Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1952, p. 14

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Simcoe Presbyterlol gave very Strudel recently Kr and lira Claude Falls To 11mm the Joints Leonards over the weekend Mrs William Lucas issuttering from fractured left wrist as the mat of fall on Saturday Congratulations to Kiss Peggy Parsons Leonards Beach who won refrigerator at the cookingschool in Barrie last Friday Rev and Mrs Ross Cumming Huttonville were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cumming Rev Mr and Mrs Shapter Mount Albert at Blacks Miss Joan Mulholland graduated with highest honors from the Wal ter Thornton School of Modelling in Toronto and was awarded her digloma Friday April Congratu la our Joan Another of our older rcSiants passed away on Saturday April when Fred Reynolds died in the Barrie hospital On Tuesday Mr Reynolds suffered from heart at tack going to hospital on Wednes day The funeral service on Tues day in the Unitcd Church was conducted by Rev Morris with interment in Stroud cemetery Mr and Mrs George Mulbolland attended the LeadlayIotts wod ding in Toronto on Saturday Rev and Mrs Charles Judd have returned after spending three months in the South WMS Easter Thank Offering Members of the Anglican and Presbyterian Auxiliaries were guests of the United WMS at their Easter Thankoffering meeting on Wednesday April2 Quiet piano music by Mrs Lloyd Booth preced ed the opening by the president Mrs Herb Beelby After the de votional period Mrs George Mul holland favored with pleasing vocal solo Calvary Mrs Harvey Johnson Barrie Past President of IIUIIVIY ADANI SIDS BlRWING can he 6000 BUSINESS t0AMIIIII llllhl uolluorv Yak tip from the business man who know that harrowing can be ogood move of the right time He will borrow anytime its helpful to him IOantbittIl looNsosooo Are you confronted with pile of bills an unexpected call for ready cosh business opportunity At such times gulch friendly loan from Niagara finance makes good business sense loans are made in amounts up to $l000 and lifcsinsured of no extra cost to you Repayments can be spread over many months lilio the businmsmon take advantage of the friendly loon service which Niagara offers to you OIIINOIY IllIND idling1930 innuclsstus NANCE COMPANY IID mum mum in The Wilson Building lost Office Square Barrie interesting and informative talk on the Unified Church Home Mission work in Cochranc Hearst and Tom tshmtnx She urgcdthrmembcrs to better efforts never forgetting the Easter sacrifice of long ago made for us which should demand our best pleasant social time with lunch was enjoyed together Announcement was made of the Sectional meeting at Becton on Tuesday May Birthday Anniversary very happy party was held in Stroud Community Hall on Friday night April for Charles llorton Sr on his 77th birthday The cv cning was pleasantly spent in cards and dancing The lunch table was centred with handsome birthday cake with 77 candles Fortysix sat down to lunch including four acts of four generations Special KUCSIS OI m0 911mg ch MW his pm OCR frifle has been an Examiner enrricrin BOB MILLER 13 carrier on route and follows up by putting service for his Examiner subscribers No RUSSELL MORETON has lhoi distinction of being Route 13 but thats him as far its service is concerned of agriculturc office BOB MURPHY is carrier on lm Ullimutc and hats been serving no omcn to llixiuniner subscribers for 2172 years plays intentorm basketball at Hortons brother HCClOF Black and various prHSUICd lcumsln Barifor five months nnd prior to that lllCl and is member of tlic Evereu ughendcn Ana fl l5 IOUIU 1111 13 HUIBBILlW mi New Ymk cm First Aid Corps at the school His After an absence of 35 years they have been visiting for the past three months in his home village of Midhurst with his five sisters and other friends farewell to all they left Saturday morning on their return home to the West Omission of Names In the report of the 2511 birthday party of Innisfil Chapter 0155 182 on Friday April the names of two of the charter members wcrc omitted those of Mrs Tillie Hun ter and Mrs Meta Pringlc They as charter members did much be fore in Institution The first meet ing to make arrangements was held at Mrs Hunters Renovate Church Renovation has commenced at the Presbyterian Church It is ex pected to be completed in time for anniversary services on May 25 Presbyterian WMS The Presbyterian WMS metal Mrs Bruce Cowans April Call to worship and singing of Easter hymn was followed by Scripture and prayer by Mrs Gray Invita tions were accepted for Easter lhankoffcring meetings from Far ther Lights Orillia and Allandalc it was decided to send the president to Synodical at Lindsay in April Thank you was voiced for visits cards flowers or fruit by Rev Mr Muir Mrs Hand Mrs Bowman Eleanor Cowan Mrs Reid Bill Reid and Miss Cowan Rev GMuir led in prayer In com mencing his talk on Easter he stated Easter and the WMS or Eas ter and Missions are closely con nected as Missions began with the first Resurrection Had Jesus Christ not risen from the dead there would not be missionary so cieties The personal contact of Paul on the way to