rho Customlinc Fordor Sedan shown is one model in two lines of completely new 1952 Ford passenger cars which will be introduced in this country by FordM0narch deal ers The new Ford Coachcraft bodies increase the drivers field of vision both front and rear with new onepiece curved windshield onepiece rear window extending over the full width of the car and narrower repositioned front pillars novel new feature is the reloca tion of the gasoline filler pipe be hind the rear license plate and below the compartment floor ad ding more usenble luggage space and making the pipe more easily accessible from either side of the ear FORDS FEATURE 8MODELS TWO NgW LINES FOR 1952 Featuring the nevi Ford Coach craft bodies the new Stratostar V8 llOhorsepower engine and longer wheelbase of 115 inches the new Ford cars for 1952 feature eight models in the two new linesthree in the Mainline series and five in the Customlinc series Ford again leads its field in of fering the widest variety and choice of power combinations safety fca tures and fashion color selectionsl Fords are the only completely new cars in the industry for 1952 Fords styling identity is preserv ed in the lowwide lines of the hood and front end of the car This year however the upper line of the fender is higher and is more notice ably continued through the doors and into the rear fender and tail light assembly The headlights are extended further forward and the general effect is one of greater length overall The Ranch Wagon is featured in the i952 models and is completely new utility passenger vehicle in the Mainline series It isa owedoor six passenger unit vith allsteel body The centre sent folds into the floor and the rcarmost seat is re movable mi year ord Coachcraft es intfioduce centre fueling which makes the gasoline filler pipe equ ally accessible from either Side the sedans and coupes The filler pipe has been moved from the lug gage compartment altogether to directly behind the rear license plate This eliminates the filler cap on the rear fender sec tion and also adds uSableiluggage space Foam rubber padding is used on all passenger seats Among the er the entire interior width ofthc curved glass windshield Ford Mainline body styles for 1952 are the Tudor Fordor and the new allmetal Ronch Wagon Cus tomline units are the Tudor Fordor Club Coupe Victoria and Convert ible In addition to the passenger models the company is this year in troducing now sedan delivery with rear door 45 inches wide range of nine twotone exter ior body color combinations is av ailable for closed car models and there are nine single body colors all with matching and harmonizing trim and upholstery HISTORIC POST The first Hudsons Bay Company post at Churchill on Hudson Bay was built in 1689 EEKiIsurRAZERs NEW nisvuvm AT BARRIE Minot are the new operating through the floor of the car the pedals are what is known in the automotive field as the sus pendedtyp They swing down from heavy bracket anchored to the instrument and dash panels providing more leverage inciutch operation and braking Additional the aster brake cylinder is well up in the engine compartment where it is free from dirtand moisture and is much more easily serviced Thelz Fords are more man oeuvrable and have moreeomfortj table ride because of the new tailor ed springs longer wheelbase wider front tread more rigid frame and new steer ing linkage with higher turning ratio1he front treadis 58 inches andthe wheelbase is 115 inches The FordstratoStar Vtijengine has beenisieppea up from 100 to no horsepowerfor the 52 models It Tenibodies alllthe experience which trout mgaceumutated in building more than 124100000 V8 engines gmore than four times asgmany as 11 other manufacturers combined ford coachcraft bodies feature allsteel ed front HEAVY SMUGGLING STANSTEAD Que CP Re cent growing strength of the Can adian dollar over the United States dollar has boosted smuggling of American cigarettes The Royal Canadian Mounted Police at this border point reported 600000 Am erican clgarcts had been seived from smugglers in the past three weeks SERVES PUBLIC INTEREST It seems that too many people fail to realize or understand why press representatives attend meet ings There is tendency on the part of some to hamstring the press by prefacing their remarks with This is not for the press There is danger of forgetting that the press is serving the public interest Huntingdon Que Gleaner About 80 per cent of the fur seals in the world are found at the Pribiloff islands in the north Paci fic K6I1f$omm Mus 1952 MONARCH FEATURES 17 VlSlBILlTY Completely new styling fruit combination bumperandgrtlle My tailJights and 2i luxurious range of interior appointments characterize the now exclusively Canadian Monarch passenger cars for 195 The 1952 models with more pu= zrful 125bp Vii engines sturdzrr hassis and iuirierous inechaniml improvements are available this year in greatly expanded range if Colors and uuadels in addition to the regular two door and foiimloor models there is the Monarch hlontcrey hardtop oiitertiblei available in Specialty variety of colors and interior trim as well as the luxurious new Mon arch convertible The new cars are