could not meni hi5 assessmanEgoizi and driuzg along lire road DALSTON lut us who EDGAR mm mm WWMW gt 0115 minng up ic hill and Anon if azljUllt in ch room gt APRlL 7min and 511 William changing gourd tli 15 much or Ciiuld an 13 an mud AWL chmg by 545 pulp chbcr Hanover were rcccm vizgnu 422 Voila 12m liic railwayu 253 infill logic Locirharuon of Agriculture will or held li liars With Jean and Either Wiibtiil 13 of tilt dax of other Gui up to my tridl 21 his upuxzhc politic oil lucsdqy 94111 35 irwrlmbc We tpimmidy may bits 11 Ozbozn and Mrs Bon ggirugcg in lip was read bucu con 83G pm xtluh of Hunt Til ci rum gt if lt wuiizt uni Jamar as Shiracd mm uzilcathwvm had Mi Frys wmiaF ionic our Sunday iloi mi 131th on Mr il ptiiK ol Jll gtul 111 am ouil ii Li Uv the lime The roads are Very bad gdow lay 39mg No doubt same or 73 $4598 Mutual lilufhlulla Jcc Lima 11 how ll in 71 just now 111 mail carrltrs find vthc work Will much 1hr arnc as wont Emma Vb 1th Mb 0m 7m Ii Mim lmmb murmur mu4M hmgw imporbl rnukc Complclc that of 112 spring whilc much of M55 vcm 05mm Va hm Md new mm Tilkwdm mm 1mm APRIL 7ltSoriday was mail FABRICATED lRON Fire Escapes Gates Railings Etc ESTIMATES mos ncxi Ii 1hr Lawlune highway wusrwun rum FORGE BOMBS BARME WELDINMMACHINI C0 piil $9110 for the 1101 any to do gto1nclhing furla Mulcaswr 5L 31 KilUlelo gtlzilrsd Um ho had irhlhsltl our 15 lop soil at chair The finihcrn will be Awakc Duriaids on April 16 from to 533 Pli MW 37 norm ii 330 lurch Buldm lulllfljugifalxx id Thou that Sicepcln glIxcryunc vwitomo Mrs illplh rcrc bum in $23 our lln balanci iiiurcb Ciizlip llpjry kit xS WW Gone to Peace Rlvtr tmluuclcd 11 musical contcsz Juan $1 pcr ucrc An actual vuluc Wild Tm Whitfl in could Robert pmer m5 gum Jtlillcil and Audrey Gilpin sang of lunrl ui $25001 if war liiilul 510000 Em if in mi hm 1JLlll Slow Polio Mrs Huwurdi Rlllt making on uszcssmrn of my 13 Jmb tum mm 599 MUM Dumb Jlli 232 Md alligir no1 Jilt the Peace Rn district This in 1nd Mr McDonud gave in Si 1U Inc homc built 111 169 PM he very busy spring Ulnvlllv ofultmng readings Next inclling and burns in fur corirliilon moduli mill 13 Villa mm HAL rinv iv the western farmers is liicv mil in Howards ThurmaMay bummg AWN Oi Li mm iumufv ind 10 haw to harvest mp1 last 1131 Hi Mccling closed with WA prayi 531157 ltllliLid by icnlul value mic 7ll5 005 01 ll WW lunch 1litr used lo make prolil Tlltfulilx dhmifvujzl It sm 11 Au MCM5rv chwcmt Proper Ashlin onwgd U1 13 BM 30m Lunmlxbkwilh lilllolL crv 111012 of ftlIl Cpl Gordon Duttuu Mrs Dru was been Vibmng friends in the hourmg il ilLlCilil bcfoic Mr lillltgyuil cornpurcri his 115 iltllilllll of murmur clllllliS rcul Sup mm Tomnm Sunday Relucccpl lhc dcciuion of lilt lliillblll which was 1gtgt5Lll for only $50 lEirunus Cluff ippvliicu on hc suuuiglb 19 Mr and Mrs McCulchcori 211 he mom who is Curl of Relmun ti up by tho illilli than his llr ulgto compared hull of properly in hi wich nuinv tended the funcrzll of lhcir uunt in the public whim on Thursday in cave ms many rms who Nam OXiilld Lilllll UH IHUPKY lCWiy comparison comw bucliiulli collage vhilc ncx lo him 93 13 evening at Oclock Mam Wm icalpd and may New dm ly fmnnrly owned by Im idle to Mr Sinclair properly Mitian coltupc cmliniz much more rawu Prize $2000 Duvrd Lnllklll Orillm 5111 Prize $1500 Mary lurks Beavcrtlm round mil mm wwmm Cvciliiigipril9 sackll AJfiar Harm tiiuugml fwd Sir Martin Wins in licd Cm ollzftlLull ii Mn 3m Mm MCKCKUC Tm CAMS kiiillillldvl znzghli be bot 2111 Ilv filililrhl llid lord mmumug 5313K 11 mi Bfmizf mTWuX mm Sunday Wm am it Juan WA max It ydcudiui krillvi