nuptial lagr of Eli illarrir Examiner Make Sure Farmers Not Scared from Hog Production When Ottawa announced floor price on hogs of hundred pounds Toronto price they did not TheOwcn Sound Daily Sun Timcs commented editorially show due cun sideration for the hogproducing farmers The producers had asked for floor of $23 hundred grade Bl Winnipeg basis The announced floor is equivalent of $2450 Win nipeg considerable difference between the request price and that given One of the main concerns of those who have the welfare of both the farmers and the public in general at heart at this time would be that the resulting controversy is not allowedto throw the farming industry off balance natural result would be to discourage hog raiscrs right out of the busi ness The situation can be overstressed And many farmers can be scared out of what is actually profitable business And with this we concur The SunTirmrs continues our main actually our only real reason for saying the announced floor price is un falr is the fact that in making the announce merit Ottawa officials stated that floor price is approximately what is being received at the present time And even the housewife admits that pork is really cheap today an amazing situation in this era of extremely CH 17 952 Editorial Notes would rather have plain coffin without flower funeral without eulogy than life without the sweetness of love and symE pathyLei us learn to anoint Our friends bel forehand for their burial Post mortem kindl nesshdocs not cheer the burden spirit Flowcrsl on the coffin cost no fragrance backward over the weary way George William Childs Canadian government has clamped 25l mile travel embargo from Ottawa on Soviet embassy personnel On member of the staff was concerned about his fishing Thats just it One never knows whether they are fishing for fish North Bay Council has decided to buy no more government issue bonds because the price of those formerly purchased was not maintained Port Arthur NewsChronicle points out that another 00d idea would be to buy no more meat or othing because there too the dollar has lost some of its purchasing power Some labor groupsarc calling for halt to Immigration because of unemployment But there is one industry with no such problem Farmers need help and cant get enough as there are many workers who seems to pre fer the mirage of city high wages So the Canadian Federation of Agriculture is plead ing for more farm workers as immigrants to fill the void West Ward Now Pr Fred Grant Romain Wales School 1876 ABOUT FARMERS iAND MARGARINE wrsr WARD SCHOOL OjENED rrs rmsr CLASSES IN 1876 THE OLD SCOOLMATES sometimes all and ponder oer the days of long ago Of the schoolmates of my boyhood of the joys used to know And find myself depicting their lives find various tricks When we went to school together way back in sevcniyslx There was Johnny Duncc his lessons he never seemed to learn MacKnys wonlcn mill afterwardsmbont margarine instead of pro run by Mr lioggl and Henry llatchs woodcnwarc factory it was at this latter place we boys got our baseball and cricket bats and wickets made and from there on iotlle creek was swamp 0n the south side were also only three buildings Joseph llogcrs extensive home and grounds jim linggarts house and the residence of Nathaniel King and from there to Brccns crock wns The Coml cars as nny other class and it seems SOME THOUGHTS Lefroy March if 1952 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Enclosed find clipping which is one of the best have yet read on the margarine question Perhaps you could find space for it If you think it worthwhile Sincerely ALLAN NEVER SO WELL OFF After reading several letters in The Globe and Mail from time to time about margarine often won der if we formers havent got the wrong slant on the matter Never in my time have we been so well off Nearly every form has hydro and machinery and we ap pear to be buying as many new to me we are just tile selfish ducing 200 lbs of butter at 50 cents our goal seems to be to produce 100 lbs of $1 and we havent had much sympathy for the poor who were unable to pay it and whose families had to do without Some of my neighbors crab about the city man and the wages they get and the hours they work True we work long hours but that is our job and there are not many of us who would want to leave the farm But he later built up businessmOHSH nnddhe swamp WM crosslnnd go on production line and now has stuff to burn the road Furthermore our attitude about Ami Mary Smart Who always 300 And is there single one of those mammine is Oh making us Very highest in her class Graduntcdnio an asylum where she spent her life alas schoolboys of those memorable old days who doesnt remember the popular with the rest of society How many of us would appreciate Canadian Government had donated half million bushels of wheat to the Canadian Red Cross Society for gfsminc relief in the northern pro gvinccs of Greece it can do nol lharm to emphasize the fact in campaign weechas in radio broad and in newspaper releases To carry this half million bushels approximately six complete train louds will be required If the cars were all despatchcd on the same day they would