full at Barrie onto with the lesbian junior ellmlmted in hootom of the mesa Mount by Hum Falls so who ottoman 5387 but Hewitt BDCI coach loot mice of bit scoring ace Stewart mule Spencer Jnck Garner and Roy Cutler in the third and fourth quarters This allowed Nllzara Falls to run scant free and compile comfortable margin over Barrie the final minutes Up to the fourth Barrie were holding their own Against the club that nolly captured the jun Im cossrh championship they led for the meet part of the lion half but late drive by Nisana gave them slim 2821 mnrxin ing into the third quarter Barrie kept pace with the chom pions until the fourth when rc scrve strength caught up to the local squad Slated Niagara Falls official after the game Borries the best junior team we have played all chosen Onloolwrs also claimed John Warnica of the BDCl squad as the best performer of the lav Warnica paced his teams Scorinu with points while Keith Gard Ier owned in his best game In hatching 12 points $5 season wart was held in tow by Niu guru and could only muster ve while Vcrroll Whitmorc and Roy Cutler collected threc each Niagara were awarded 32 foul shots in the game scoring 23 of them Barrie had 28 titles and potted ll Larry Iriono tallied 18 points for the Falls 12 of them on foul shots Burleigh followed will ll and Nagx with 10 Ihc Falls did not boost the height expected of them but Were bxccpiionally fast and tricky They swamped Peterboro 7334 in the tlnal ANus Miss Anna Lewis Newmarkct director of the Womens Institutes Branch Department of Agriculture 35 showing llpictures of her trip ihrough Europe in the United Church Wednesday night 815 cheque for $1327 was received from the Deputy Minister of Pub lic Works for work done on Willow Creek Advice was received from the Department of Public Welfare re gnrding certain medical assistance available from hot detimimcnt for old age pensioners The De rtmcnt of Agriculture sent notice that school for in spectrum in uncclion with spray ing for warbe fly would be held in the North Simcoe Agriculturu office Barrie on March 26 at pm The llntcpoycrs Association re quested lhat the voters list he arcfuliy revised and that the polls kept open until pm to accom modate lite electors The Department of Agriculturt requested information as to the number of farms fer sale in Vespra cheque was received from tht Province for $74363 being the bolt ancc of the one mill subsidy pid rural municipalities with tht report that the grant already re ceivcd under the Childrens Pro icctlon Act was $48467 and undo the Homes for the Aged Act wa $30281 The Department of Planning and Development recommended cer tain changes in the Dunsmore Sub livisipn plan before they would approve the some One recom mendation was for 15000 square feet for building lot Bell Telephone Company stated that their assessment should be $529343 on lines in Vesprn The sccrctaIylireusurer of the Minesini Library thanked Council for their grnnt The Salvation Army requested grant for aid in their work delegation from the Barrie Ag ricultural Society also requested grant toward the building fund for 11 display building on the fair grounds Both these matters were held over for consideration bylaw was passed appointing Rolkcs assessor also It bylaw appointing Delbert Pebbles of RR Colbornc as township auditor Motions on payments included relief vouchers and road voucher No $1319 Hickllng tendered his resig nation as Deputy Reeve and Car man Downey as Councillor resignations wore accepted Next meeting will be at the call of the Reeve Public School Board News These Barric Public School Board met in Hillcrest School Wednesday ev ening with all members present Board received the principals monthly reports The board also carried that the principals bring in report on the musical training given by Mrs Parsons after school hours and if possible to obtain some reports from tile parents of the children takingthese music lessons The monthly report of the prln clpals in future is also to include the number of late pupils repoit from the Principals Committee was presented by Law it was received and turned over to the Management committee for consideration Th committee has inns hands suggested plan for revision of teachers salaried which it studying In motion at this nletttn was receive from the Codrlngton Home and so 00 A950 elation that they were in support of such It revision letter from Hon Dr Dunlap Ministerbf Education was recelVed advising that grants for textbooks would be madden the some basis as last yearaud that grants will liepaid the tamerye as payment made oudbentures sued after an I951 Up until at time grants on debentures Were made the following year after the debenture payment Gran on text books are approved at $3 per pupil per average dtfendanoe Last year the Board received ul most $4000 in such grants thence report No 23 showing cells Smiles charts shelving ye til disbursements to be $1812432 was adopt and luminance report rei Zlfofrri prelientcd you and expen attend He 3er it morefrop inc 51 an bin 101 MISS JACQUELYN OLDHAM is idol ofYoungstors Rookie Paul Mogerxmggs lniury Unfortunate legion Night is at An unfortunate Injury marrc isnpreme efforts by the Barrie Lci Now enjoying his first full sea3gb committee to present in the in Montreal West Itontinucd from page one cent Meyer pronounced Mee gnr to rhyme with eager Germin name he thinks the 23yearold 160 pouodcr sortiHockcy Night at Barrie Arena of dropped into hockey accidentFriday high Buffalo club trained in Barrie and Barrie Flyers plenty We didnt get Memor Leafs one of the stars fro the Toronto Skating Club coming to the first annual Barrie Skat ing Carnival Friday eVening March 21 at Barrie Arena 0th era are George Montgomery and Miss Patty Lou Montgomery Miss Mary Kenner Miss Joyce ald Smith Miss Dilys Thomas brilliant lce revuels being produced and staged by M1 Muriel Whyteformer1y of theptduwn Minioclubfor Barrie Skating Club There are some130 local perfo comedians along with the guest stars The 2V2hourshow Kornacher Bill deNonce Ron rs dud startslat 815 and the grand finale depicts Four Seasons Fantasy in lovely costumlng1he costumecomnttitee Who have been busy for mouth preparing for theshow include Mrs Wells Mrs Seymour Mrs Robert Bemnt Mrs Stewart Mrs Cameron Murdock Richard son Mrs McKenzie Mrs MacAuley Redmond Dyment and Mrs The show is all ready for dress rehearsal Tuesdaynlght Romovctly of From Arena to Sign April The removal of ice train Barrie Arena is scheduled to take place April according to the arena commission who held their mon thly meetingMThutsdoy nighl in the Arena board room All mem beiswcre present with Her wor ship Mayor Hamilton in the chair and deputy reeve Heber Smlt Alderman Earle Williams Ilred Kiclly Charles Alexander secre tary Reg Walth and arena man ager Wes Alisotmg attending The arena commission must pre pare for initiator Show sponsored by thebarrie Chamber of Com merce tinted foijAplll 1819 The until day for any skating activ ity will be Monday March 3l Ieollowing routine business the question ofva new hockey cushion was dtacuttsedn It Was decided that members of the commission will survey and income about cushions in otheriarcnas to find the best possible cushion available Tented summer plans for the all ubllc robotjute was wrestling knows tub wrotorasib to hold the 81 annual sounds or ion the 81 15 condor tender the addition tier one propelled for one Kornival either on year the Kiwtlnls Knrnlvol hold on the arena grounds was hamp cred by rain Secretary Reg Welham stated that when the dudltors are nnish ed with the books 21 financial statement will be presented to the Town Council Monnwnilofiminager Allsopp said there are punterdusgminor repairs tobemttdg on thearena The canopies shading the side en frames are expectedth be remov edsince snow fromthe durq toesvetrki can momentbis ice firstperiod dead in Saturday night as Shlpbullticrsroarcd in win 104 Valid intermediate Keith stole cliof commons 10 goals Sohdcll noloh ed Keith two wows western ply materials lump ruins synthetic ru mint strengthening 33 Wm Durst fine Barnabas cm to includingoor on bockehecking but came out of it and started banging goals says Ifn lucky guy Healthy lungs too fbr lodging WSI WM bought two of his brothers 150 ought the summer though When she rst fodnd out anso titldsslp ally He got his rst pair of skates when he was is and started kick ng around bit on home made son with National Leanne chimiBorrie and district public Golni Constable Maurice Scragg fendl ing goal for the Ontario Provtni rinks one summer ammos Anlcinl Police hockey team which opl Chapman mowed up town mgponcd the Legion in an exhibitioni do some business with Lawrenccigame gored broke gong Peterson Art was nosing interim the Should surplus mom km aroundmm collision with teammate Grenvdlc if there were any kids intercstd wow me may 5am if 51m Thy was an unexpected and un kW V9 or mmwlfortunotc climax to do otherwise onc of them Paul Carl Meger but Megcr was file only one interested in showing up oi the Bison camp cmpmnsmp games spasmodk clown activities figure skating exhibition and good exhibition of hockey between the Legion and the Police However the Iiegions minor director Wally Smith still finds his leagues without two champ ions Windsor Spitres and Bar rie Flyers stinggled to scoreless deadlock in he junior brackettu force second meeting while the seniors followed up with an iden tical game between Toronto Marl boros and Owen Sound Mercurys For FullySure As long as it didnt cost me anything didnt see why not he hucklcd So went was only tilBetty youd better phone and if your appointment is still goodhad lot of fun They sent me home though he ause couldnt skate So went homethe keys are in my light coat thinkand prac tised skating Then one full the clap Emma invited me out with That was the rst junior