Snood dobriu Red Cross Sorrel 19151103 in innnn Mrs McKenzie Jug SWA Pun if FVW 93 f9 ull liiumr who made Li llturhS Service in Tflfllh Unilni Church Ct in lJidrm in km Lie bill Lin ir fcl ill p13 liul bur licids on April ll oclock next Sunday morning at 11 oclock wng 1hr president in charge Scrip hold no only be an Easier scr turn was read by Mrs Reid until vice but therc will be rcccplion xwrrdl firms of business wcrc dis of new members and sacrament lcusscd Plans were made for uni There will be special nith by lilo uiltliluun tea at Mrs Gcorgc SuitJ Cm Milking candy 1121 1125 ulilj 11 the weekend wilh Mr and Mrs iV lliavc llicir cuscts LUilli btforc llic Llilii which he cluinud were inuclllon lliillLlLllg Vih much highciibt Lulultu1ud MMimuwnht St PALS Strmubhm Barrie Citizens an once um mmmdud 12 Comm colcbmmd unuthur lllilgil brilci futms and building ihiinllliuxi tho of llljiillnl collagcs Emu dimg Illd lrlzc Bicycle Joan Burmc Otllua stewan Beverley and Ewu Bums Cumvilliosu tilFtS which hurl rcfriscri lo Sinclair properly lll Churchilliui holiday the up mgm gm leznhprcmnyoirlhdoy iosl Friday He was able Ill 4W lWld illill 1m Eli UVVlill 51300 JUEWIHLIWWM Md ML In lrd Prize 00 indv Vliller Brechin Winter or Summer thch is trllilzc rris or livm tiurltls Ull crop before me can pm the lb and buicdiclion lhl h05icl ReVISIOn lnnlsfll would 11 $3on 71 ion and Blend Xilm BllF 5PM rum fm um p33 Week lllls honor Jliript 111 1c of lhilciil vrlii thril of lip ilobcil cu in clvrgy at Ll vuiy low icrilirwm 1mm Du lownnhip council and prcfcrrcd lo il in orlm pygmyrim his own uvmicd mu um Spammmng and Mrs JUMDll Luudcl of Crccrnore last Friday Mr Corbtus Bide nu the Evening Maw Cm Aloorl hiikpuliick in lhc lilUlLS blillLd fins ho cxplulnluus only usscswu Shall while mm lonl km Mr luffj at and umily mmmpi vwxsuunru facing the coininunilj hull ml to lhu Judge was brcuusc he ilnllilti larger and more pcrrnzuiihmmd mg the original plnn illZ yum fm the calm zrnd lhc Unilcd Church Mr Ox had computed 301 allowance for cnl cullng will rill convcniunccslmwd for rightbfuvuy alum this ilh Prize 51000 Jim Robertson Brechin fur is obsessed $2 5120 which he the buildings being UVLlDLlill This vn lltltc do $930 flOllll ll gt 51 lonlcnlilri lhiil hi mm or Mrs Kelly umme wmpmm Ms ilh HAL $000 AH Idyior Beaverton i5 0f the U130 Oi bluccs llluil Mr Killlwlts cxpluintd lhzrl illcuuage only 5m being 113 Aluminum Hm many lends Wm my Ulstssllltlltl Willi olhur yulllllillis ill the manual liiiowsu tilSCUllill Vllcilebuilding culled 11 built houmc Win any portable bmlmng 15 not hear of the rcccnl sudden dcziih ufrlmfioy Including Iirbos propertlhu buildings url overburii This in rculily mudc up for guest 1c in comparison wilh those of his Awnings Murillo Whilfirld Kelly of lvlczifoidllht ll SUN411 DIUIMIQ 311 illtlthousc has the glLfilLSl iron ofcommodniion also lhzii thcru was neighbors ma vexQ new and UN molhcr of Roy Kelly Thornton main street and also lhc propcrly uny place in 1110 lowusiiip Evenia dorzblc garage and bozrlhomcljv bum Mrs Juan icrry visited fricndsmf Clerk A1111 zrl that Mr Sinclair is ilSSCSSCdlwhiclL all included made the Cluff in Ban30 recently Assczoor Kriowlcs making his or wlllllll 51000 of what he pilld135N55mmn up 10 mm mm mm iconipurisons ciuirncd 11ml the for his property He went on tuitioncri Um WA 1cbo housc was so clmc lo the say that us Mr Sinclair was inl All MacLuron and Mr Ciuff gol Slme Uflbd mild conditioniwailwoy ihul its vniuc was dcprc ihc room he did not fcci thallinlo in argument over what pm lilk 05 Nil9 sammcwly illcirlci iic sizrtcri lhul