Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1952, p. 6

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eat chI Rainer Post Office Square coma EVENTS LOCALS HUSTqu Following Consecutive Insertions 3c Word minimum 75c mamas CARD THANKS 1N APPRECIATIONi to Mt minimum 750 ENAGEMENT NOTICES $100 lots and typo styles for semidisplay classieds may Never peak Ania IIIIIIIIIIS Mmmmmumaummmmwwc 1mmvaammommomol CASH RATE word Minimum 50 manure Insertions use word minimum 35 WITH ORDER WoranIudtrectcdtothhomoem 40 word minimum $100 be obtained through The Examiner advertising department ownmimumndommmmmonmh mummmmm orm wmmiumunlul notified for CopySaturday 530 pm for Monday Issue 1uesday 530 pm for Wednesday issue Thursday 530 pan for Friday Issue HELP WANer TlMEKEEPERS wanted for Construction Projects Must be free to travel Perman statin experience age marital his saary desired and telephone number to BRENNAN PAVING COMPANY LIMITED 400 Gage Avenue North Hamilton Ontario 14244 NEW AND IIsz CAR SALESMAN for large distributor Good propos ition Good opportunity Perman ent to right man coII MR HILL 2427 Plumbers Wanted Union wages transportation from Barrio Apply on job En lish and Mould no CAMPBORDEN HOUSEKEEPER wanted sleep in With references Apply to Box 25 Barrie Examiner l42 OUSEKEEPER for farm home adorn conveniences Must have references Apply Box 18 Barrie mariner 174042 YOUNG Reliable Girl or elderly woman to mind children while mother works Live in Apply Mrs Walker Angus 14243 La CARETAKER for school Applica tion forms available at secretarys office Hillcrest School or phone Longstaeat 3888 14243 STENOGRAPHER required fe male Experienced preferred Must be able totake shorthand Apply Robinson Hardware Barrie 142 LIBRARIAN Grade certicate to take charge of the Barrie Pub 1112 Library June Apply Mrs Leeds Public Library Bar ric 142 TELEGRAPH Delivery boy for Camp Borden Canadian Pacic Communications Phone Camp Bor den 261 or 1094 Barrie 3006 even lugs 14243 PART 0R PULLTime wdrk avail able Excellent opportunities for the right persons Knowledge of leathetcraft desirable but not as sntial Apply Box 24 Barrie Ex 14244 KIND RELIABLE woman to mind little girl schoolaged boy light duties in return room and board rdiduderation Weekends free lhomhill district Write Box 20 He Examiner 142 AmmOUS Neatappearing mar riedman for special detailsales Writ Married preferred age 30 tticar necessary Excellent oppor to earn high income Good WyWrite District Distributor ater St Peterboro 174243 RIENCED Stenographer with knowledaerequlred for inance business Pension wrnedical and hospitalization ts Apply to Industrial Ac ta ceCorp Ltd Wilson Build Barrie 14045 RESSIVyoudgman required sales1Finance busmess Pen plan medical and hospitaliz ulleut0portunlt or advancement Ban Ing ex lienetcialabutgit Amelia us ccep Wyclitdauwmonuildin Square Barrie ham Salesmdn on also Collingwood districts wedgedmanwm can mom Qualiflcationsai car It ucatlen andappcar erencey non drinker lilislness ability to Initirfffor active ambitious tithe andwho must earn Helena WANTED Borne Metal Salvage Dealers in scrap iron raw furs hides feathers live ultry etc Special price paid dcivcrcd Our trucks will call anywhere within the county on request Phone 2983i or 820r31 residence 5300 Stayncri 98J2 or08J3 MAX PUSHKOFF CO Yard and office 150 Tiffin St 32900 SCRAP WANTED Bring your scrap iron tin car bod ics to Francoz in Orillia and sell direct We prepare the same and use it right here therefore can pay you the most for it FRANCOZ King West 515 Phone 4261 Orillia 32562 GIRLS BICYCLE Ivarch for 10 ycarold Must be in good condi tion Apply John Cromarty Shau ty Bay 34243 RIDE WANTED with someone mot oring to New York Will share ex penses Write Ernest Partridge Barrie RR or phone 842r24 342 ANTIQUE CHINA jewellery orn amcnts glassware whatnets also silver etc The Little Antique and Gift Shop 110 DunlOp St Phone 3141 33842 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own oors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander ioen excellent work Low rates Complete line of oor nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs