R05 Them2 nous or IIth mST WITtt HE BESTIN sum FINAL TWO DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Special Childrens Matinee Sal Morning Show Starts at IO 31a Box Office Opens 915 am Continuous Show from I230 pm Offer Childrens Matinee Eve shows on Fri 640 pm PLUS SECOND FEATURE ON THE SAME PROGRAM PICTURE YQU MUST SEE LEO GENN NOW you can see Princess Elizabeth and the Duh of Edinburgh CLOSE UP in the rst complete ptctona storyotthoir tour of Canada MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FROM OUT or NEW WORLD COMES IA WARNING AND AN ULTIMATUM FEARFUL MENACEI Htrz 3C div zlsw dua FAY otone wall +GRANADA mumrm FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS snows ALL DAY SAT 230 pm PLUSALL MATINEE WED 230 PLUS SCENIC SWEDEN CARTOON COLOR Manson lelkl 0i Relorestationix FRIDAYI LOLDWAILR MARCH 31er press of ttfuzctrallnu methods Ontario L$ outlined it Coldwatcrl Lions Club by Mayor Adaml WSh sun Forester oi Mldhnrst Station 01 the Lands md Forests Departmch VHSI Force Army Atrthc turn of lllL century when unlit3 or win realized dcnudmg of land tvas having crious corchucnees steps verc taken to renew the forl bits in urtous parts ni Irturiu The Iitrst null nursery blotted at Guelph vzts mund in Wllilllll2 In the LtLlilhlillddlll Others xvire uddui wind in unit is in Jllflzldl truuung inc Adi nJII docs Malor Adummn uwcrtbcd how wr Mulc anili evergreen seed was obtumcd from concs and was carried through var Imus surges at Angus tttun until the seedling trees were ready for planting Slides illurated the pro cuss The seedlings are rllippcd to nurseries and the demand has ln creased tlcmcndously Next your n2 ll 15 anticipated timt nnllzon sccd ling trees vtll Dc Llllitllt It Mid burst alone LI tututics ln tinen 11in it my by View pttiUdS ttllliltilltll or oezxolis up to lite iIg the cum will be off pur It IIyeur pcrttilt Tree are itllllilUlt lltt train nurseries but orders must be placed itn udvunu Application must be made before August 15th this your for sccdlings wanted next spring Application for free trees should be made through the district forester Mostly evergreens are raised as Iudhmc smutgr nlvtduuud ilI1IJIlYl1LIlII1ttL ilt Illudb 01 5011 In 333 until degree In Forestry it til has been depleted They lLlgtLlI5 from 1941 to 1943 is grou qutckly and are vulunblc 1915 of Barrie Kiwanis Club mndbrcukts as well as Siding the out Ictiw badminton and OM soil to retain moisture and become mtm3 enriched and provide an cventuui limbo fol Elzitvulc Clubs good busmcss In Christmas hltgl 13m trees has been built up by many in the province Reforestration has been curried out on H000 acres in Simcoc Coun ty The speaker extended at hearty welcome to Springwatcr Purl1 it Stevens gave Igurcs on bingo Midhurst Major Adumson hast games trom Oct 13 to the end of brought the park along to Its plv February winch showed satisfac llOtIblL dIGWlODlle Since to returns Percy Brimauc thunk wd IIIFIISK nlihllIb airfimDII DUIOIlb ed the club for the use of the pro dmI deg Li Ldluus IUC Teeter It meeting at Creighton IIth biret VlbgmiJ lIi at lnscplt Fitzgerald of Mcdonte was es nroun en The speaker was introduced by Parish Hall Major Lune Forester oi Sevf ern River area who was in charge IODINE IN SEAFOOD Of Midhurst station for number of Lobsturs clams and oystcls SUP yems tply more iodine to the human body He was Ptcsidentithnti my other foods IL 11 General and then conceincvi is li Lttlti 1x i3 Zflt Ladies Night on ismidcnt Dubiv announced that Ititc District Governor Dick Ed lIVlltlgt of Richmond iiill would pay Inn Official visit to Culdwutcr at the lltlnzcn 34th meeting District Deputy Govcrnor lier thanked by FormeIBarrie ChaplainDirecis Church Membership School Korea numberof Canadian soldiers in TKIOr Wynne Rhys London Eng Korea have completed seven days land conducted evening devotional ofChristian training in the first services church membership school conduc Most of the 101 men attending the ted for troops in the Far East school agreed the course was Army Headquarters said today 2practical one for the soldier Brigade Protestant padres reprc At first some of the scuting Anglican United and Pres came down or the course were bytcrian churches worked together merely on swan or cooks tour lecturing on the main subjects said one padre but alter few per Church Histpry Church Ethicsliods of instruction they became and Bible Course keenly interested Purpose of the school was toS The open forum period proved provide good fellowship to give in the most popular Here the soldier gt struction on basic truths of the Pro students asked questions of their Progress Ontarioj Reserve IIIIIIII 11821 communal it mu be gruntcd only Cultixvatcr Lions vcrc mvztcd to tisiror It the meeting held in the SZuCKZiMPCges to Atcnosm In Three Sets of Triplet Lambs At mums known Attrtiiulltttl of Saint 3h if coe om in Aiiiston Malta on He had been in hillDJ health for