Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1952, p. 7

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ED ll of Montreal has been nam ed 01 die Cplgary Gun The Las Column AGENTS WANTED COL cammml 5GEN WANTEH in mi legality Ware DSO CD 38 ct ivndun Continued frnm page one lvilc tiir large lldtcncririJACKSONmU his Emmi i9 Dim mm OnL who goes in command Ruyal 3m dragged inc away from myICfi gt00 mm 1121 051 Good V31 3051i Tusiliiw all Wedlirs Ihuny Roads 81 trlscrvlce 311ch mil mmlllg gmblmb or haw mammlul Luis 0i chazicri to 1133 Aint 1952 Gerard Wil Vancouver mm ngal Rmdszgmsumhmg III The Last Ullrl mab luck lzcd Jackson bclnvcll husband has been emailed IIII III inn Li buying 51 All in of Anzicttd Illalilcy Ittcar Either Capt 23an are 3iifidialling 31133 lifliilld3 Bar 11 0f SWW Que whose HM isziil dd 11 bachelor along his Umnlilzdn Ellwl Jackson 3e nghgpomtmcmmll MAMA mm my to ibvll dumber FARMS fOR SALE 010 mi ldtimm cw kttli it isnt difcuil to imizille WW SWVLW Tllmllwv rippled mime um wow computer01d iiiadqid 1w Llziuli Ccnmzcr it apartment etcrans airs Mg nn was an office 01 ihc as and unit litni Ytiu 1341 who olMcliuliLc 1111 H15 miterst in the vctcratt partStprmont Dundm and llcngzirry if mm and mfmmv ml liirr 60 3CSQWJrhgunlkg VEALONWSHMNH wemuii me if lime Mme is WE lighlandrcrs and served JVLESOILS 215 0k dih illtz on llunnizin =vl$c1wcll 1T 3i II II Itir ticr cat an mmeI III an ApIIii 193 11 iiide rimmi around town and what help staff ofcer at anadlan Military Back ISMmg was wondermlIllxIleiIlIrIl Align ll Junta 11R Em and llalI Emmi merit featuring semiionzil acrobaid ililellig lllaly After the war he was Dir lump and lulu ll lmlt women Warring Circus of entertain Ems 585 Will make interfsingedlmm in 1101130 and Mm Elwgg 591W if C31 HE Mm MI all dmm L351 FOUJD iltllt 139 DrI Lfldel 31 188 100 15 11 away is Iector rganimlmn at Nauunal In whit Piliv Ihould be 11311 sister It gm prml Finland and packageIof top Isz CTIIHS km on cgaisinm Headquamrs 3m MIOILldtiinc will fund 011535110 whim dull Lllazit if babklclltwafl are mm mm be My me name mammg Mm BM IIIIIIIII IIIII pomble to buy as unit movc in lcOOkmg school Miami Winn Colle was command of MM ll Mame Leaf Game sunda fl lwX be announced This Win bemundmnd AW Sdlivdl while the new wullwom day 11 930 3112 to St Alislcms LDSlwTali Scotch Callie rlClDlVi 95 the me Hume 01 I0 lihlmwmk Amme Duffy OIL zllllll Bros 181 Dalllrllll out cuilzt illc crackersiple 2135 Barr REM l7 agl Ana Tumutu Funeral on Sulllrl the annual Easter Seal stage show 3h nal broadct from me cmki Brig Morton commanded tlchCam elm lyilrwl mm way lnI 4051 ll WK ll pllpI male Church Mr cqiiicm 2105 10 use mg school which has been running ulk Al pi iv iIlIid 1000 zinin roilich II Itlorr III week at me Roxy Thealm IFIorItIGarry Horse durililg the in IlInhlILII pinup Iog Infilllfllllng llIlIIIiIIII liIIIIiIII1IIIItIII1I IiI1IiIttI I1IItIIiIii0Il IIIiIrIIIIlIntrin Mun Opt Lilli anh mum Thls eveuln at 830 on mKSVUr Nonmndf 40 me illH 11 lmd Julillls dtxrlpllOn Gym an czlil rmmm cgosgnleas llslzgjgw Earl Cox invites vou to Talk lggtemngumaataxiaa In I0 2mxmu in rlitit llimlc nulls ll was ur mcAcuu Qw my by the Ontario SOClLl 01 Ohl staff at Headquartcrs Fllbl Lin lthulml glider wound Crippled Children and Foster Hew mum wheel CKBBS wICanarliiiri Army During the 1950 BUILDING TRADES face on me show hh Wlml floods 531 sciatic iiiilmaml 125lifiiff SAM NOBLE iIlEYiFri in gt II up between and pm The CM mornings week at 930 and agnlnl Cal