funds for theworkoi The Ontario Society for Crip For the sixth time in Ontario the sole of Easter Seals is being conducted to raise pied Children Through this sale The Society hopes to raise proceeds for expansion of this work In Barrie the Kiwanis Club has un dertaken the sponsorship of this canipaign Organized to help crippled children regardless of race COIOI or creed The Society is celebrating its 30th Anniversary November 28 I922 was the date that representatives met in Windsoropd formed the scanty During the past year it has cared for more than letter containing seals is being for 50000 physically handicapped children worded to every resident of Barrie and Disrick Wont you please reply promptly FRED McCONKEY Chairman EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Why You Should Help Crippled children are OUR CHILDREN and deserve our most sympathetic help Every crippled and handicapped child restored to health and strength is an added asset to the community This is doublebarrelled iobio help the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and the local work of the Barrie Kiwanis Club It is easy to help Just slip your contribution in the en velope provided and mailliatonce the sum total of small contributions can provide great fund for worthwhile humanitarian effort If you hovenot received your letter youcnn help by Ieovingidonotion with Mr McCon Igey Imperial Life Assurance Co Owen Sh Barrie For Further Information Phone ROSS STEPHENS AT 2566 wfamvl no FMS GSPoNsonEDfovi ztcuiitisiiMirro