Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1952, p. 14

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even at 350 tags for 30 nuns mmnpy 19 Qsthover and bake on top shelf oft Apple Crisp apples tsp lemon juice tbsps flour cup oatmeal tbsps white sugar tsp cinnamon GREEN non STORES HARDWARE CHINA TOYS Where You BuyNlore for Less NEWS OF INTEREST TO JUNIOR PARMER tbspa butter AND 4H CLUBS Slice peeled apples and place tnl casserole Sprinkle with lemonlwwwWoovmwlvawowwraw ffutt Combine Homemakers Twosorncl cooking is an adventure There are not my twosize recipes zwallablel andthe waste of leftovers is often pensive For the bride or the cnrecr girl cooking for roommate there tilt great days ahead Once schedule of meal plans has been tried and proven they can add lllflll touches liltxprllalvc additions but do start off with plum IlUltlnt fare One magictype nunl the oven dinner which dishes that retinire the some tem pcralurc and about the szune bak ing time sample UVCII mead may be Individual Meat Loaves Potato and nrrnt Casserole Ilot Rolls Apple Crisp and Tea iu synchronize your work preheat the electric oven then mix the meat loaf and place ill the trll Peel the potatoes and carrots and while this casserole cooks prepare Ill Apple CTISI oven should cnnsnft of rolls in paper bag Slide each dish inlo tots Ten minutes before the end mins of baking period heat the brkerslSpiirikle Wllll flour bits of butter irninccd onion and salt Add milk Two Meat Louves ll Ilttf cup lino crumbs minced egg beater cup tunth Jtlltt lbgtpu Salt and pepper inmccd Combine all mgrcdnnls and puck into medium custard cups in electric oven of 330 dogs about 43gt nuns Sen 1s Mock Drumsticks Potatoes and Jrrots potatocx carrots tbsps flour tbsp butter tcigtpoon onion cup milk Peel and slice potatoes rind our ook lIl little water for ID llram and place in casserole Ive switdied to Bordens Evaporated Milk Itreally makes dipol coffee If youve been liiihitlwuntl for years to one brand ol LYtllflltd milk you likely dont know what youre missing in IIIlthllfti jlutor Next time you shop tench for the cam with lifiic on it find out what difference there can be in evaporated milks Uscliordcns Evaporated Milk in beverages sec how it points up the savor of good coffee Wherever you use cvnpomtctl milk in coffee in cooking on ccrculs in Bubst Ioiriiuln youll notice the improvement thit Bordens tructomilk flavor makes Just try it at lcmf once and sec for yourself Trodeyurki Registered Maximum my Uiliflll Bake for Ma shape lnbove mix into drumsticks Roll in IJltild crumbs brown in skillet and cook 30 mins in each Insert skewer Jilitt dry and rub in the hard butter Top the apples Willi nix Bake in tletlllc oven of 330 dogs for 45 ruins Serves topped vith cream Take Tip Wlicn tune is premium the supper menu may be liver and bacon stewed initiators hot linzn burns canned fruit and cookies spicy dinner for two toinuto tlltt tlllll con cnrne chefs Sill id Lipplc struch and black cof fee fnncy dinncr for two broiled chrcken green begins french fried polzitocs pincaipplc salad lemon forts and tea candlelight meal for two beef roulndes minted peas scalloped potatoes turnovers and coffee The Question Box Miss asks Do you know of recipi for bzikcd chicken covered iwith cornmeal batter Answer hlckrn Iurnaboul cup cornmeal cup milk 11 cups boiling water teaspoon salt can chicken can celery soup Mix cornmeal and milk and stir into boiling salted water Cook on electric clement turned lowvfor ruins Meantime plncc chicken and condensed celery soup in casserole lour corn mix on top Bake at 423 legs for 20 to 25 ruins Makes servmgs Serve upside down with pimenlo pieces Miss If asks Do you know of frozen fruit and cheese salad quunlities for two servings Answer Frulted hecsc Combine the juice from ll 07 can of fruit cocktail with at small package of plain cream cheese un til smooth Stirin the fruit and teaspoon of French dressing Place in refrigerator ice cube tray and LIPSTICK 5i gWont Kiss Off Luxuriously Smooth Naturally Clinging Junior Former Machinery Clubs By ALLle FRANCIS llund me the haywuc Hurry There words will be familiar to many ofour Juniors in the county llnywiic repairs on farm mach inery are necessary but can be carried too far In the field in busy seasons where time is important the farm cr cnn suvc money by making temporary haywire repairs But these repairs are only temporary ltprlllbl nnd machinery should have proper care illltl maintenance Approximately 15 of capital