offer Id ever had so grabbed it Hop helped lot Gave me confidence in skating showed me Champions were declared inthe AHL and NHL brackets New Haven Ramblers on the strength of two goals by Alvin Smith dc fcatcd Cleveland Barons 21 dc pile lastminute rally which netted one goal by Gary Fraser Boston Bruins as expected dumped Detroit Red Wings 60 for the NHL championship Alvin Nonend and Gerry McBride were again the onetwo punch for the winners while Neil Saunders also gured in the scoring department The PoliceLegion xture was both entertaining and exciiiolz Amongst numerous clowns who had their own conception of hockey tilt and the tracking down of Ontarios number one desper ado by longlimped constable the Legion managed to scrape through with 32 victory Bill Bird Red Jennctt and Lorne McGibbon notching the Legion scores having to beat the referees whistles before doing 50 Even the police took exception to the officiating of Harry Part ridge and finally the small army chased the whitesweatered gen tleman from the ice surface bull fight involving furi ous fourskatingvanimal and an experienced matador flnaliyended in the challenger using the lure of flower to quiet the bull and place on end to the fight It was successful evening with large crowd in attendance withTier proceeds going to the Barrie and district Memorial Hos pital Furnishing Fund Mr and Mrs Bob Ramsay dur ing intermission put on gure skuting display that was good example of whatthe many fans can expect at the figure skating show also slated for the local arena Friddy al in the thrc years pin cd but we had some good sc Got beaten in the finals once by Port Arthur It wasnt until started playing junior that thought about hockey as career All we ever heard at home was about Toronto Maple We thought Maple Leafs were winning every game That Foster Hewittwhat darn guyand the eager one laughed heartily in 49 Paul turned pro With Bis ons immediately bit into lively cadence and trotted off with the Dudley Garrett Memorial Trophy as the best rookie in the American League He got 28 goals in his first pro year Meger was travell ing at respectable gait with Buffalo last year and February was brought up to Cunadiens Poul would sure like to win that CalderLlookat the dough that goes with itbut he isnt too hopeful Boom looks like it 01Dickie maybe neSlumped Mcger tapered off into slump this year he and Dick Irvin ure he was concentrating too much have been pretty luckyI he Lest we takethat the wrong wuy Paulie added My wife says it isnt all luck though IlissohGary is big babya defencemanover 21 pounds at soven months He stands by him 5913 has legs like twoyearold minor complaints In the summer Paul goes back to Billfie to wotkiln theelectrical business for flap Emms lie annual meeting will be held on Wednesday April The Board expressed satisfaction and pleas ore and considered itself fortun ate in obtaining promise from Sydney Katz to heme main speak er for the annual meeting Kntz is wellknown writer and his articles in Macleammmtcr publications arcread with inter est by it great number of people Ills articles published last year in Macleans Magazine entitled Its Tough Time to be aKidhclcl awlde interest It was decided thatthe annual meeting program would be shortened this year pod thatdhe principal address would be the main event of the dinner The annualreports will be moo acres adjoining his fathers farm but he isnt going to take up farm ingihlmself unlcss get lot manor Every time go out there the vhuteisiumps to be pulled tan eyerythlng T00 hard Baseball and 301 are hard en Hookcy lshisi consuming love theKScorc oh the pro deal he said to himself 531liit Sblgdid printed form The Bodrdfappoinled represen one was reduced to ofllebruary gt1952 children chargeable that pbrepts order No pay toward their children us no myths is helping to twiddle Society for bounce horses In MQAMEthe field report EJ9th said thai for the moutli of the yearthere xutfewcr children do 5W the samemontns new DQStewarf chltlr ot tit manual committee it her committee had glving further study Poltclesand Employ raellctis and hoped to have Director of Organizationgfor the Canadian MommyHealth Assoclo tl at meeting in Barrie on Aid otnes The item Of Me tal County has been stressed again SOciely Citizens Group has appointed ways and meant com mittee to try and find way to bring the services of clinic to on smell it is biped nar this project will be further developed victim PL Curtains do think agentqu ui 23 lists nonhuman Vttilnble Starting salary tatives to meetwith DParks treaim conic for simcoei non ankle 133 13 WSW cake tin and pudding powders Mrs 22mm saucepan Mr Kenn repay Mrs Crease Mrs MC Lean Mrs Ferguson Mrs Baxter grocery bags Mrs Tran Mm Green Mn Arnctp Mrs Palmer Mrs Mchx aid Mrs Rowag Mrs Bust Mrs White Mrs Lom Mrs Lawrence Mrs Caldweii Mrs McCutchcon Alisa Verna born Mrs Degeer Mrs Smith Mrs Elliott Hrs RlnBurlLe Mr Ethelington Mrs