Doucez served in lmly andl It 115 111 lgo0il argument PLUMBIMx HEATING 141 who pilsspd Ziwgly April producers George Tiiggzirl 558 at lllIgllI adds anmher and 3lN0nhrV93t EUTOW 115 11 leglllltml lltlwklll SCIlSV DUE PllSUHUYi Ctiuliuctlng lill lziltlllil1ii 1125111 1951 Hung and JaCkle R118 will dirtCl half hours ll week to her already limd Staff OUlCLT Am lht war 111ml lllc use of tlic lllSl pcrson lcss WWI ml llwml 11M 911115 WWW Wt canllm the talcnt musicians and back bu d1 db um Tum Jllb was Director of Public Rela Lunfamnc Unlike Janie at least ml stage People iIVOIWd WNW unions 23500133113301 vim panama 0f lions Armin until 1948 rlicn holmilzml lid considered go have an 5mm AW Phonc 97 0f the 1055 of 01w we loved sol 33i 11 II it have waived dl fees 1nd titles to fradlng plmI lWlii named Cunadlnli lillltlily ll 1l 11 311mm at 1011 Willing of Aml lulu she slums peaceful help me Eager seal fund mach its name at The Hague 1mm5pmlexpammm wednesfRUIT Shwp Hl 5400000 Tlpqlx Vh 0th 0W 01 Biomt scned ii 1th the lllllnl UWll IL nicmmy We shall always keep absolutely free in the Gardens Royal Canadian Engineers and Lil Isllic bctls 111I lIlll clilldrcnsAplLES SW MW Szidly misscd by husband Charg or your 1mm room but it is lArmy Headquarters on the slull lllw are exactly 33 ml WE aim priiirmde and 130110 Flmir 39l omcens RECEIVE 003 Five outstanding stage acts Ilhag been murmur of Englmim Db land half inclics bcttcr Will supply the boat Canadian veiopmrnt 11 Army Head unrmrsl entertainmelt Led by comedian commander North West gigliwuy wwd What hlppmed hm Doug Romaine thcsc will be the OTTAWA 30N System and commander BICI AIILIIIIilEIml ll local Jumur Chamber oflISELECTION OF Summer CIIuIIIIIISI IIAMSALTO gellmo FzmlIIlIlI anhamvballc group nIIImmems rorplIcIIe senIoiwczgv CU Deome commande LII lLlllllmmCl 50m 10 the Departmentwdtcr Frontage Kcmpclilclt Buy um 26 an or we Enchanted violins Johnny DaShI jugglcn ndlan officers who will complete Reamem Mabonmmt imd Il and Ernie Bruce musical clown the 1901 course the Namml giggz2ulgiTEIIaBund licud zircu showing where 31 0W0 5L illlllflyuu P1t Emily lsobcl Ramsay Music will be provided by MW Di A35 1m germ candid mgr0 lhvchurch having Whit 39 WIN or hcstr vocli were announc rlhc famous medical ll lire Sir Will 17 iney at ll bLMMER 0103 111111111 Betty Jenn Ferguson 9IIM1msmr Bmme Claxmnne xxx lllllll Oslcr is located They evenisalc sandy beach electric sluicsMESHEHJTlgmftiimiE 0600ier mhrgnmcnt or three Other 59m luld the department they had $50 and refrigerators inc fully win swish t0 CNlClld their appreciation CKBB will prepare iI special Army officers and one RCAF of COL Ware commanded the PlCLI available Or me work 100er aflEllZCl 011 Lake Simcoc Glcii liu lhcir neighbors and lends ml broadcast during the ceremonies ficer were also announced in all and W0 10 950 for 2111 cr two months they are still ivziit Beach 10 mm 50m or Bill lllCll inan act of kindness antll if the mmng of he rst sod for Brig Michael Dunn 0813 ED lantry and conspicuous leadership lull 3le llw MU be 501 115 OWIHI lSImOV messages of sylrlpalhy during theirl lhe new fourr00m public school at 47 formerly of Cornwall Ont be at the More River crossing After mu uwuy Phone 13an cm sun clcavememI 39 2933 BMWI premmblIv mummy Angus this alteinoon and it will bc come Commander Eastern On the war he was senior stdll of Could Jlmos 5w hen 3r tario Area Kingston He replaces fice at Central Commandvzind since rid heard Monday afternoon at 130 11H GINO 5le Q1110 