or LISTENING News of Interest To Junior Farmers By HANCOCK Annual Meeting OriIIia April POST WFRIOAY MARCH28 F9232 mowso 00C CCfcd PLAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF 34 t$ lmtial Weight Fmal wright Cam The executive of North Stuch Junior Farmers Association met in the Barrie oflice of the Ontario Department of Agriculture on Mar l9 to nuke plans for their annual meeting It was dccrdcd to hold the cvmt this year it Orillia District Collcg inte Insulate on Saturday April During the afternoon thy annual election of officers the work of the pay year Will be reviewed and plans will be made Jar I952 Bcsidcs this ah hour will be spent in group discussion of problems afftcting rural young pcoplc Ferd cus will be held The topic Wlli be Parents Obey Your Children with Ray Loug hccd Holly as leader he banquc There will In the school cafc teria at 630 with lion Drury as speaker and dance in the gymnasium following Paul Bertram Brian Jones Joe Mchan and Allan Brown were named as the committee to plan range for the banquet The execu tive of Vascy Junior Farmers willl be in Charge damer farm other items that should be added young people will be welcomc Bcsidcs the above business the the rules andl governing the North executive rcVicwcd regulations Simcoc Junior Farmers Soil Prol jcct and made appropriate changes to apply to the 1952 program Those the second or third year group succcssful yours blllllld him hc of the project will mzrkc classification rating Of the home farm this year rating will be years hcncc and thus measure be required to similar made four or five of progress will be sct up bccf carcasgcs with A5 Allen live Oot Hulls And Barley Crop Womcu knit something to they talk to each other so thcy will have How artificial cah you get have chome the artificial We quite familiar with breeding of cattle hink about while Is correlated wtth carcogs quality and havecccpted the use of cani vas bras for cows down uddcrs but here is new one Last Saturday Bill Clark banty Bay brought an ailingcalf to Barrie and took with broken it home later all fittcdxup with plastic wind pipe the bark of Dr Spearin veterinary surgeon So far the pat lent is making excellent progress Thinking ahead to the pasturej season We realize that choreof fencemending wilLbonerva before the livestock are turth out By having steel disc 352 inches in diameter by 58 inches thick welded to one end Ofa medium weight crowbar most efcient fencing tool may easily be made It provides convenient rammer that will pack soil very tightly and has the added advantage of be ing two tools inione Mel MowdsE Heads OrilIi Calf Club By TED Tom The reorganiza ion meeting of the Orillia 4H Ca Club was held on Thursday event March 20 in the YMCA under direction of Don Harvie club 1e den and Jim Hancock associate Ag Rep The officers elected for 1952 President Mel Mawdsley vice president Jack Langman secre tary Ted Ratcliffe Club literature was distributed and drivcfor new meKESbrps was planned After short dis 9u19rlalzoutolbr$ljlubpm jcts the meeting adjourned The next meeting will be held toward the end of April Conderning Beef Production Marketing Few people realize just how ser ious blow has been dealt the meat produing industry in Ontario by the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Western Canada At le two members of the North imcoe Junior Farmers Livestoclc Feeding Project have figures to show that it has been to profits as far as the ice cancemeti Here is the record for one my bers lot of two steers Tbejfwere aiiir Of Ilrftirdf strSTOf beet type IRE YOU FUllV EUVERF rustnan Amaramini um ddnoeacrjr stccrs and the iced they consumed the details of the program and ar the 1055 is over 5100 p59ngii Days on chd Average pounds gain per day per head Total cost of lccd Feed cost per pound of gin Pounds grain fed per lb gain Expudiinrcs 23 larder 51cc at 33C I3 1860 lbs 623 to T3 94 Total dis Receipts Drcmd cold wmght of carcasses Dressing parentage Gradwllcd Brand PricmSid pct CW1 The two stews were llldliichtl at Ccpaco on March 19 The prich is cqual to 27c allV lorunzm lilllclbs $43 555330 Coat $6377 Scliing prtct 581130 Illl 54 Lo $10622 in 1055 Counting only cult of the labor intcr invested housing rucking costs arct LSt on charges capital and These were good stccrs skilfully lcd and cared for that made cffi cicnt gains yet with the dropping of beef prices the his was Sub staiitial To the producer who has schral Llfcc is not so damaging It is cvcrc blow to the young turmcr who is just making start Last Saturday number of Norah Stmcoc Junior Farmch gathered Copacu to go over number of Stock and livestock products gradj LI and to lcurn about the ru grading of bccf Mr Alicn was ablc to Show how closcly bccf typc as looked for in livestock judging Following the demonstrations the Juniors spent halfhour studying the records of those who havc al ready marketed project livestock $1 WV Iv TO ATTRACT STUDENTS to the Summer School of Indian Archaeology which will be held this year in the vicinity of Penetanguishene and St Louis Tay Township Professor Wiifrid Jury of University of Western Ontario had an ex hibit placed in Lawson Memorial Library