stretch for three miles The cotton bags branded in washout inks will provide when compiled quarter of million yards of fabric for clothing and other uscs The Canadian Red Cross among ed for the milling Western Canada and for its trnmporinfion to the seaboard ship provided by the ECA and the USA Crock War Relicf Association will soil from Boston for Solonikn about April On arrival in Greece the flour is to be distributed by the Greek Red Cruss in collaboration with the Canadian Ambassador Mr ll Mngnnn The flour will be packed In cots Ion bags of good quality bearing Serving You Is Our Business dour PEAKSALL Ford business since 1935 when he Tractor Sales and Service has been in the of wheat to the seaboard 105000 barrels 206315 hundredpound bags of flour 330 freight cars or large Red Cross and the legend Canada in English and modern Greek Eh Spar hf llurztmignkl sales and servicewilh Corby Mol rcw 01 by Canadian lied Cross rind is vaI lr5 Ifmltvod He Fed 51000000 lllkgt lllgt home in Barrie ucr Yours sincerely IWW Mer MRS NAIRN CALL THE EXAMINER FOR Ontario Publicity Director PRINTINGPHONE 2m started with Chiitick Motor Sales Commencing IS mechanic he became shop foreman then stock room manager and now tractor mg It is the duty of every good citizen to pro And Bmy Good who always was of me nearby snwmms that rested only allow us to buy car if we Aside from thatweale very ImUCh con vide the police with information which wil gentle as could be painted it ourselves fused We are always that way after llStEll assist in the apprehension of criminals And is serving time for something aw one W0 OUWPORCH 1011111an mg farm DTOGUCHOH experts talk 011 Pm It would appear unnecessary to give out the Pmmmml talk have 3101 that they thfttmtz ductlon costs particularly when they quote names of informers for publication There is And mmy FW mm my lecogmm undisturbed there as long as any of us could remember which stood Iout us it rallying point for playtime mg rusted boner discarded by one In motor lobby at Ottawa that would cspcclaln winter when it would gines These gures more often than not much more so than the rest farmer or group had any right at go to prove that each and every farmer should have gone bankrupt some time ago They present mystery in that most farms are still occupied and in matter of fact most are shodihg very definite signs of presper lty situation which We by no means he grudge the farmers but rather rejoice in it with them We quite realize for instance that the rural standard of living was far inferior to that in towns and city for far too many years We are most happy to see that that situation has now been largely overcome True some city homes still have modern con veniences thdt some farm homes have not But many farm homes have now surpassed the general run of city homes while there are some advantages evennaverage farm homes enjoy which only the best urban homes have The comparison between farm people and town and city dwellers when it comes to matters of estates lsalso most in teresting Beef prices have shown some decline in recent days But even with that decline the price is still high so high that most 91 us are still eating perk or some other beef substitute We would suggest that with floor price on hogs the farmers should be willingtoacceptceillng prices Such artificial measures as floor prices and ceilings contain dangers as well as bene fits Floatprices for instance can readily result in great overabundance of certain commodities with the GoVernment holding thebag That has been shoWn in thcpast both momma and the United States too favorable floor price on hogs for in stance could leadilyresult in over produc tion withthe farmers finally suffering heav fly but only after the Government itself financed byjthe peOples money taking severe beating ceiling prices of course wannabeunfair if not accompanied by floor prices Thelfaniierjof counsels Wroneg blamed for much of the present high costs The middle man forinstance is responsible to yerygreat Yextent Perhaps more direct selling methOds would prove at least par ialyonmn Then too in the hog produc tlon question to instance the cost of Westr cm feeds plays in important role Aan hoteleedfeoets areiVery high at the pres Criiicizing the Cond is and tOday real danger that other hoodlums will take revenge action as happened in Brooklyn re cently and the threats made to those who tipped off the law about the hideouts of Leonard Jackson and Steve Snelmn in Mon treal Police can provide protection for time but citizens will be loath to inform if they become frightened of possible retaliation Millions of dollars of taxpayers money is being wasted because of the stubbornness of some small municipalities In large metropoli tan areas in refusing to bring certain public services under one control comments The Financial Post fIt is no wonder that bank robberies andeother serious crimes are in creasing especially in the smallercommunit les that ring our centres of population says the Post This situation is not only danger ous but it is ridiculousMillions of donors of taxpayers money are being wasted andmund icipalitlcs are not getting anything like map imum service from