liurlyiic should make loo many siulcpcrlv on the wulcr could br iLi Bird Study llobbv lClldllllLL for this months Trinity Siewarls house was rsscssud for moms about the properly wwwd Mu MuCLmen grated hai WOIMIYS ASSOClaliUII lllcclim 11l5100 more than ihc Oxford buiid Donl bc apologizing Judgerpmpcriy under water wars 1550554 no Inore economical Mrs lurncll Carrs with Mrs ing Mr Oxford stated that Hurvil rcmurkcd What wantrmpa my cum argued pm only Presidmu The devotimlllhtlt W415 CUlllllilllW 511195 is to hem th filLlS The JUdgelin lhc ClSil of swamp land did 01 PiaCUE lt11 Pull kccplllllawllh the Easter value to his house and the Sluw ihcn asked for details of the sizesihis apply 11c slated lhut hci season was lnkcn by Mrs Hughes Iuri or cho propcrly of the buildings Mr Sinclairukncw that his bler house was be We thank Mr Yco former Mayor of Orilliu who conducted the draw for all seasons Judginunl Vus rustrvcd on all hope 31 contestants have had fun making their ML Bird Books All books entered will be returned to the ownch as we know you will be anxious to continue the in the Scripture and Mrs McCulCh Judge iiurvic ziskcd Assessor asked to spcrrk and told lhc Judge yond the limits of his lot and lhnl con in lesson thoughts Mrs Ado Wilfred Slowurl which place hclrhur in his estimation liclmd spenbthp provincial government could N$TE llaf McMoslcr added much to the 011 would prcfcr l0 1ch in Ho slut about $2000on lhc properly sincclhzm it removed However 1m ro Mo nugfpgf joymcnt of the meeting with her cd that he would prcfcr lhc Ox he purchased it The landscapingcluimcd that the land under it mm our piano solos Mrs Curr song The ford housc us it was not so clogc mm mm very mile except hisimls not assessable Mr 13chle um 18 LA PLRTON bl parsonage convcncr xonlled some to tho tracks mm 1mm saddcd rm only lawyer so purl of the spring work Dlanmd was County Assessor Eric Simpson Judge liurvic asked Mr Knowlesx wawc on and already completed and supplicslwus asked by the Judge his opin what his sole valuation of thc Poli glcio on hand dlo finish puinling ion filololulcd Ithati hc woslnoilrcrson 11operlvansl in comparil ans ucrc ma or some church too arm for uili tic lllLll0 350 Wm the 3mm pldcc Mr5 way dress up PHONE 3952 crmanent colorful in iiiCVliPiliiiiiiM donation lo the flower fund was granted Materials for the fail humor work were given out Mrs John William Thompson who for so many years has been inlcrcsicd iin the WA work sent along again hcr annual donation which is so Bebttlrful Color calibration ConvoniM Toms FHA Financing Ask forlkbdil lcr which refreshments Werc serv assisth by Mrs McMastcr For Free Estimates and Full Details write to BOX Barrie Examiner GREATEST WATERFALL On the buSis of average annual flow combined with height the largest waterfall in the world is Guaira in BrazilParaguay the Oxford and tho Ii Slcwail uscd the sonic rcnlul factor llc fclt that he would not have bccn justified in increasing ihis on the Slcwurl property because of extra osscssmcnis that had been to cover the plumbing etc Every $1 added to the renial $60 on the assessment he sluicd Iic udmillcd lhc Slcwiill house had boiler lLlllili returns Mr Simpson asked how many houses in chmy worc assessed on lhc some valuc Mr Knowles did not know but mentioned Allans was asscd at $2701 Mr Knowles explained that the Oxford house was rated at $7 rental value whereas the Tell0 house was computed at $11 rental value Replying to tho Judge Mr Simpson slaicd that he also felt that the railway had depreciating cffect Mr Knowles told of pic ces now being assessed in Grav wclc good buildings