co radford Churc with was We of Mummers on Saturday attain 115 at three oclock Betty Cam but daughm of In and lira lulu Campbell Bradfonl became the bride of Bruce Sinclair Ship loy son of Mr and Mrs Alec beans McLarnon assisted by Muir Barrio per fanned the double ring ceremony 1113 Ruth Ritchie played the wcdding music and accompanied tbs soloist Mrs McLarnon who song The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and have You Truly during the signing of the register Jack Baxter Churchill was groomsman and the ushers were the brides brother Earle Campbell Lloyd Sawyer chroy and Stewart Smith Toronto reception was held at Brad ford town hall for over 100 guests who were received by the brides mother wearing grey dress with navy accessories and corsage of red roses Mrs Shipley wore mauve with black accessories and corsage of yellow roses dance followed For going away the bride wore pink suit with black accessories and fur topcoah iMr and Mrs Shiplcy will take up residenccat Field near North Bay where the groom is an opcr ator with the CNR gBefore her marriage the bride was recipient of lovely gifts given at showers by her friends one at the home of Mrs Dow and another at Mrs Brock wells Overseas Relief Provided by Red frost Workroom ls Each Thursday and Friday dur Ing 1952 group of Barrie ladies hpproximately 40 in number have been looking after the sewing for the Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross xDurlng 1950 an emergency order milled in connection with the lnnlpeg flood relief resulted In qutabeing made up The list pltcd work includes sew lm garments hospital sup lflies 364 articles quiltsl951 21 lttlng 314 garments The Barrie workrooms have been going continuously in this manner for number of years under the supervision of Mrs Lowe of he womens work committee At the present time reduest has been received together with the necessary material for Consider ble quantity of articles for infants children two years to 14 boys two l4 and also sweaters for boys Still girls two 1014 years The Bar rie branch has undertaken to be responsible for turning out approx lmately 2000 articles on this spe cial order The articles from the Barrie branch and others willbe apprbpriated for shipment to var ious overseas projects as wdl as urgent demands for emergency re lief In Canada Enlhlxwork Is in addition to the trout program of workcarrled out by the womens committee and they would appreciate hearing gain any ladies who are willlng assist in the workroom or to take out to be done at home orln church groups The work commit teehas received very flne coopera tlon frommany ladies in the juris diction oftheBarrie branch nDurlng the year 1951 supplies from the Ontario division were dis ftrlbuted among hospitals including 611mm hospitals and for blood transfusion purposes and civilihn largely for overseaspurpos ln countries urgently in need id connectlon with the above nine cases ofsuppliea were sent breato help refugces ham or Sumner Bloc Bonnet Till ller1 Tbc marriage of Miss Annie Burgsma of Frlesland Province Holland and Jan KruLStroud late of OverUsel Province Hull and took place in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Barrie on Wednesday March l052 at pm The Rev Mr Bus Dutch minister from Owen Sound per formed the ceremony The bride looked charming in white satin with nylon net yoke and draped skirt Her fingertip veil fell from tiny crown trim med with seed pearls and lllyof thewalley She wore pearls be longing to her mother and carried an armcascade bouquet of deep red roses Following the ceremony tn ac cordance with Dutch custom the guests offered congratulations and best wishes Later all repaired to the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Robert son Stroud where games Singing dancing and delectable lunch was enjoyed by about 35 guests The groom has made many friends In Stroud community since his ar rival last April The bride flew over from Holland 14 days prcvl bus to her marriage Mr and Mrs Krul have taken up residence near Stroud TEENAGE CLINIC SOLVES PROBLEMS FREAK GROWTH WINNIPEG March CPLTypi cal of the problems presented to Winnipeg clinic catering to adoles cents is lhat of 14ycarold girl worried because she towers over boys of her own age at high school dances The Adolescent Endocripe Clinic says its can help such girl who may reach the stately height of five feet eight inches with every Indica tion of growing taller With history0f the girls ev ious growth doctors can es ate how much she wlll grow in the fu ture With her parents consen the girls height can be checked most instantly if examination shows she will approach or surpass the sixfoot mark The clinic studies the actlons of the endocrine glands of the body tuitary thyroid and reproductive nds adrenals and pancreas All produce hormones which affect the growth and development of young peoplc 13yearold bOywas brought to the clinic to find out why he was only the size of an elghtyearold Doctors found he had no general disease and his glands were work lng correctly The trouble was an extremely un happy home The boy was suffer ing from malnutrition and simply wasnt eating enough Thesolution was happy foster home Other problems the clinic tackles are those of the young girl who has excessive hair the teenagar usually girl who has recently de veloped goitre or diabetes the most common disease encountered The clinic is open every Satur day morning at the Childrens Hos pital Doctors and specialfsts do nate their services 5000 TradeInlllow Old rumor l0 Down Payment STRIPE SILK IAFFEIA makes striking sidedrape to transform favorite dark dress Into new spring glam or gown If you Would like to have direction leaflet for making the DRAPED DRESS ACCESSORY send stamped selfaddressed envelope to the NeedleworkDept of this pap er requesting LeaflctNo 4013 Trinity Evening WA Celebrate Fifth Birthday birthday party celebrating ve years of the Evening Wom ans Auxiliary of Trinity Anglican Church was held in the Parish Hall recently