the taxes raised When it comes to such vital services as police and fire protection sanitation and possibly transporw tation some unification is not only common sense but it is also inevitable Crime fire and disease pay no attention to mandictated boundary lines and the sooner municipal of flclals learn that elementary lesson the ban pier and safer life will begin our urban areas OPINIONS OF OTHERS yiAlliston Herald We all criticize the young peopleof today but maybe we wouldnt Many different If welhad been living our youngerdaysat thcgpiesent time We can blame ourselves for someof the faults of today For one thing most of us do not attach enough importance to our church attendance pond activities If our youth perceivedthat their elders held church frontiers to be of supreme consequence inthir lives they would for theth part be likewise inclined Surely this is greater safeguard to their future happiness than any other fieldof endeavor has Spccd which is factor in the lives of our young people in so many Ways wasinsiitutod bye former generation Did we spend much time teaching youth to do things slowly and well Young men and women can drive to dances 25 or 30 mi1es away without much trouble and the dances these clays dont start untlltcn ociOck so they dont arrive home until two or three in the morning Then there are midnight shew amLall kinds of lateihour entertainment Even skating usually means driving to some other townnfew miles away he ocietles and in our min 1114 our chum had pumprnaklng shop there There was ramshackle old buildr divfdunlhonae lich mm the ammo and Elizabeth Perhaps the church hasfallen down in its duty here too as it used to be the centre of most of the weird sporting activities but now there is little of this in any of rchurch groups Dont blamcy uthjtoo mushta checkon our own Wilwa life may point out system of helplngviho Youngin Way we never thought of before through Became snoriin rlproarln cow boy in the Wild and Wooly West And Eddie link who bullied all the boys both large and small Later on became sissy clerk in departmental stall And then there was another boy as careless as could be Who never paid attention and flint boy of course was me His tcucher said that he would nccr win either wealth or fame Correct hc was that teacher heres the goods to prove his claim have just read with the great est interestihcaccount in recent issue of The Examiner of the re opening of the enlarged Barrio West Ward School and lift of teachers and anhonor list of pupils of that school of twentyfour years ago May one of the original pupils of that school use some of your valuable space to go back still an additional twentyfour years to that time and refer to some boy hood lncidcnts connected wlth that institution The writer had the honor if perhaps not the pleasure of at tending thc first class ever held in that school and well remembers that eventful morning back in 1876 as ll little boy of being led by the hand with an elder brother and younger sister by guarding par cut into the mysterious assembly room Upon the opening of the school building operations could nothaVc been quite finished for we had to use long wide plank onba gradual incline fromthe ground up over the partly completed stone steps into the room hence the guiding hand of afond parent At theibegin nlng caupleofvtheoms were not required for the number at Itending the school and at various times decommbduted overflow classes from the otherschools It is hardly tube expected that person after lapse of nearly fifty 80 now years remembers as many things that happened when as aboy he went to schools when he played hockey probablybe cause the latter Were more inter esting and left more lasting iml precision so the names of those having place in the horror list will have to be omitted thenames of some of the teachers and many of the phollsstlll hold pleasing placeln memory of many of us At thntiimc the newlybullt school occupied place ofsolitary mandarin for there were really only thme other slzeable buildings on the gnorth hide otgBISSdford Street betllceh Elizabeth Street and Hunters creek though it was Brccns creekaen as Mr Breen be incloscd as castle inside of fort made of snowballs rolled along the ground until they had assumed prodigious size and then heaped upon each other in sort of ram parts lifter hcrculcan efforts of combined boypower Many black eye come as result of plunk from on feed mlssive un erringly shot by some sniper while defending this stronghold from the enthusiastic attack of an invading host of supposedly enemy class mates As sat at my desk she quickly bent And tightwrapped note she to me sent Then Ivheld it down beneath my book In fearof the teachers searching look With childish glee the note was read Wait for me was all it said And there isnt an oldtime school bOy who doesnt remember those important occasions when he walk ed homo fr6m school with her carrying her books or being lucky enough to how an umbrella when she hadnt one when sudden shower arrived as well as the jeer hig advice you always received from the other boys who secretly wished they werein your place ThcAgiIcuItural Park was not even surveyed or laid out until