt pected Council will have before it Lavatories musttbe placed so as Platoonthonors were awarded my Reeve Andrew Duulop requeted ianestimate onthe costxofn foot not to dispose sludge into the watv Pic Julia White32nd B114 Royal brldg acrosvthe Goldwater River er The assessor will be the builds Canadian VRegiment OEMontreal where the Highway 12 bridge ing inspector and he will be all LiCpl Leo Brochu 30 2nd Bn spans the approach to Main street owed to retain the cost of each $2 Royal 22nd Regiment of Matapedia fromGray um Orillia consulting permit ast inspection fee Que 5393 Charles Panyi 204151 engineer Stuart Reyes tookl coungm decided to meet at Set Bit Princess Patricias Canadian measurements of the location tastier r3115 on MM 10 31 730 pm Light Infantry crummy Ont week on which to base admittedlycg installation of flights and to another Englishman Cpl Timothy Dom of The Bowl Nor CDSN 03 0131 T113 Plidglthke The clerkis to notify Sev lovers the river is toownarmw to Lem Fans Cottagers Association of folk Reigment Watford Hamsi lpermlt vehicular and pedgstrtansme meeting Etgagd ea titanic at sametime on can was present withn hand smmesx Suglgag 933 some wristwatch byQGen Camelstl other 155 es considers 32min mm and Som uhOLcongratulated the winners ation by Counctlinthenear future eme who pmmto build on Brig Buckingham who praised are the fencing of part or the parts Lot3 Complixspatmw the schools excellent turnout also reselroh mgttebuilgms dike reman gural tlat this would be the droline at error en tiei ading sc oblpasstng out parade village andrgrsmration ot mesbyiflqrpmm lm he would be attending in Korea budget for thtsyears taxrate gas memr at ayeayalary of He is due for rotationsttorth All of Council attended the $00 pms stamps and Smioners 11ng eeptClPmT Eolloytingv withFon ers tax bill cowanlm wasswl 9f 0mm ester Lane Council decided THE LIST OF PLYMOUTH FEATURES GROWS LONGER SafetyRim The long list includes suchcdvoncements as Electric Windshield Wipers insulation Wheels long 81 wheelbase big car interior room rustproofing against roadnoise and weather and many other plus values NEW TONETAILORED lNTERlORS Luxurious new fabrics finishes and trim tasteful new color with Rlll0w SHOCK ABSORBERS new harmonics that you ll want to see adaption of the hydraulic principle Only demonstra tion ride will show you how the 52 Plymouth SM00TllS out any road even the roughest road FOLLOWTHRUJGNJMQEKEY STARTING with Automath Choke Jim turn the ignition key The electric automatic choke provides the correct fuelair mixture for fast starts in all kinds of weather FRESH NEW BEAUTY Improved interior styling and ten cycqlellghting exterior colors for you to choose from SAFE POWERFUL BRAKES llynioulltltScylindcr brakes tan extra brake cylinder on each front wheel give muimum braking with minimum of pedal prcsvsurc ILLUSTRATED is just one of the eighteen bodyRules in the neyr Chrysler Eight basic colors ondfour metallic finishes wide selection in the 1952mm rHE SHOWROOM Irraeung willlikdjbehelll at vw aq LLeLSSZcHkvsuk SARATOGAADOOR SEDAN available at extrd costOHerlrlte cuStomer 53 ElilZABETlliS Imamrm acumeastern Venezuelas mixer Falls drops more than 5500 feetiu some titanoxen shect of watch to enterinto an agreement with the Department of Lands and Forested reproteetiqn coders are tube in by April 25 or about 500llmrds otcrushed Mountstephen school to arrange for cutting brush on the wnllne be tween Matchedash Grillia tow Reequlteslie Borrow was the chair any resent were These falls are beam 33 umestnsigrouor and inchstze to Georgy higlvus Niagara Falls be ammo

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