prey all WBdISAYS CANADlAN WOMEN BEHIND gtV llN POLITICS PM regal Mamdrwilnglihpgif In middle of Ibeghear what the British call it My is definitely going to be week point of view new Merl Mable this yeawlf the run shine outside at the moment bangs local was lucky Icnough to win the major item in her new Easter outta Spring on um the weekend And Wemtult rattled off by the Klnclle it sudden bllmrd blows up andl last weekends reports from the country slightly to the west and north make it sccm likely en oughi Euler bonncls look as at tractivc with fur coat as they Club on Friday Miss Shirley Lewis of 91 Essa Road was the winner of the clubs annual draw madc by Kinsmen Club President Harry Mlchld Proceeds are for Hire Kinettca welfare work do With anything clsc Even in tn hm gum or he Barnc the worst Easter weather we canlA remember church on Sunday has sun always consisted 50 percent craning necks and opencycd of the congicgzllion have on lhllfl beads WQWL thc bicn trying to penuadc malc members of The Exam mcr staff to seriously consider changing thclr hlylc of chapcuu in time for Eastcr too We even produced nliablc source of in thle formation to convince lhcm mens hat lylcs have changed in the pawl 10 years or 50if youre still walking around in semi bv Mrs Ronald Hardy Mrs Allan sombrero type hmdgcai cIlth get out llltdCISSOlS and lop an inch or gswu and Mn 3mm Smm so off the brim or invest in one of the new narrowbrim numbers And this 18 really going to hurt Even if it lakes years to change the malc way of thinkingtho breasted draped jacket with the long roll lapcl Americans call the ncv look in mens fashions the British lookLwcvc ycl to April BrideioBe ls Enllerlainedby Many Friends Mrs Hugh Hutchinson held 21 miscellaneous shower at her home 11 Frances SL last Thursday even end The lohx low table with its cutwork lincn cloth had beautiful males anmous to see what lhc rest Capt Other mcnt Owcn Sound singlcbrcastcd suit ackcl Is dcl nitely out to replace liIc doublel rmoury was again the setting for afternoon tea last week zarrangemcnlof flowers in Springl shadcsycllow snnpdragons and famous cinnamonsconlcd stocks in low silver bowl Heavy silver fpillnrs were used as candlesticks bcaring tall yellow tapers and lsilvvr scrvicc was at cilhcr and of the table Major and Mrs Jack Clark rch 1chva thc guests and Mrs Georgc ilhilltrnlfld and Mrs lrcd Norris lprcsidcd at lhe lca lablc assistcdf About 10 people Ittcndcd the ten Among the outoflown guests were officers of the 45111 AntiTank Regi from Orillla Mcoford and who were holding thrir Spring meeting on Sunday LtColoncl Kennedy DSO ED Major Andrew Tudhopc Major Gandicr Major Traplin Major Bush Capt Alcx MacDonald Capt ilumc Capt Charles Johnston NICKCCD Capt Mchan Llcul Kay and Licul Bert Graves guests includcd Tony Lee and hisvflanccc Miss Ann McCart ncy olToronto who were visiting ing in honor of bridelobc Miss Marlon Livingston The bridcclccl received her gifts from an artisticallydecorat ed doll carriage after an evening of games and bingo The hostess served an attractive lunch and lovely evening was enjoyed by all Mrsi Maurice Brown and Mrs William Brown were jolnl host esses at miscellaneous shower for Miss Livingston held at the home of MrsWllliamBrown 23 Charlollpjt the previous week The evening was spout playing cards and the hostesses served delightful lunch The girls of her bowling league also entertained for Miss Living slmtiprlor to her departure from tier marriage will take place April 12 at Guthrie Its SIMS for Farmers to BMW from INANcI cl fpringtime bring for the years greatest nal for money Thousnds lIIaivc found that they can alloy morcwgnd better seed fiwhcu it add to Moment when its most 2mm tepair barns and 6000 fromNiggara to $1000 with nodelay iandaspccialrcpoymcnt plan that comes at crop Qtimc on loans over $500 are lifeinsured at no modem for your familys Juit call id and consultyour local Niagcra mantoday ittltcbtvthljtll t1t131lllt tofuar in town over the weekend NUrse Morried Coldwaler to North Orillia Man tColdwalcr Correspondence St Matthias Anglican Church Goldwater was decorulcdwith tall white tapers and pink snapdragons for the wedding on Wednesday April 1952 at oclock In the evening of Wilhclrnina Martha Richman RegN only daughter of Mr and Mrs Georgi Richman of Coboconk Ontario to Hrberl James Fell only son of Mr and Mrs Eldred Fell of North Orll lia township Rev Pellcticr