fillers crushes etc We sell everything needed to make new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clappcrton St Phone 5208 191th BUY SELL TRADE We buy sell or trade any article speciahzmg in used household furniture We also have record book and gun exchanges Free estimates given upon request Better Used Furniture 113 Dunlop St Phone 3012 BARBIE 52165 PAINTING AND odd jobs done Phone 4033 542 WE RENTSinger electric portable sewing machines by the monthor the week Phone 4365 573711 FOUNDATIONS Sidewalks Stoops DrivewaysTry my prices Davis Contractor phone4739 53517 FOR GENERAL Repair Work builtinlcupboards etc chimneys or repairs phone 4624 Barrie MANURE FOR SABE composed and Sterilized manure for lawn dressing loam gravel fill and and laid or delivered Phone Bill Muir 54244 MIMEOGRAPHIN and public mom by LetMrs1Jane Ben nett or Alvin Thom can help you with your secretar al work 131101109824 453811 REPAIRS TO ALL makes of Sew in gMachlnesTFrerdemonstration any new or used sewing ma chines Singer Sewing Machine Barrie phone 4305 Sltfb AITENTIONFFARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or and payhlghesi prevailing prices For immediate ephone collect Barrie service 3017 Gordan Young Limited 524409MF llIFEED Rauncmvan Seed for sale Ap PlyJ an Shanty Days v1042 MONTfALM Seed TBarley powcr ApplyMorrls McArthur QuinlaPhone Qro 115 1M2 owcr clean oe Lennox szrso cals Royal Typewriter Agent for Simcoe Business FOR SALE COTTAGE 14 18 Apply Mr Soberruan Angus weaken 742 INTERNATIONAL 10can Milk Cooler new condition Phone 711 Mincsing 34414101 2WIIEEL Trailer 10 long racial 10 high tires 650x10 lili zon Oro Station Phone 2010 Crop 74243 LADYS ENGLISH Bicycle speed uscd times only Reason for selling illncss Phone 832rliix 742 unuWmw CRESS CALLOUS Salve rcllevcsl quickly Your Druggist sells Cressl Corn Salve for sure toilet 1003 42 Accommodat and WALNUT LOGS 12 feet and cl feel also uantlty 0144001 walnuMSM LL self contained apartment Make our furniture Phonc Elmg vale r41 742 rosr DRILL used very mus chuck for twist drills nttachcd Apply Examiner or phone 3061 741th 111 ELECTRIC Frigidaire nonhuman size cubic feet used about months 111 guarantee Phone Bradford 3915 John llnmbly 7il42 Beams 24x51 12x20 large skylights with wire glass Livingston 12 Ross St Phone 31123 aftcr 530 74142 JOIlNSONOutbonrd Motor model KD 98 hp recently overhauled Reason for selling gctting larger notor The Thomas Co Alliston honc 150W 74142 COMPLETE LINE of Master Feeds Frost Fence Fertilizers Farm Supplies and Graham Plows For service phone Craig Hunter Stroud 53r5 739lt49 100 RUG BRICKS 30 ilrcbrlck also Yorkshire boar 14 months and I5 Chunks 100 and 125 lbs John Orlowski RR Thornton 01h Concession 742 COMBINATION chiffonicrward robe console stylc walnut $28 rollaway folding cot and mat tress $8 complete HOovcr vacuum $18 Phone 3715 742 BOOKS BOOKSchr 400 used good condition part of private library All sclected ilction coth bound What offers Any mm or Phone 4303 after pm 741tf ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers new and used sales and rent USED STEEL Simcoe County Machines 06 Toronto St Borne phone 4824 73811 WILTON RUG 9x12 large round oak extension table with extra leaves dining chairs leather seats antique dining chairs table top McClary model electric range Call at 241 Bayiield St 742 WHITE Enamellcd rollrim kitch cn srnk back attached overall size 18x24 nickel plated taps and one lead trap Complete all in good condition $25 Also small wooden ice box suitable for cot Iagc etc $5 Phone 4046 32 Ec cles St North 742 STORE Equipment 12ft Meat Counter 511 0in Frozen Food 6ft 6in Dairy Counter new 12ft 7ft 6in Walkdn Frig Berkcl Electric Saw No 33 Ber kel Electric Slicer Berke Elec tric Delccator Chopmaster Elec tric Grinder sets of Scales Electric McCaskey Cash Register 1950 Dodge llzton Panel Truck Meat Blocks Knives etc CurtIs Meat Market Bradford Ont Phone 204 housie 236J 74243 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 10 PIGS 11 WEEKS OLD George Hunter phone 7r2 Elmvale 942 15 CHUNKS PIGS approximately 75 lbs Arthur Gordon phone 17r22 Ivy 94042 EWES AND 14 