Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1952, p. 15

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WW THREE NEW AMBULANCES were acquired recently for use The Wilson Building SQUARE at Camp Borden Major Chamberlain and Major Benl nctt of Royal Canadian Army Medical Corpsyare shown hvrtl w1th one of the ambulances drawn up in front of the military hospital Continued from page tool Stcntorian gun id rccitc the virtues he passed up and down the aisle mm moosmn ICCUIAKI WAIIO LYD for sale PHONE 5533 cough drops SAVINGS INTO morn THE EASY WAY Guaranteed Trust CerfWrote protable investment for your regular savings GuaranteedTrust Corticates are unconditionally guarantqed as to principal and interest pay 335 interst payable halfyearly are short term5 years are authorized investment for trustfunds have no uctuation in principal In 5years $500 accumulates to $59470 Invest wisely and well 97851111111113 TRUSTS th All Gill if de05 and gents hope you will all keep quiet while show you the contents of these packages we have They are lemonade andi and no matter how TOWN HALL YEARS AGO usnso VARIED PROGRAMS bad you are sncezin or what kind tably carried candy butcher oriof cold you got they will sure agent who had something or other give to sell to the audience Shortly be for the curtain rose this man with lungs appeared before the footlights and in dccptoncs tic you immcdjit relicf Each package contains prize and they consist of highgradc joolry and dimon rings And all for the small sum of nickclfivc ccntsund 0f the thrcc times115 big ones for dime candy or chewing gum or popdorn tcn tentsf Wholl be the next which he carried in big tray held 11p by strap around his neck asl gt hoppy gum And then thch were those travelling pedlars with litto sene or gasoline torches each side of their platform Somc times they gave their shows on the old gore where the Post Office now stands and other times on the Market Square or in the Town Hall Thered be the fellow sometimes who was selling cement that would mend the break of day or old Forbes squarefaced Scotch man with as many burrs in his speech as there were syllables and who sold toothpaste which removed mm and prevented decay That old fellow during his recur ring visits to Barrio swallowed enough of that paste which he plastered on his obitstretched tongue to show that it was all hunkydory to line an oldfashion ed cistern and if he had continued those visits another couple of years thercd have been enough to lay pavement between Barrie and Al landolc But guess it Was good stuff all right or he would not have rcturned year after year The travelling medicine compdn ies also used to give sumo pretty goodshows Pawnee Bills Indian Medicine Co Dr Hamlins Wizard Oil companies Banyan Medicine Co Nefs Ointment xProf Mul vaneys tapeworm and the var ious jewellery and razor Selling companies were among the most important Concluded on Friday HOlLY MARCH IOMr and Mrs An derson Toronto are up rming their summer cottage getti ready for spring weather gt Plans are being mad to have special music for Eas Sunday Wehope everyone of come and make it worthwhile Mr and Mrs Mil Lougheed and family visited hs mother Mrs Lougheed recetly They had thlr aunt Miss Loughced re turn toloronto ith them for sal at Redferns on March was success although it was very stormy 11131 We are sorryto losing Mr and Mrs Redfem fr our communitybut we wish em happiness in their new horn in Barrie Visitor at Mr and Mrs AGra bams tently were Mr and Mrs ADyc Barrieand Mr and Mrs Srley MineSing Mr andltlrs Charles Lowr and Mr nd MrsMulholland Barrie visid atRllofernfs ho firmdated postmark on liter was used in 1829 when re ipieptsmlill paid bash forIdelhleIy COOKSTOWN First Essa WA mens Association was held at the llllmtl of Mrs Hayes with good number of members and visitors present illic meeting and opcncd it by all Ringing hymn followed by pray I1r The Scripture reading was taken from St Luke 2216 Roll call was followed by the