lovingutor Mns Reid Mrs ucradoen so Drury Mrs Banting Mrs Bar low Mrs New lm is Keynote The fashionwise pment on Fn lday noted that trimneiis is the key ORV DASH manager of the Bar Iic Boxing Club announced this morning that his three aces Don Wallace Syd Taylor and Paul Ken ny would compete in the Olympic trials for the Ontario championships at London next Monday The pro vinciai finals are slated for Maple Leaf Gardens April 21 sponsored by the LionSCiub hillbillon Cooking School Attracts Crowd IContinued from ooze one recipe of sweet refrigerator dough she baked tempting array of clovcrlcaf rolls braided buns Men or rolls an orange rosette coffee cake and fruit loaf These were won by Mrs Pearl Bass Mrs Jennctt and Mrs A1 Vin Bass Plantation Pie consist ing of baked pie shell with filling of prunes bananas and oranges covered with fruit sauce was ll takehome treat for Mrs Burns Prize Winners The orange blossom 3storey chocolate and white cake was giv en to Mrs Bantinglwhose22bd wedding anniversary was Friday salmon and biscuit loaf was won by Mrs Donaldson Mrs Scrivcr gave large box of baking staples to Mrs Forbes having eight childrento cook for at home and 24lb bag of flour to Mrs Shipmnnwith six children Several baby dishes hnd boxes of cereal were given away to mothers with small babies The winners of Fridays draws were chicken Mrs Wealhcrup Pyrex mixing bovl Mrs Dunnett cleaning ticket Mrs Johmon refrigerator set Mrs Ayerst can ister set Mrs Stewart cup and saucer Mrs McDonald and Mrs Hamiltontablelamp Mrs Gardner dressed duck Mrs McCaw silvcrbutterdlsh Mrs Emms floor wax and cleaner Mrs Ayres paint and brush Mrs Benham and Mrs Grdner floor cleaner Mrs Frank Butcher plas tic cake container Mrs Hirle hey cologne Mrs Tordiff flav orings Mrs Mattenley cocoa Mrsll Bruce Mrs Spence Mrs Skrypbychuk pyrexjrefrigcrator bowls MISPll Whelan 24lb bog of flour Mrs NelsonMageeSet of pyrcx bowls Mrs counter casiser ole and shortening Mrs Shun to Li it Friday March 14 at the Childrcns andeagoiniby the Childrens Aid note of the i952 spring fashion pic tore The new clothes are eyw catching feminine and flattering with the modified hourglass sit houcttcachicvcd by nippedin waist and skirt which reaches fill ness ill the hem in the soft silks and crisp Inf fetus these details along with the softly feminine neckline show to best advantage The drossmakcr suit is more popular than ever and here tiny jewels in place of buttons nay be worn Jackets are fashion right the bolero or hiplength with pcpium in matching or contrasting moterial Suits have moulded jackets and pencilslim skirts Coats Continue to be full and fldrlng or curved and fitted The short coat has decreased in length Accent is on the sleeves in the full coats and nearly all have big sleeves too Some have shirt waist cuff Navy seems to pro dominate the spring scene but light colors are also popular Fur neck pieccs and jackets showed decid ed preference for the shorthaired soft fur in the deep browns These furs drCSSllp spring suits and frocks giving womans morale wonder ful lift MmBadglcy Commentator Fashions modellted Friday twere from Jean Christie Dress Shop and Simmons Coat Store Mrs Badgiey was charming commen tator in tailored grey suit with red cartwhccl hat One ensemble of navy gaburdinc had fitted coal with winged cord ed taffeta collar worn over pen cilslim suit Another 3pioce out fit in gold and navy had short full jacket with tuxedo front wide sleeves worn over fitted suit both practical and stylish smart brown and beige pic and pic jacket was fern over doublebreasted brown suit corded silk dress maker with navy skirt had win dewpane check jacket lined in red Another dressmakcr suit of summer gabardin was cherry red with fit ted jacket and rounded collar lovely young dress of quilted paper taffeta was shown in daffodil yellow while another young style was grey bolero and princess style dress with white gilct full skiried quilted shantung with high neck and rounded collar was mod clled in pewder blue Two outfits in larger sizedwerc modelled one navywith kyholc neckline and navy nndwhite bow trim and prac tial the other lovely tricotine sheer and kice in rosewood shade suitable fori dressy occasions or for the brides mother magnolia shade brief fleecy wool coat was combined with tail ored green suit for charming en semble striking coat was the yellow fullskirted One with half belt in back and the accent on the sleeve with shirtwaist cuff The models Who displayed the costumes So effectively were Mrs Betty Nixon Mrs Anne Martin Myrtleolemam Gloria Grahame Barbara Christie Jane Badgley Joan Mulholland Mrs 5Amert Payne Mrs Jean Pratt lt Notices hereby on no thebleventlt monomer Will ieeeenwes ennuiaspenxoson on WWW5 thelllimblhof for the tradesmen oteucholnegguugip blend the mined also ins or members 9f strobe Districtcmuuiu services beheld in the new Community Hell snuggle at arches nicheInitiation it Illii All Eleni