Damascus with the risen Christ made him become missionary Become vitally Christian by giving when asked whatever your talent as one usual ly benefits twofold Give faith by helping others All comes from the Risen Christ Mrs Gordon Sher ing gave an interesting account Of the life and work of Isaac Watts and the story of his hymn When Survey the Wondrous Cross then favored with delightful 5010 of same Mrs Campbell spoke of the interesting thank offcrlngmccting aHSt James also of section No of Barrie Presby terial to hold meeting in the Pres byterian Church here in June with the Presbyterial meeting in Stay ner in May Hymn 734 prayer and benediction by Mr Muir brought the Easter meeting to close Mention was made of the Barrie Central Glee Club to present their concert on May 28 in the church The hastoss was assisted by Mrs Gray and Mrs Fraser Campbell in serving an enjoyable lunch WI Meeting April 17 The ladies of the community are asked to remember the meeting of the Womens Institute on Thurs day April 17 under conveners of community activities and public relations when the speaker is to be Rev Muir Roll call is community current event in the past year Members are asked if they would pleaseput answer to was Burton Avenue and Cumbcrlnndi St and intermediate streets cast of William St Bob attends King at Marcus Street ricr contest conducted by Toronto daily paper Ills route area south of Wellington his home is at 46 torslcy Street IS between Hayfield and Owen Streets Hum Russell zitton and Poyntz All bidding Edward School and his home is tends Codringlon St School nndlncond your at BDCI and his home route area is Worslcy and Mc Strcets between Clappcn Bob is in his In it 106 Mulcaster Street Right now the 21 Examiner route salesmcn are engaged in subscription contest The carrier getting the mos winner of brand new streamlined bicycle Second prize is mantel radio wrist watch There are several otlierprizcs The contest BELLE EWART GILFORD new six month subscriptions on his route will be the third prize Saturday April 19 cu finishes School Taxes Only APRIL lMls Charlie curl Alltll TLndicsl Remembert and family have moved from Bar ric into the collage of William Ruffctt Mr and Mrs on trip to Florida Mrs Margaret Miller Big Cedar has returned to her home having spent the past SIX months in Flor ida Another family jllSI arrived from England have moved into town Add To School There was ratepaycrs meeting in the school on Wednesday cvcn ing Inspector Scott of Bar rie zittcndcd It was decided to build two rooms on to the school as the population of the village is growing so rapidly Johnston arc Womens Institute Belle Ewart WI held the month ly meeting in the school on Thurs day evening It being the annual election of officers Mrs Allan of chroy attended and dir ectcd proceedings Mrs Fred Reid elected president Mrs Cook vicepresident and Mrsi George Uncles who has served so faithfully as secretarytreasurer for the past 11 years was again ap pointed to that position Evon Walton and Gail Dunks entertain ed with duct and tap dancing accompanied by Mrs Farrier CRAIGHURST APRIL 6Mr and Mrs ll Mur tln Shanty Bay were recent vis ilors with Mr and Mrs Max Ilew ltd Mrs Thyra Jensen celebrated her 87th birthday on March 30 and Mrs Clarence Jensen and Shir ley of Palnswick spent the day with her Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy and Susan Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Max Craig during the week Rev William Newman spent few days in Orangeville where Mrs Newman is ill Clifford Bell Orillia is at his home here and will take rest We welcome Miss Farquhnrson Midhurst and Mr and Mrs Wilson and family Hawkcstonc who havc moved to this village roll call on slip of paper so they may be used for the Tweedsmuir History Anyone having old white linen or cotton is asked to bring it to be sent for dressings or band ages to the CancerClinic The Northwest Territories area 1309000 square miles wasadmit ted to the Canadian confederation the WI meeting on Tucsdny Aprill Mr 15 at Mrs John Kclls ENTIIAL SAANICII DC April l7 CP This Vancouver Island Decide to Hold Show at Beelon Simcoe County Holstein directors held mommy at the department Alliston on March 31 George Farts procient was in charge and Gerry Nelson luck and While your and recande the prize list It was do Fair and that one new cits be added to the prize list called Dam Daughter class committee was also named to help locate possible exhibitors for the show so that they might be visited during the sum mer by the Holstein ficldman The bus tour which had been planned for April was discussed but the secretary reported 311mi ed response to the circular sent to all Holstein breeders of the county Apparently due to bad roads the fieldman for the HolsteinYucatan mail did not arrive ori time in Association discuss the various projects Delegations were Barrie and Bceton asking that the no the homes there was no reply rcceivw from led to cancel the tour far this year was present to helpgnumbcr of E1585 and as result It was docidv that one might be or aocept the invitation to Breton 1511 Black and White Show be held at iganlzvd in 1953 their respective