secretarys report Arrangements were made to quilt tln Red Cross quilt at the home of Mrs hchnters on ch itcsdny March Sides chosen for tho attendance rucc year After the business was dis cussed Mrs McWatcrs turned the brogram over to Mrs Hancock Mrs Chapman gave reading fol lowed by poem by Mrs Hancock llS Mchtcrs read the story of St Patrick and conducted on Irish contest Mrs Hancock road the first chapter of the Study book on Koren followed by two poems Tho singing of hymn and the rcpca mg of thc Mizpoh bonedictn brought the meeting to cse Preceding delicious lunch ved by the hostess and her helpcs the ladies spent happy hour utting and sewing blocks for Red Cross quilt WYEBRl WI Bear of MARCH 10Thc omcns Insti tute held their onthly meeting Wednesday afteroon at the home of Mrs Ellcr with the presi dent Mrs GergcvRichardson in the chair At er the business Mrs Curry guy splendid paper on Switzerland Mrs Wallace Mid land gavc fine talk on her recent trip to Enland and Scotland which was in appreciated Roll call was we responded telling an Irish joke unch was Served by the hoste andMrs McClung and Mrs Angus Rawn and chi rcn also Mrs Roy Edwards sey motored to Toronto Sunday visit Mr Stewart who is ill in General Hospital Ross Douglas Sarnia Spent the weekend with his parents The WI catered to banquet at Parkside Midland Thursday even ing Mrs Hounsome and family have secured home in Goldwater and will be moving there in the near future WLw c1111 cunt MARCH lOMrs Prank Wood Bradford is visiting Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair Mr and Mrs Sturgeon and Mr and Mrs Ken Sturgeon attend ed the SturgeonDickson wedding in Calvarymcmrch Toronto on Saturday Mr and Mrs Clarence Bell Oril rips lia were visitors with Mr and Mrs Ivan Burkc Sunday St Peters GA The GA of St Petersmet in the parish hall on Friday evening The meeting Opened with worshipser vice conducted by Catharine Piaiterg son Girls taking part wechoan Jacksonlllois Burke Patricia Bowl and Mary Taylorlv lay Sloan and Margaret Sturgeon favored with vocal duet Minutes were read and approved Itlexc meeting at Lois Burkobn March 14 Roll callyas answcredbylo members An inr Tterestlnggitcinon Study Boo March meeting of First Essa Wo were which is being repeated again llllsi MlDllURST hot Suppl1 was enjoyed and llflnyZ gt tlllllt workcd on for the Mcoting clost With GILoill Night hymn Mr and Mrs Robert King drlli ed home uflur 5000mlt trip through lhc Eastern Slateson their way Florida where the enjoyed Mrs Mchtcrsconductcd mm may Wiu Curling Trbphy Congratulations lu Ralph Rcivc Ronald Allzin Iv Burke and MBIlilltltl llurriso who won lhc OHhrx Trophy 11 electric wafflcl iron Itiidlnndbonspicl on Friday last MITCH omcns Institute MARCI l0Womuns Institute me rch Int Mrs Harold Wulk ers be meeting opened in Ier usu vuv Following the business sec on Mrs Rico introduced the sp thr Mrs Leigh who gave 21 vry enlightening talk on her tript Mexico The singing of God Saw tho Queen and the Lords Prayer followed by lunch closed the incclinu Red Cross crokinolu party is to be held Friday March 14 at pm in SS school house under ous piccs of the Womens Institute Everyone Welcome Itsdime World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer was ob served at Mrs Irwin Clarks Mrs Ansdcll took charge of the program Variouspmyers were taken by Mrs Campbell Mrs Strachan Mrs Flet cher and Mrs McKay Mrs John C0 is gave very enlightening and int restingr address Mrs George Stmchan and Mrs Smith Campbell accompanied by Mrs McArthur rendered lovely duct Meeting closed with prayer Mr and Mrs Allan McKay and family Goldwater visitch Mr and Mrt McKay 31 and Mrs Earl Scott visited th son John at Mount Forest re ce ly Home and School Meet Tuesday MARCH 7The Home and School Association will meet at SS No Vespra at oclock on Tuesday Map 11 Topic Parent Education Teal hrs and parentsare asked to submit question for the book which will be used for panel dis cussion East Forum Midhurst East Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Coutts on Mondliy eVCDing Topic Custom ers Abroad15 the trend to increas ing exports to Us instead or Bri tannin thebcst interests ofCan adidli farmers WA Meet at Bertrams very interesting WA meeting was held at Mrs LBertrams A1 for the usualm business 11 cockintroduced Mrs Gray mis sionary from China She gave very interesting talk on the women of China This was followed by t1voentcrtaining contests put on by Mrs=7Fihlay who had an original confection the business establish mentln Barrie Miss Wattle put on cbntcst on the women of the Bible lMrs Richardson and Mrs Smith served dainty lunch Collection was for the WMS An oyster of average size will drink for about 20 hours day con suming 15 gallons and extracting 90 per cent of theminute food par ticlesfrom the water it omen To CONSUMER onicssyTHArAltAN sAvaS onionssites lb InffmEPlECE panel Izmd looked up and down no traffic he started to make the lurn but as the whole section of 1ondvay was icy his wheels start god to slip CRAIGHURST MARCH Mrs Mill liftMAME Tatum lake sprrzdlzg You day with 3111 231d Mrs Emu kills fllle Smpalhy of 1721 vlizxgi ill61 tantra to Mn it by the nddrn 11mm of but husband East ljtzcsuay lie was Unlltd Cl 14 1131 Finlay M155 Maori the zidswf on Fun 11m Lust Mon dri litllc Ttiilrl Eu $211121 from 121153 Column Ihriv was illllt tllcl ikltllflg party Zhrw 1111 Emmy mus and MI of Slouffaglc fluc And Mrs Butl 5hr Mr and Mrs Clurcncc be Finn For Arcless Driving Flooding guilty to charge of careless driving 11 Bradford St W1 Fob lti Donald LOW l7 tillvvr for local firm igt fmcd Slfi with costs of $450 PC Alux Orr gave Muirnoi that us he vns going itlllllllt leu 11 12 p111 on Bradford St lic oi LlVLtl the young mam ill light truck cutting in IL liign speed ahead In front of CGE llt Iwas dulng 70 miles an hour and llll officer did not got him stopped until Iiffln St initlsccllutl was reached llt did not boiling to the fire brigndv thc constnblc ns curtaincd Dismiss Charge clmrgc of cnrclcss driving ngoinst Arthur Fountain was dis misscd after hearing which look sOlllL time and disclole that on Feb the accused had been drivingy north on Maple Aw and had stop ped on the east side of the street with the intention of turning loft to lthc Lewis Robertson cool office He stated that he opened the door Seeing Just then Albert McFadden dIlllt ing on Allandalc Taxi cor camc up behind Fountain Noticing that the latter had starlcd left be 3117 plied his brakes and swung left but the icy surface threw him over against the fuel Office which was damaged and also the car PC Don Oxncr who investigated found that the taxi was ovcrj against the building 16 feet from the road and at the end of 30foot skid marks if was 615 pm the road was icy and it had been rain ing The officer estimated the car damage at Slit and the building $35 At the request of Fountain Robertson was called as witness and stated that he had been in hisi office ot the time and basing judgl ment upon the speed of McFadl dcns car claimed to be 113 to 20 miles an hourl by the force of the impzct he stated the latter was driving considerably beyond thotl speed Damage to the office was also much more than the amount estilnated and might reach $200 TV RUNNING FIRST The worlds first public television scrvice was opened at London in Novembr 1936 111sz lo3s= Amour SAM NOBLE Plumber naming scum Plumber hmmmmmw in plumbing work in spend for bubon uid mow receiving your Muffins rem Hm or Inputs any of which will ha in useful 47 Shirley Ave 11 il ENCLOSED MEIM HEAD Slim trim design Bluclu dint PREClSlON llllOR lunlnc Iltmn Kll ulnhunn TUBULAR ACTION Exrlusivc lube gins smoother opuolinn FLEXIBLE METAL SLATS With stay ncwsruy ILan DuPont fz plastic nish my STOCK SIZES 1459 23x64 25 27 x64 29 x64 BARRIE VINIIIAN IIINOS 313164 33km 35x64 37x64 39x64 41x6 43x64 irretttttiittiillilllllllilif iinzmmmin1111mm of 595 696

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