officiated The wedding music was played by the church organist Jack Tip ng The bride given In maiilage by herfatlier was gowncd in White Ilacc over Iwhite prayer book with streamers lgift rhinestone necklace set in sterling silver wllh earrings to match satin She carried and orchid and wore the grooms alnadinc Snyder RegN of Peter borough Miss Mcrna Fell grooms sister and Miss Laurcnc Fell RegN of Orlllla cousin of Ithe groom They all were yellow lnetcver taffeta with matching hats andlcarrled nosegays of yell ow roses andblue carnalions The groomsman was Harman Lcigh of Forest Home and the ushers were Godfrey Lye Medonte Junction Russell Hawkins Cold watcr and Harvey Hubble Forest Home of Miss Audrey daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Alfred Raycraft of Barrie and The matron of honor was Mrs lGodfrcy Lye of Mcdonlc Junction lthe groomsslslcr attired in dusty pink taffeta and carrying nosc guy of pink roses and blue carna tions The bridesmaids were Miss Ber theI The bride presented each of her In attendants with single strand of pearls For trip to the Ottawavilley the bride dressed in grey gab ardlne suit and whlte hat and wore gardenla corsage Onthelr return Mr and Mrs Fell will reside in North Orillia farm hm HOW BY reception is to be heldlater are Held Trinity Anglican Church Barrie was the setting for the Wedding Mabel Raycratt John David Selwyn Wright of Barrleson of Mrand Mrs Roda the church oraanlst Mrs gnoberls vlof mung who nap ac Bdrm rick Leslie Wright of Toronto=on Saturday April 1952 at two ofclock in thenfternoon The max rlage ceremony was performed by the rector the Rev deRenclcr Wright by wedding music fwas pla want LEAVING TRINITY CHURCH follovdng their Saturday wedding are Mr and Mrs John David SelwynWright The bride is the former Audrey Mabel Raycraft daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest gAlfred Raycrafl of game and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Rodrick Lcslle Wright of Toronto The lt companicd the soloist Sturgcss of Stroud Given in marriage by hcr fath er the bride wore gown of white satin with an offrtheshoul dcr neckline edgedwith gathered net and pearls The fitted bodlcc ad long lilypointed slccvcsImdg an inset yoke of net and the full skirt was styled with padded hipline and slight trailiHcr ngertip veil of nylonncuiTwas gathered to satin cap andrubq carried horseshoe bouquet of Ted roses Mrs John Brodie of Toronto who was matron of honor for her sis tcr was gowncd in lime green taffeta and wore headdress and mitts of yellow laffctk and net Miss Dawn Poole and MissJoyce Lambert of Barrie as bridesmaidin were gowncd in yellow taffeta and wore headdress and mitts of lime green taffeta and net Their gowns were styled on the game lines as the brides gown with cap sleeves and cuffed offtlIcshouldcr ncck lines inset with malthing yokcs of not Their taffeta headdresses were in Mary Queen of Scots style and were covered with matching net The matron of honor carried cascade bouquet of yellow roses and the bridesmaids flowers were cascade bouquets of pink roses Murray MacIverof Toronto was groomsman and Robert Hunter and Cameron Stewart of Barrie acted as ushers At the reception for 100 guests which followed at Baystairs Lodge the mother of the brlde received wearing navy dress with navy accessoriescnd navy straw hat trimmed with whlte flowers She wore corsage of deep pink roses Mrs John Faith 61 years ago had atcablc Station CKB In the hue attendants the bridc CoupleMarried Her In l89lf Acetiplc who were morrid in of congratulations from Queen Elizabeth delivered to the door of their Winnipcg home on tlie morning 9Sthlt wedding annivbr uglier sary gt Tho doorbll rahg alo Eln ill the home of 1131 and Mrs John Irwin Cross 92 Colony SL Win nipeg pnd they were handedII wire fIom Buckingham Palncc slgncdby The Pilvlalc Sccfelary 1t read The Qucn SCHdSyoll warm congratulatith and good wishes on the lllst anniversary or yourjwcddlng day Most of the flay wasspcnl com posing letter of thanksto the Queen Both Mr and Mrs Cross were born in Ontario They moved to Winnlpcgin 1942 Seven of their nine children are still living Ml Cross has sistcr Mrs Stewart living in Simcoc County at Lefroy Raphael one of the most fomous of the great Italian painters was tic ms termed pathetic in an panel discussion here in which couple ale making their home in Barrie whene the groom is on the staff of Radio kground