London Here lrary pictures will be held on Fri Qdaj April at 230 pm in the Library Hall The swimming program has met with an enthusiastic response and now underway If You arc in tercstcd in learning to swim or jto improve your stroke here lyour Opportunity If you havc not already registered call Miss Louise Culley 5304 for information There need for helpers for Locker Room duty If you are We are very fortunate in having Wining give few hours Of Your ia Recreation Committee which is slime help 01 This phase Iabve to the needs and desires of 93 Miss C0119 rthc people of Barrie It was they lwho first promoted the Figure lSkatlng classes and they have sup ported this project in every way since its beginning in February 1951 until the moment him introduce to you the independent Barrie Skating Club Thank you Barrie Skating Club and may we extend to you every swimmmg mgrm Practically everything that could be said about the Barrie Skating Club Ice Carnival has al ready been said but we 9er part of the addreg of welcome made at the event by the President Harris Redmond did bear repeating and we quote 15 Summer Playgrounds Plans for the Summer Play Dalton Nesbitt will again super ivizc the program and we have lappointed twelve leaders locihe iindividual playgrounds and swim lming program limes Nancy iCanxeron Ann Baker Patricia vu lTomlinson Jean SamScl Jean El RONHARDY Command 30 i0 01 ueksuf irick Leslie Harris Elizabeth Wild lOfficcr 102 Squadron announces gcg 9f3ur nw renal ea lman and Mary Lou Johns and rrveinsponsors zzL it the Tumor Chamber of Commerce Ismu again have oppqrmmly to 5333313335 JoBrilimitiiinm the Q9 ponsormg body is Barrie see your skaters in carnival mood Lodge dyarUrdcrofMObsc Hardys announcement includes news that the Squadron will nowlthIE eglgslagingrrzgglgnsogug ve weeks ZMOOSE Squadron lvided for the leaders The be kW 33 10 gt Library program which take place 11 be Barrie 230 md in me Library Han stmctors or is coume wi The revolt showing Twas p0tivm Law games Morley HBOVFMENTS NOTED lponed 2mm last week to makelllvmgsmn mums 05 deemedunpmvement aslroom for the Hobby Show We evident in the Rainy River district hope many of you saw this exl musrcal festival as compared wrth bibition of the work of our junior to hesbm former Willsb1111 1mfvemigt citizens The articles shown were W315 Baltic 30 lcea in of reat variet and executedl choral reading competitions Which witho skill and lie feel that this If Cmslfgilgt can become one Of the IOVEHQStand prbiect sponsored and carried outigomt to if childgnnm most interestmgieatures by the mans Club of Barrie de 1311 Romp further ews F01I Frances Loni Times serves the high commendation by which it received from all visit The Prairie Lily flamm g4 oranlse on We were happy to surrender as it waves amid the graslands is our time to you the flower symbol of Saskatoneval PRISON CAMP ocrcor violence at prison compound on Koje Islandyin jKorea administern ed by South Koreans captain Season INDIAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN HURONIA Ruscmaric Birrell of London examines group of picturcs showing work done near Midland in put two years Largc frame contains portrait of For Ste Marie as it was 30 years ago By Artist Paul Buchanan duplicate is to be maul for Hurouia House Midland watmi Undisputed Queen of her Domain Mildred Dilling has further grounds are now being formulated Bu THE CHURCH IN RUSA Ii JOHN OKAY MORRIS mks ago in London found the 60 Orthch cor Moscow and 20000 uu The a2udcd largely 2921 and yours pea ctidpztcc on the feast ICommrc Canada 58 friction is forbiddcn bu may be car or in the is bcing done are lull in Ell3 the priesthood Thc occurring more importl king ability of the the greater educa The churches are not free to work against the ntw system of the Soviets nor to have any thing to do with education They 011mm particular in the ecumenical movement as upro stied by the World Council Churches But they are free to believe and practme the doc trines of the Christian life in sofar 15 these do not transgress the seldctcrmincd jurisdiction of the state Personally vc choizld say that such ch ch is no really free acknowledge the real of independence the var Ecus sects and groups do pocccx Dr Endicott Writes The other piece of information comes via letter received by the pastor of Trinity United Church Tom from James Endicozt hioncr of his and former miu ismr and missionary of the Unit cd Church of Canada Dr Endicott it Ruxcia and writes as lollows rucc LeaderJlnmmg Course Art innovation this year the raining course prom iu Molly iBrown tstory telling and dramalzf and Miss Louise Culley andDaly program planninth iThe swimming instructors will re ceive spcial training provided 195152 at the RoXy Theatre Thursday April 24 Emoved theharp from the drawgurgroom and the fringes of the orchestra to the center of the concert stage and won it Twelve North Korean prisoners place of importance as solo instrument The next showing of Film no of war were killed and more thahi Musicianship determination and personal charm have acV score woundedrrinianmoutburst of limrpisi and teacliri Her Paris debut was an instantaneous 0f the US army Said he had