Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1952, p. 11

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EASTER Gifts Discount DICK STEELE Fourth of Eight Articles gliigh Window was given by Ce Mrs dar Grove and Churchill proidea of plaster parls SIild The Celiiurions Servants Macmillan Bafe Maynard Robinsonx adiudicalon Health Unit in Oc proclaimed Cedar Grove of loron At each meeting Mllllitipal Taxation in Ontario By GEORGE JAMES anviile Statesman for assess Next article will detail more about your local assessment and its application APRIL lMrs Broderick spent few days with her father in Ancaster Mrs Geddes and Gwen spent last week in Barrie and attended the funeral of Mrs Geddes Sr Mr and Mrs Gordon Perry of Toronto spent the weekend with the Iatters parents Mr and Mrs Robert Gummerson Arthur Preece who has been working at Sault Ste Marie is home for few days James Batemamis patient in Toronto General Hospital where he underwent an operation We wish him speedy recovery Drama Festival Finish The nals of the Toronto Con ference drama festival were held in the hall here on Thursday and Friday evenings On Thursday Thornhill society put on Com rades in Arms Buddy Answers lAn Ad was presented by St on the building lltffl JTZXYSES Section 33 of the Assessment Act TN smlmmll 30 d9 denes me mks of valuavm bclxclop uhfre two similar value usedhy all assessor venetian cmlhm Wm lmtd in our largest cities or on small and he nut gwd brisk 9st1113 Itrolled would ms as mqu to erect 192 gln the Town of Bola as In the City5 This section provides that landivl Toronto but due to its location which includes any bulldlngsfiuwur rental and sales value the erected on such landl is to be as property would not be as valuablel efgft Th Ff To overcome this assessors use rm we arlous methods to bring the assess somenmesffmlld but 100 Timon value more in line With its vague Phlzsstclliln also states that mm mm 30 of the mmh sessmg land hlll build gods are by allowing depreciation lugs erected thereon Cunililriil101130r lucauun obsolowenctl or by 115 10 be 3W9 to mowmo rm mu rental capitalization elc Whlicl torslocation present use normal obj0mm may be found to any of mal Value Prmll 531 Valuvthcsc methods still if the system 510 any 01 Cllcummnc UN is Applied fairly over the whole me Value lllllllicipalify there will be somel Then when assessing land Vlllldtiltt of equity not only between buildings erected thereon considlproprrfies of the same type or oration is to be given loathe present class but also between different use location cost of replacement types of property normal rental value normal sale The fact that building is old value and any bthm circumstanceidocs not necessarily mean loss affecting the value The amountEin value Residences kept in falrl to be placed for assessment ourstate of repair and in areas which poses on the buildings is to be ihclhave not gone down are worth llll amount by which they increase the most cases many times their orlI value of the land final cost of erection More largcl iold homes lose value because of Ame an their oversize and their present example or 3350mm use as single residences when theirl mght or two brthr5 hoibettcr use would be apartments 3th denmany 311 houses than on account of their age alone In the Clty of Branlford in 1947 One brother purchased $100000 Use Normal Value Year lot in good residential section Present day replacement costs while the other pllrchased $10000 and sales values are possibly vcry lot in poor section The replacc poor guides today in establishing ment cost of either of the housesassossment values For this rea at 1940 values was $6000 ison the majority of assessors take In the good residential area the they 1940 15 119 mg value assessorlwas ustified ill iacin YW 93 Willing Cir 35 the total ngcmn costpof mg scsunent values This ensures that house at $6000 for assessment even if real estate values decline in purposes as the house by reason the fall that $3an 151nm 35 of its location rental value and 50559 0V9 sales value increased the value of In some mUTiClialitiesu 53195 the and by that amount However Values have apprmiated 35 we whue the house on the p00 lot as 3000 over 1940 values while Cost just as much to erect its poor building costs generally have risen location lower rental and sales about 2007 It Will be readily 390 values lessened its actual apprec from 1059 figures that Person iation of the land so the assessor assessed on 1940 Values has was quite justified in placing only mum complaint unless he is in equitably assessed with his neigh bors or other property in the as sessing area The provisions of Section 33 of the Act detailed at the beginning of this article governs the method of making the assessment for all types and classes of property in all parts of Ontario with the excep tion of