invested in farm should be inl machinery to be economically wund Large operators may be able to lower this percentage but in any case the average farm has considerable capital farm machinery Our machinery does not wear out but rusts out andso we can lower our cost of1 farming operation by making pro per use of our machinery sociation realizing that machinery plays an important part in present rluy farming hnvc organized Jun The Ontario JuniOr Farmer Ag ior Farmer machinery clubs Thisi lproject is designed to provide Junior Farmers with information useful in practical farm machinery topics These clubs are organized under the direction of the Ontario Department of Agriculture the Junior Farmers Association of freeze Serve on lettuce to accom pany Chili Con Carrie etc Miss usksWliy does one pan of drop cookies spread in the pan while another pan of the same mix does not Answer If the satire mixture was being baked one pan after another the temperature may have been too high Use temperature of 375 dcgs Otherwise the fut melts too fast causing cookies to flatten out Then too remove cxccss grease from cookie sheet for second batch wthe pan should not be greased Miss asks How can we serve lcftovcr berry pie Answer Ileat lcftver fruit pie in moderate oven for 15 mins Meantime make soft custard and serve with hot pie Mrs II asks Can you tell me the secret in baking light cake with fine texture and smooth grain Answer tl It does not matter whether you use baking powdcnor soda and cream of tartar provrding you use level measurements from tested recipe For fine to lure cream shortening well and blend in thoroughly the fine sugar With the beater bent at medium speed Eggs should be beaten in until well mixed then the sifted dry ingredients are stirrednnnl ternatcly with the liquid With the electric mixer use low speed and add flour and milk at the same time For an even grain stir just enough to make the batter smooth Overmixing reduces the volume and not enough mixrngis indicated by large uncvcn grain For butter cake bake in square cake tin and uscconstant temper ature of 350 degrees in the electric oven int Quality Ieetl Lowest Possible Price ROBINSON Sll RGAIN EED Ml iSTRIlUD =TIIii interior View Shows the battery ofsix storage bins fofSIiurcGaininixed feeds They have 10th Qlflllmfl 519M TIM eluhynqtesunnecessary handlingas fliegfeed is bagglftloddeddirectfrom champswa delivery Th6 unmalqypul of this mill provides furla minimum of Idbor All grain flows by rarity mm the large amalgam to the hopper scale st jvvinivrhere is floWs by gravity direct write whereitiswelghed and elevated fosmaIIJ nder or doublelteud roller After this precess or rolled grain is elevofedlinto cltnrgingfbiniiliraly Voyerlthe ton mixer After mixing chopper In in where if iscorriad to the gvurious feed binsby worm con orft can be bagyedlor deliverydireclly ggyn themixer VBYOI Notthe bugelevufor forvconvuyin foncentrnles and otherlngre dionls for inixed feeds to the top flu exactomqunrs used ylliere thymeweighed end the fotFh formula as specified by ShurGoin Feed rl Tliis mlllhos been yiaitedby numerous people from inanyfpoints in girlie or contemplating tmpdelllhgrhgir mills or building invested in itintnrio assisted by the Ontario llclall Farm Equipment Dealers Association and the Ontario Pro tnicml Police Tinre will be three meetings of legith machinery club with an Ag incultural Engineering Fleldman in attendance In nddillon one meet ling Will be held with member of the Ontario Provincial Police in attendance At each monthly feltib meeting stirring in May in lfuimnlion will be given relative to the machinery in use on farms in that time of the season gininimum of 12 members is re lquired to form club and this lyczir age limits have been omit llvtl entirely To qualifyfor ziwurds machinery club mem hcr must attend two of the four lwltcduled meetings Junior Farmer mnchinry club imight be the project your club could use to advantage club imustlbe sponsored by one Junior rarmers Association For forth er information on Junior Farmer machinery clubs or enrolment forms contact your local Depart lmcnl of Agriculture Nocwasogo Juniors By MARY KITCHEN Life is classied by three sym bols the bomb the bubble and the egg said Rev John Ilun ter Collingwoud United Church addressing Nottawasaga Junior Farmers at their March mecl ing in Dunlroon Mr Hunter introduced by Bob IIolt said that the bomb is ex pressed by the explosive no con trol over inner passions type of person The bubble is