Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1952, p. 2

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nauuuo rue iiaavvcaoss from the train to the circus lot is only one or the duties entrusted to them They pull the Fred Grant Reminisce store and After Performance Sailing Ihbmiam WHEN CIRCUS CAME TO TOWN ATTRACTED WHOLE DISTRICT Continued from Wednesday CIRCUS BAND OI OLD have heard the grandest music that mortal man can hear And have listened to musicians play by note and play by ear Iieard Sousa Arthur Pryor Lib crati Pat Gilmore Dan Godfrey and his famous band and many many more But the musicl remember now that pleased me most to hear Which fell in loud crescendos on my everwilling ear Was in boyhoods happy days my oh my but it was grand When my Daddy used to take me to hear the circus band How they played with crash and thunder How that circus band could toot From the man who blew the cor net to the trombone and the ute Then the clarinet and altos and the cunning little drum Would blare out the finest music you would hear till kingdom come Bunniebum the bass would bell ow tweedlede the tenors blow To be answered by the follow on thetsiirindoned piccolw Oh twas fine that glorious musxc my oh my but it was grand LWhen my Daddy used to take me tosoliear the circus band Now my boyhood days have flown to the dim and misty past And childish things are laid aSide my blood runs not so fast Butl confess curious thrill ex tends from sole to crown When the gorgeous gilded circus with its glitter comes to town And when see elephants and camels on parade WAnd hear theold familiar tunes that long ago were played Iddike to be kid again be taken by the hand my Daddy as in days of yore hear the circus band Besides the xattendance of most people of Barrie at the circus Veryone from the country for miles around came into town and their teams unhitohed and feeding mcqufethewagonuine theTside streets and vacantdots we can atill visualize those pr and boards laid crosswise ov Ethiops ofthesidc boards for 491 and Johnny and re in the front seat neighbor Jonesand the hired man onithcnextuseat while Ma and Mrs Jonesland the eatables held we the hind one with the younger Members of the two fam furnacesbotwaem 3in wc uple to forno boy would buy that day anyway Gasman Union lacrobats worldwide reputations some of those best remembered were Pete Jenkins Bob Sher wood Johnny Patterson Joe Pcntland Joe wallcr Bob Williams Ben Stone Tom 1101 its Dan Rice who also owned his circus and whoused his blind horse Excelsior in his clown acts in feats which nev cr since have been excelled by any equine actor and Pete Conklin who was also the ori ginator of pink lemonade Among the leading performers at that time were William Showles credited with being the greatest bareback rider of all time Char lcs Sherwood and his wife Vir ginia Josie Hamilton Sarah Har mon Rosie La Mar and Rose Wentworth equestrians Potter Family Johnnie Howard and John Moreland triple somersault St Belmos husband and wife Dun ham Family The Flying Merkies Hasselback Brothers trapeze Billy Batchellor Bob Leandro Tom Hanion Ladcll killed in Toronto in 1896 and Martin and Rose Julian who later became the wife of Bob Fitzsimmons the pugilist and gymnasts Harry Long who leaped over the backs of twenty elephants Mile Hazel the human projectile who was shot from cannon into the arms of her assistant on trapeze 40 feet distant And among the animal trainers best knownwherever circuscs were shown were George Conklin Coll ier Lengel Conrad Winner Bill NeWman Patsy Meogher Davis Langway Arstingstali and Witch er And amongthe sideshow attrac tions we used to see in Barrie and which were known in every part of the world many years ago were Tom Thumb and his wife Count ess Magri Lavina Warren Major Newell Admiral Dot Commodore Nutt and Princess Chiquita dwarfs Col Baker Capt Bates giants Zip What is it The Miss ing Link Annie Swan the ft ii in Swedish Giantess Dr Cur ver Buffalo Bill Annie Oakley giant the Palestine giant the Missouri giantess the original Sl amese twins Annie Jones the bearded lady Millie Christina the twoheaded gtgirl Esau the