rixtension chairman Barrie Soroptimisis Leak Back On Nine Years Since Formation Sift Scrapbookai April Dinner oITdemZZifmi ciiibmiiiii 223 $92 Vii ml the members met at Commume Reviewingrdisfffzgt 12 Hoke for dinner on Iucsday cvcn IMrs Clifton made special mention in April with the girls of the of tha prcsent major project the Barrie Venture Club as their guests ISensor Citizens Club President Gladys Fell was in the It for the evening and Miss CI Elizabeth Iangman was in charge Tne speaker avid the hish of the tables and Easter decora ihm me an WT lions which were most original in under MW Missthda Colbert was programixyork and achievfmt convene furs she remmuced about the Speaker for the evening was Mrs etmgemem the man had Ethel Crossland Clifton charter joyw so mUChmmes picnim member of the Barrie club and its icrmses com first president in the organizational 0m and sewn year 1943 In her address tothc games 18 members present door of whom were charter membersi guests she evenings of aim the Ishc remarked had been the craft reminisced about the Wall SW91 by the membersthe past nine years of the clubs his 531 milk by Chili Tillman lgmum tory Sifting the Scrapbook of like Department of Agriculture sompumism IWilda Colbert on banking She paid tribute to the two nrem md campbfu on 0915 bcrNrorn the Toronto club Mrs grgng ouweavmg by Bertha blackness past president ma 0W on Burma by And Mrs Ellcn Reece then regional Imim KEMHS on public health who helped nursmg rganize the Barrie club The Bar ric group was the third club or Crmnon by by by by on lingerie by Gladys Fell on re Phyllis Moody ion tory of pharmacy by Mrs Clifton on tailoring by Llewella Mac lnncs on flower arrangements by Helen Cox and on public utilities by Minnie Parks During the nine years the club had been an active unit of the Eastern Canada Region and the American Federation of Soroptim Isl Clubs and had been represent ed at every regional conference since its formation The 15th con fcrcncc of the Eastern Canada Reg ion was held in Barrie The club provided wilrkers in the regional field on occasion Claire Tillman served as memberatlarge and later as regional treasurer Amy Sargent was chairman of the reg ional budget committee and Mrs Clifton was regional director The club bulletin was started in May 1949 with Kay Webb as edi for As well every member re ceives the regional bulletin which was started fairly recently shar ing ideas for club activities ronio being the first and London the second Now there are 15 clubs in the regionand 500 in the feder alien When this club was first or ganized in Barrie the v1er Idea of womens service club was simply unheard of now our club has gained recognition as vital part of the life of the community We Work Record The work record of the Barrie Soroptimist Club started with bridge in the fall of 1943 The club sponsored lecture by Dr Kidd of the Royal Ontario Museum on Port Ste Marie excavations and Valentine dance was held in 1944 Draws on dolls auction sales and bake sales white elephant auctions fashion shows in 1947 1948 and 1949 fur coat draws in 1949 1950 and 1951 and hostess bridge night had been other moneyraising af fairs Mrs Clifton listed under achieve ments of the nineyeanold Sorop timist Club such projects asvthe girls poultry club welfare among soliders wives Red Cross general funds and prisoner of war in rehabilitation of Coventry Canad ian ambulance boxes of food and clothing sent to Belgium afghans for England and Holland Wood eden Vocational School for crip pied children Blue Mountain camp YWCA Service Womens leave centre leadership courses for girl grildes UNvSave the Childrn fund UNESCO Winnipeg floodre lief semiprivate ward in Royal Victoria Hospital two hot water urns for the hospital Christmas tray favors ChriStinas giftsfdr MIRACLE Sari roam social func Another pleasure over the years by Margaret agellum MRS EIHEL CLIFTON Charter President BDCI scholarship fellowships the RVH building fund private ward at