shown by ltlie supercial Shallow person Lastly the egg which is expressed by the vital worthy person film Family on Trial was also presented by Mr Hunter who was thande for his inspiring talk and film by Milton McArthur Under the questionable auction ceringof Don alias Jake Walk cr some very beautiful knock your eye out boxes of lunch were sold to the highest bidders bring ing total of $2060 Not only do we have surplus of boys in our club but they seem to have surplus of money in their pockets Leap Year square dance or iganized by Elwood Jerry and Don Walker seemed to be very much enjoyed although Bob Holt had to retreat to the platform to avoid being mobbed by the girls ChilliWilli Juniors By EARL GILMORE March meeting of ChilliWilli Junior Farmers and Junior Insti tute was held in Gilford Hall March 11 with 50 members The Junior Institute held their election of officers for the com ing year under the direction of Mrs George Nesbitt The officers are as follows President Lillian Warnica lst vicepresident Shir ley Reive 2nd vicepresident Shirley Kell secretarytreasurer Marjorie Todd district director Helen Gilmore directors Fern Todd Helen Kell Helen Richard son Jessie Scheerdcr gave dem onstration to the girls on how to crochet Mr Gray was the speaker for theboys He has spent 14 years in China and India as mission1 ary Four of those years were when the Japanese were overpow ering the Chinese goteminent He related his experience when he and his wife and family made their pvacuation ahead of the Japanese troops Mr Grays talk was both interesting and educational arid fully appreciated by alli ChilllWilli Junior Farmers have started project in whlcbwe are selling tickets on RogersMajestic console radio and phonograph the draw is to be held in September proceeds to go to bus trip later in the fall Allisfon Juniors At the Alliston Junior Farmer meeting on March 10 13 club members enrolled in soils and land use project This project is new one for Allistonduniors and there is considerable interest in it The project is centred oratian the use of the soils record book re cently published by theOntario Department Of Agriculture BIGGEST PORTION JIALlIAX CF Annual rc port of the department ofimines recently tabled in the legislature cemputcd that coal= up lac counts for about 85 pe out Of Nova Scotias mineralvea1thThe government has Vintrodti ed in the legislature newsafety code for Entries 51 FROM BREWING T0 TILE leelftIIollarid as helpedinfitu transformation from ta brewing centre to Europes tile capital by disastrous fire The Junkersse lectettoltes of Delfts raged brew eries in the 18th century forfthe he would sell him first ingredients Kenlley Buffet Trays BLUE GREEN GRAY GROUNDS with bright lithographed colors In Sets of four trays iihidiidifcaiiage Ware NEVER GOES OUT OF DATE $325 $145 75c BISCUIT JARS ARE CREAMS 85 SUGARS Pr CUPS SAUCERS Set SALTSAND PEPPERS pr common TEAPOIS only $195 HAND PAINTED JUICE GLASSES for $1 TKBVEEMIIEFLWECTORS Round Oval and Square 95c $115 $125 $375 $450 YES WE HAVE THESE PAPER SERVIETTES FOILWRAI SHELF PAPER FACE TISSUES or CARLTON Butter dishes same material beautiful deco $110 32 Pieces with Sets of Golf Liberal Size TOO fnhaim pair Red ship decoration on white ground Afternoon tea size dainty smart BREAKFAST SET of 32 Pieces Sale of Butler Dishes WARE these dainty are in green and yellow and have Spreaders of Put up in ratlve boxes The regular price is $100 5136 $795 Thistle Pottern Gold ErinPLAIDhiEKkrAST Grand 32 Pcc Set Reg $1275 Set $100 Tumblcis 14 oz each tunneliincms sugar igrsim BLACK 8r WHITE FEATHER TUMBLERS 12 oz size Regular for $1 sale for For whom but the Irish and St Patricks Day would the members of the staid and proper Stock Exchange even think for moment of letting anything interfere with their business program Shure and they had lively doings for time begorra WAX PAPER DISPENSERS 85c WHITE WITH RED FLORAL DECORATION WASHABLE HOTTLATE tours WHITE BLUE GREEN IN SETS OF THREE SCI HYIIONATLASTIC Bonds These mixing bowls can be used on Mlxmasters SALE or WiirEwAttE CUPS 8L SAUCERS BREAKFAST PLATES BREAD 85 BUTTER PLATES 11 for $100 FRUIT NAPPIES 75 we can take it MAXWELL WASHERS LOCOMOTIVE WASHERS We dont add to the regular price so that off to make it appear that you are getting bargain When you read all the ads these days just ask your self ffIf wer selling washers would think it business like to give allowances for $100 for 100 11 for $100 Machines with YOU THINK or pines COME TO OUR STORES