hearth ed boy Annie Lenke the arm less wonder JoJo the dogfaced boy Johanna the educated Chim panzee the WiidMan of Borneo the Ossifled Man and Todyliam iiton the greatest circus press agent who ever lived and who used words recognizedor ever will Then there were Tippo Sahib the tenfoot high iaooopounci phant with tasks seven feet longI and his vicious companion Bolivar also Pilot Queene Anne Nana Tip Samson Lalla Rookh nchlumborwhwwas Jutekkllled in railwaysmash at St Thomas Ontario Sept 313 1W8 had Continued Wednesday Service Wasglhthirational out Hes Friday union Service held this year injthe FirstBaptist Church VClanpertpn St brovsht splendid ttendance that ledthe church With the minister wRev tame number of the Itho Barrie and Disk ionaria Amateurs endings wercby och of Burton Avc the lessonjwa mania affine no dictidnaTry ever gnome good home is not pacer sarilyahomc outgoodarmori the greatest inuence on the child determine his attitude to people ropes that raise the big top lift bogged wag ons out of the mire and generally make thbmsclves useful Popular Myths Impede Social Workers Task Continued from page one The second most frequent myth about mental illness accordin to Mr Katz is that it is not euro 10 and that the victim may never again lead normal and useful life That is simply not true Like any other illness if it is detected at an early stage the chances of curing it are far better in good modernmenta1 hospitals 50 percent of the incoming patients will have the opportunity of re turning home within four to 12 months gt Another myth is that its shameful thing not to be talked about in public something to be hid that the mentally ill per son has an immoral character or weak character This latter myth is socially harmful and impedes ef forts to organize program to deal with it Because of it many people who need treatment for an emo tional disturbance will not go to psychiatrist They feel that the psychiatrist is for the degenerate person and person in extremely bad shape These myths are paid for at rather high cost pointed out the speaker We spend 34 million doi lars year for mental hospitals and treatment Another 500 million dol lars is lost in wages and productiv ity Perhaps great amount is lost in hidden costs One of these hid den costs is the social assistance given to families of the mentally ill Myths About Social Workers The second series of myths at tacked by Mr Katz are those existing about soolal workers Among this whole raft of folklore he listed the general lnyth that the social workeris peculiar type of person ineVitobly pictured as drab shrivelled spin ster humorless and carrying around basket giving out food to the poor 21 person who lives on the gra titude of others She has no life of her own therefore she is work ing out her frustrations living off other peoples lives The only lower type of person than the fe trapshootersrrChang the Chinese male social workerls thc 112 social worker This concept of the socialworker is little outofdate he statedlt might have been alright 50 years ago but the whole field ofsocial servicesahd the people who operate them has changed The social wor ker today is skilled social scient ist just as the doctor lawyer dent ist or anygothcr professional per son The myths about social workers portray them as extremelygbossy eople directing peoples livej uoted Mr Katz Their whole job is to explain to people in language they cant understand that they dont need what they do need He pointed out thatno help is given unleSs it is asked foror wanted aaa= that there lino meddlingrlhe social worker will serve the family only where the family wants those services The whole philosophy of social work is to give help is wanted Referring briefly to help where public ropin he meets butside Mr Kai declared that the curb all and panacea suggested for these antisocial children that they be punished just doesnt work While he did not wish to diminish use DIED argumtlmm his horse Wright Mt 233 News on The way his parents treat him will d3 19 95 mm Appleton husband of the date Ruth Hunter father of Ruthclmo son of Mn Aimiia Appleton brother of II of Barrie