and he hzrd ludgc askcd Mr Knowles What is todays value MrKnowlcs again wcni brick in his ligurcs Canl you forgot all Ethul and give me an answer If you fool you are incapable of anl iswcring then say you donti know much appreciated Mrs Hughes added in milking 10 COmDUlUOHSl Mr Knowics would not make closed lire mccring with prayer af lan 05111111110 The Judge 111an basement pointing and cleaning to assessing used by Mr K110V1CSKnka5 men wcm into dciailsl beauty begin April 13 Delails for the he did not know tho rcnlzil fzrcloriubuui highway farms etc church flower bed were left to and zrskoii if Mr Knowles would Wher would bc fair market special commillcc The CAI explain that value of the two forms the treasurer rcporlcd $2465 on hand Mr Knowles sizilcd that both uA irskcd Mr SimpsOn the qucslipnp ipcrty was worth at Joust from 134000 to $5000 more lhan the Pali ltcrson He added that he still had fdiffichlty in believing that this finclliod was fair way of assessi iirg farms MacLurcn QC who was present to represent the township as their solicitor slated that nor mal voides were the figures oni iwhich assessments should be madc iNormal sale and rental values are according to the act the guide for which assessments are com puled Mr Knowles referred to tliul ipart of the act which permilicdl any ratepayei to appeal any other cdbyMrs Scythe and Mrs Carr Value Willlilke difference Grand he thought the Sinclair proE 120 HEFURY vsr in THE SUPERB AND COMPLETELY NEW METEOR CUSTOMLINE lnkc the new Meteor Customlinc out on the highway Thrill to the most powerful engine in all the lowprico eldaihe brilliant responsive new 120 Hp lury VS Breeze along to the cetcst sweetest quietest drive youve ever known Feel the exciting lift you got with the extra Dossier of this superb new Meteor Fur V8thc product of the organization which in post 20 yours has built more V8 engines than all other manufacturers combined Take an admiring look at the new longer look the new interior elegance the unobstructed visibility the new driver controls Drim the new Metcor Cpstqmlino and youll say Its the most exciting drive in car enhursi that were shbwinl diStinCtassessmeht if he thought it was This is the third and last ofa series evidence of dcpreciating4hrough too low or high It was unfor the Vibration from the rai1V11ytunzitc that someone had not done prize tho StanleyCup is that only nature or death ever halted the play This like many other ciaiinsmade in SWt is not correct Nature halted the play in ting nineties when for two years there was no iceavailable at the finish of re season Death abruptly stepped into the Cup picture in 1919 When the Montreal Grammars champions of the east invaded Scuttle to play the Mptropohhtansifor the Cup Five games had been played each team haying won two with one tied when the black flu which scourged the continent and left hundreds of dead in its wake hit both clubs Nearly every player was sfrlcken one died Joe 411911 succumbing and that series never was completed But back in the misty past in 1899 to be exact there was an unnished series and viewed in retrospect this asco has its humorous overtones though doubtless there was nothingvfunny about it at the time Champions of the east were the Montreal Victorias represent ing one of th glatest trulyamateur clubs in Canadian sports history an oiganizaiionwhich disbanded in the thirties when the press ofprofessionalismbecame too great The club refused to sacrifice its standards and closed down completely Champions attire west re the Winnipeg Victorias great team and also Hcoinpletely amicur Ehe hill equitable