some months RIPle Him NEED YOUR It hlorcn CRiPPlEil CHILDREN JAMES CAMPBELL on the Stir line of Innisiil has hurt inn extrzt List Increase in his lamb population this spring 1He has had three ewes that have elven birth to triplets Two sets of these are still being raised by the mothers In one so the ewe refused to have one of the lust born and Mrs Camp UAL PPEAL bell has taken it to raise on bottle MARCH IiiAPRIL T3 shows Mr Campbell holding one set or triplet BUY AND USE Picture while the ewe looks on strange tact in connection with the birth unlilambs is claimed by Mr Campbell The mother will dry off and get lamb on its feet before giving birth to the next one QKorean Veteran Pays Tribute to Red Cross Service IFrom The Crimp Borden Citizen Never had home 15 good as Whig Loonde Burton Libyanold lKoean war veteran will tell you iii you drop in to visit him at the Red kross bumpbrook Lodge lornm Rod Cross has surl made my life worthwhile And since with Red Lruxs has Idutii for Leonard is fair sample it how Red Cross workers the country over serve hospittlizcd ilcrt hv can buy snacks meet his friends listcn to the radio play if relatives came to visit they could find ovcrnight ac commodation more for Slot ll lits torrid it new and ab sortinu hobby that helps his con vtlcanc pass faster Hes learng 211 leather work in the Red CiLksS rs and Crafts room The Arts md tuls department functions in 27 DVO hospitals and institutions Happily Crowned is the man who has full con fidence in his Insurance Yn invcstigations at the Brandon 3mm 21 Manitoba Experimental Farm iorf mers am the past five years indicate that Ithc guarantee Elva average cost of baling hay in the own uuum Canadian veterans LLOllllidSISIOIS 15 typical field in the Brandon and Mclitm SCRABCE SUEVEY call us today Leonard who went over with the districts was $237 per ton This c0 Stevenson IIAY BALING IN FIELD itirst detachment of Princess Patsrvrs all costs including wages won Military Medal for his share men who Iin the attack on Hill 532 when he uas badly wounded in hand an arm requiring blood tintccghospitoxl visitors housewives and business girlswho give up their spare time They brought him cigarettes magazines chocolate bars wrote letters for him ran cr rnnds became his friends Two or three times pitsl arranged by Film Services which supplies 62 DVA hosiptals with modern films the year rouud After howssup nnddthuutFKed Cross Corps mem bers drove concerts week Leonard enjoys movies in the bus the Red Crbss Leonard to wrestling matches baseball games symphony He has had four operations since Hospitat Feb 29 1952 They were I14 pints of Red Crossr son to Mr and Mrs While recovering he llldeoneyI Camp Borden and soul theucquaintancc of Red Crocm vol ML and Mrs Harold Cummingl LEAP YEAR muss Alliston had two Leap Year but ics born at Stevenson Mcmorinl C0 rum AUTO AND own CASUALTY msunxc 95 DUNLOI STI 5201 Frank ham Angus Tonight is theNilllt Gala Hockey Night PROCEEDS TO RVH FURNISHING FUND Barrie Arena at 730 pm FINALS LEGION vs POLICE testant faith and to afford inspira padres who later admitted they tion towards greater progress inlwcrc amazed at the variety and clhzen Band chE Clowns Pnzes Christian life said Brigade Senior keeness of the queries ineI om bf eigln in Canada Protestant Padre Manor Cardin During the course the students MC 0f Port Credit formerly Olivisited Korean orphanage in Se wv wm rmw the hope that more Courses would dents expreed desire to obtain lCochrane 2nd Battalion RCR Cau TH ESE TREATS CARTOON IN COLOR MUSICAL SQUARE DANCE TONIGHT Leonard spends good deal of his time in the fine big Red Cross The special training was conduct donated by men or the brigade ed at the Canadian Btigudes NCO The children sang the Korean School back of the present battle National Anthem and our lads resI Ime iponded with Canada said Brigadier Rockingham Van Cardy and as were COUVel Who attended the 610511137 leaving they sang God be with you it Original organizer was former when the course ended Twelve Brigale Chaplain Major others were baptized by padres of Dumfords D50 3150 Of VanCOUVelJ their own denomination on the last II now back in Canada on rotationfdax II leave His replacement Major Cari vvv iv directed the course assisted by lBattalion PPCLI Captain Don mwfororaworwe Ijiowson Peterboro 2nd Regimentl RCHA and Captain George Bickl Icy Halifax Senior Protestant Chaplain tori the tst Commonwealth Divisior services was enthusiastic over the It left quite deep impression Ifour other Canadian padres fellowship school and expressed Ailarge percentage of the 5m They were Captain John Ford ANDI MON TUES wED MAT WED Laopm jIVEsIHOWs ewepsi THE QQUBLEOFTHE SEASON 512 SHOWS FORT You lllSURllS ASHBY VBINGO+I Barrie oulxvhich exists mainly on funds follow full membership in their churches ltain Alex Eilshiuamilton lstl Monday March 12 me Proceeds to the Cancer Pocono Tutemtosk 1m CF359 imidlte at it