Awawd UQI wswwamma cuss in it wwmmnmumm At Crown Hill WI mm grew lurch of in ftlu Call obourz tileaten ll at was amwlswhw and Professional Wo tit mo and white mens Club addressed the mow Rug Display Outline of WOtlfK Saturday met an exteuuve trip by Roll call at the March muting rail and air to California Crown Hill was followed by 3nd British Colum sum when land Club with the challenge 30 5W with the very ow Anatolian held youre going to be tutor As too The tunnel andtthls might face any eligible wol vim lovely will whiteman in Slmcoc County from hcrcl Ind teem condlclcks on we bring out some of the points with bouquets of whttcilufru Pcwtrcss made as reported noon calnations and pussytin The Free Press litmid it The tea was well at ma receiving the guests more easily remembered Tho who became ill on Friday my members who gathered at $23 QMamh ame Armand we lRoy Goughs listenoddo la lettezz Eidmmed t0 Royal Victoria Km Ir lregardlng the district conference at Etal has returned to his apartment gbdgar Monday April The topic gat the county buudlnz gwlll be Thcy Call it Human Na Tint women lirenow eligible for THE REV SDWBY MA lure Before the business conclud gt Rt ELcwic Mrs cllurt duly amurdlllk lo the WWW DD principal of Upper Canadalcd Red Cross kitswere given to prism meme the 16m magma Ernest Miller county Wager ewtm Wkkm 1M WA and mem lllrw md rm by College Toronto whowill be the cunvassors for the area Fame pouring lealprmmcm 08130 35 33313V353ncxt speaker at the Barrio Wom Mrs Carl Dmr lntroducod Miss the afternoon were Mrs Illexplmnm by ens Cnnadluu Club meeting iniluisc Come and Mrs Dawwn 01 mm Black Mrsjrcfelrcd to the acteptcd proboblc no and Mm Jem origin of jury service as datini 1mm of ma arrangemems back to chry 111 in England when we Charles Keane amithc basic principle of British foil wanerwonh Mrslpllly standing for the rights of GeorgeKenncdy in Charge onmcn on the strcet to be tried by me home baking table gmcn of the street came into blui lug The Spring Arches in Barrio have no bad any Women on mu The various types of Jury Plilltli In although they are eligiblelthclr function and the manner in 10 that duh as of this yeah Relwhlch members are Selected wenf any Mm Margery pewress Ohulso descrlbcd by tho spcakvr Dealing with the qualifications ltlljrnllltrllld milllrslluldvlftrdsl CHILDREN COULD illl$$dhflf $337338 udgcs conmnblcs mlnistc gpriesls newspaper pClSOllllCl Vllfll inlen tvlth small children persons Thalesscntial need of interestingtw Wars actlvo serl children in the study of owers so Vi pkllsolnm Mum xpllins up will have greater up Why most Juries un composcd of predation of nature gins when farmers mid laborers instead of older was stressed at representing blow completu recem meeting of vesan Harm crosssectlon of Cltlzcns cultural Society when considera jury is factfinding body shc stressed Mrs Pcwttess urged the Toronto horticultural convcn ELl Mr Hobbs of Stlatford 10 he Library liull Tuesday llllrsrchgmc gimme Quilt and Rug Fall 33 50 Wing Calm abilllllColnmitteo who outlined the work lVU Vcals ago Dr bowby hasgor the group and displayed quilt spoken to ll numbvr of Conadianmd rug patterns plumes were Clubs and is reported to be an in uLso shown of completed articlesl lllillb mug Weak mude from these patterns Lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs Emerson Creedi lwswlm Weds Maly Hobbs AT Eaton Memorial lCOOKERY COURSE Timothy lluton Memorial Chur 22 23 Toronto was the scene of pretty wedding on Saturday March 22 Gmord womens 11511th am to riugc with Emctsim Russell Crecdloclock Everyone is welcome London son of Mr and Mrs Wilton llhls was announcod at the March Creed Barrio Rev Dr Andrew meeting at Mrs ll Kclls Roll Lawson performed the ceremony lcall was anwcrcd on this occasion at 330 oclock lwith an Irish joke and the motto liven in marriage by her broth was They Who am kmde 83 The cookery glass will lhc bride chose an original gown be held at Mrs Nelllys of French guipulc laccond nylon Mrs Hughes gured if her listeners to accept jury duty if wccds tion It was felt that the youngsters mould be taught the importance of the conservation of wild flowers and how to protect them for future generations The meeting listened to on in Outlining the duties of juror structlve report on the Toronto shc asserted that jurors must convention by their dblegatcs Mrs listen Complchcnd and remem Jenkins and Mrs Walter Dow her They must concentlatc must nay in addition to the infornla analyze the