Norman Appleton of Toronto dear friend of Alta Switzer in terment Park Lawn Cemetery April i2 the value of recreational mimiFmLERTA Ck3lwnr MW he said that he did not believe they alone would put the child on the right path The young people in truublewrg the very ones who feltythat they could not enter Into group activity he stated it is not enough to provide swimming pools ping pong tables we have to supply skilled case workers to bring these outcasts into healthy happy group life Old Age Myths Mr Kalzs last group of social myths were those which he be lieved exist regarding old age One in 13 people today is 65 years of age or over he stated and the ra tio would increase Heres prob lem with future we are be coming nation of old people One of the myths about old age which he cited is that when you become 60 or 65 your usefulness suddenly ends Employment polic ics of some industries automatic ally retire it man because hohas reached certain age limit Older people have hard time getting job but he stated it has been proved time and time agaln that old people can continue to do good job for many many years This myth is one that causes great deal of personal hardship and suffering he declared And the nation certainly suffers by de creased productivity Commends Childrens Aid Commending the very fine work being done in Simcoe County by the Childrens Aid Society the speaker said that in his recent trav els across Canada the had found certain futility among social groups working among families andchiid rcn They wondered how the spend ing of thousand of dollars on case work etc could be justified when they were working through most critical period With living costs rising and their world threatened by foreign ideologies Never before has it been so im portant that organizations suchas the Childrens Aid Society continue to function and even more expand their services MOrc than ever be fore child needs some oasis of security No matter what is hap pening in the outside world child can live through it as long as he has that harbor of security in his fam ily Come what may as long as children arb staying with their fam ilies and getting along with them they are not disturbed The speaker was introduced by Terry OBrien social worker with the Centre Simcoe branch of the county Childrens Aid Society and thanked by Cumberland of Alliston Poultry Marketing Vow to Be Taken Continued from page one George Johnstons Bethel at the home of Norman Nevils The office of the SimcoeCoun ty Federation of Agriculture 53 Collier St Barrio will also be established as polling booth for the convenience of the poultry producers from anywhere in the county Federation Will Assist The Poultry Cemmittee of the Simcoe County Federation oszgri cultureisassisting Mr McRuer and Mr Page with details for this poultry vote special broadcast is being arrangedtby the Federa tion office over CKBBBarrie On Monday Apill 14 at ll5wlien day April 14 1952 Edward Mar tin Fuller beloved husband of Martha Baldwin and father of William Edward Charles and Martha Mrs George lifelro Resting at Hughes Funeral Ho Cookstown where service will be held on Wednesda April 16 at 230 pm Service Jehovah Witnesses interment Alllston Union Cemetery LADMANAt Barrie April ll 1952 Joseph George Gladman of Toronto brother of Herbert Gladmah Newmarket interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery April HASKETTAt Our Lady of Mer cy Heapital Toronto on Monday April 14 1952 Frederick James Haskett husband of the late Mary Agnes Harrison in his Nth year Resting at Lloyd and Slcckley Funeral Home Barrie Funeral Wednesday April it to St Marys Churchglor requiem mass at ll am interment St Marys Cemetery KlerAt WoodstockGeneral Hos pital on Saturday April 1952 Jean Carol King daughter of Mr and Mrs David King Wood stock sister of Wayne grand daughter of Mr and Mrs King Lefroy in her 3rd year SCHELLAt Detroit Michigan on Sunday April 13 1952 Alfred Schell belovcd son of the late John andMary Scholi in his 52nd year Resting at Detroit Funeral Home till Tuesday morn ing Arriving Thursday afternoon at the home of his brother George Schell Brentwood by motor where