ten years after that time and that pare tloular stretch ofterritory for mile or so back from Bradford Street was just about asrvvild and unconfincdoaswas the gang of kids that used it for mstamping ground When turned loose from school each It had many hill and hollow around which we had regular games of cmsstag follow the lead er hares and hounds and crack the whip and required much grad ingrand loveHing before it replaced the old Queens Park as Barries AdribulturalFair Grounds and athletic fieldin 1886 upon which mlmy ofus performed in after ya in lacroSSe football and base mes ere leaving the old town to 3Wgrgeneration Bill the cigarrle do notsecmxto take great an interest in athletics days jno 9doubt because they ore interestif less real ex he less strenuous amuse loyrldillg and the movies Continued Wednesday ispltfof thisrcountrys steady till in short supply around continuingincrease in lion isvifal to all Canadians ll mil hcamofllsgreat value is condemning commodity but lice nchprint must be bit if tile existence of so in production totals news any time to dictate to them what they bought or what color it was and to my mind the margarine sil uniion has developed owing to our own selfishness MARIIN EVANS Little Britain Ont HallMillion Bus Wheat To Greece Throuigh Red Cross Toronto March 12 1952 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner DearSir Although press re lease was issued from the office of the Prime Minister in recent weeks with regard to the fact thatthc AdvcrIISingSecn More Elleclive Ihan News Copy CHICAGO AMNewspaper ad vertising has far more force than the news and editorial columns an advertising executive said retl ccntly John Cunningham executive viceprocient of Cunningham Walsh Inc New York told the Newspaper Advertising Executives Association convention that news paper advertisings force is greater than that of other neirvspaper mat ter even in the fields of mold ing public opinion orvinducing quick public action It seems that from an editorial point of view generally only bad news is reportable news he said The front pages of our new papers are apparently edited by four horsemen of theipocaly Peace and cohfentment are not news However Cunningham addEd readers can find peace it com tentmont in the advertisi pages Behind the thin fabri of fear and uncertainty that editor weaves in the newsco us is fairly solid wall pfvrea rancein the advertising columns Here there is evidence of peaceand pro gross bf present contentment and many promise of happiness to come SEASHORE REnEAT houses in theghamlet of Cape Island in Bonavlsta North are being Funny thing about parents They calf be so smart about some thingswand blind to other things Take my Pop for instance When rst bowed into this con fusing world he was wise enough to take out more life insurance Now if anything happens to him Mom will still have money for groceries and rent And can go on playing here instead of having to be president or something to earn living For that give Pop full credit Yet hes always Complaining about how tough it is to savemore me pop knew some of in money these days Why cant he see that he can use life insurance with its system for putting money aside regularlyto reach other goals That way savinga as easy as sucking toe Another thing As observe economic conditions in this great nation of ours one fact is increas ingly evident Every dollar thats saved helps to check ination So we should all save as much as we can every way we can Thats what Im gonna tell Pop And if he doesnt listen to reason Ill just drool all over his new tiel life insurance dollarsservo you these other ways large part of every nn umnce dollar in puma work in investment that bring youand all other anadiam extra benets Hundreds of millions of these dollars have been used in this way helping to provide new schools highways power plants oil pipelines homes and many other vipr project that raise Iivinglstnndards Today by their thrifty habit of paying life insurance premiums regularly marll fiv millio Canadians are providingsecunly for their families walk to check ration and promoting progress throughout the infirm lllllllFVEINSIIRVAIIBE lililIPAIllESi III BANADA and their represenfaflves PRorEssroNAL DrREicroRr Accopnrknrs 8TB ssossnmsc 43 comer Bllo 011mm Sta manta mint Partner nap Mach mm nComch inn mom mcmam PUBLIC ACQDUNIANT 38 Dunlon semi In 1511 anmr HERB TFW axmmam int Wilson swousroo om Ilium cerium 1th on sliman nuns Whiting menus ammmx ml cosmos Molestt scorn TAX woe twin LEONAvIsrA tunacemren moved overlandto Newtown about two miles farther inside the as coinin VETEWMX LEGAI 30318 sanctum now lalrlmn Salem ml rum Convwanun cum ulf an inn iiimen brim 31mm 0mm 113 vs chum QC COWAN COWAN rmu calcium mm consulting 3011114 gongnn ring If cominbuiicm omnsronn cows to hormonenow IN if gt Photo DONALD Marle man do Money In In mmm WW csnauult ank on streets gore used ash minister factory by Mr Ritchie Mark tlirousheutthe World Thisisjhe biggest shift smoothie sea starteiuov 20 years ago oonrosedcj Vluvadeiiheland about Canadian oyit mm uric Weeklyfllewmm meiotic Ontario ur of OIrouiutionw Subscriber to service AL Rhett SecretoryTreasurer 31