SEW WATERFORD N5 CPIg An active police campaign to leforCe me yde mrfew here LISTENING splits 32f POST News of Interest To Junior Farmens MV NCOCK mug for the club gave this advice Mon 50 Beef 3Whenever you are given the 0306 to 56W in any office in were Lalurn to the police sullen and summitan were issued for their parents WW bmosmcs men uvsnpooo us CPI Mitc nibbling electric wiring were apg parenlly the cause of blaze which Edzmaged the borne of John Forbcs at Milton Finemen who exting your clublake it Youll egiate Production reader has written to com ment on the article we recently included In this column showingf the cost of feeding pair of steers to market weight lie saysmx part Your figures support the contem lion of many uninformed farmers that there is no money in raisingP 270 Steers an impression with which cannot agree Of courScl the pig in the fence is the high cost of feeder steers arising from2 speculation on continued rising prices which would give the feed er good prot on gainsalone whereas in earlier years of stablcl prices the feeder depended on the gain in grade for his net profiH still maintain there is good money in raising feeder steers at 27c perE pound live weight tmd hogs at 27c dressed weight New developments in the feed ing of beef cattle point to lower production costs Investigations are being carried on in the USA particularly at Purdue University which are designed to discover ways andmeans of encouraging the growth of bacteria in the ru men of cattle It has been known for long time that bacteria are necessary to prodigest and make available the nutrients in course feed such as hay straw corn stalks etc The results of these investiga tions are startling and the investi gators promise still greater devel opments during the next few years At Purdue they developed feed they call Purdue Cattle Supple ment which consists of soybean oil meal molasses feed bonemenl salt and vitamin pnd concen trate This has not been prepared to sell commercially in Canada yet but probably will before the end of the year and should re tail at less than $5 per cwt In feeding trials steers were fed all th corn silage they would eat 37 lbs per day and lbs per day of the supplement That is all nohay or other dry rough age and no other grain was fed The average gain was lbs per day per steer Figuring the sil age at $5 per ton and the supple ment at $5 per cwt the gain would cost He per lb Similar rc sulls were obtained with grass silage put up with 200 lbs of ground barley per ton of green material An interesting feature is that there was no scouring It would seem that when wellbalanced supplement is fed cattle require no dry roughage Many feeding experts feel that this is lbeivbek pf dc velopmn wliich will lead to dar more efficient use of coarse feeds to produce beef The job must be done efficiently if there issto be any profit in 27c steers oai Hulls And Barley Chop gcc out of Junior Farmer Work what you put In if only If you put in lot of work and effort you will find you learn lot The white large or Yorkshire sows which were im ported from England to the On tarlo Agricultural College last year gore giving good account of them selves Nine of them raisod lo tal of SI pigs from the first lifters they farrowcd in Canada Some of fhe gills from these litters will be sold at auction next June At Elbe age of 154 days or approxim atcly months the pigs from IhP litters which were fed for mar kcf averaged 185 lbs each That is they would reach market weight at just under 51 months Who has heard of pigeon milk Thats right pigeon milk It doesl exist During brooding the Inn2 cous lining of the crop of both thcl male and the female pigeon under goes change It forms cheese like material called pigeon milk which contains readily digestible fat protein and carbohydrate Iliisl is regurgitalcd and fed to the young when they hatch WW ALL HELPED COLONSAY Sask ICPl The newlyopened Colonsay Memorial skating rink was built at cost of $130000 not including labor The English wdrk was all done by town and district residents SHOP IN THE ADMIRAL LYNDE McCORMICK USN right Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic is shown with ViceAdmiral RCN Chief of the Naval Staff during Ad Copler Speeds Up Work on Huge BC Aluminum Project KITIMAT 80 March CF Engineers of northern British Col umbias 940000000 aluminum pro ject say that single helicopter has Malnguy enabled them to complete In six wecks work which otherwise would have lakcn two or three years The helicopter piloted by Bill McLeod of Okzmagan Air Services Limited has been used in the last few months to fly materials and men for building lest towers to the high peaks of Kemano and Kidala pass The test towers were constrch as models of those which will carry 30 miles of hightcnsion wires from ulshed the blaze trace II to