funeral will be held on Thursday at pm in tcrmcn Glcncairn Cemetery STEWARTAt Midland Friday April 11 1952 William James Stewart beloved husband of Frankie Hughes and father of Kenneth Clarence William Bet ty Mrs Roberts Edna Mrs Brisbin Jean of Lis towel Funeral at Elmvale at pm Monday Interment Stroud CARD or THANKS PAYNEThe family of the late Mrs Mabel Payne Lefroy wish to extend their appreciation to their neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness and mess ages of sympathy during their re cent sad bereavement 42 IN MEMORIAM CARRUTHERSHIn memory of Charles Hersey Carruthers who passed away April 10 1949 Loving1y remembered by Wife and Family LYONSin loving memory of Earl Lyons beloved husband of Wilma Hutchinson who passed away April 10 1950 He istgone but not forgotten And as dawns another year in our loneiyhours of thinking ghoughts of him are always near ays of sadness still come oer us Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con cealed eLovingly remembered by his Wife and family 42 COREIn loving memory of dear mother and grandmother Susannah Magee Moore who passed away 12 years ago on April 10 1940 Althoughshe has gone To the garden above And her dear form we no longer see Grief has lessened its sting For we meet every day in the garden ofssweet memory vSadly missed by son Nelson daughter Elsie and grandchildren Jack and Lorraine 42 inhodnLAWN comma iDDGM Dr Carr Visits Corinthian Lodge in Borrte Rt War Bro DrVCW Can of Corinthian Lodge No 96 Barrie Master for Georgian District AF and AM paid his official visit to Coohstown District Deputy Grand Thursday April With Worship ful Master Harold Switzer preside ing the First Degree was exem What with music RW BRO DR CARR At the banquet following in the Easter Star rooms singing was led by George Caldwell and selections were given by the quartet of Al fred ShepherdWilliam Knox Vic tor Knox and William Lambert Toast to the visitors was propos ed by Fred Crowc response by George Martin of Minerva Lodge Stroud Toast to the candidate was proposed by George Caldwell re sponse by Fred Anderton Toast to Grand Lodge was proposed by Past Master Fred Morren response by the District Deputy Grand Master Dr Carr was accompanied by the District Secretary Wor Bro Frank iioughton The speaker of the evening was Bro Rev Lewis of Cooks thwn his topic being The Present Worlds Challenge toMasonry He was thanked on behalf of Corinth ian Lodge by Past Master Roy Kightlcy followed by the Junior Warden5 toast ENEAEEMENTS Mr and Mrs John Hunter RR Barrie wish toannounce the engagement of their younger daugh ter Yvonne Minerva to Kenneth Sioat youngest son of Mr and Mrs Sam Sloat of Milverton the marriage to take place in April 42 Mr and Mrs Crowe Bar rie wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter Edna Eve lyn Mary to Gerald Robert Stib bard soilior Mr and Mrs Harold Stibbard Barrie the marriage to take place July 19 atCollier Street United Church 42 Mr and Mrs Harold Webb RR Barrie wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Doris Mac to Edmond James Mills son Vof Mr Cyril Mills and the late Mrs Mills of lidhurst the marriage to take place on April 26 in Stroud United Church at pm 42 monsoon Mn Burns is quite ill withi pneumonia Arthur McQuay attended meet Barrs sin of Texaco dealers in years of service with the McCall amenco Oil Co Lcamezcraft class held Open Night in the Public School here on Thursday April 10 Service pf Holy Communion was lint week where he was presented Iheld in St Judes Anglican Church with gold wrist watch for Zion Easter Sunday at pm THE SALVATION ARMY Public Meeting TUESDAY APRIi15oi pm ubeheldin THE CITADEL 60 COLLIER ST under the leadership of Brigadier Warrcnder Salvption Army Offich Councils for the Northern Ontario Div felon will be held in panic on this date and speakers at or meeting will include Officers from Midland Orillis Buccbridge Owen Sound and other pobits lt5 MMMvw PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG Mum CO CHARTIRID ACCOUMWL 43 Collier 8t Barrio or You at Toronto Resident Partner Mum BCom CA MIKELEI umsxn PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 