noun 1min 14 as Matthew Shed Reeve Smith Campbell presided It the regular meeting of 0m CPR Station fNear ladyNo ll In Madame lwp Mm Churchill manager of the Laura Secord candy shop MOONSTONEMM JIisqmmy mof crtctin new CPR Inigo Town Thur Mcdontc i811 Highway 83 W1 to attend the annual V1 lflll of Eddy was tlrgcd upon 1mm 01 Rammles m9 Stcrling Smith divisional cnginocr pained Mr South on motor trip of the area under consideration Previouy it had becnannouncl ed that the railway phoned buildr mg new station about and south of the present one at thei Port McNicolt switch about four uulcs cast of Goldwater Tfc advantage of locating the pun station near the mill Orilha highway wen lm di upon the enlgnccr and favonble drcmon is hoped for by the bustl ncss men and other residents of this distrlcz WE M60 GMvtS MO HAD CW 0023 mm mo ICE minty 11453 scs ml mco Laura Sc 0rd CWHCll on Tuesday April in the candy ShOpS Tomnto at matting born out Township Hall at Mitchell Square CALL THE EXAMINER FOR amt1cm AP 79 with all members present Communications were remiveditu install an artificial ice plant in Colltngwood curlers have docidcd from county jerk Fred untenlthctr building lll time for ncxt Canadian Ammmbue Service AS season at cstlmutcd coslof 330000 sedation Brunner MoudCanada Sales Ltd Department of Planning and Development Ludgatc MMclnncs County Trcnsttrcr Coleman Dr Scott Hamilton Brosf Dcpdrlmcnt of Wclfarc Canadian Industries Ltd Scott Commtsxioucr of Air riculturnl Loam John White Bertram Lewis Bayou II Ftlt Cccil Clluppcll Dtpart not of Transport ll thron and Company II Angus lluikcs was rrgnrd to old road his property George llzucc llltMlIKLtl urious ltllUttltllttf at road mutton unzl it Win uruzigtL to havc Stuart Ktjvta of rillia draw up plums and pttpzuc Spcci ticzitions for Sllltl Altx Graham proposed machinery rcportcd on collQ ctton of IQSI taxes licporl was accepted lhc trcasurcrs on of rccctpts stncc tho Inst mccting IS prcscntcd and ucccptcd Hydrocontracts of and hlclvillc Crawford ccplcd Ctrtlticutc of Itcgistrnrn General was prcscntcd showing them had been no births no marl rinch and 2f dcaths duly rcgis3 tcrcd during 1931 hcr tcrt arct Inspect Sewage Disposal Simcoc County Ilczllth Unit wrotc that in futtirc all sewage disi posnl installations must be inspect ed and rriltcn approval ob tained from tho Mcdical Officcr of Health Officer of Simcoc County Health Unit will coopcratc in every way possiblc School requisition notices up be sent out to the various bodrds and are to he returned by June Applications for licenses for Ed gar and Shanty Bay halls wcrci accepted Claim of Bertram Lewis for damages to his car was presented and ordered forwardcd to insur ancc adjusters pitsum with roads which would lcnvc Barrie thc only tmajor town in lhc county Without lzuch factlrtlcs SPEAKS TO LEGION Main spcukcr at tho rcccnt mccl tug of Collmgwtmd brunch l3 Cnn lndmn chlon was ll llutrn past prcsidcnt of lluirie brunch Thnt night 26 ncw mcmbcrs Wtlt inittntcd EltltOll IN OIMO FIGURE Doc to an crror in chncsdzus Excunincr conccrning tho Copuco lshurcltoldcrs amtuul meeting tho tcosls of litcstock 111d maltrials iwns glvcn as $6702 instead of soioz mian for tho Crown to luy gtcwor plpcliuc and also 11 sixinch Vltllltlllll on curtain township The icpnrt of Road Superintend lll Basso was prcscntcd for March with pay sheets etc ucccptcd and pnsscti Rch Gtunpbcll Councillors Bar tholomcw and Gillespie and the Clerk were appointed on com millet to interview Dr Mt Ihcc MLA with regard to road leading into Radar Station