Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1952, p. 8

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Italn their fricndw Incw lorm of drama winch to manyi tin reality hcr conscicncc and ima first in rccmvc crcat lhc other mm mm 1003 NYLON DRESS THATS SMART FLAT Tsihito BUDGETRIGHT 100 Nylon Permanently Plentcd Guaranteed Color Fast and Wash blc Sizes to 11 in various color cd prints $1598 HALFSIZES OVERSIZES IN DRESSES lit our shop if MEASUREMENTS Special Measurement Scr vlcc available for your con venience specialty lean Christie 143 ELIZABETH ST PliONE 5450 justly by his dying rclativc Rus WAVERLET weekend with Mr and In Miss Ruby Edwards spent MARCH 24mm to report Abel mam our night Rev Burton will Ry Nowmtcpnng is on and pedestrian my use the struts Withourviceintluhglimn melting snow forms mum with lmpwuty and not face the Church on My April is out practically every xtreetrmow drowning every tune car goes MARCH Miami Nixon Owenrwwgmd with um ti um m3 has ltruuxapatlcnttnSt Andrews awmbMusmmmmmmmm Camp on Sound spent the weekend at hiriCuny Wygbdxe Mallow nimm iniimmm mm rhlm recovery land spent the weekend with Mr mm on tdm Wm mm emlml Mo on Miss Emmclinc Edwards Mid yew my Mt my and Manic wards 6111138 April Mr and En Floyd Valenuneschool on Thursday under the llll Jones Kori Plowman Barrie taunted Mr he WI me Lame Morris and Mr and No leadrm MISS Mum COUCY Robinsons Wednesday atternomlble Sheir visited lriends here on name Iand My Ham RurnncySunda Apm is me annual bminmgsmday ML and MM Elba Brown SWM By MOIBA GROAT HOW Lamditzi meeting and the roll call is Payl Rev Se Midland was mm Ia few days in Toronto Open Batista SERMONS AND PRAYKRS 0F gtlicl stun vzsiled Mr and Mr Earipgmmds Sunday wur he umwm irter at the Lenten service held mi On Friday afternoon the nu Mr and Mrs Verne Todd and Wed Church We on Tues luv AN Exams WANT ldcnts had the pleasure or hearingzramily visich Mr 2m Mm Ca 53 WI Perfmmid in lhtfldrau Victoria Harbour Sunth BRENTWOOD Canadian Artists 56th program Mrs Rszld FrtllCh and Jamm in the evening Herman GvisvrlElimulc Visucri Mr and Mrs bluri MARC QGWMS Nwhm II High Street Phone 5046 Tonal introduced by Mr Fisher imiwaplofv mew ric spent the wcckend with Mruand onplaincd the history of thc ptflll Mm GM Robmson and MARS Goorcc Schell to us During the Renaissance pct51111 Damn Tmonm 5mm my Mrs Florcncc Wright Mr and of ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED iod Opera was exclusively for those MIL Harold Wright and Billy off gill noble birth Thu nobility callcd mm rhc mi uumk is Rum Orllliu spent Sunday With Mr and BLACKSMITHING ALEX CLELANI WELDING Proprietor PETER MARSHALL Get Your Copy new for Special Easter Beading $250 Per Copy the opera pcrtormcrg in to llltfl Mrs Gerald Trucu PM dud uthl in mi BIN lit mmmiwgwwm Weaymouths Bookstor so Elizabeth St Phone 4055 rcsts lrcscntcd mud app mum lht Giorgian llay dlSlllCl charm Selling llllLKIC until all mm piorulup tlcSEs trt presentcd to drama togcthcr ihc tclliug of 11 used mm ommutcrs hub Montreal SomcI 40000 people enter and leave Mont uur munmc FtiIlOl rugby squad on Eh defy by commmw mm lml sMouday IllUlllIllg by Gcorgc Storcyj SUUIh African farming Kin3 13m The first nclcction picscntru i$itmzt was tempuc for many of V310 hm 500 by 101 man 300 Thc Curse of lhu Devil In thisluw ramp and 1m gm gimp mgrr per cent in the last ten years the Dcvxl Jam us In llir club Mr Ncsbitt introg Hubcst dumns Margaret Mary duccd iiulgt and m1ch out the Morrison Who has come It lhcluumcs of thc players as thcy vcrc church and is kncclmg undcr ii1pinlpd with zluir crests Thu CIOSS TIlL DCVII Utllilld Iltl IS curvilier AIIIIQL Salim her thrilling cpismlc wmwm BEAT THIS IF YOU CAN NOWFALL UNDER ONE ROOF MONARCH REFRIGERATION CO Factory Authorized Sales and Service VUS IHIWUUW Millgmlllk illlllilt Jilllimcmucrs of thc tcum llk Bud Rubcs Erinst Adams and Andruw Nubia luul llurysuik John Lacking MacMiIlau pitStlllcd the curse ofer Ikin2 Ron hristlc Jimi the oldicr who Comcs liomc lromlnnnrly Lmn Garrick David Fridj ward to find his sister has lUVOllrucc Allims Bill Elmn Clami and after ducl with him curscsljomw Don VIIL Jim Auntnu hcr bcforc hc dics IJolm llmipcrs Doug Stcwart Iiylcl love rcndczvom trum lagliacci liulivr Bill Crooks and DUIIKI was displuycd by Mary Morrisonllitllki and Ernest Adams Ernest Adams Congrallilalltm 10 11 U195 45 1150 playut um mic or the con who hclpt makc last all vcry ccitcd cgotistic