WE HAVE QUALITY 85 VARIETY We sell only what we chit recommend for in excess of the actual value of the tradein machine Before you buy any washer we invite you to compare the quality and the price of Maxwell and Locomotive Washing TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPINGWCONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlop St Phone 2801 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 Insurance Underwriters Hear Talk Continued from page nine idly and in his peak year he wrote 17 millions in lifeinsurance His systematic work made him success He had become chang ed man He now owned his own home chof us can drive our selves to do the things that we know we should do It must be made habit to do it Iremember deal made with another agent that wewould discuss candidly our problems together Jifourid offer few weeks that we were im proving Our selling and were gain ing confidence together Things Were going well for both of us Yet when one day he was called to the head office it made me feel very bad for Was only made district manager Make plans for your work Per haps yourwlf or if no other per son thc manager will help you Use the prepared talks that are available for approaching client They pay off am one who firmly believes in this line ofan opening It is track to run on The speaker told oft man whom he told he was going to become an insurance agent who told him to keepaway from him as he did not like agents He made up his mind He did Now that man gets him prospects and tells about the splendid plans he has of insurance Building Confidence Building confidence gives the prospect confidence that you know what you are selling Mr Robarls concluded and he in tum will give you prospects to make more sales People dont buy life ln surancc they hgve to be sold We are th men who are doing this have attempted tooutlln the establishingrpf confidence in one self by working out arianand MIDHURST MARCH 17Midhtnst East For Ium will meet at the home of Mini and Mrs Coutts Topic Are hunger and poverty the real causes of war What part can Canadian lfarmers play in international af gfairs Miss Sylvia Frankcom entertain 5ed her friends on March 12 the occasion being her fifth birthday Home and School Vote $10 The Home and School Association met in SS Vespra with 12 meni berswpresent The meeting took the form of two discussion groups led by the junior and seniorroom yschool yard beautification contest this year Prize will be given to the school showing the most im provement from July 1951 to July 1052 committee was chosen lDan Nash Arthur Walt and Stan Walt to organize bee of the parents to help erect new fence gates etc which is being supplied lby the school board Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Walter Craig upon the arrival of brother for Terry last week teachers whichproved interesting as well as entertaining The sum of $10 was voted toward the ex penses of delegate to the Home and School Section of the OEA in TorontoEaster week Euchre Party at School In conjunction with Education Week Mrs Smcrt and pupils of SS 17 held successful euchre party with eight tables Prizes were awarded lst Mrs Bertram and Stanley Walt consolation Mrs Spence and Garnet Walt The sum of $1975 was cleared The pupils will buy baseball backstop with themuney Parents showed keen interest in the workwhich was On display Enter lfmvinclal Contest SS 17 Vespra has entered the EARTHS BIGGEST BLAST When the East Indian isltmd of Krakatoa blew up 09 Aug 27 1883 36000 persons lost their lives yet there was notasingle large town within 100miles The sound waves were recorded 3000 miles Away and ocean waves were raised in the shores of fourcontinents getting helptdstick to it irou should read at last half an hour each lily of good current literature to improve your knowledge and that some here who might have been going torguit will have found keep abreast cf the times hope the wishful stay and become con vineed that our businessyis the most successful in the world plants that laterproduced world famous Dlit tile PLUMBERSIANDTSTEA ENTERS TWIN to gain an Plumbers and st amflttuts of er the All sures ant iLOCKERS moan $1400 Year We carry Sole Haddock Cod Fillets Smpked Fillets msh flexring and White tFlsh PrimeHind Quarters of Beef 58clb Front Quarters 48c lb Lean Locker Hogs 34c lb Aii suns 85 lb frosted foods 529 Collier 015110110 3750 an diacovrltori much dittis MMJW mohair how likew ontlffcelsl

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