Camp Int Edgar Various accounts for payment be fore council wcrc passed for pay ment bcforc adjournman cht meeting was scl for May NJ WATERS FOR SARDINES The greater proportion of Can udns sardine catch is taken in the waters off southeast New Bruns wick Prtmxummxxo 1wwumvzwamo IRlNTINlIHONE 2414 conferring with Mr Smith wcrc WkW Moduntc council llccvc Andrew 3Dunlop Councillor Victor Turnvr gClcrkTrcasurer Chcstcr Martin nnd Lloyd Lothcrby prcsidcot of tho Board of Trade all of Cold water and William Ctanston prcsidcnt of Mtdlnnd Chamber of Couuucrcc dclcgution accom WALr bus WORK REFRESHED shKckCscxsonslt em FUN UMPETIZNT CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOMETRISE STEPHENSONS JEWELLEHS and Vllf0ltlEtItlSlS rolt APPOINTMENT DIN STREET PHONE 3338 IIARRIE ONTARIO 45 UUUI lq Epletts Radio Electri GENERAL ELECTRIQ APPLIANCES authortzod dealer We service all makes of electrical gppli ances including ranges washers etc Expert repairs to all makes of sewing machines scwmo mucnmus T0 RENT 139 Dunlap St Phone 3721 TRAINEE RADIO TECHNICth AND SERVICEMAN IIl1I1Il UUUUtl IMn annamnnullg gnumm av NALL IMHI one cum 5Mle roman mcmtbumrso Low TbTH mo mm BUSINESS rm THE CAN THE BACK SO SOON mu 11415 GENTLEAMNMSA steam CANDIDATE sob To ANOTHER WITTICISM WHICH You Am monerwmm AN MIGHT use momma no we xcmo CHN REPLIED Mat YCY w9y Walt Kill t5 MIT WAQ wuz ml ANMIW Collect Half mm 0CD Requisition requisition was presented by Bayou for various monies rct quircd from Oro for Orillia Disl trict Collegiate Institute for 19523 Maintenance $373868 chenturcsl $313615 Total $692483 nncr Requisition ll Felt presented rcquisitionl for amount rcquircd from Oro for Barrie District Collegiate Institutel for 1952 Maintenance $628270 Debentures $434317 Total $10 62527 Claim of Edward Sutton forl three sheep killed and two injun ed was ordered paid at valuators estimate Departmental approval will be requested for completion of 1951l gravel contracts grant of $500 was made to Sjmcoe County Federation of At riculture and bylaw will be pre pared to provide for onehalf mill collection as membership fccs liom farmers for next year Bylaws wcrc passcd to grant per ammo ALL MY mtst Asoor SANITONE ma BEST URY CLEANING Ive EVER seen Wed like to make you up Sporting Proposition and You an Name qur an Terms And Heres way My Bile 9116 Be CCM Resllobrazlng means greater strength With cushion proof 21 gives trol plusnew 3Poim bearing that increases coasting dis tance by more thanfive timesl OF BICICLES BIKE WAGQNS JOYCYCIES AND JUVENILE VEHICLES PrecisionCasterlng nieans safe sensitive swivel ctiomstcering landlsmnght Jine drive IIrcuIes Codster rBrnke comfort riding Bonderizing gives rust ase udder slow baked lustrous enamel CycoSonic Drivesinglqblcc trunk in smaller diameter light HERE SKEETER PUT SOME pr mesa CLEAN TOWELS tN YOUR BATHROOM AS YOUGO UPSTAIRS no WHAT ARE YOU poms BETTER TAKE FRESH BAR 0F BATH SOAP T00 MR Ms alums mmturx OUTFIELDERcF THEWULBERRV Weight drive means nilgbter stronger fasten safer bike r1 CanadianBuiIt and Servicedr built hymen who know Cdnadian cycling conditiqnsServicedby morpthan 3000 friendly CCM Dealers acrossCanadag positive brake con tau waltz 9214ch For easy running since 1899 51Auowryk SERYICETII 36 Byfkldfstr illironftf state7 TWOISTORE EM TO SERVEYOUf Barrie tsnunlop sop contraption St AL 51 IVE GOTA BAR YOU GAVE ME ONLY THREE OR FOUR MONIHS oR mum on SPECIAL ASfIGNMENT wet swarms IULE GA cums nor NEXT noon remtTtL LAST ME rook iM HERE To coves YOUR PICTURE you THINK iD SOMETHIN LIKE OUTA HES Emilia