available Vtlllli Standaid transmission or ourl drive or automatic transmissionl is optional equipment lhtir style features include Ilttt new bumpergrille Oinblllalittlli simulated airscoop trim on tinl hood long gracefulintegrated riur fenders recessed headlights and integrated rear lights and bumpqu All iiuxlels haw curved onei piece windshield and the closedi cars Also feature narrower windt shield pillars increased sidcwin dow area and onepiece wraps around rear window The overall effect is to increase visibility by 17 per cent The Monarchs instrument panel of entirely new design groups all controls and instruments for easier safer driving Ventilating and heating controls too are simpli fied and are within easy reach of the driver Ford of Canada engineers have incorporated many new steering and ride control features Breaking ease and efficiency is increased by Group Studying FrenchCanadian Lite Fortyfive students from Phila delphias Temple University Trav cllcd by Canadian National Rail ways recently to Victoriavillc Que where they were given civic reception welcomed into the homes of various residents as their guests and attended sugaring party Led by Dr thr the boys and girls visit was to learn more about FrenchCanadians and how they live They also made brief visits to Quebec City and Montreal For their return trip to Phila delphia they travelled on the CNR Washingtonian from Montreal THE INCREASE the new suspended pedal arrange ment The pedal moves forward completely free of the floor instead of operating through an opening in the floor itself The master brake cylinder is mounted well up under the hood where it is safe from mother and road conditions and is more easily serviced Subject of favorable Comment too is the unusually large luggage compartment an cubic feet 1ng have been moved to the outer edges of the deck lid to avoid interference vith luggage and with the gasoline filler pip now located in the rear centre of the car there is extra usable space in the lug gage compartment As an added safety feature all doors on the new Monarchs are hinged at the front edge APRIL 13vMiss Betty Caston St Catharines is at home for Easter week Miss Lois Jaiiiiesoii is spending the holidays at her home Second Line Flos Mr and Mrs Frank Reid and family Ancaster are visiting Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn Mr and Mrs Morley Edwards and baby Vasey visited Mr and EMrs Bert Caston the weekend Bruce McMast Toronto was home for few days Mr and Mrs Morrison and faintly will move this week to their new form on the 3rd of Vcspra All good wleics in their new home Mrs Evoy is visiting in Toronto Miss Joyce Woods Dalston is spending Easter week with Mr and Mrs Max Craig Easter Services The Easter services in Knox and St Johns were well attended The flowers in St Johns were in mem ory of Mr and Mrs Harry Brock and were sent by Miss Ruth and Ted Willis Thompson Dalston sang beautiful solo at St Johns service and Mrs Sinclair was organist PAINTING HELPS In farm home with its dozen and one daily problems it is neces sary for the setting to be as relax ing as possible It should ckude cheerfulness optimism and well being Paint could go long way towards achieving this end Lachute tQue Watchman ligatini The new 1952 Monarch Fourvertiblei has been introduced into Door shown above is one of with the line this year and is available range of new models starting toj in special selection of colors and appear in FordMonarch showinterior trims The Monarchs im iooms across Canada new proved 125hp V8 engine is more model the Montcrey hardtop con powerful than ever before and the TAKE TIP icloser than full cars length at 10 Heres safety tip from the Vic2 om Automobile Club Experienc miles an hour And when yourc ed professional drivers aiwaysimoving faster leave proportion leave margin of safety between1 cars Never follow another car in Mg margin door fourdoor and coupe bodystyles in the of gravity of 1952 models Dramatically beautiful in every few of the many Kaiserengineered ex BARS detail superb in performance at any clusivefeatures of the new Kaiser Virginia tears also incorporate many new idevelopmems for driver conver once passenger comfort and 9a handling EARTHQUAKE EFFECT The earthquake in British Colum bia on March 14 was sufficiently severe to close all the trap nests at the Saanichton Station poultry plant The New 1952 Kaiser Virginian THE VIRGINIAN SERIES offers two speed greater visibility lowest centre any standard car are just iigiiiai superb in performance Mhiihe 1952 Henry Vagabondthe Ask your KF Dbler jsmiirtnow edition of Canadasmost practical loWestrpriced fullsize scare Exciting new cobra bdthr inside and Heres the 1952 Kaiser iirginiang dramatically beautiful in every detail at eycry speed to demenstrato the advantages of economical Super sonic Power greatest visibility lowest center of gravity ofianyf standard car plplus ashinglinew getawayfplus and otherKaiseFEngineemd oils wPerbcrmingpErfompnw on the canm highwayTan this andwvtoo miles lhe VirginianSeriont per gallon gas Yr The Vagabond is uninitiated Toucand six Cylinder models 1f int umin mus tellers twodoor fourdoor and coupe body styles chasm do