Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1952, p. 8

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Judes WA met neon McDonalds on vlcwpruident was In Howard read on rand several items of We conducted contest Milli Quiz Bite also gave routing The meeting closed with VA more and benediction ton Arena on Tuesday evening Beale Week In Thornton last The winners in the racing Lost wait was certainly hockey invests were as follows Boys race week in Thornton On Tuesdnyll Bob Hunter Thornton 253m night bustoad of hockey fanslNellly lGilfordl Gltls race accompanied the hockey team toiVina Frederic Eleanor Morrow Erin for playoff game which the ladegged race lst event Church Thornton boys won On Thursday lill YPU 2nd event Thornton YPU The Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Willis Smith on Thurs dny evening March 20 Roll call an lrish custom Pro am in charge of the education ittee Thornton YPU The Young Peoples Union of Trinity United Church entertained the YPU of Bond Head Newton Robinson Churchill Gllford and Stroud to skating party in Thorn nlght the Keswick team and Thorn Relay race Thornton urchv ton met in Thornton Arena in alill Tug of war 1st event orn besimthrec ORHA intermediatcton 2nd cvcnt Bond HeadNewton series which was largely atlRobhlson After the skating the tended the score being 97 in fuEparty adjourned to Trinity Church vor of Keswlck On Saturday night Hall where slngsong led by Sam our boys accompanied by bus Ncllly Gilford with Mrs Robert load of fans want to Kcswick forRiley Thornton as accompanist the second game in the ser was enjoyed Games were led by ies and won 64 On TuesdayJack Brothel and Morley Allcn night they journey to Newmnrkcttand the girls of Thornton YPU to meet Kcswick again and nolscrvcd an enjoyable lunch The doubt will be accompanied by visitors were welcomed by James still larger number of their friends Henry prcsidcn tof Thornton YIU Mr and Mrs Doug King Tor and responses were made by rcp onto spent the weekend wuh rcsentntivcs of the various visit Mrs Kings parents Dr and Mrs Iing groups 1i melt illon and Ira serle nee Berth Phitenden ilmmim called on their cunt Mrs George lPiowrlzht Toad Mr and Mrs Wilson visited Mr Ind Mm Porter Scott in Toron to Historical Research At WI Mincslng Womens Institute mem bers met at Mrs George Dustos on Thursday with 25 present Roll call Iwas answered with an ancient lmode of transportation Reports iwere given on the tea in aid of the hospital also on the quilting tit Mrs Dustos Mrs Scott Muir was named leader of the garden club Several of the ladies offered to help in the Red Cross campaign Mrs Johnson displayed the quilt pattern lund blocks ready to be worked ilhanks to Mrs Johnson and Leona in very beautiful quilt is in the mak ling Ladies were invited to Mrs Jolmsous home next Wednesday to iwork at quilt Mrs George John ston prescrith her program on His torlzll Research excerpts of histori Cnl events origin of names of towns report of school meeting of 75 lyears ago Kinda contest on names of Mincsing pioneer settlers Mrs George Crawford gave an interpre tation of the motto Historical ev ients are the first stepping stonesto loduit education Mrs Walter Fra ilick rend fine history of the Stun THIS ANIMAL is half deer lbcth Stundcn Present at the meetl got Silver Maple WI Mrs illlrvcy idcn leniily written by Miss MayI ingI were Mrs Wesley Johnston Informer member and now pltsldulltf Newton lunch 10Fit15t and it Gendarme two daughters Clare and Peggy arrived home from Clareiholn Alberta where Ray mood was stationed in the RCAF It has been transferred to the Low don RCA Station Dexter and Francis Bunt spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dexter 0m Convention Mr and Mrs Kirby ato tended the Hortlcultural Conven tion in the King Edward Hotel Toronto Mr and Mrs Carman Mm and Mrs Dexter Mrs Charles Unklater and