UN Brill Knight OBEI42I November 1950 has commanded signs to the effect that the 30 11an Ramblmg whose new appomtment Will be at CalgilIY lmlle speed limit in town would be BUSIHGS OPPOIlnlfleS II iknrliphifdumpql briadcasl 111 axinqunccdlater strictly enforced Judging by the WWII I950 CHEVROLET 83 meg reaction Brig Morton D80 speed records that some drivers CHINCHILLA BREEDlNGl from schools Th 711 pr gram Was 51 of Toronto becomes command leen Two Months lhcem to bc trying to set on an lnleresllng and protable busil re ared in Toronto where Ral It 0r 0f the Cdmman M1113 MIS qmtc all of 0111 strccts can 55 making big progress in Cami catch and cveryl who bv lCl word or deed Of lilhlb Im JJNLLS 310 or Ltk 51mm Mn5hillllllflllml to lessen our burden when IAnxious to put up slim in theRemSLlmlllWl CWml R031 wc said goodbye to Bill Thank my interviewed fellow delegate at the CAB convention who hailed xrBa3w0rilollkElegllm2f on Dangerous g31111ngTlelllemggniont 510 Em Ire llldel forply cardpnlced Wth theJeOCh ew lres on eon lnSI on out thx 111 infwuflhf neftpmvmce Ya on National Defence conege Drwmg Charge lo mm mm me ens 8an course starting next September 0r0nl0110nl hm tI lh Hercwlletc omliImcntIand 5101 used carsI cas 05 of schools in Col Deuce QBEI EDI In Judgment given on WLdlle They are not Rabbits lid mmme Della Wm tune to hear Ems first Staff at Headquarters Eastern On Fos mund Murray Menonald McLEANAt the Royal Victoria 0t 1045 designing 13010 hand report on Canadas newest lam Area driver of Gray coach guilty of HospitalI Bump on April Everyimrimc dctaills ctchcdto 0m Newmundland What he had of Calgary who is to attend the lll Haddin 1011 Ave alanced ry 115 one to day andIdrlve the best in town and quite few in the coun of MommaI becomes Chief of day April Magistrate Gordon 2939 svmmmm you see me wonder province Cop Ernest BrownI QBEI EDI dangerous driving on the night of 1952 to Mr and Mrs Edward bring out the 13qu 01 the en 45I of Ottawa becomes Director of Malch 15 in on on nghway llI McLeanI 25 Elizabeth SlII me mcmorlulI lus Show mu CANARIES Roller and Borderl Wednesday morning at 1015 orgammllon the Adlutant and imposed er of two monthsI daughter mane SlngersI 53 Baby BudgmsIl manvsuchmonumentsallworls 1811 llStfleB 1tao iotRsmblmgIIIillh Generals Branch at Army Headlmhom the 090 rm DUPUIsAt the Royal Victorial Cages and Supplies African modem debnlng gem Ralghgn guest rAiII waoII OflcIaeIquartcrs The case according to the evi Hofrmtal BIairlc on April 2l0l0rI3013Cgt05 llIlgneclethIIIIlEiIgl Sandemm Monument on Col Maurice DcRomc OBE denceat the heatmg on March 26 Edglltllll nlaulIvIlIlfrRoy Du gar on 79 Bavfmd St Phone 48 agraI was and the dnver had The first printing prees in Fine Monuments Family lbeen dismissed by the companylMcDONALDIAt tllc Royal Vlc Ifollowmg the offence tom HOSpImlI BarrieI IaApril France were set up lhe Soybonm FuIIyenIfIIlIIim McDonald had been driving southl 1902 to Mr and Mrs John atldris 1111440 with load MCDOMId 1G Florence St 921$ was had son lcrossed over solid white line at Fire Escapes Gates Railings lasection where approaching traffichEWARAt the 003 Vicma could not be seempasscd two vch Hospital Barriev April 1952 MI Mm drew Dawn ESTIMATES licks and had met the third headv 15R has Shanty any daugh II In on It was new model sedan lpallllcla Ann driven by Alfred Roy Shier of 17 mums St time Lynn Marvel aged trying to get WEBBaAL the Royal Victoria 0111113 and was totally wrecked HospitalI BarrieI on April 3Il The driven