Lambs 13 due 111 and May MFrench Elmva 94142 12 PIGS weeks old weaned 50 chickens laying well Paul Shultz Utopia RR N0 1342411 TEAM or WorkMares and 10 years old Apply King Le froy phone 15r22 94243 CALF FOR Vealing also White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed Bred McSherry Lot 6Con Innlsfl 942 REGISTERED Shorthorh Cows due to freshen in one month Ap ply Harold Brolcy Lot 22 can 10 Essa 942 200 CEDAR FENCE Posts8 ft ling 13 pigs months old Winsent Achrnem Thornton Con Lot Innisill 94142 GRADE 410W Lyears Ioid IIQSII ened April good milker also tons straw baled would make good feed also double harness like new Phone Ivy 12r22 Gordon Campbell REGISTERED Holstein Springer also young jbulls ready for ser vice from ROP dams Herd ac credited and listed Apply Nell Farts NeWmarket Ont 94142 WARNICA HEREFORD Farms herd bulls npdfarmera bulls tea dy for service 10 wchoicozv ones priced from $300 to 0500 Call and see them BOB Warn11cc and RR Me Phone strand 11 as lmyfoundaQ size 000 Phone Millionaire 124112 Elston 143 0W8 partDurham and apar Holstein years and 2years built this to freshenrend ufmonth also used sac100x16 tires good valor guesnew ppy and phone 021 f0ro Lilli pesoIons mm sxcsnmucw Stencgrcphir an sires position Accurate and speed shorthand Phone 41435 2414 RADIO Technician and repair man with 10 years ex ricnce de sires position Phone 47 24243 ACCOUNTANT will do mueslil ing and income tax or any typci of office work at home Phone 12706 John Morrison 51 Pcnetan 31 2414 DUTCH BAKER experienced in bread cakes pastry etc desires employment May One year ing Canada Apply John Vonbruggcr RR No Cookslown 242433 furnished wanted by quiet per son Apply Box 27 Barrie Examl iner 42 YOUNG EXECUTIVE married at dependents requires house or apartment Phone 5533 or 2421 Montgomery 114942 21 OR ROOMED Furnished apart ment wanted Immediately byi young Army couple Ilcasc writci Box 29 Barrie Examiner 1142 OR ROOMED Apartment ori Ilousc wanted immediately by1 young couple No children Please write Box 22 Barrie Examiner 114143 ed unfurnished apartment or house for two adults no children or pets Occupancy May Write Box 28 Barrie Exumlncn 114244 ROOMED Apartment unfurn ished duplex or bungalow wanted by Army officer Olli child years old Can supply references Needed by May Phone 2114 114143 PROPERTY FOR SALE ROOM BRICK with rooms sumcom and bath on first floor bedrooms with hot and cold water on second floor Hot water heating Garage Strictly modern ROOM BRICK with rooms reception room and sunroom on firsb floor bedrooms and bath on second floor Hard wood throughout Strictly mod ern and very clean Garage ycry desirable location NEW BRICK BUNGALOW with bedrooms recreation room 011 heating Extra toilet in base ment Novel plan with extra ordinary construction Everything to be desired in home ROOM BRICK We have several of these rang lng in price from $7800 to $11000 all suitable for income homes ROOM INSUL BRICK with rooms and bath on first floor Nearly now On western limits of town Low taxes $6750 HARVEY CO LIMIrED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Phone 3926 Evenings 3990 or 4708 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 1641 FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS Phone 3693 lG4149b CHOICE BUILDING Lots on Nap ier st Phone 4707 164142 CHOICE LOTS Donald St Sewer andwater Phone 4436 1639tf SEVERAL good lots available on Highway 11 north within town water Phone 5221 164142 BRICK Bungalow mums and bath oil heating bus stop at door Phone 5723 or 2327 164244 CHOICE Building Lots Cook and Napier Streets near new school and bus Phone 5337 164143 STOREY BRICK House ingood candition rooms with roomecl apartment Phone 5723 or 2327 164244 ROOMED Homerinsulated on No 11 Highway south about miles from Barrie Phone 3958 6411 LOTS IN VESPRA one mile west of Barrie also hp Johnson Outboard Motor sllghtlyused Phone 5077 1642 ROOM Bungalow modern con veniences in village of Angus Possession May Apply Edward Holland Angus 16+42 PARTLY Furnished or xUnfurnish ed home in Stayner water lights telephone acres laud Immedi ate possession Mason BoxMil Stayner phone 241 