Mrs Dean atE tended the OHA banquet on Thurs day evening All report good time Mr and Mrs Kirby visited Arthur Wilkinson who is patientl in Slinnybrook Hospital Toronto gnine members and three visitors Mr and Mrs Lesll Rose are Mrs Robertson read the Scrip amending few days with friends in Windsor end with Mr werc thanked Mr and Mrs Roy McCann andlhave bazaar Ma Mm Joe daughtcr Detroit spent the week Stands and Mrs Sam Allen to and Mrs Hodginslbo helpers at next Mission Band with sin it many We who recently lost her husband Sym pathy is extended to the family in their Marmot Mr and Mn Cliff Archer Elm vole were recent ulsitor at Hayes Recent visitors in the vicinit were Mr and Mrs Fare and fam Master Hog Dairy we CARRY Swifts Poultry end Hog Concentrates mmrhnuwm MARCH lOKnox Presbyterian and Church Ladies Aid met at Mrs Wendel McElwnins March with the vicepresidentin the chair Becf concentrates Mix any of the above with your own chopped grain and Watch them Grow treats and owers it was decided to tore Three Wilson and it Wilkinson arelmeeting also to have Christmas half cow born to Holstein on the sick Their many friends cow on farm about 10 miles east of Bracebrldge It has somclwgsh mm speedy recovery definite deer features as may be seen by the picture from thel Mr and Mrs Oscar Li Braccbrldge Gazette and is now one month old and just llsFridaY frisky as can be There is no doubt that it will continue to live as it is quite healthy insofar as the vet is concerned prexsivc sermon in Ithe Unitedi Church Sunday evening icd the Mansfield OldBoys and Old iGirls Reunion in Toronto EVERETI James Tiller preached very im Allens cards to next meeting Mission topic My first nton spent Guiana by Allen Rcoc read by Mrs William Bell in Mrs Saml year in British BrownC0Ltd absence mousmult Sum 1871 296 Meeting closed with Hymn Mm Burgess gave the closing prayer Johnston and Miss Goddard The Horton IWI WM my pleased to have 1mm MARCHWMrs West and Lorne MARCH lOSorry to report Mrs Mm Dan MccunoughI Calm and Trinity United WA Ifricnds with them tdIIHCIOIISIof Toronto were at Lloyd Coborns Sim Jenkins is confined to bed and Margaret Kingstom are Spending ThIsIImonths lncctlngIIwas llcld hunch was served by MRI George on Saturday wc all wish her speedyIrCcovcjyI couple of months with her pap at Mls Peacocks vxthI an CIIwmrd and Mrs Wm M1 and Mrs Ivan BcIll Cayugai Mr and Mrs Fred ODonelL ac emsI MrI and MrsI AI ILondryI average ancndmmu The dcvouom II COIII spent the weekend at Wilfred Bells rumpanicd by Mr and Mrs but while her husband is in Germany gt Mr and Mrs John Allen and EODoncll Toronto spent the week Mr and Mrs Ernie Keycs andl son Toronto Visited Mr and llIlSi Roy Laking on Sunday We are very sorry to report IIL death of Mrs Elizabeth Jane Doug Wynn son and Vana Pearson Miss Shirley Bailey Toronto spent the wetckend at her homef Congratulations to Mrs Dave Pearson who held the lucky ticket on the cushion made by the Beth esda school children Miss Sarah and Dalton Slight Cookstown visited on Sunday with Mrs William Copeland Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ln Hamilton and Toronto Mrs Jack Webster and children Alcona Beach visited at Roy Kellys last week Melvyn Corbett Elmvale spent day last week with Cor bett rleage Cards At united Church The General Council of the Uni ted Church of Canada in their desire lor strengthening their work in social reform have sent out plcdge cards to be used in the church for Voluntary Commitment for Total Abstinence in the use of Alcoholic Beverages The congre gation here will have the privil ege of signing thepledge next Sun day March 16 only daughter Mrs Ellis prede ceased him in 1944 Seven broth ersand sisters also predeceased him is survived by five grand children and el ht greatgrandchil dren Mn many beautiful floral ributes includingoonc from the Cooke Cartage and Storage 00 Barrie