For the finest in workmanship For the highest in quality Choose Bluebird from selection at Webbs Jewellery Ease Rd Allcnduie lTS EASY YnnlmIWNnicbinglobI vh on trim Cleric lentil mhhmem Mathroad leanvolume was 0ch imam OUR RENTAL PLAN mounts maritime mound Decorating Materials Floor Finisher Iand Equipment is specialized sideline PHONE YOUR RESERVATION NOW BOYDSTPAINI and WALLPAPER clam 19 Clapperlon St AT THE OPENING of the Ontario Legislature at Queens Park Toronto on Thursday Feb 21 an escort for the new LieutenantGovernor Hon Louis Breithaupt was provided from the Canadian Provest Corps School Camp Borden On guard as His Honor enters the parliament buildings are left to right LCpl Moore LCpl Sellers LCpl Buchel LCpl Neson LCpl McArthur LCpl Dear Lt Henderson Strand delivilics Takes Presbyterian Service tcachcrs Miss chb and Mrs Mur MARCH iOKen Gray very ably tin held open house on Friday af took the service in thcIrcsbyterian tcrnoon for the parents to see the Church here on Sunday owing to advancement of their children and the illness of the minister Rev to ask questions Many of the IC Muir Everyone is hopin mothers took advantage and en for aspcedy recovery for Mr Muir joycd this thoughtful act on the who was taken to Royal Victoria part of the teachers also cup of Hospital Barrie tea and cookies Sgt and Mrs MacMiilan and Enjoy the afternoon tea and sale Bobby nowiiving in Toronto spent of homemade baking in the com the weekend with Mrs Bowman munity hall on Saturday afternoon Open on Sch March 15 under auspices of the To observe Education Week the PrCSbytcnan ladms Saturday evening the members of the Gay 49 Club entertained their husbands in the community hall with cards danting and delightful lunch Prizes were giv cn for cards and lucky spot Mr and Mrs Ross Hand Miss Mabel Hand and Hand Allis ton Mr and Mrs North Camp Borden and Miss Verna Smyth Newmarket called on Mr and Mrs Hand Sunday The play Maid of Money is to be presented by the Grcnfel play ers in the community hall Wed ncsday March 19 See Coming Events forv further information Congratulations to Frank Cowan for having his name drawn for one of the gifts at the opening of the new Coop building in Barrie Sorrp to report so much sickness and flu around Mrs Martin is the latest pcrsonto join the sick list We dowish forall quick return to health Presbyterian WMS March meeting of Presbyterian WMS was held at the home of Mrs Mayes Thursday March with the president Mrs Bruce Cowan in the chair Scripture was given by Mrs Watson with well answered roll call name of South American missionary An invita tion was received fromSt James United WMS to meet with them at BEAUTHV HOSE OLD HOURS Rental business with us not just phoneme the Easter thankoflering April poem What Have We Done To day was read by Mrs Dwight Nelson Mrs Cowan gave splendid synopsis of the second chapter of the study book on South America Brazil is noted for coffee Bolivia for silver Chile for cop per and Argentina for agriculture Mrs Gray spoke about mission ary friend in South America Mr Cunningham started an orphanage and supports it by faith He also is allowed time on the broadcasting service because of the good work he has been doing Meeting clos ed With hymn and by the pres idcnts remarks delicious lunch with shamrock and lrish decora tions was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Nelson and Mrs hIchiirtcr Mr and Mr Norman McCraw and two sons Niagara Falls wer rc ccnt visitors with Mrs McC ws parents Mr and Mrs Reid Mr and Mrs Walter Hill were in Toronlo last week to visit daughter who is patient in East General Hospital following an op eration Her many friends here wish her good recovery Mrs Harvey Hughes visith this week at the home of her daughter Mrs Roy Bennett Deep River Mrs Charles Laindon Milton spent few days with Mrs Bant mg The 1951 collection from this community for the Upper Canada Bible Society amounted to $240 This included life membership donation bf $50 from Ernest Curr The officers wish to thank all those who donated and helped with the collection Mrs Simpkin and Mrs Nelson at tended meeting of the Simcoc Arts and Crafts Association at Guthrieiast Wednesday evening Ronald Davies leaves in the npr future totake up newspaper work in St Thomas We regret losing him from our community but wish him every success and best of luck in his new position KrulBurgsma Wedding About Dutch and other friends from here attended the Iweddingof Jan Krul and Annie Burgsmagiin St Andrews Presbyterian Church Barrie on March with recep tion afterward at the home of M3 and Mrs Harold Robertson Stroud The bride had flown over 14 days previously from her home in Fries land Province Holland An ac count of the wedding will be found in the womens section gt Barents Day at Nantyr On Friday afternoon March