Codrlngton School split stone ves tibule and fir lace bulltuln china cabinet In d1 ogroom oaltvoors It piece modernfkltc en fPhone 5754 103 43 IN CHURCHILL Village esroom sold cement house good coach on 1argelotlandscapedgarden priced 1mg fruit trees Reasonabl 164142 new ROOM Blmgalow Opposite But DUMP TRUCKS One 1950 Ree Comet Model 22 Brantford body and hoist One 1919 Bet model 21 body and hoist One 1050 Ford 4ton with body and hoist One 1047 international Kd bady and hoist ALLAN COOK LIMITED Trucks can be seen at Garage Elizabeth St illr4243 CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN MINUTES We will buy your car ply off what you owe on It and give you cash for the balance SEE HON EST JOE Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 6430 131140b 1041 DODGE Station Wagon good motor and new paint job Phone 2300 1142 34 OLDSMOBILE Coupe good con dition rcccntly painted Phone 3715 1342 privately and priced 3738 1342 1938 PLYMOUTH Coupe will seat live new paint job good condition IlIonc Stloud 1912 III42 1047 STUDEBAKER lion pickup truck in good shape Apply rear 21 Collier SL Roys Body Shop 134142 1050 PREFECT in good general condition $700 Apply Glen Miller 51h house on south side of road post new highway bridge on Camp Bordon Highway 1342 195 owned Phone DODGE Coupc reasonably Business Opportunities SHOE REPAIR business for sale well established fully equipped long lease low rent Write 728 Fairbairn Petcrborough Ont Phone Barrio1330 2974042 FARM EQUIPMENT BARGAIN Model 3Q Massey Harris Tractor and Plow Used less than one month For more details see ORVILLE WILSON CORBY MOTORS Ltd Phone 5526 Barrie BARGAIN Model 30 Massey Harris TRACTOR PLOW Used less than One month For more details see Orville Wilson CORBY MOTORS LTD Phone 5526 Barrie 3974244 FARMALL F12 International on rubber good motor sell reasonable Maurice Patterson Anten Mills Phone Elmvale 7514 39512 1051 MASSEY Harris Clipper Com bine new $1800 Terms arranged Box 23 Barrie Examiner 394143 12mcu nchwoOD runny Model International tractor also Bale Loader for 50 Baler Apply Joe Hambly Bradford 3942 FORD BUCK RAKE good condi tion oncway disc McCormick Deering Apply Elmer Rotthll Gilford Phone Lefroy 26r3 WATER WELL Drillers 25 years experience in Barrie and District Quotations and advice on request without obligatidnF Wright and Son 629 Hurontarlo St Co1hn wood phone 318M mm normn maria WANTEDSmall Hausa inside conVenIences Garden Ca Cox 870Collegc St WToronto 004042 HOUSE WANTED about rooms one floors in good repairs Rea soaalile for ca IMustmcqdntral and in Barri Possession about middle of MayPhone 5209 33 suitoms rashes SAM NOBLE PLUMBING HEATING Contracting for slnstallstim voting and Repairs Itsn121yjave 3535313 snout liar mediate 5posaesslom ontact owns or phone 31143 Barrie Mimi11 aaooM HOME ln West and 1200 downs svroom modest price ath modernkltch house lece en attac ed garage large in come ho es Sayeral ver modern homes focally possess on Good selection of bulldln lots Sce en 358 16442 Elrlck Rea tors Barrie visitcd Mr has sold his farm Termsvvcash Stroud 23m some 44icsagusnal moo 5111 FOR sawed any and dellvc Dennis Moro In puian 64142 511er cornea SANDY COVE privatebeach new furnished cottage for rentii ioil space heater bedrooms vng room and modern kitchen Inside mum in mama 6011 plumbing June II nae tmm Coll Stroud at evenan 234243 Corporation to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the PLANTS FLOWERS rate of five per ccnturn 15 per annum payable annually ami to FOR SALEPremm and Senator provide for the discount and the Duplop Strawberry Plants grown from Government approved stock expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures $3 per hundred Wm human Elmvalc 2713942 AND WHEREAS the School Board of the School Area of the CHICKS GILMORE Township of Essa has applied to QUALITY CHICKS he Council of the Township of Essa to pass Bylaw for the pur From Simcoe Countys Largest Breeder Hatchery pose of making such loan AND WHEREAS the proposal for Special lower prices on late April and May Pullets Inch loan was submitted to and GILMORES sanctioned at special meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Poultry Breeding Form 00 Penetang St Phone 2735 Barrie Essa called for such purpose on the 20th day of January AD 1951 CHICK HATCHERY GOVERNMENT APPROVED AND WHEREAS it is expedientto make the principal of the said debt Oldest established chick hatchery in Simcoe County known for 30 repayable in annual instalments for years as the place to buy those Bylaw tinnitus tho by mini 00000 upon hen it is expedient to borrow for the purpose of erecting fourroom Public School In the Police Village of Angus sum not after the date of issue of such Iebenturcs of such amounts ipectivcly that with the info in respect of the debt the aggre gate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the same AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ratcable property of all the public school supporters In the School Area according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is 1205602400 AND WHEREAS the amountof the existing debenture debt of the Corporation exclusive of loeal 1m provcmcnt debts secured by spe cial rates or assessments is $4 31800 and no part of the princi pal or interest of such debt is In arrear AND WHEREAS by Order dated the 7th day of December AD 1951 the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpose of the said borrowing and the passing of all requisite bylaws including debenture bylaws THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Essa enacts as follows For the purpose aforesaid the Corinration shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation sum not exceeding ninety thousand $90000 and shall issue deben tures therefor in sums of not less than $5000 each Each deben ture shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per an num payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such Interest All the debentures shall bear NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of AGA THA MARGARET QUINN late of the period of twenty years next strong vigorous chicks bred for both egg and meat production hatching Barred Racks and New lampshirc Barred Rock crossbreed 65 Clapperton SL Barrie Phone 2320 blocks northof the Five Points 1439ti BREEDING Counts For to qual lty order your Hunter Chicizs now Canada accredited All chicks pro duced from eggs produced on our own farm Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud Phone Craig Hunter 5315 243949 BRENTWOOD APRIL Qchinald Lechance of Duntroonspent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Schell Buddy Schell Toronto was home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Harold Bates Ham ilton visited Mr and Mrs George Schell Sunday Mr and Mrs Galbraith Orillia and Mrs Alex Gai braith Mr and Mrs Schell spent few days in Toronto last week AUCTION SALES Tuesday April 15 Reginald Srlgley NWli Lot4 Con Ves pra mile east and mile north of Minesing Auction sale of farm stock implements and household effects Terms cash Saleat pm Slessor Auctioneer 3942 Friday April 18 Gordon Jeffs Eta Lot Con Vs ra mile east V2 mile north Minesing autonomic 1111111039 GROSSIOWN MOTORS the Township of Vespra in the Auction sale of power farm mach frwlthe First day of May 1952 after for any others Thefirst man to reach the North Team of Bay Clyde Horses Hay Rake 41 Section Drag Har goryBa Tith andBags Buggy sat11mm St rnonesm Rope vith track Truck and gle set of Team Harness County of Simcoe Spinster de inery sutinc fowl household eff ceasedrwho died on thellth clay ects and miscellaneous articles of February 1952 are requested Terms cash Sale at pm It JIto send particulars of their claims Slessor Auctioneer 384310 the undersrgned on or before which date the Executor will dis tribute the assets of the Estate having regard gtonly to the claims of which they then shall have notice and will not be responsrble FARM IMPLEMENTS TEAM OF HQRSES STEWART ESTEN SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Barrie om 3742M Solicitors for Executor The undersigned has received instructions from pomm mscovgmm First ram 10lo of Bridge Pole was thb American Admiral on No 11 mthmy at Palmyiek Room Peary in April 19091 To sellhvaublic Auction on THURSDAY APRIL 