The flower bearers were Cecil Brethet Henry Davis gt Hipwell Ernest Switzer Cardy McLean and Elwell McKay The pallbearers were Mc fcrocken McCracken Craw ford Ellis Hugh Ellis Peter Switzer and Vernon Jennett Friends attending from distance Were McCracken Emsdale Mr and Mrs McCracken Mono Road Miss Marion Atkins LjArInitage Mrs Hamilton and Missl Jean McGee Toronto John Mr MARCH mMSI Emma CreaghI Lean and mr and MYS Herb Tay Vancouver visited hie brother 10 Bradford Bay Cannom for several duysulast The Yle of the United church Weak ylircxplnnning wastepaper colleag Large Eucllrp Crowd no in the near future Plea The second cuchre of the series save your paper and watch for date helddm Wednesday last was bot II tel than ever if crowds count Miss Ethel Matthews returned to Anyway there was larger at route on Sunday after spending tendance and the prize winners With Mr and Mrs were as follows LadieshMrs Dales Mrs Joe Cronan Mrs Thelmumps 11 Causing 001W Bolton Mens Howard Bolton ldertibleillnesa manipulth Eben Sawyer Harold Bell Everyl loin enamel tub which Will not corrodebr rut ll children but the Imlddleealted one should turn out for the third ell one on March 12 easy to clean ond keep cloan pound cop acity modern massive streamlined wring equipped with instant pressure relefse and outo motit writer deflector See thisy lue teddy TUES CHRIST MAIS OUT THE FUTURE WEI THE MIDDLE EAST IN PROPHECY LISTEN TO CFRB SUNDAYS 945 can ViSiting MI and Mrs Lorne Pear wedding anniversary MalCh gt al part was mkm by Ngs Bonke lventilttibllilinpllbdhtgtlflglilgcck Burllllgtbgicdmgrlaleglicfgg imo on business Mls Hughes took WhICII Mm JI SI VCHIS was in IQ CIIyINIIInIIIIIII ISIIILIltCthiIIsanIItICSIlInday wlthIrnd Vllll MI and Mrs George Pea neuth of ilIchacken was What God Ex cuts of Christ Mr and Mrs Brendon and don h= Saturday March With intelmen Mrs Maguirc took part inzmI pmvilk visited Mr 5nd Nibfa Jullggctwgytjitvyllmdbggft in Shelburnc Cemetery Mrsv munity Hugh McCracken passed taincd two main thoughts Chris III It own on Sunda mornin March tian service True Christians will 5111 03 ml Whitley vere Mrs Eralick visited her fum DOUI7IHmds and nelghbmso C3uramlahm and Mr and Mrs Victor Gallaugher Ml and Mrs Linton met at Don hlass Dekker who were married son William Ellis on Highway ity they possess One of the mcm 27 few miles north of the Vill bers read Thought for Today bar 33m MIIIIIIIITICOR them with an electric mantel clockiSunday afternoon at pm follow galgugher and lamb Toronto on lm ay born in Bond Head on Nov 19 souls best weapon an essential incw home near Bccton II II on rs ms on 1111 gt ssoron it as 1856 He was the eldest son of always Rev Hughes dis cc Willeds legislfeizszgclgfx 338 newbdge Robertson At very early age the United Church Training School Mrs Walter Flalick on Sunday Thursday nigh Cloverdalc held at Mr and Mrs John Paters he started working in his fathers for womcnI This buildig is 10 Dont forget the slides by Dr RSchool heldn euchre in aid of theiFriday night in honor of lthcir sideroad known as Swafflcld Bridge over the Boyne River Along ovulurlc 3ch In he married Charlene Ab CampUSI Tororuo at cost of $600 evening auspices vcspra vcrc winners Ladies StI MrSI Wills0ninlawI Klass DekkcrI The re kins Pd they farmld near 305d 000 being met by assessment of Horticultural Society tliams 2nd Margaret Davis lowceptionroom was daintin decorat an order from the township for three Gallows 0f cement to be 19 on AL wife then he returned to the Bond proceeds of the lunch served at m0er Bracebndge Smday DilViS 2nd MOTEdilh LOW OTVIHC llfllla large wed ing cake in 0m CtHm Head blacksmithlshopand worked Hopkins sale netted 54a Thu V15 Mr and MIS RPml0 andCarter Lucky draws Mrs Betty layer benutifull decorated for they occasmn AQUA CHMSTENING Then he 7er and made his given and it was decided to pur The Junk Farmbrs held their