RVII the Senior Citizens Club Jormcd In Mayy 1950 and the Venture Club spun119 HTS 89351 sorcd in November 1951 In closing she repeated the Sorop ltiinist pledge pledge allegiance lto Soruptimism and to the idealsl gamed in the Eastern region Tu hats by Evelyn Tuck on the hisl fur which it staridsmsinccrity oil friendship integrin of profession dignity of Service joy of achicveoi merit and lovc of country Before the close of the metting Mrs Dorothy Vance one of thcf club members who is leaving on ai trip to the British Isles was pro seated with ban voyage gift byi Miss Greta Finlay on behalf of the club The gift was brilliant sctl with sterling silver maple leaf MissWiida Culbert took over the balance of the birthday dinner pro gram filling it with interesting contests and games Mrs Bell Named President Of Barrie WCTU Mrs Bell was installed president of the Barrie Womans Christian Temperance Union at the annual meeting held Monday April in Community House Lean Mrs Johnston and Mrs ldmgmuy and prayermuy She said TIvcntytiwmcn were present with Mrs Bewell presiding Other members of the executive for the coming year named in the slat3 of officers presented by Mrs Herb Johnston nominating com mittee chairman are Mrs Johnston first vicepresident Mrs Jack Radford second vicevpresidlcommittee are em Mrs Vaughan mixd vice ttrcasurer Mrs Muir MaryiAS Christians we must will to do= president Mrs Ed Armstrong treasurer Mrs Millward corresl pending secretary Mrs Richardson pianist Mrs Annie Lennox devotional superintendent and Mrs Andrew Cumming re cording secretary The meeting opened with hymn and prayer led by Mrs Bewell Mrs Millward led in the devotional period reading from John 19 25 to 27 Mrs Vaughan and Mrs Jacobs were appointed delegates to the county convention to be held in Midland May and Arrangements were made for special open meetmg when Mrs Beth McKay provincial secretary visits the Barrie union during her tour of the county hyrnnand prover by Mrs An nichennoxxlosed the meeting 1T0 RVICE COWS ROWE HOUSE CLEAN i3 kind INC OBLEMS 15 making an flravelling by bus is won denulvayhseeuucountry tlle busyfainsthatbordec handmade iiVersaIilIf lakesihevgrandeurotomllills aficionsisdascinatingcloss ups of every town and city along your mud on ROW Dtapiesipringbatkco moredii their original beauty and briliiancewwghen filth is gone moiC the motto Miss Joyce Irwin fEniertamed Bridal Shower The 111mg room Mrs Frank Adams E14bch St warm the scene shone on Tuesday rwc Che WA of first Eand many Interested gath irred 10 humor an Apia 152155 Joyce LWlfl The everng began my Ig which mudltfli quiz illiri tests uterus the Writing utility agon litter mill gifts and gm decorate pol artiste crepe paper twin numbing 361le In home of when gt ers and bows was nuclei In by Mlss Lorraine Louvrczlu and pre scnted Io hiss After the gifts 2111 all beer uni jwrappcd very fellow lunch elderly women recreation playWOS gttmd by Mn the Adams LISJSICII 11 McPhnll Miss Irwins Mosley will take IIIEIILFIJI Church institutes Mrs Norval Luck Heads Minesing Wl Executive Mrs Norvul Luck was ulstallud president of Mincsing Womens 111 stitutc at the annual mreting held sat the home of Mrs Oliver Wilson Mrs Veals conducted the election of officers and Mrs Dusto pre iscnted the report of the nominal ing committee Other members Of the executive ifor the coming year are Mrs Maguirc honorary president Mrs Height lst vicepresident Mrs 12 Foyston 2nd dent Mrs Scott Muir secretary Itrcasurer Mrs Knapp assistant lsecretaryrrcasurcr Miss Mc Veals pianists Mrs Dusto press and radio reporter Mrs Luck district director Mrs Haight assistant district director Mrs Priest branch director Mrs Mayes and Mrs Haight audi tors Members of the sick visiting Mrs Wilson McLean Mrs Johnson Fralick Mrs Pearson Johnston Mrs Day and William Maw Conveners for the coming year are Mrs Maguire agricul ture and Canadian industries Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Church XII33 Ci Noel Fund