t1ledlsuccessraud she was immediately engaged for concerts frantically to stop South Korean security soldiers from ring on the Communist prisoners after rock throwingght broke out betwecn Red fanatics and other prisonersqi While the Communist and anti Communist prisonels weregbting among themselves South Korean Eachyear Sher tours North America playing as mam iasS throughout the Continent andBritish Isles phony orchestras Shexhs playedin every state in the union soldiers and guards opened rc engagementslm single sermonNational radio hookups have onthe uremia the stockade against orders the US captain Some Of the prisoners Communism few Lava umatw man the outbreak by taunting decom munist diebards and waving Re blic of Korea flags Royal Victoria Hospitalle 107 Damon we 01m Thisis my gift or to help equip andfurnish our new on the Royal Victoria Hospital so that the sick and injured may beyproperly cared for understand Mr A1 McCallroll Chairmaniof the Ways and moans Committee willSeud me an olficial receipt for income gummum Tvm Pleaseth Addrcss had renounced dayprevious the earShewas starred in Adventures 111 Musxc motion china Matilwnhxonr one 1y arid were saidto have started picture of famous concert artists foreign tourshaye carried Miss Dining to Cuba Mexican featurcd her extensively and tho ncwmediumcf televisiOn soondiscovcred thatshe was pleasing to the eye aswclltas to lCentral laud South America and Hawlii Sine the war she gto appear as guestartist Hers was thenrst harp recnat ever televised by the and she was theftrst harp soloist to broadcast in Ireland the land of the harp Duringthe spring Central AmeriCa and Europe Inadditiou to her fame as musician Dining has other ammonium She has probabll the worlds nest nonction Ofharpsland of books and Otherobjects pertaining instrument She is the author of two bStselling ml for harpists OldTunes for NWyHarpistsl Eittjg sne has given sovenmvitatiou intercom comm llLDRED BILLINwaorldfamous harpist will be the third iand final artist on the Barrie Conmiunity Concert series for mg studied in Paris under Homicide Reine the great French Similar successgreeted her return to America llci New Yorkrecitals are standard evcnts on the music calendar Sh has appeared as soloist with mauyfoi Americas leading sym and summer Of 1950 Miss Dining made return tours of both thought of you frequently today because was invited to preach in the Baptist Church here and it was an experience you would have enjoyed The average attendance is about which listhechurcbl hey did not have time to ad vertise my coming sumo did not get in touch with them till Friday evening and none knew would preach The crowd was not on account of guest speak er The church can only seat 200 the rest stand through twohour service This is not unusual in the Russian chmb es They are planmn next year tobuild another church since they have taken in by adult baptism since 1950 about 450 members lighowlhey can sing It was really like great congmga itional choir At the close of my scrnion they Sing Mighty had been in Trinity you would haveheard it down to Spa We should like veryhiucb to know just what Jimmy Eudicdt preached about but it is entiourag ing to know that Gods word isi tic land and that the Spirit is motint among the church opinion Lewis Milligan whose column appear occasionally in The ExamE iner and who certainly is no FPO gressive ends along pamphlet iwith this paragraph hasxesuined her annual summer tour Enr0pe The BBC and other foreign radio networks have freQuently invited being proclaiirncd that humanis 119 manic Examiner lL mix 13 it hard Human pcuplc in split um Jud teaching in SWIM party leaders about what nous survivals article appear t1lluf mpllES 103 rs zuzx readers on Ivadcl says be 1111 how elderly and perform force of habii Lumvrd JEHK cduca KJAllitlll Bui mg We have xzdual boys rowri up and lkc all our in hare relig believe to believe in go more be erigiun tannot be Destroyed Ni inc cdztors reply Lllttf children Jr unrated tmszr thoroughly m5 very clearly iririot be hr function as we are con And it you of practice and iakc its place our cxistcncc when you dcv final result of of human exper duvouuri that which always distorted and often largely 15 so to speak the beginning 15 of down story out of whom went posxibly some curdl belief But nothing place and presently arc chLn cvzl thmgs back in the womans soul Let us rtior llc soul of the Russian pccplc and for the people thcm selves For it the churches there scumtol recover their lead Some cry wrong religions may be ncuuazed in that vast and pro roundly spiritual laud Principal Speaker HON DR MacKINNONPmL UPS Owen Sound outario Min ister of Health will be the prin cipal speaker at the Huronia His toric Sites and Tourist Am tion annual meeting today Ano tiier importath guest will be Dr Sherwood Fox Universityiof West ern Ontario Few aspects of waste in govern ment are so frequently criticized as that incurred in public relations operations This is partly becauaoe few types Of wasteful spending by government have so little to be said in their favor Cochranc tom Northland Post cohipilieid this team nativecf the Hoosrer State MISS DruA 01 Wrrmii