Nantyr School held Parents Day as part of the Education Week pro gram RusselBrady Grade VII pupil gave the opening address of welcome This was followed by short programof music by the pupils of all grades After this the their school subjectsand to see uscd car lot is jammed fuiifaguin Sale of brand new Chevrolets hasbcen exceptionaland 5tilctiadeins keep rolling our lot at 233 Bradford Street aim see the many fine buys we are offering lna wlch selection or cars Ic LWr ww in We must reduce our stock so hurry own to our usch IIi 199 pomucsgs close the senior girls of parents were at liberty to roam about the room inspecting the dis plays of projects in connection with the pupils individual wo At the VII and Ylll served afternoon tea rru Visit Elmvale Last Sunday evening Stroud UnitedYoung People went to Elm vale as guests of the YPU there Audrey Middleton Elmvale pres ldent took charge and led in the worship service The Stroud group under the leadership of Don Wice presented panel discussion on the YP purpose Those taking part wereviMervin Booth president of Strand Union Don McNabb Ross Wallace Kay Gibbons Edrie Webb John Martin and Ken Webb At the closes tasty lunch Iwas served by Elmvale YP The Young People appreiate this opportunity or meeting with other unions wop sniping together and discussing their problems and it was regretm table that more could not have goneto ElrInvaleq Unitlid WMS at wa ters in this play rades Vi lcrnoon March The Scripture reading by Mrs Palmerwas Iollow ed with prayer by Mrs Beelby and roll call answered by verse on LoveI The picture portrayed the story of years work of Dr and Mrs Burry United Church missionaries in Labrador and along the Labrador coast by ship sled and snowmobile among the native Indians Eskimos and AngloSaxons settled there Plans were made for the Easter lhankoffcring meeting on April with the local Anglican and Presbyterian societies as guests In the WA arrangements were made for an afternoon quilt ing party in the near future and the WA April meeting on the even ing of April An enjoyable lunch concluded the meeting United YP Plays The United YP prescntedthcir two plays on Friday night March in Stroud hall to large audi cnce The characters in the com edy play Not Quite Such Goose were as follows Mrs Bell happy mother Hazel Booth Al bert Bell her 17yearold son Rod erick Black Sylvia Bell her dau ghter Evelyn Martin Philip Flick Sylvias sweetheart Don McLean Hazel Henderson Sylvias friend Jean Mulholland Albert Bell is regular fellowfond of sports despising girls and the nicer points of masculine attire However when his sisters pretty friend arrives on visit Albert changes whole lot very fast He ditches his base ball playing friends and gets all sprucod up By the time the cur tain fails theres even rose in his buttonhole The director of this play was Robert Cowan with lighting by Mervin Booth stage management by Maurice Schaer costumes by tions by Rod Black The Biblical play Pilgrims of the players and interior decolo the Way dramaiof the early church endeavored to present the eternal truth as it may have hap period in far off age The charac wereBarnabas first called loses Kenneth Mc Donald Saul of Tarsus Robert Fleur John Mark cousin of Drama bas Morley Allan Mary mother of John Mark VelmalHubbert Rhoda maidservant Helen Cochrane Messenger Kenneth Webb The dir ector of this play was Mrs Herb Beelby stage manager Donald Wicc scenery by thePeople make up Edrie Webb Kay Gibbonsrcos tumcs Mrs Constable lighting Mervin Booth Between the plays enjoyable guitar mouth organ and vocal solos were given by Don Wicc and Dick Pattenden The playbrs and directorsofbot plays to be congratulated on theirbeautiful stage and splendid presentation and we wish them the best of luck in the drama festival competition which begins this week COLIDWATER Fine Window Display Dunlopsttore at Moonstone is attracting considerable interest due to the window display Lloyd Duni lop has made Jorge ferrlsI wheel and merrygorou and has these miniature rides bro ting in separ ate directions carrying various types of appliancestI There IS Ian unusual lighting effectin the fix tures departmentand in the store proper another display has an al ternating illumination Knox Church Booklet Knox Presbyterian Church Moon slime has published record of its achievements and aetivitiesln 1951 The booklet has picture of the church on the cover ThereIaIre two pages of churchyhistoryyut ten in very interesting style by MrsWilliam Miller vi Officerslistcd are Sessio vGordonGendfou now at Caledon William MillenGrant durum clerk AdadsoryBoard ua ersswmutrii nomad Jain iller unlopIl Where You BuyrMore for Less AFTER lNVENTORY SALE EMPIRE GREEN DINNERWARE CUPS AND savanna our PLATES EACH 29c 38c murr NAPPIES now OATMEALS Just few Ea BUGARS