fairs delegations left wmmsmw iplans are now under UTOPIA Alex Denney When me the directors dis vof Elmer Sloltz was discussed and ed for membership association spent the weekend With her family in Toronto and attended the Cunningham wedding anniversary number from here attended thr funcral of Mrs Andrew Turnbull at Alliston Monday and extend sympathy to Mr and Mrs Hector Iurnbull and family in the loss of much loved mother and grand mother Mrs Earl MeMaster is Spelldlll lthis week with her sister Mrs Ito Lcrt Smart Collingwood Min and Mrs Harold Tiuax Bur lington visited last weekend with er and Mrs Lou Iruox and Mr and Mrs Ross Brownlcc Waltcr Muir who has been un idcr the doctors care as the result of fall is now improving nicely Mrs Thomas Truax returned home over the weekend after spending month with her son 11 Burlington Mrs Donald Coutts spent few ldays last week with relatives at APRIL Mrs Mrs Wliitcsitics Barrie held mmunlcipamy has macth the UL MidhursL Stanley Parly at Mrs Lou Neil lys on Thursday inst About 15 indies cnqucd the evening Owing to thc terrible condition of the roads there was no church service here inSunday Mrs Irykc Toronto spcnt last Sunday with her son Jerry and his wife and fungily Mr and Mrs Owen Bell and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Bell Toronto Mr and Mrs John McRobcrtsl Maxine visited their daughter Mrs II Coulis Toronto on Sunday 7144 gy iii has done away with municipal taxes for 1952 Residents still have school tax however Iiipage report on the munici palitys financing standing revealed $113400 surplus in operating ex pcnscs for 1951 allowing council to set up contingency reserve of $6 400 and bring forward $10000 for 1952 lt The school tax although raised 125 mills willrstill be 75 mills lower than last years total rate of 338 in 4869 The only line r$rril6 NEW ROYALJONE SIYLINGY61FII timatc in municipal managementq Robert Kale Hamilton is visiting Mr and Mrs Ronald Ellis Mr and Mrs Harold Tiffin Men ford and Mr and Mrs Dalton Tiffin King spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Joe Tiffins All till Eln it Dont suflcr night and lilywith full wenrisoniu ltcllttl sharp stabbing pains Lend nu active life uguin Inkc ltinplelons lIts Cnlnulus largest sollini proprinmry medicine specially mndLtn bring lungellforrclioflosuilerora from urtlirilicor rheumatic pnin 65c $135 T84l TEMPLETONS TRCs ig The twilight naceting at the farmj way for an interesting program about July 23 New members Wle also approv in the parent SEE THE Right to you door BY TAXI Just Phone nu Emmy 9002 Elizabeth St Barrie Opp wuungion noun AMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS The china Shop ANNOUNCE THEIR APPOINTMENT AS DEALERS FOR PANBLYIE Panelyte assures the must beautiful durable and pro tective services available in laminated plastics ls chip resistant crack resistant and stain resistant will not swell or shrink Panelyte carries the GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SEAL OF APPROVAL COME AND SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF PATTERNS IN CAMEOS LINENS CRYSTALS SOLIDS AND WOODGRAINS Custom quality at Consumer prices Cabinet Making Scruton Bradford St Ph one 4444 Barrie Check them over oncpbyione all the things you want in your next car Thencome incxamine and drive this big bright beautiful Cheyrolet for 252 we believe youll agre youve found your car and woknow youll my less for it than youd have laps for comparable quality anywhere clscl VfFor hereer tbvonly may priced 30 Bill many new in outstandingly one in 12A gt ooiiofrous NEWExiEuon colors Altonmo NEW Intention colons Vividqmmgwmkling widm llplmlstcry and trim me in two touenot blue green or may to hone ch ml bwumm wk harmonize with Lxtciinr mler in NEWCENIREPOISE rowrndinngl Ammoniumtsnewimudmdour quality and laws well he in their ddr vlluzuion coulowcou motoring for 333 mlmiru holds hrilthtbenutiful llmlics by Fisher the tlirillirig antw from slilc nml rearend llcsign Youre sure of creamy smooth texturll tintl delicnto flavoumvltcn you cook will Evaporated Mills It is purolmlinlo milk conecnv trntcd by removii ytllo water An economioa my Ltotnakonpth in print puttofrinlllrit1in3 the longer Iuwcr murc Inxn Duglook of tliissnuutcst ofvall low priced cars NEW lMPROYID POWERl luktlloNfmlwlth lllltomxil in lowcrglirle moduli lniprov mining and smoother cclcmll lirc uclilcvydi by hotter fuel and figs ticcelciiitorpii nmbiuntions thl Idsluwondgr fulnrrny oflcolorsjnthcchtirclpw prfcu field III Dc Luxescduns and sport mnpci fabrics nirdxoppoiptmcnts of exceptional quality IXlano rumiiuiont owner in moth moodon oftqr found ldpclueco new inprovedjrh kabiorher no lying 91 overs ouall type of roads cls at InfCombined ulthi Imp anvptinchd Ilnglne ulomllllc Choke and llydum alv Liftersgives finest Itl Optional on extm cost industry rhefcnginc now is gently cradled belwccn thE mountings nudicush ioncd insolt rubber Mtfrdipooplo buy life from wheets instead the left from wheelrlhry reliability and ewnvmvt and result it is setting thcltrcnd for output COmeineigotF Chevrolet than onylothor corl

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