railwayte1ephone and tele FEW SUGGESTIONS graph properties etc and build China Brooches and ings used in connection with the production 01 storage of minerals Earrings from $135 Mining buildings used for this pur Beswick Animal Figures pose are not assessable as share from 95c of the profits of the mine is paid to the municipalities in lieu there Cornflower Glassware of Hummel Figures from $150 Wooden Sandwich Trays from $450 Floral Groups Denton Coalport 85 Floral China SPECIAL CUPS SAUCERS AT FOR EASTER CALL AND SEE THE WONDERFUII DISPLAY 01 GIFTS fugilahliiiua Sift Shun Cor Collier Baylield Phone 2395 approval of proposed marketingscheme for eggs under aria Farm Products Marketing Act Pauls of Brampton 0n Fridayto an East Presbytery Rural the Win Elf and as Churchill Were the only group to reach the nals with religious play they were punchl efi with lovely picture The lug cal Young People sold candy an pies pop etc both nights for the children scnf to sick and liulln Red Cross Euchre The Red Cross euchre on Mom day night had 16 tables playing lWinncrs were ladies 13 Mrs Reynolds 2nd Mrs Kneeshawlcompetiiion or neemu Filll consolation Mrs Jessop Gents 14 George Beoily 2nd William Andrews low Wilson Luckyl tallies Mrs Harvey Ivan Baill ton Mrs Robinson Jock Robinson Harry Williams WI Annual The annual meeting of the Wom ens Institute was held on March 27 It was decided to purchase book for the library with govern lllenl grant letter was read from National Sanitarium Asso ciation in regard to free Xrays lnr Bond Head on July 22 Members are to express their choice of courses provided by Department of Agriculture at next meeting Thank you cards were read Annual re ports were given by the secretary lreasurcr Mrs Robinson and convcncrs of standing committees also sick and flower treasurer Presldcnt Mrs Willlfim Sutherland expressed appreciation to the ex ccutlvc and all members for their kind cooperation during her term of office hearty vote of ihanlu wzls tendered the retiring presid ent Mrs James Andrews pas president conducted the election of officers which resulted as foll ows Honorary President Mrs Will lam iSutherland President Mrs Edgar Kneeshaw ist vicepresid ent Mrs William Reynolds 2nd vicepresident Mrs Herman Har vcy secretarydreasurer Mrs Charles Brown District Director Mrs William Reynolds assistantl Mrs Charles Brown Branch Dir ectors Mrs Amey Mrs An drews Miss Sawdon Mrs Lisk Librarian Mrs Bradley Sick and flower convener Mrs Kneeshaw Conveners of AgriculI ture and Canadian Industries Mrs Amey Citizenship and Educa tion Mrs Robinson Historical Research Mrs Bradley Homcl Economics and Health Mrs Hl Armstrong Public Relations and Community Welfare Mrs An drews Resolutions Mrs Har vey The retiring president moved round of applause for the new officers and wished all success ful year Roll call was answered by remedy for spring fever Mrs Sutherland introduced and thanked the special speaker Miss Margaret MacLachlan of Barrio who gave splendid talkon the Health Unit of Simcoc County This was very helpful and gave the ladies an idea of the wonder ful work this group are domg social time was scent over cup of tea and lunch W1 Secretarys Report Secretarys report of Bond Head WI showed membership of 26 for 1951 All meetings were held in the Memorial hall Highlights of meetings April Mrs Monk man district president was the speaker and gave demonstration of Lighter Crafts May Mrs Earl Bell Gladys Houghton of New ton Robinson told of her trip to the National Itll Club congressxln Chicago Jane picnic for five schools Was held in the park July Euchre August Readings con tests and music by Paxton child ren Institute afghan was ruffled September Mrs Boyes Gllford provided Grandmother3 program with talkand display October Miss Dorothy Turner Bradford gave travelogue illustrated by colored slides of her trip to West em Canada and South West States November George Stoddart yof Bradford was speaker His topic was The Question of Wills Dew ember Social evening entertained husbands January Mrs Ritchie of Beeton toldof herlrlp catamarans 6139M Walla fine Ontaridjllarmv Products Marketing Board has received petition for the the provISiOns of modal vote by ballot hasbeen arranged so thatthel30ard can determine the opina ionofproducers on this proposal If youare hymn of age or over and have pro woodland sold eggs during 1951 andor arciproducingand selling eggs in l952 you arecligibie to vote Any member of family engagedla the production sale oreggs is engined over bl yeast age but only one member of such afamlly is entitled Agcopy oijthcpropOSed scheme may be obtained front the officers ofyour coun spectaclee 35115385 on April 17 18and10 1952 Polling statibns will LWlllapbearin thispapcr nextweckgy on producerorleggs and who wishes tofvotc ility andto register Withthe returningofticerbolorereievindxe