regional and federationeld Mrs ii Putnam and Mrs Ray arc on Aprili vicepresi WMS Auxiliary EHOld Easter Thankofiering Ycl$ Epic Incanus returned from 1Com where he was serving with the Princess Patricks Canadian Light infantry ls sailing for England orI Apnl 15 to take an eighttnlhsi course Mrs Boiling laterals to Iorn rum 1112 near future Mr and Mrs Morton IL Knox and chddren Nancy and Carol oft Pctcrboruugh walled over the wrcitend with Knox parents Mr and Mrs at Thomson 31 Charles Taylor arrived Sat urday morning II Barrie from Dundee Scotland to you her buy band Mrs Taylor flew from Prentwmk Scotland to Montreal and travelled to Toronto by train arrlvmg here Thursday night Mr and Mrs Taylor Visited villi liltfld in Toronto on Frazlay Mans Iidiri 11 311 lift131110 brim Anne Murphy Mid Strand 3C1 Mrs Michael Borne Vlfltm of aIrkcIII 413 prnldrd at 25 if slouch was he Halter Lilijliitj pOiIlOrt the rcports wch ItCtlktd reminded the lllEIIIgt contortme branch gt held 11 Cililllr 51 ill Ii and 21 and stir many Ixcrrlbcrs Id the ome fourth btrs 1111 laying it mg xl tor bac so 560 Per Pair orally STAYNER TAX HATE 51 Suiyzlcr tax rate has been ruck at 31 live over 1951 Otl accounts for thrcc nulis of the lilclCRSI one mill for dtcfilgt my the towns bank Indebtedness III dilzl one 1111 LOT natural ZILCTCiIL 60513 CliffIng inc Lazumr of the Childrcnl of Simcoe Countys were the sprainr for the PM 2n matcrzaz and Labor uLburch Bctu1 on Vw ti hopcd numw attend from 1121 ALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTINGPHONE 2414 LIMITED Iltltt1IIt cIiI Maguzmu and mch urn of the suclulys oxccullvc the Midland COIZIngxmod All2gtlon OrllEIn and local branches WWWW Awmuo 1s askKi to Steep Irucu and for good Hr lhc II4IL1 relic SIIII 11921115 are to 00 or was Eliomv of Mrs iilrtllirids in charge of the ML 12130 WW Mm Mthoda Young spun GoIICIo lrmftlrs ROOIIiweekcnd Bump son nc welcoming committee Ma and r5 KWPCQ Trmfngn 5211 BZmh and returned last weekend from 1201 haw 1K scour Lr1ng 1rd may Itll EiOIldLl AIZQIP theyl iMrs Baldwin read inc Easter Treasure Hand Carl ycd Iclcrsburg They ucrc away neighbourhood CALL BARR TENT AWNING FOR AN ESTIMATE Aristocrat Canvas Awnings 11 Miss holiday and Inc 34 BAYFIELD ST am mm mm mir am firearm mod toting that simple ml 131mm 7h mm can in graceful we 11 that lost Kimm1 wsuw Make your home the focal point of attention in your CO Aristocrat Aluminum Awning PHONE 4311 star from 11 27th and 23111 chap ters of the gospel of St Matrhcuxminmst four weeks rumor do am the cast coast whore they stoppch lThIs ltlzv foliovrcd with the reading of porm The Changed Cross0f Key we The of 13m 57 Sam aciiiltll return lrp drivingl 90 Id iii TIN PiimO by MFS through the Great Smokv 31011 lC mung Open 19 03195 ruins of Tennessee titc Implc The worship SPFl Mr and Mrs Ernest McKnight IVC 35 mm Onloytd bl and chzldrcn Robert Terry and iprtf Bill of North Bay visrtcd in Bar In the cxt of her inspiring ad ric vIIh Mrs McKnIgbts mother Mrs Outline and uncle 11 Buchanan at the weekend and drcsa Mrs Kcll chose the answer to 0qu of the questions of the also motored to Toronto and Grims by to see rclatIcs Shorzcr Catechism which she had Mr and Mrs Snclgrove and lcarrtcd in her early life The children Lyn Timmy and Toby ichief aim of man Is to know God and to enjoy 11m forever To do spent Easter weekend with rcla lives in Owen Sound this we all must stub Gods word Mr and Mrs Arthur McKenzie spent the holiday weekend in Buf falo Mr and Mrs Whyte and son motored to Ottawa for the holi iday weekend Eddie Stransman of Toronto visU ited relatives in Barrie at the week end Mr and Mrs Harold Henry have returned after spending portion of each day must be givvrz to this task Despite all thc carcsof this busy world each one of us can make the time for this if iwc only would Even if only one Sverse of Scripture Is read and Erhought about each day the results Ewill be gratifying God gave His Ionly Son for our inward peace lwha right