testimony reduce the tion which was relaychhrough fluff and glncy to truth and ap vggsawo representatives many new ply the facts intelligently were put forward An inter wing feature was the report by Mrs lcwtrcss suggested to the Carrqn on emcee mp to prospective JlllOlS before her that Holland famed for the beauty and my WP and 99 number of we owers principally help them remember the facts tulips grown there Slides of both wild and cultivated flowers were they are called Women claim the right to be tried by jury share in the administration of than was given to report from justice she maintained Never once at all the passions have attended she claimed Keith have sun ll man even takc the radio personal note How he can expcot to re ity spoke on hybrid Vegetables member all the facts of the case while Helmsle de artment ofilarlds and forestaygavepo com mm lmaglm nican on birds andthclr habits with the use of slides Convenharl delegatecalso listen ed to his imi ions of their calls men jurors In fact many judges One of er speakers favor them as cur01s claiming they Martino discuxsed the problcm of are not swayed by emotion as might be cxpcctcd They have All lawlesling competition was found them to be intelligent she lbptln which eight girls were each continued competent accurate gisenbaskey containing equal and best of all they are more numbers of greens and owers patient with the detail involved Trice were later awarded for the than are the men couleamnts arrangements of the contents of the baskets ww Julius LEAP YEAR whldahln WAS RESPONSIBLE trig should take place emphasizing thutlgardeners should study shrubl FOR EXTRA RLOOM WW and become WWW noll Mrs Emerson Graham of ers 109 Penettulg street has APPWleaflY 700 leges large Christmas cactus which present for the banaluet 81 had its usual cm of bloo John Diefenbaker MP for th Yuletide seagull Lille CFnlIE Saskatchewan was lor the rst time and very mam speaker The assembly rare for that species the plant entertained to musical pro is now again lm in bloom gram byt Bordens Gold Medal with 100 owers fully out and more buds to comer The original plant is 43 years old and belongedmt first to Mr and Mrp CharlesGraham Experts in the United Stutos according to MrsPewtress have cxprcssedt satisfaction with Wo thclefore they should bear their tulle The slim bodice featured lbwcetllcart neckline and long skirt of layers oftulle ovcl crisp taffeta swept into full circular tmin Her appliqucd veil was fought to cap of matching lace bud she carried it spray of white iorchids Mrs Cllmpeau Jr of Riverside was the matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Mrs Hobbs Stratford Miss JKeclcr Kitchener Miss Ruth Armstrong and MissL Mary Wels ford Toronto The nttendants dressos were of sunset orchid tulle ovcl taffeta with bouffant skirts strapless bodiccs and tulle stoles and they carried sprays of orchids Mr George Rooke of Welland attended the gloom and the ush ClS were Messrs Paul Sims Barrie lW Chcesman Burlington ll lSmith St Catherines and DIP Mitchcll Toronto The wedding music was played by Mr Atkinson and Mr Arthur Plum stcad was the soloist blue late and tulle over pink taf feta with pink accessotles and the grooms was in aqua crepe with muuvc acccsSories Outof town guests were Mr Arthur Pow ell Mr and Mrs Brown Mrs Hopiy Sims Mr and Mrs Harry Rookc Mr and MlSJ McCaw Miss Kclls Mr and Mrs le vener Mrs Hughe enroll of Barrie For wedding trip to United loses and white hyacinth petals On their return the bride and groom will take up resldcnce in London Court Methods Explained lo Estevan needs more houses Mym am Do an lThose interested in the progress of roe PM klwthe hair the town almost blanch when they tramsBER LABORATORJES think of the situation that would 319 GIAWJLLE 5T result should all bejfound any vaucouvm BCh where in the immediate vicinity Estevan Sask Mercury lllcccgoocoooouooouooocuoug d3 lmmwmmomummowmmw Soroptlmisr Club Speaking on Canadas judicial system at the monthly dinner meeting of the Soroptlmlst Club of Barrie at the Community House on March 13 Magistrate KA Cam eron clearly outlined the notibnal court system Drawing on the benefit of his own knowledge of the subjectMr= Cameron interestingly bmtraycd the procedure of the numerous division courts the basis of the stem right through the magis trates courts which handle more cosesthan all the others together to the Supreme Court of Canada which bears appeals fromall the provinces The speaker was introduced by Miss Jealt Knight