Wot ltdrel Representative is the ChiefsReturning Ofciarloryontolthty nilcs inveach county or District Due notice of the location and me time of voting t3 prplsftrictFederatlonof Agriculture orfrom the office of younAgrlcultural Re VRroducers will have the lopportunity of ballot onthe matXetink 301101119 be established at strategic will neglectfired to detail tarulugomcers will b3appointedforeaclipoulngdiv Sponsored three euchlc parties mann Door prized Ronnie Pilxlsnop in Cooksfmvlt iilrrllasld British Columbia Fr James Bafcznari arit Misc 5Kt on Count fl was answered as do readings music and mg the year colic Salvation Army lag day for the was purchased for Day Halloween party Fruit lflil cards Mar m1 llrllzeflzbrnzicr Fold the the Held foods Had lllf mornings as well commuter room of hall librarians salary Entered Ll course on frown two auction sales oi as Helped lizll work book for library Tull receipts $40547 Cash on hand $4403 haw ST PAULS MARCH Slwlltllu lllLit introduce ourselves We the li call ilngtlp Llilllltv um was purchased for the floor of re preserlla Mr ld 31 ll 5ch Lylif McDonald HT 511 Dalila Hi hlillllfdy 31 nlI ilLDth was held llfilitli litltl 5i rill Sunday Lillll fil l7 Brilflllll lluw illll Silvlldlilg lilo at KriliillVilll illtl vlrs Oliver llnnsolll ilui and fills bismuth Sr Grinn lll ulszlallu Ml and Mi Rzlllmll Green Lantern wrong alllli iii MW Morrison 1c Zlilil Lfllillln and Mrs Morrison Sr 0221 ll Sound lltllr3d friends and people living betwvfll Snood allrliltdillzic lwlc inls wcckund Pilinswick on the 12th llllu ilxlllltill and around SI Pauls Cillllll district and residents Sn if you have news items plmztc plume Wr Tinvllm hope to bring you mum of mHKUH lllcu ll apem the weekend will gumIlls vlz llld Mrs Wal llzfclhlllzllll 312 llill Mrs 31 llzll liall and Stroud 24 ring lIf before Timothy alt1 weep opp Sunduy at noon ouch week Farm Forum llnal Night St Pauls Fflrlll Follllll lluli illfl final meeting of llli Sllliilll ml Friday March 28 iii if llilly be lWtlill Ml llilll Sit Klll Marcellus has grille in BY mumj llSll Lnlllmblll to resume his duties Church Sundm SUM 1mm 11 will road construction crew hav took the form of social owning 113 rpm flu Hnul hull with pictures by Mr Martin andlmmil lit levlew of the history of Farm For inns by Lclmox served by the ladies Mr and Mrs Ewart Icmwff spent the weekend in Toronto offending the celebration of Mr and Mm Charles Cunninghams 45m wedl ding anniversary vlls Percy Moore Midland has Lumh mm been walling her father Fred Hill llllil llll brother Douglas and izlmg lly rt MOOSE FACTORY HISTORIC lllu ollqmal post at Moose Fac tory on James Bay was built by Mrs Amos and Murray were athrnslilllur in 1671 NEW 125 v8 ENGINE New highcams presslon design backed by Fords experience in building more VB ennges than all other makers Lloyd lliclollllll remained llirillL ltpem some weeks in his o=====l hlo=o====xd=o=====ao=o GIVE DETECTIVE DEFENCE FORCE TRAlNlNG TASK llallflllwrl March 23 Staff Spif Dlimlll Hamilton poker has fiwn appallil mi llllhlfl ill IllLflliltl ihc French explorers Rafilsson and 2mm arousal HUM 32hr police department after tour lvf duty With the army Will vmrk dlrwily under the area command er in uniting the volunteer scr isiltrrn transportation officials well as spulaliy trailled Vivllifllxll palm and fllllllln of loaorta mines and other Chiford Drain of vii Drurllie cuniillluflff Todd lrefl ulzi announced film nit ALLflldillg Lo acting Police Cliltf mnarli inwrfnce Deans first job Coats and Suits FOR EASTER Long Coats Shorfies Suits Hundreds to select from very special values for Easter shoppers Many Sample Coats one of kind of away be low regulor selling prices Real Bargains SHORTIE COATS $1495 up SI MM ON CO Sign of the Bear THE COAT STORE lose TCll Its the most exciting Momifs beautiful beyond compare with allmew styling and its way up in power too LPloudlyjr looks its part and paces its necar eld as 1129 most distinctively new and dzemt car to bit fbe Canadian madfar 52 See this new Monarch for yourself Thenjust drive it lYouil ibis new car Take just one glance at that stunningncw hood and grilleat that huge onepiece curved wind shieldat the new rear end treatment Heres advanced design heres new luxury and room inside as well Now you can command the mastpowedld Monarch Vis Enihe Ever builtiaadh its about toilook at to drive its choice of ihrt great drives famous Automatic nosmisSionchverdve run Banal EXAMINER FRIDAY spun at of 609 volunteer Swim The police auxin trained in first as mm fundamental lanes Twelve imam Wm sis Dean in training the pulltf who will also be am an lllf event of civilian km ALL Ian rmxnmolvx Bonk Paomouog=o=o===aouo====aono====oaom No need to look and look again to see the difference in if

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