ml with his daughter Mm chase paint and floor rug Don and MW Charles Parker third euchre on Friday eveningging is apatient in Alliston hospitaU lic built in 1853 was christenedi We all bin in tl water 1944 Since then he lived with displayed also some nished work and family in Barrie ers Ken Gould low Mrs Jim ls mg mm Speed Bosmn mm but his andcmldren wens Ems and Reports were given by the centa and M15 wesmy JOhnbtonlSiCOIb Mons high Hally BTOWH Mrs Ludlow and Mrs Lcw of the vessels shareholders gwere CAMEWLSRV sow 0mm W85 Prbilerlan and 5131111011 treasurer along with those of the day mom at Andrfm orchardS Prize 01 lady Who came the farlhf iloronto last week and also attendl movclncnt In on Conservative The funeral took 11 of which Miw 11 different conveners IglayerI MrsIIJI Harrison Score grandson l0 Bond MlS Hughes closed the meeting 39 Marguerite Ramsay slygs you 50 Head United Church conducted by with prayer the usual refreshment me was enjoyed by 811 Boyd 055 Barrie Visu AI McnwamI interment ed on Friday with MPI and MFSI meta Meetings Will BIG Old In was in the adjoining cemetery He Mr and Mrs Will Sha have COMMUNITY OLSE Aunt shinsmo out is survived by his two sons James the weekend McCracken Emsdale and Thomas MI and Mrs Corman Hmdlt SpeakeEr WEWP Id Jar core ary Omotta Belle Ewart on Sunda Sunday visitors with Mr Mild 22 $113 angnissgibgowAuiggj ets Point McMaster of COOkSIDWn Mr and Mrs Dave Pearson spent former residents of this commun II II II VALLEY frim dabes swam FULL oritilctii slzli 259s gt lesson The funeral Was held on thoughts the subject of If II fewdaysI lcmkI no The oldest citizen of thiscom inns ill the Church This conI the program of Thornton Womcns Hall on sunday ROIV Laking and James LakingI Douglas was 90951 01 Row 1952 at the home of his gland endeavor to spread the Christinn II Tmonm Browns Tuesday night to presentlln St Davids Anglican Church med ML and mm Emerson ago The late Mr McCracken was The word of God is the Christian on the eve of departure to theiring the church service it weekend of Parker Priests Let Bridge Contract Hugh McCracken and ChristEna cussed the building campaign for 00 Vigited the Mimis mOIhCY Clovcrdale School Euchre reception and presentation was es to be bum the Spring on 5L blacksmith shop at Bond Head be erected on Victoria University 95 of Siayn in tho ha onnglniOI Red CFOSS The fOIIOWigdallilhtOr Wilhemlna and iulurc with this Norval Robbins received Head untiliaftcr the death of his the many congregations The net Hamil Bill and Corbett Adams Mrs Grace Copeland Mens lstli ch In Dutch tradition with beau livcred in the near future for wmiam Gould um he lwas parsonage Committee mm was new nephew Rodney William Pal1McLennand and Mrs EarlBell VOIY sorry to report James Lak The clipper ship Great Repub Mmmvmcw gt Crawford Ellis until her death in Med material for bazaar work was blit Sunday With thtll 50 BOD With 151 lady Mrs Ben Steels 2ndI recovcry instead of champagne because some Mrs Jennelt Thornton He day treasurer and the general and OSbomel Hdealev were Sun2nd Bydedaile 10W Thwalle ls Gallaughcr spent few days inisupportcrs of the temperance est Mrs Lloyd Connoll Oldestl gt piac on Tuesday from the home showed satisfactory progress After MARCH 10 Mr and Mrs Alexi Re JI WI HughesI assisted by Err nrre Brunch 272 aro or or as re am or returned from months holiday TUES WED MARCH 1819 pin MCCaCkem Head H15 and girls visited Mr and Mrs INF mm SAUCE SbJecS Mrs George Squibb included Mr 5l5lW few days last week in Toronto ity who are celebrating their 40th STD IlAINES INSYRUP Sensationally Low Priced cuvlrlmwvERL llglcoiljvsnrltnsnmrnes orSIzIIIIIII Here53tin other you cantalfonl to miss II II 91 anovonnhn nuronrun toxins instill fg sizu 12 EACH nationally Iodvertised washer has shiny porce II KIII LIMITED lofurry

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