and was thank ed by Mrs Beatrlce Lucas The president MlssGladysFell was ill the chair The club alsowelcomed new member Mrs Irma Hamilton per sonnel manager of Zellers Limit ed storellcre who Was introduc cd by Mrs Iluch Wallace andln stalled as lmcmbet by Miss Kay webb MistKulgltt showed most luv terestlng colored movie of at trip by motorboaton the Rldcau canal talcum Ottawa At the and attcnd the conference of the branches at Guelph on April 28 29 sheath sleeves The full gathered land 30 All WSCYVllOnS have t0 The brides mother wore navy be in by April 15 After the reading of reports Mrs Hughes badge convcncr pre sented the members with their badges Mrs Griffiths receiv ed the past presidents pin from Mrs Roll the new president who in turn received the English pm Members agreed to holdmeet ings alternately in the evening and afternoon during the new term The following officers wcr elect edr President Mrs Bell 151 vicepresident Mrs Cdnnoht 2nd vicesprcsidcnt Mrs Stovold secretary Mrs Kell treasurer Mrs Kell district directqrMrs Cannom pianist Misf Nellly card committee Mrs Hui old Matthews and Mrs ELDalc auditors Misses Margaret and Ethel Todd agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Ruth cs lmd Mrs Knecshatv Cltlzef shipand Education Mrs Kell Historical Research and Current Events Mrs Boycs um lEconomics and Health Miss Al Icon Gardener and Mls that thowsl Publlc Relations and Com munlty Activities Mrs Dates and Mrs StOvold Rcsolutiohs Mrs Shelman Todd Outings coli vencr Mrs Hughes Budgc coli discussion took place regard ing prizes for the flftheuchrc in States points the bride donned the series and there will be first navy blue suit with red accessories and second grand prize Mrs and corsuge of red HappinesslGraham ls convener in charge of llunch committee in connection with this There will be no April meeting due to the cooking course Cundles Hold ShamrockgMeerlngjTHIRTY YEARS Wllll lrlsh Flavor Seventeen members and three guestsattended the regular monthsi 1y meeting irLMrs Vern Walls homeyof Cundles WI Mrs Andrew Cumming presided and follovvlng roll call and thetransaction of bus bless modeled afternotm was 01s ganized by theconvener The entertainment of all Irish flavor in deference to St Patricks Day included musical selections op the piano by one of the guests Mrs Orval Dobsoll who also led sing song Mrs Lorne Orser conducted story was read by Mrs Kerr Millet party tea was served with Mrir Miller Mrs Hubbart Mrs Douglgs Ferris and Mrs Orser as hostesses GO NORTxfiGALS With 1952 being Leap Year the North seems to be the logical place for women to looklor their melt Eor in the NorhtWeStelll Quebcc ureaan outnuhtbfwomen Ro yniNorqbd 60 gflithe cues pro drawinzilhelr below 952 when Mary Elizabeth Hobbs hold short course in Lets Cookl uughtcr of Mrs Agatha Scottllt Right during the afternoonsofl Hobbs Toronto was united in mur April 2i 22 and 23 from 130 to Miss DILYS moms formerly of or tltwa Mlnto Club was one of Toronto Skat carnival last Migssionary Society Criticize Ways of Present Worship The contrast between the meth at all times to coopcrate in any tschemc which would benefit the community Fortunately they were not travelling too far from their old home and it was hoped that the tics of friendship would continue to bind them all as closely together in the future as they had done in the 0d of worship today and that inlpst They uretaking up llesidence ancient times was discussed by Mrs Hughes at the March meeting of Gilford WMS held at Mrs Neillys Thirteen mem int Tollendul near Barrie Mr Nichol and his wife were presented with an electric table lamp and sum of money while bers and one guest were presentNmman was given an electric to llstenllo the reading by Mrs mlam clock Bayes from the sixth chapter of Ephesians on the armor of God This was followed with illustra tions and an explanation of the breastplate of St Patrick Mrs Hughes spoke on tithing an act of worship used in the year 21 BC itiBabylon Today the speakl ler said we were merely tipping God as was revealed by incomel tux statistics The friendshiplsecrctary lchlll and four books had been read Mrs Sawyer and Mrs GelVin Sawyer tookApalt in the worship service letter from Miss Laura Steeletelling of the position of womenln the Sudan Africa was read delightful piano solo by Helen Nestlitt was followed by sumptuous supper served by the hootesses GWILLIMl FAMILY DEPARTTAFTER Frhmds and neighbors from Gib ford and the Hollows gathered tow gethellrecentlylto