17 THE FOLLOWINGL matched IMPLEMENTS McCormick Deering Binderxt8ft cut Cpl tivatorsc Mail Mower Hay Ted der Steel Roller 3drums Steel rows section Drag Barrows 111C Seed Drill so 2furrow sultry Riding Plow2Single Rldlll Plow Disc Scufflor Torah Dril Wa gon Gear Funding With bag Root Pu per Bull Poke with hose Icing Apple grinder with press attachment Rope Machin Emery Grinder Scr fJacks Oil Drum with rrpumpr ig Loadcr Draw slings cdmetelrcrassand Seed erGrain Scoop Block and Tackle Double Barrel Shotgun Number of wooden barrels Colts 32 revolver Double Set of Team Harness Sins Battery Radio number of chairs and other household effects Many other articles too humer ous to mention No reserye as the proprietor follows Sale atil an Sills Cook er 25 Coer cheer phohe 63 fiiconli range IIsIIIer hem Each 0a Townshi of the same date shall be issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this By law Is paged may bear any data within such two years and shall be made payable in annual instan merits during the period of twenty 20 years next after the date of Issue thereof and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule hckto annexed The debentures shall be pay able as to both principal and in terest in lawful money of Canada and may be made payable at such lace or places in Canada as shall designated thereon The said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the Cor poration and signed by the head of the Council or by some other person authorized by Bylaw to Sign the same and by the Treasr urer The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written stamped lithographed or engraved Commencing in the year 1952 and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the sold debt and interest be comes duc the Corporation shall levy and raise the specic sunI shown for the respective year in the fourth column of the said Schedule Such sum shall be lev lcd and raised by special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates upon the taxable property of Public School Support ors in the Area The said debentures may con taina clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 336 of The Municipal Act Pendin the sale of the said debentures the head of theCoun rll and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sum or sumsof money not exceed ing in all the sum hereby author ized to be borrowed and may by pothecate such debentures for Snob loan The Corporation shall have the right at its option to redeem the said debentures either in whole or in part ori any date prior to maturity at the places where and lathe moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable upon payment of the principal amount creof together with interest accrued to the data of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in or daily newspaper of general prov incial circulation published in the City of Tomato and once in local newspaper such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days bfore the date xed for ircdemption Notice of inten tion so to redeem shallalso be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such re demptibn to each person in whose name debentureso to be re deemed is registered at the ad dress shahfuintb9hentme Rega istry Beck Where only portion of tho debentures of this issue is so to be redeemed such portion shall comprue only the debentures that have the latest maturity dates and Do debenture of this issue shall be called for such redemg tion in priority to any such benture that has later maturity date READ arst and second time this 14th day of December 1951 WOOD Reeve NORMAN COXWORTH Clerk READ third time and finally passed this 4th day of February 1952 WOOD Reeve NORMAN COXWORTH Clerk SCHEDULE DEBENTURE $9000000 Five Per Cent Twenty 20 Years INSTALMENT Year Jitterest Principal 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1058 1959 19m 1061 1962 1963 1964 1065 1966 1967 Sis 2288288238888882 wave on siss 88838282 23 ooggo 99f uunNNN raw 883a as B288882 11115109410111 I11 IIIIINGIIIII ilYourlIooal complete lInebf Tutkey Foodsavallableasf 2o+avsnm I31cooszon rooms

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