Mr Simpson stated that hcdid under Innisiils system but it might be high on an aver age in general comparison Ivan Burke Gdrage Ivan Burke appealed his aSSess ment on the garage building only He was assessed $2450 on this building He claimed that the building was old and not heat able He stated that the parking of cars on his lot by thosegoing lo the township office made depreciating difference on his businessHe also contended as nisproperty was on the side of aili it was not the best place for car service as he had to block Wheels of trucks if they stopped that they would not roll down Mr Knowles inwisumming up his ed that they both had done so The Court lhen adjourned for lunch gtto reconvene atl pun Leouard Martin Appeals Stating that his land was now lall pastures and dial the assess iment on some swamp property was more than the land was worth he contended that his 11lt tire amessment was too high Mr KnOwies stifled that 35 acres was assessed at 2nd top land at $30 35 acres at $20 25 acres at $10 bores at $5 and the swamp on part with strip along 50 acres Mr Martin asked where the 30 acres of best land was located Mr Stewartsiaied that it fronted on the road Mr Martin stated that the field mentioned only con the same concession at $500 for or thrifty Touch0Mutic Overdrive boLh optional at extra cost or the SilentElms Synchronized Stlndard Transmission dealinI with unusual Stanle Cu inci history dent nearbbh 0116 Of 1053 was the this on the Sinclair property so gt Hal bmldlnEWhCh 33 Wellithat it could have been sustained and carefully burlt by the comm The Judge then asked Mr Simpi Mn patterson asked who judged gt One of the boasts concerning play for Ianndas premier hockey 1f he Vie assessment wasthe 13nd values MrL Stewart stat eat of all nummniic drives Theseiwq Victorbs teams had fought out grin battle in assespment stated that he hdd tained 14 acres and part or that 22$th winging daf 53 0113 139 momma ag and ed all the deductions he was sandy 33 W0 mg or we no ma 35 cool on this building He felt Judge Harvie asked how the mlwsvib 1899 meiauwcma Why lhatth parking was something values were arrivedat Did you while sidewall rim ond irn na opilmlaiaomo on THE SPIRIIED AND ALLNEW METEOR Womans met onMonueu me but two Oysbzlmee mm for which Mr Burkemight have take shovel and examine the MA wn 110 VsINN TheMonlreal loom Won the rshZrli 111 rugged come c1 on the townshi but this landor wa it uess nd Tilesccond wooded at 33 whcnthe serios suddenly collapsed LEE is py rounding Winnlpcglslprwas crashedacrosstheknce Via llii WW Montreal player and limped eminence Norepiacment i9 Willi revela woouiowed in those hardy days unlde itiwaspmvcu thatmx than or lowcoal vmoionfng player was unable to continue The argumeuhconcemgf wgggmpfmhlggcgmg auraslzmess toplay raged hob and heavy The debate Mng comfmubbmgul grow rimmy and fileirereree Jack Findlay camein crouch yogin1 dolor lhodmw shamrcritlcrsmrihut hoidoffedvhis aloft thebuildlng 32ng the wegmig minimm Willis iii vcmm may mm headmasterrow uemalromiihoonpniom cuckomc my trawl Dnmahciu like when the forums finally agreed to play there was no let gt Fflmrm ll executivehastiiysummoned horsedud sleigh drove Irwnn THE Lovlgsmr sLlID errefcrces home foundhim in bed urged him to return cart on and the Mficialconsented He ended his skatesl 5p vsweatgLBut the Walls wereiliin inthe uilding Revvas punLES Anson mm Lima 3ch twee tiietwo teams and heard both dimming him in 01o torrid nature So he jtranipedout of er09mjvumped mu MDmu0 igame was calledoffffor lac ofja referee then series was abondohejd andee innipeg team returned