male who is mak Cllmml ing date for rcndczvotm in the Enjoy Spring garden with hil servant tManz GillI Sonic of the social functions nacl from the Marriage of Figaro which will IltII make our spring As the majority of Operas have itlm WON enjoyable To Glild dcath scene in thcm the afternoon Uillitm Dilth Stllkdllltd for May would not have bccn complete without onc Erncst Adams is be ing told how to rulc wisely and offer and thc cudcl inspection on May IS gt sian Czar played by Jan Ruch The full score was prcscntcd in the 19m century and then produced again by RimskiKorsakof The words of the songs were In Russian dialect The last scene of the La ioncd method lraviata prcscntcd all thc pcrform crs doing death scene in small village house This death was not causcd by unnatural causes but was natural passing into the great beyond This samc scene was rcactcd only using thcoIdlash which received hearty applause from the students We sincerely thank these perform er and Mr Fisher for making such an enjoyable afternoon possible ELECTRICAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES IN AMERICA TODAY You CAN HAVE THE BEST No EXTRA COST 13 with oliic gm as this THERE Is NOREASON To SETTLEFOR ORDINARY MERCHANDISE can FIRST WE GAVEYOLI pl Now WEANNOUNCE In Keeping with OUr Policy of Top Quality with ridotIuiWE luv bun qucicd as 0th oxclmivo rgpvmnlhilvo of tho REFRIGERATORS and RANGES Manufactured byADDISON INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS who have in approximately six years ADVANC SERVICE in this community Through our nationwide connections 040 Iron ED TO TOP PLACE IN THE APPLIANCE IN DUSTRY 5295 Befirsl with the most tifulbloaaomr and fresh crisp aalnda had buy to droopy store faded flower ndvegetables Put the storu roiita in ourown pocket Rules to neigh ours wil pay for ynur Falcon Greenhouse All parts and glass are cut to size for art may nanomny just follow the simple plans Positively no extras to buy It will pay you to write today orrcc Irfcr alurc and drtail special efcrrcd pay meal plan FALCON EQUIPMENT co not 33 loylon Ave Toronto I3 Dopl BEG umcucxcccum WE SERVICE ALL MAKES Omtorical Winncro The winncrsv of the junior ora torical cdntcst were 13 Pat Rat cljffc 2nd Edna Harris 3rd Helen Pattendcn 4th Louise Delaney Thc boys were Ist David Bcdard 2nd mm Terry 3rd Eric Wigg 4th Michael Lewis The judges for this contest vcrc Miss Mar garet Sinclair Rev James Tcrgu son and Harold Cusdcn chcr Smith was also judge with Miss McDougall and Rev de Pcncicr Wright Rev Bcwcll was timckccpcr for both contests Ed Norman was in charge of thoseicontests and the prizes for the junior division were awarded by Stephenson president of the Lions Both the snior and junior contests were sponsored by the Lions Club who donated $60 in prizes to our students The school is very grateful for their active and generousintcrcst in this pro jcct 0203031930 109 29 2929293332 tho facilitio for handling tunnel tron Shooting News any pomt III Amoncn In the DCRA competition rcccntv Iy three boys tied for top score Jack Garner Tom Brownley and Clarke Seymour each scored 93 In the RMC also just completed Ken OConnor Was high scorer 9OZOIOIOZOOKIZMQIZOZOZOiOZOiOlOZOZO30320330302010 939 ow 62 VHSAc germ THE EXAMINER FOR ramrruoaruouu 2414 v1 in town mun TDP Save dollarszmd drive the smartest car TRIfcltucTRUEKSIuSTOCK with 95 Exams This next Wednesday we will all begin writing our Easter examin ms HOMIlK FUNERAL OM 109 WORSUY IAPMRION PHONE 553 0130102 oIL BURNER PRovEN CANADAfs CHOIcE outranking all other Oil Burner Sales at the ratio of 74051 iifEAiSYVWASHERS ore eqioyinglhcj GEST DOLLARVOLUME or washer busi ness in America Today 01100 FROM ANY ONE OF THEFOUR MODELS AVAIL ABLE TODAY The WorldsFincst Fastest Washing Action FINESTbEzmusweEusysisirataior is 56 intisftho Ouch yet the must gentle washing actionknownFASTEST became with Easvyonoan Wash ablg 9pouml load all at onel aintosta third more thanother washers SEE THIS OUTSTANDING WASHERilJODAY gt To THIS WE ADDED NAM Onlyl9i000MileslTruly ACar You W9ud399r0udlioowuv trams 50 195 The choiceuricMJIImnBuyers 1949130DGESED 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN TKEFRIQERMo 1943 CHEVROLETSEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET COACH CASHnsr was some mmst Y0$TRADEIN659 1933 Roan couch so slur 1935 FORD COACH 1939 CHEVROLET omen 1950 oilIO le TON hickUP and conundrum swamp

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