rcgardlm of what it ICQSIS and by resolving to pay full month in Florida lmeasure for all we receive from Guests at Bat5min Lodge 135 iom Heavenly Father can ll weckcnd were Mr and Mrs ODon IfIlI In Ourselves this portion of the Hen George Rowen and Mrsmop icatcchxsm chE Howell of Toronto and MrI The Speaker 35 mtmdJCEd byiand Mrs Joseph Gonslaves of the MhAdamson citizenship and eduers Parsons and thanked by Mrsariush West Indies cation Miss Irene Davis and Mrs 13 Robertson Mrs Parsons al Miss Eleanor Carley of Toronto McLean home economics and iii thanked the members her is visiting with Mr and Mrs Joseph health Mrs George Johnston his Mrs Foyston and Mrs El Maw community activities andT public relations Mrs Wood resolutions and Mrs Davis jun ior institute There was good attendance at the annual meeting letter was read from the National Sanitarium Association regarding free chestI Xrays in Minesing Members are to express their choices of courses provided by the Womens Institute branch at the May meeting yThe financial statement was giv an by the secretarytreasurer and line reports were preserited by con veners of the standing committees Mrs Maguire the rgtiringl president expressed her appreciaS tion to the secretary Mrs Percy Muir and members for their col operation during her term of ofl ge Mrs Peacock interpreted the There is no selfexpendbi lure without selfenrichment nol selfenrichment without selfex penditure Roll call was answer ed with dos and donts for Wo mens Institutes Mrs Haight gave an interesting account of her trip toFioridaand showed colored slides of beauty spots inthe south Mrs Johnson reported on FMenlsondtodiesCf 11E II SUPmus ESTOUPF arid the 158151118 35 05 Whelan who have moved into their torical research and current events lad with benediction by MrS new home at 23 Charlotte St Phillips Miss Ann Brennan returned The CGIT served tea to the ladies home Saturday night from Thowld after the meeting In the recreation where She was visiting last week room The beautifully decoratedgwim Mg and Mrs Glover and able was presided over by Mrs ammo fG Dingman and Mrs Maxi Sandals Oxfords loafersSavage shoes for every occasion and for youngstersof all ages Carefully made of quality materials over proper lasts Corrcc is important We are fully equipped to give your children this attention SCIENTIFIC XRAY FITTING Holidaying in Florida are John 811 lBrennanyJohn Laking and William AS the WMS were 1305195395 for gCraig Jr who left last Sunday to the informal reception for new motor scum They plan to be gone members after the preCommumon three weeks and are stopping off service held that night the girlSlin New York City for few days thoughtfully left their table decor on their rem atibn for that occasion ThememI Donald speam Timmms was bers of them had 10i3d Wilhi visitor over the weekend at the theCGII in their affiliation service home of his palem ML and Mrs on March 27 Those who attend emf ed enjoyed this very much and Mrs found much to compliment theBange girls on in theirpast years work Moosejaw Sash to visit Iva her Bannms LEADING $1101 STORE parents Mr and Mrs Straw OPP POST OFFICE the quilt forthe district competiChan Her hUSband Liem BOtng lion Royal purple ribbon was given out to be worn with W1 badges for mourning for the King MrsMaguire and Mrs Maw servd lunch From One of Arizonas many wonders Colossal Cave is 28 miles east of Tucson Formed by underground waters the cave contains many formations resembling animals buildings and people GRDEN CLIPPER LAWN MOWER An imprOved Isszaesign featuring Slifdiav bulbousntypg rubber tires strong tubular handle spiral cuttnig blades and precision groumd bottom blade 14 cm $1595 gt 16 cut $1695 OTHER MODELS $1 1350ro 52115 SPECIAL SUIIBEAIII nominate RoinKing LAWNSIIRlthgn sts 110 sprinkle circle to50 feet by simply turningitliaiak Has two chrmne plated revolvingarmz graggze enameled upright iTEl Moms some 451 PLAY shots PARTY guess raid Botting arrived in Sunday morning from