31 ounioo stmt mirmnbmocns moon rax mine Enabler anus Certified Public Accountant tomato and Burt Burio Office LIIOII Building Pout offtoo low Telephone 338 Resident Monster NEIDMAM CPA SAMUEL IL 308 ctan Accountant I9 Collier strut Phone an ALLEN LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 91 Dunlov street Phone 459 INCOME TAX SERVICE ARTHUR POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Dunlop st Barrio Telephone 5218 Talkie LEssoiis JESSIE BRYSON MT TEACHER 0P PIANO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for examine tions of the Royal Conservatory of Ifth Toronto all grades including All Vivim Methodcg Studio 21 lead st Phone 4118 WARREN MacLEAN ILMJ instructions in Piano and Voice 183 Owen St Barrio Phone 4285 DSTEOPATHY WILSON OSTEOPATHIC AND ARTHRITIS CLINIC WILSON qu ma non 41 sowm WILSON no resume it nuances oo nunHon mo orrommtv ROBERT BABEE F180 IAIIE OPTOMETRst I3 Dunlap at Attendance ROBERT SMITH L0 ormuarmar $3 Danton SIPPhone 25 hours daily NOEL STEPHENSON 30 OPIOMETRIBT Dunlop Stu Iantie Phone 333 jlmsGilmoreCraigguntcuaud44Nlmdlfli11hln b0ylethavs Leonard Cumming members of the Federations Poultry Commit tee willanswer questions regard ihg the setting dprof the Ontario Poultry Pr rs Marketing Scheme This broadcast will also bepresentedover the oriliia sta tion CFOR some time before the vote is taken on April 17 iii and 19 Anyone requesting information on this poultry producers market ing vote should contact either the office of othegderatlon of Atari culture or the offices of the De partment of Agriculture atAlllston or Barrie As primary producers bi food stuffs this isthe poultry producers two door greens on carpe and havebeen enjoying the sum mer game all winter Recently stiiyner rink of Pete Wood Joe BeSse and 13 Wheeler plus Nel son Magee of Allandalewon the invitation tournament at Nevmar ket together with the Ontario Poultry Producers committee are anxious thatall poultryiproducers eligible to vote avail themselves of the portunity in forder that true ctureof the wishes of our poultry producers may be obtained opportunity to exreSS their desire owneadvisabilitmmnerwise of playing partin stabilizing the price of one farm commddity The Ontario Department 91 Agriculture and the of ion regarding the expenditure on social service administration he rer minded his listeners that the most valuable things society such as the Childrens Aid Society harto give is service and shelter are to give What helping families on tilt Var of skill the sort the social worker is trainedto provide lam coming The number one minim we does take limb 35 Foodand clothing the easiest things E9 separating requires great do issuanceand juvenile delinquency according to Mr Kati is tilt no9 orngerimi it Balerrm L9 8M put furtll every antiSocial not 01 Agriculture do ihe Borne Examiner osmium caucau LEGAL nova mom now cm Helmo Haulo Public Caveman It uom 10 war om 13 Own Branch Office llmuio cum toys Qc 1mm COWAN COWAN Im Solicitors Mela Conlung 8mm 10 min to Monday to mu loan Cowan COW BUILD $3 HIP 3t link OM GLADSTONE CURRIE QC nrrnnr and Idiom MON I1 Danton Sb lam Phone ms nonam MacLAREN do Barrister aolicitor Ito Money to loan Mic Temple Building larch HEBEII SMITH Successor to DUNCAN MccUAIO K3 hanghr micron no on it PM me cloudy ro 10m use iNSURANCE ALFRED HARRIS Charoml Lin lindener Personal and Family Pious Procramnln and Estate Analysis Close Corporation Group Key Man Partnership Peulon and Sole Proprietorship Insurance FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF YOUR Ll INSURANCI NI Phorll 5551 or 2105 larvio Representing London Life Insurance Co CHIROPRACTOR GEO ELSIE BURNS DIC Accused Drums Therapist liectric Radio Hydro and brochure Theer no Ouan street Phone 1194 II TUCK DC DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Owen strut Minn 3010 XRAY Residon mr Successor tonic Corbett DC JAMES VEITCII DC Doctor of Chiropractic By Appointment PHONF 9538 19 Essa Road VETERINARY DR FLEMING minimum and EURO min at Dorrie romeo mtarsasrrm Shot Stn 5310 Niall 4m Altamian

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