are two of the bridal Murray Maclver of Toronto and Mrs John Brodie of Toronto sister of lhoto by Les Cowper llnrrlc WifeServes in Korea BUTHubby Is in Calgary CALGARY Mar 31 CPITwen lyycnrold Mrs Jane Dcllcr is off to Korea while hubby stays at home Mri Dcllcr is Staff Sergeant United States Womcns inorps On her way from gginia to Korea to work as an in telligcncc analyst she stopped in lovlslt hubby in Calgary llcs Leading Aircraftman Keith Dcllcr 24 of Toronto engaged in water purification xWork with an RCAF maintenance unit hcrc Sgt Keller af brunette vcry slltall neat and trim mct hr tall dark husband two years ago when he went to Fort Bclvoir Va for course Dellcr went back to Be voir twicea on leave and they were married in October 1951 So far they have spcnt only 24 dziys married life together But Jane is expecting hcv dischaigge in October and will come to Calgary to live The Thames isivEnglandsi busiest waterwal but the Severn is the orphaned at the age of 10 The grooms mother vvhol also re celved was wearing navy suit with matching accessories and corsage of deep pink roses Later the bride and groom left Ion wedding trip to Niagara Falls WrighlRaycrafi Nupiials At Trinity Church the bride travelling in suitiof beige pinstrlpd wool with aAvio lct straw hat and violet velvet coat and accessories She wore an orchid cqrsage0n their return Mr and Mrs Wright will he look ing their home in Barri OutofIOWn guestsat thawed dlng came from Toronto St Cath arines St Marys and Stratford TEMPORARY QUARTERS TISDALE Sask CPTown of fices have been moved to quairtcrs over the fire hall while now telephone building is being con structed on the site WM WAS One of the worlds principal mln lng cqllegcsuwas founded atFvei berg in Germany forms old town office ous MINING SCHOOL i61PIECESFFVC Emile 1847 longest flowing 220 miles ADR ION FIST lOVE three prominent speakers discussed political growth of women in Can adn India and Israel Canadian women were the only troop to draw fire and the critic lam came from Canadian Mrsn Wlihclminn Holmes Montreal lawyer Other mcmbcrs of the panel were Miss Rukmini soc retary to the High Commissioncr of India and Miss Minn Rogozik former commaIIdcrlnchicf of thc Israeli Womcns Army Mrs Holmes told the Pioneer Women Organization sponsors ot the discussion Ithat Canadian wo men ave been slow in accepting who 31 responsibility Though we have had lhc right to vote and hold public officc for over 30 years wc have bcen Imr slow to accept political rcsponslb1 illty Look at the record those 30 years then havc bccn only seven women in the House of Commons and at the prcscnt time there is only one woman in tho federal homoand six in the 10 provincial legislatures she said Canadian women must rczilizcl Mrs Holmcs said that for cvcryi right they possess there is corre sponding duty and responsibility Miss Rukmini said high ranking women in her country included al state governor woman ambassal dor and woman cabinet minister MISS Rogozi said women had played vital role in the growm of lhrccycarbld Israel Thcrc arc 11 women in parliament and manyl women made contributions to agriculture industry and defence WW CANADIAN scum In all SPRING And Time To Brighten That Living Room with In New Color Tone for Spring We will measure your drupcs vr tell you it cxacily what they will cos in material of your choice make them in the style you lcsllc and install them on your windows with the suitable fixtures Wc have the maps range of Drapery Mut crluls on display in Simcoc County cov ering the complete field of modern fabrics Point Pclcc national park in On tario on the shore of Lake Eric is actually south of the northern boundary of California In combination of all And youll 3x4 t3 lax to 14x Girls WOOL COATS all colors available in sizes to 14X $1395 9nd up Glrls and Boys 2PCE COAT SETS in Gabon dines Wools Tweeds Corduroys All colors sizes to 3X to 6X $498 and up Cutouts tile Bunny himself colorful is Easter eggs the happiest most pleas discov er It right here in our completevselectlon 3988 for young Paradoxs In slits to Boys PLASTIC ltAINCOATS blue III sizes and 10 $198 SouWeslcr to match AT EXTREME LEFT jolrls cABnnnINc ALLPURPOSE COATS fully lined allcolors sizesv Ho14xf $1395 Kthe lltlle girl Navyuwmb INNL In Wllh contrastng cord tum sues toSX $393 in $435 Yuma EtANllEll mum s1st intercom complimenting In viach In allcolors wooI FLANNEL mucus for slzusgtlro ex