mark the go ing from theidistrict ofTMr and Mrs Herbert Nichol and their son Norman with the presentation of bumberlof gifts The family have lived on the 13th concession of West Gwillimbiuy for theorist 30 years In parting speech which was drawn up on behalf of the people oftheareigh borhood testimony was made t6 the respect with which the Nichols were held and to their willingness shamrock contest and humorous iChurch Building Roll call was answered by using theword garment ina verse ofl Sclipture Mrs Walford Neilly Mrs Baker The presentation thich was fol lowed by social evening took lplace in Gilford Community Halllm0nth ago at which time Mcgls lHarold Nichol and his wife and re Plate Gammon reserved Judgment llations travelled frBYniTorotofotn Order to give thorough studyl the occasion as did Mr and Mrs Of the Wm 01 13 W0le Ernie Cook and Doan of Weston lag belt united WA IDonate $1010 Fund ed one hospital and ll home culls bod been made during the month At thou meeting in Egbert Un SATURDAY MARCH 23 More signs of spring at thelmar kct on Saturday uerehambmde baskets of various kinds shown by Leorlard Shilling of Rama vilorge snapdragons and stock of l$l50 and $1 doz fresh lea let ltucc four bunches for 25 No maple syrup was to be seen tFrexh Lake Simcoc Whitesh sold at various prices Eggs were still leader in sales and slightly lower in price with range from pullets at 35c to extra large at 45c dumb nice assortment of homebaked pies cookies date squares glans gdoughnuts and some East hoc lolatedipped eggs at so Choice McIntosh were 165m Sweets Peewaukees and No Spys were 50c basket Potsdam were inclined to rise lug Club stars wholassisted in Barrie ice somewhat with we 75c 38de gdaintles included brood sakes Friday night Monday Closing Bylaw vin Orillia May Not Be Valid ORlLLlA The possibility that Ortllias Mondayclosing bylaw for grocers butchers and fruiters is not valid was brought to the fore by the nding of Magistrate Cameron in court when he dis missed charge of violating the Ibylaw which had been laid against tCharles Butter grocer The case was heard about Alex Forbes acting for dC cused attacked the bylaw on tho grounds that proceedings betore Town Council which led up to its ladoption had been irregular and lthai the petition askingfor adop tion of the bylaw had been mu sufficcnlly signed In delivering his judgment March 13 Magistrate Cameron said that ited Church last Wednesday the beyond question Mr Rutter Was WA sent 2i donation of $10 to theta grocer and that he had sold lUnlted Church Training School bullding fund Mrs Beatty presid ed and the meeting opened With hymn and prayer followed by reading from Matthew chapter five versed1520 Lesson thoughts were taken by Mrs Rough It was decided to sendtr box of fruitto Mrs Campbell who is 111 ill Allistomhospltal The poison age comxltlttee reported on then recent visit toThoxfnlgon pro gram committee then arranged reading on Statrlck byllllm Beatty and contest by Marjorie Holt preceded selection of IrlSh melodies rendered by Mrs Bel lamy delightful luncheon was served by Mrs KnBeelby andMlszWll fred Broiley Next meeting will belteldlipru lei rucxmwwmnows VICTORIA no2 SP new type plasticiwiudow suicide keep out most of the suilsbeat and cut fading of the sand lurultureus to be mabutacluredghere= Michaud pr uttof the company invented the Windowr 1mm sheets who tube groceries on Monday contrary to the provisions of the bylaw him that proceedingsleadlng t0 the adoption of the bylaw had been irregular andin violation of the Factory Shop midi Officel Buildings Act which clearly statl ed that Town Council must satfi the petition ofpldsticiprhlchjmoy olled lnA Plain lhirltvs ml rm for baskets and $465 to $475 for the75 lb bag Fresh beef in small or large cuts was 65c lb for short rib and some other roasting cuts minced beef at 65c and rolled brisket at 58c Fresh pork was Sausage lb 50c spare ribs 40c cured bacon 40c side 40c ham 48c chops 48c hocks liver kidney and hearts 25c lb The market site was still alive topic and indicated that further action in this regard will follow on the part of vendors and farmers in wide algea LONG snourom ATHABASCA Alta CP traffic bridge stretching l000ifeet acmss the Athabasca Pdver here bulltiby the Albgctagovernmut at mist of $35900015 tube for traffic itjMay taste th treat Wl MEAT However the magistrate said study of thecase had convinced isfy itself as toftthe sufficiency oil svrihampielk suede and nylon mesh coms binatlohl Black if hues mad av