short circuit fly to the Alcan site Six other lpllotn will join him this summer Key links in getting enough pow er for the huge smelter will be Ll tunnel So be bored 10 miles through the Tbmsa mountain range from Thalsa Lake to the power house Waters from Thain Lake and chain of other lakes will be divert ed through the tunnel 2000fcclL ldwl mlral McCormicks visit to Ottawa March 1820 in the course of his first four of North Atlantic Treaty nations since his appolnt merit early this year National Defence Photo Kcmnno Bay powerhouse over rug ged mountain terrain to the Kiti mnt smelter silo of the Aluminum Company of Canada Those mountains are almost im passable on foot worker who was stranded on one of the peaks walkcd three weeks to get back to the nearest camp only 10 miles away Eggbcnter P1101 McLeod former RCAF flier is the first one Plan Cable Town This summer or as soon as 93 liter permiui belleoplcrs will fly enough materials men and supplics to the 50004001 peaks to build Some 30 high tension cable towering Each tower requires 30 tons of steel and that is only bare material McLeod said Equipment used in the towcr building will include bulldozers and other heavy machinery These will be taken apart and loaded on two Sikorsky 355 helicopters our able of carrying ton of freight cacb The two Sikorskys will be added lo the present flccbvBeu models with payloads of only 400 pounds cachtbis summer Onlywith the use of helicopters was it possible to erect minimum on the 1000 and MOOfoot levels in such short time cnigncers said and reduce by 10 times the duration of pthr jobs AND ADD UP THE SAVINGSl See These Eastertirne Bays The small boy in Sunday School when asked what his favorite Bible story was replied like that one about the multitude that leafs and shesj North Simcoe Junior Farmers and their guests were frosted to perfect example of effectivg pub lic speaking as they listened to the address deliveredbyHon Drury following the Junior Farm er banquet in Orillia District Coll Saturday April Drurys hypotheses always logic allyuzleveloped ale black or while there are no shades of grey and therein lies his effectivenew as platform personality A3 listened to him develop the idea that floor pricesundfcemg pricesfor farm produce would re duce farmers to slavery the foolish thought occurred to me that many slaves lived moreconifortab1y as slaves than as free men Mr Drury declared the records provrural people tobe motelan abiding than theircity counter parts Although half of the popu lation of SimmerCounty IS pural only one out of every18 people jailed during 1951 was rural In 51 GAUGE 60 GAUGE 15 DENIER 51 AND 60 GAUGES FULL FASHIONED NYL 0N8 in lovely Springright shades sunlite Sunbreeze Jenny esse and Wood Beige 15Dcnierf Tailoredheels Mr 1129 149 mm MUST with her new Easter outfit Adarung Straw Bonnetto help Missy bowprettily into Spring Choose style bound to flatter pretty little facev1heyre trimmed just so too Ontario onesixth of the popula tion is ruraland outof43000 who went to jail only 1000 or about SwarmIonian were Suralites GI Joe mcLean past president of or Farmersinrcport It mush make Onoof Righlf Sizes iooxfyv que collar Matchinglbla lh Inmmvuhyyoumgn Ith KERCHIEFS 34 ins sq Mummy Silk Hat Box de sign shown above and many othrs in attractive col orings charming accessory for Spring ful dmrtmnt of Girls Plusv ticiags thatzrleisd fmYuung Fashion Come for the styles shownsnd counterfill of others in granchlors suns Sim LovelyAm but zwo$hable monomers Lace= almond 10338333106 aqua 5qu FLOWERS sweet accents for verybest fashions Choose from Roses Carnations Lily of the Valley and others in clusters and single flowers 03 HARM ONY in yours eves rkimportanf Spring Choose Small 1513 on in black brown nnvy greywhitebeige or lilac gqsimvplexfabric 100 mic azureva sums cocoamost for teaming wvith Easter Suits Sheer nylon with lace cap sleeves land frontlace panel White SizeslZto 18 TABLE and $8825 CHAIRS See these new table and choir setslln grey green red or yellow The tables have the new permaleaf extension far instant changing The chairs are heavily padded undue signed for comfort as well as graceful appearance SMITH FURNITURE STOVES I4 Dunlap St Barrie 51012 All FASHIONSMART mum BAGS in host of tailorde and dressy stylus Plastics Leathers Rayon Bengallnes Rayon Follies and others Lovely colors FASHION RIGHT SKIRTS sheen gabardine in lime grey brown Straight cut style with two pockets Sizes 1220 359 from Zellers newcollection of Spnrkling Sfiws designed to put gllimvin ydur eye with flieir saucy veil prclc tlifnS See our crisp new assortment tomorrow Navy black white and pastels and ssv 91 Good quality Sanforizedcpttfi mountains lached i7ed for aislay ineat appearance Pocket Whlfk WW 17 Sce lhuil Compargfwitlr soirisoi similargualilyandcoun1tho gtj Phone 5557