munum 1m mm or nun Aim com or my MONDAY WW and mmv mummw 88th YeorwNo 34 Uh Tarroilixaminrr uh 7Mmm WW BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA MONDAY MARCH 24 l952 mum in cu mu IV the In omu murmur mun l0 Pages Two Sections ncmw am Wants una VIJA and Audit Cum CarminaIt BllllllE SKATING Blilllllls ARENA MlllllllAVllllllllE COME 00n1 Scoop From usually unrlb Examinerfeciure if tlOEiLEETiillrsjvmiurlel wytermOducer 3f Baum rst One of the local milk sales ISkated in show were presented with flowers at intermission The Barrie Examier interested in nding out Whether allch fine on the route Satur TOPRIGHT The lovely Christmas Belles ensemble which able some we learned way that AS arresult of new feature which will beppemmng through gigledihe Sound RR was killed and four Hospital is Mrs Kathleen Walshl Lowlm LEFT Douglaslhee as Jam Frost and Bath WW gt The rst column as Kl ed annual skating carnival at arena Friday night and Mrs Emil Ramsay who assisted with instruction during season and it alliguzidelzigrs Junie gigggggsand Donna Smith on behalf of club 91 Gr Ids Icy Road Edgnvcile Vayin took art in Fou By KEN WALLS iarmersmtheOSImcoe County area can recognize their own gt container of bottles in one hand Mrs McNabb 50 Owenv Critically min the Royal Victoria dmlmpmajmx easons Fantasy with Wendy Em arms 10m aerial phomgraphs Fl hints afiction by Other people were injured 0116253 537 7th sweet East lcritically when the car in whlch attached loun She iecethd bevele headl Oglle as Snow Princess featured skating duet in Fantasy the Barrie Jumqr hockey team the columns of this newspaper 1n the near future farmersl welg lthey were travelling to on The quadruped lagged back um elated fOlehead vex CENTRE Dave Odlsnaw and Bob Ramsayxwere hilarious might be spansored in future by who canjdentifytheir farms will receive number of skldded off Highway 26 near Edifensive dama to Tm gdfple Liam 1011 email Slips redeemable atstores of mereliants in Evil titling riiend 65 lg undiyl 3ng and crash lshock Her flusbanld 33 gt comedy gumbers omhaw is in RC at Camp Borden por res on pl yo amid ino wo ecp one poles $53 is also in hos ill amsay was airman of carnivalcommittee He show IS not who are coo eratm in thl was Some Job Ive fiac go eg lfal5lefuliaii on scheme we zlfliziinl trsreliizlmr dump am an wagonj an ace 850 eiing Donna Smth Dopey they tear through the This toughly is what wall hapI ibulances were sent from Barrie itr was my one P313 tore fined An aerial Photographer willI Friend however was gym 0m Wk 0f Fantasy and had solo number schhsgple fin the rsdiViSion but WW pathetic wondered he re Leslie James Walsh 21 Mb lopemo When the chi over the county area rm vmrv 77 was The Au rum twpage ve pleasei 5d Why you needed dirwmgrthecaxueredonly Exorle tumn LeaV93 ensemblewith $111111 shock and was not admitted Al relS and Bunny perfonmng Mary Morten at rear wasNorth geompanion Beverley RoskOpf 21 Wind 996 Second AvenueEast Gwen are down It wagrfelt however our uninformang that there might be some difficulty Qmany angles olilhe subject manner Theknder th or mery En glueeiing and Contracting Com puny Limited Barrie for the horse anyway awn Pl Sound was admitted with knee 1ng to Barrie Skatingcar linluly but was allowed out sun nival listed comedy performer inr lday night from legs of horsegas Fore Skater inrear of tridkrcotume was no doubtlzthehmses All gadditlonfand tmonstotlie The accident was invest ligated by shggwgngcmwbwvl Chg3C Finder OPP Stayner trim Wang oddiBUDWS Temple Cl sai iit Was believed tovhave been gt Bani Boar lldlens sun Ed1torial of Examiner Th mmkmm dWasulerePy Saturday Music bylvueJ sponsorg 5y aogfmgien $11119 the 19x comimmff the mad wedneskiy firle demanded decided at Show of 39 Wilson Orchestra 2tfb Home and SclipolAssociaon Cos ICliarleS Davisoii 26 Toronm car went 01 0f 90th and if that local police check upo parkvi the Built oi Friday night is WNWw Monday Wednesday tumes by The Klddleszi Sho lfflSurance investigator ur as mgviolations on Barr treats absent in ppm Eridayandsmrday ighlsatcmb Th pp ya the 79 uisayMarch 273t8pmCod ran where motoristsvhave been iiicon Deparnen Education and WWW lames 50 019thesSameveninggt stile Onturtomuniclplm ll skiddediritoyafelehoe it knockeddownflg gnu edwkljcdl wTheremuSt beg certam mmtOfchOPemt 3mm his catnlo ditch on the Vin our demooratlc econo 11 gentle ngton School Auditorium Admis pew TorontoBare Highway 0h ling for another feet beleel my EC are lllgsley align law 5an Adult 5C Children 25C upd8y meal Band Head at the flnallyrammmg 3second pole be or trigweekly farm paperiRuralICou W9 arrives mgil Nmammnkwuvetmn Elma Fggfgwtt at p11 Ah om Bemsnmemsu 3235Yliililetseantlf Highway 88 While lgpetfkmg at the mansnualdmner meetingmmmmle elm It Vin ae as parking mg 81 II n1 gural Peggfegom Eggfegiiigyghugg yearold hitchhiilgpoflggmqflgadg Fire Sunday 0fSimcoe trial Co operative semlces 1M Keautynoseml the rsgm le Church Ad gm aush em be dramaiesuvalsmmnd Head 5f Josep ll sayaboard lsiall thatlsre nixed 37 ryouthis inceustodrof 07 50 magnum IMamh and 23 guardto measureallotbei euterp grilling that British mm Pm rd Admission50c 34 large1 Dance in IvyOrange HullFri lavimngngaognfzeymilp gigducersandkbnyer pct gem grill igslozlfioiaxiguborehes Kutsltilts or lomiia and be Ear1feats1aistuJosephs Hail De er al 17 argm 1e er unc countgltween there and Burma the pair on Mulcaster ttet was on fire MP Brown congratulated Cor tie 3473olchattcd amiably were allayedopislwnamie Slows Md mills Rummage Sale in TrinityPurish The youth said he wanted to arriiieu on reachingihe Wilma 601151 Will Hall Saturday March 29 achs 89 011 Barrie and DRViSOH oilthefWomehs Hospital Auxiliary Ppmachei the EOWDS ve Paints 28435 letsaskted jugs where he will Du my on gr then puled emeegg Bfed Bee and lverlnoutrotwhispocket and niece Davison todrive him tn Falls NY iisonzsaid later thathefwlis to collide with another attract attention They not mannedlac when about oped no need to have our entire ecbriomyi in builder Vslieclalnied shenever thEMmth Ofili 151116 Way mad if to le whim gt riff unketliougnmle skating drywallz ii10ml widen 2tilibiedt