in DREAMS I69c covsaaocasomonss GRAVY some STANDS $150 PLATTERS Sizes Cheery Springlike Decoration of green border Green and Gold nines with Gold Motif on white ground ABOVE PRICES REPRESENT ONLY FRACTION OF THEIR REAL WORTH STEEL KITCHEN STOOLS warm WITH RED KITCHEN STOOLS WITH BACK WITH RED BACK SEAT WHITE KITCHEN STOOLS With White Back Red Leather Seat KITCHEN STEP sroors 35 Inches High Steel with Wood Red and Natural Finish 224 95c and $198 ms ST CARNIVAL WARE FRESH SHIPMENTS HAVEVMADE OUR STOCKS COMPLETE AGAIN INAILTIIEOOIDRSANDPIECE Now you cunmrocurewhat you need to complete your set Also Juice and Water Glasses with matching Carnival Colors Gray Burgundy Forest Green and Chartreuse Each only Sale amenity Soil Peppers PER PAIR 25c to $125 The ideal pride for parties Sale of De Laval Separator Supplies ONETHIRD OFF SEPARATOR DISCS 6r RUBBER RINGS SPINDLES SPRINGS EIC GOING OUT OF THESE LINES COARSE COD LIVER OIL 45c 50 33 s425 $695 These are galvanized too USE CREPE SEAL FOR DAMP FREE AND DUST $650 HEES VENETIAN BLIND CLEANER 39c The regular price was 60c FREE EMENTS ONE GAL MAKES UR Gal $295 Statistics are sometimesvhard to swallow and more impossible to digest One that is worth remembering is that if all the people who go to sleep in laid end to end they would be lot more comfortable Johnson GloCoul Sole BIG GIANT SIZE $146 Value for l$l20 LITTLE GIANT SIZE 84c Value for 680 The Extra Value is in the Extra Size Cans Available for only limited time DAIRY ASSOCIATION FARM REMEDIES HORSE TONIC Reg 750 for LOUSE KILLER Reg 85c for 69c GARGET REMEDLYlleg 750 for Lawm CLEARANCE Or DR BELLS FARM TONICS LINIMENT Regularly 60c for m5tlc GARGET REMEDY Reg title for 50c WORM PHYSIC POWDERS 60c for 50 EXTRACT LOTION Reg 600 for 50c GALL OINTMENT HOGONIC DISTEMPER COUCH TONIC 8t INDIGESTION VETERINARY LINI MENT AND POULTRY TONIC ALL 60c ITEMS GOING FOR 50c POULTRY TONIC$190 Size for $150 LICE KILLER 75c Size for 55c church were Sale of Royal Purple Products ALL 60c ITEMS CLEARING FOR 49c ALL 30c ITEMS CLEARING FOR 23c ALL 90c ITEMS GOING FOR i69c ALL 65c ITEMS GOING FOR 55c Included in the lot are Hog Tonics Poul try Topics Disinfectants Roup Cure Cough Cure Lice Killer Sweat Liniment ATOMIC LICE KILLER 75 for 55 SHEEP DIP85e Size SHEEP DIP $375 size for $3l0 SALE OF PAINT ENAMEL HALF PINTS Ivory Azure Blue Sydney Buff Russet Brown Orange Navy Blue Sea Green Cream Cardinal Red Daffodil Tampa Green Bermuda Grey and White MASTER PAINT SALE 55c 39 SCHOOL BAGS ELECTRIC srovrs THE FAMOUS JEWEL BRAND THE JEWEL COMBINATION STOVE Oven Heatsfwith Coal or Wood or Electri city NoneOther Like It Anywhere Beauty Anyway You Look At It NilWALL FOR YOUR WALLS Easyto Apply Delicate Shades $200 $225 $1525 $495 le 98 Gals $325 PAINTS ENAMELS do VARNISHES Sale of Quarter Pints Enamel THIS IS ONE OF GLIDDENS LINES Only few colors left India Buff Pearl Gray French Gray Light Orange Ground Colors and Maple Varnish stain 33 THE CLEARANCE PRICE ONLY DISCONTINUED COLORS GLIDDENS HOUR ENAMEL lbs $190 25 PER bumour REGULAR PRICE ulcer and serum unspoilt Two sroarsroa YOUR snowmo CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlap SI Phone 2391 Rawson Offertory Stewards Robertson Miller Miller Miller OrganistsMrs Dun lop MrsW Miller Mrs Miller Mrs Ruwsom Treasureremoyd Dunlap Goldwater Briefs in Itlttook Lloyd Dunlap Moonstone four hours to drivefroni Toronto to Moonstonethe night of March Mr Dunlop was delayed at Stroud wherea tractortrailer and auto collided causing the death of two Newmarket residents He to remove the injured from the Iwreckagb One of Matchedash Townships lifelong older residents Mrs JoSeph Taylor passed away on Wednesda March it atter Why illness She was the former one Borrow and was predoeas cveralyears can ElizabQIhSLPhouO I946 teams mateyneat teams in the Save myvtew mu Home Goldwater rink Elaivale Squirts Prompt arrival oft Goldwater won to Wayne Williams tallied pamper and volunteer firemen sau Coldwaters singleton irhe visiting ed the home of Hilliard Raymond peewees defeated Coldwaler 32 ofnearby Bayview Hill from as Gary Orton obtained both Coldj structioh by fire early on the morn water tallies The bantam game lag of Mamh4 The tannin escaped wasa 843 tie tDon Salkiws got two unburtriand the blaze in the roof and Doug Beach one goal for Cold was quickly doused saving the water in this encouuter brick veneer cottage 1W hlOMHA LOOSE noosmo me Goldwaters protest river midget OMKA gamefplayed at Bolton iwas carriedmefore meeting 501 one OMHA executive iiiToronto Mar Accompahying managerirzrnle Godfrey lathe meeting were the Coldwater referee Herb Stevens the toosejaonsmfj and mallardstunchioubarnIfor mnnaxvmmpenme the average produc versatile will lt1 animals seen the housine inn ascompared yum xnthestashiwvbam an an initial competition