seriously injured 353 1952 to Mr and Mrs Elwoodl Dont bpmme diccOUr jammed in the car Wreckage for webe painswlckI daughlen those homeCharm ef 1948 CHEVROLET COACH feels you have seen You lllll have to hurry Pbr this model priced or visualized Enlist echcgg ID Wonciexm Sholgeclrry thls now our me Club 1230 905 Hits of the Week our experienced help Oy News Headlines contd Hidden Town 930 Sunday Star Club 1230 1000 CKBB Showcase dnd save me and Stars of the Week 1030 News Bank 8110 News 1040 Sammy Kaye Sundirl money Blane Playhouse Movie MerryGo Serenade Kins 31100 News Heudllnaa If 0335 r333 10 Dlnncr Weather Tm The extenswe range TanaQuest County Hour untll Time or new fabrics now on Dial 3244 II gun It It over IIIm its Dreamland Reudez sporcs IVIONDAYM my News am on II II News minim display in our Spring array of draperies ecupled r1110 Count Hour until Cookan School Brondcast News 815 Hits of the Week Saturday Special 900 News 88 Aucuu OMsUOOUIO ens Bulletin Bond in ma SE5 bur hdqa ls UV WGWW 08 335 83 ggtrgmgm gggggg Music mock 30 NW5 The Summst Hour 1Ziiigafilg5cmu sitvirdu Cavalcade Riv mil5 Penthouse peace of Mind 1130 pygmy Motor Memories II News Headlines mum lua 900 Dream Tillie II II II II II 55 31 on 1000 Illiusic and Male 80 News landlines Eve Barrs Flour Mills 730 minim Clock 133 oews Id Clmlm TM mun II II inl 1100 News Headlines etc II in mm pm 855 Sign on IrIll rJa0ox II lama 05 mm lgrlg liallama mm II 915 Chudrens Story Time 1030 Trading Post contdll cc 4444 88 was gig mm mm Wilhwexpert design cind rInoke up will make your windows the envy of the neighborhood 004 no 58808 Factorial Weathu Report News Tlma 81ml Sports Dode News Hemline Early Bird ID men1 Call fur advice and cm slimdte cg 8338 News Tantalum titles 001 60th 83 sunny nun II WI mm 930 Family Favorites ThESIgeSrobleond centmuy matedp $vbm 1933 30 All Years 11113 gwasellmbor l50f et on Mo Ave Wlth This is Show 1155 Name the Place mtageo over 00 hirdu new 1030 NEWS in 1mm Words and Muslc noko sidingls for sole I54 HATFIELDFST PHONE 4311 dreomto see AIdream to drivEthlpIg If pad with airconditioning radio friglights batk1uprligIhtsspot light etc Save dollars IOnilhlsccir I1 3mm 30 1100 Churdh Service from 1200 Luncheon nume 95 InoImdIrrm Week st Andrews Presbv men until lt m0 confciclit null Bandstmd will ChurchI 1210 8110213 Discs nteFeStedea es suNnAy mg Item wkxwom 1200 Echoes 11230 nine sum 124510 for Watkins 00 yum mam 10 Mills tie25 Mullet 301mi an 1323 mm BIIII 1239 in Pro 13 3le WWW 100110111 weekly sailor 120311J3Lm II unvj III 303140ch Imur irllrlivagdem 130 $331 rgmgug bula waging 2300 Sunday 1mm Time School kml alum 3B millsr11 719140 VVI 0I AY thglFm11l3LEELinkrglism5VI lfiI O$E mI PI VIII iI n1 Fllgagtagsigrartkh$a II In gm As You We 30 mm 6mm It 12503 mu 00 News 1151110 Twin mm 30VUBhTLMOI1IM 00 Ave Marts Boil Chapel Chimes Organ Airs 600m 30ID1nngr Muslca 34s Prelude Dinner II First BnptlstChIirch ILQQ church Spruce 1901 an III Ir II II II 15Iw$n$n 5W II I9I9 rlmemail3555 Itlle llled SWEEI Salesbmm is II 12145335131911 WindebSIESj zfIlmuSandorIlieerliailr are matings WW II Wl in Irv crdin ary 501131 an screenwin owsI 0411c new IrevolmowI mmentgmbmm Istom IIM ISIreIInIWMWSI twhnt you wantto saIyII mVhomezllmembudlngsr Instimbns 01459833 Sntlmemal 01 distrl torsof alead makdltombmaiion Windowfwith solidrewrd succcssiu Agata $10118deyoupreterfI II new grbup Cf ch 05 00m in end rd Intruder liamawcather dildo chill need to me In

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