with 45 members and guestslprescnt Games and contests were played in the parlor after which lunch was served in the main hall the guests sitting at three tables salad plate tea and cake were on joyed The birthday cake on the head table was beautifully decor ated with icing in the form of basket of roses with birthday greetings and five pink candles The cake was cut by Mrs Vance past president At the head table were the Rec torand Mrs chencier Wright Mrs Excll president Mrs Vance Mrs Grasett president Afternoon Branch and Mrs Lorne Whiting leader of the Junior WA vote of thanks to Mrs Firman and her helpers was made by Miss Brooks for the manner in Which lunchwasr served Mr Wright spoke briefly congratulat ing the branch on its progress since its beginning Mrs Grasett called on Mrs Hall mem ber of long standing in the WA for some remarks The party adjourned after the singing of Good Night Ladies with Mrs Scott at the piano and benediction by thofsjgcctor Mrs McKenzie Heads Ladies of Barrie Golf Club The ladles section of Barrie Golf and Country Club held their annual meeting and election of officersat Mrs smlth Wellington St on Monday evening March 10 Reports were presented and it was evldent that the 1951 season had been most successful The captain Mrs Gray showed thewmcmbers the new cup presented by Julian Ferguson MP for competition Month To IwhoNrHSiifroirAv lefroyulnsfitufe Hear Talk on Malay Wood Carve Lefroy Correspondence The WI held their March ntch lag in the community hall Tues day evening March having Belle Ewart WI as their guests and Mrs Maguire of Mo gulre Apiarla Mlneslng as speak er Mrs Maguire gave artexcellent talk and demonstration on bees and the honey product as to food and cooking value She was thor oughly at home on her toplc and answered many questions relatlw to honey and Its uses in replacing sugar Mrs Maguirc held her audience by her charming personality and plcnslng efficiency in her melhods of demonstration and thcsemal articles produced In her menus were delicious morsel to Ihc palates of those sampling them It was regrettable the evening was so disagreeable with rain and sleet yet about 40 ladies were present and enjoyed to the full the excellent demonstration Mrs Gordon Todd in her pleasing man ner lad singsong before and aft er the demonstration Mrs Stephens as convcncr of the pro gram on Education and Citizen shlp also had Scott station agent at the Cth depot give very interesting talk on Malay Wood Carving showing an ex quisitc paddle and cane used in the ancient ceremonies The wonderful beauty of these pieces was very much enjoyed and thcvdctail was explained This on clcnt cfvilizatlon believed in trinity as all lines in the carvings were triple 0n the face of the paddle ls shown their three gods the god of the sun the god of the moon and the god of the soaks The head of the cane was replica of the king about to be crowned one unique feature was that the image of the king showed only three ngers on each hand Leg end has it that in the Polynesian races this occurred rarely and all kings crowned were sclccted from children born with threefingered hands To these people this was cer tain sign of divinity The cane and paddle were used in the cor onation ceremony along with canoe all decorated wlth the some wonderful carvings The monarch to be crowned was handed the paddle and got into the canoe and paddled the length of the pool ih front of the palace lie was then handed the cane which he earr as he climbed the stcpsftoy among the ladies It was decid ed to play for it in twoball foursome 18 holes match in the lastweek of May Plans were made to hold the annual June dance and to continue the crib bag and social evenings The executive for 1952 are Pait president Mrs Smith president Mrs Arthur McKenzie vlcepresidenthMrs Harris captain Mrs Gray vice captain Mrs Corby secre tary Mrs Ray Lvingston treas urcr Mrs Harry oung handicap manager Mrs Ough social obnvener Mrs Roy Smith deleg gate to county meeting Mr leorge Dangereld AUlbmdtiRccord Pch erfi5 Modem picture home design walnut finish cons sole Cabinet with cdnCeoled phonogrqph player record starfch compartment Permonentmognetic xflsotone spokc Vorloble tone Control Full vis ion cosy to od Illumitheddiol Builtjn loop orig ennc BeoInpowor output Cabinet dimensions Wide15 deep to ashram tinnitus has pm ach Inued inuuy In Boles scraps PRESENTDRAMA DIRECTOR WITH ELECTRIC CLOCK Saturday Rh cast members of Ivy Junior Farmed Drama Club thrmd play Lena Slug together with their families were entertained at the home of Mr and Mn Cleve Patten The entertain meat took thform of social av chins During the first part everyone participated in cards followed by rousing slam short busi next discussion was held and mem bers decided to take partof the $400 raised by the play to install SO much gay color SO little work and fabric All you need is few scraps for these aprons and matching potholdcrs Sewing em broidery and appliqueall easy Pattern C7320 cutting charts transfer of pookcts and potholders Send TWENTYluvs CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can not be accepted to The Barrie Examiner Household Arts Dept 30 Front St West Toronto Ont lrlnt plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEW The 1952 edition of our Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book Brimful of new ideas its only Twentyfive cents NINETYONE illustrations of patterns of your favorite needlecraft designs plus SIX casytodo patterns printed right in the book throne to be crowned Thccanoc paddle and came wcrc kept care fully and on the monarchs death he was buried in the canoe with the cane on one sldemd the pad dle on the other Few canoes have ever been found in good state of preservation but there are afew in some of the great museums All present were keenly inter ested in Mr Scotts talk Plans were later madoand com mittees formed for thefcards and dancing in the hall March l4 It was decided to appoint nomin ating committee for the next meeting It is hoped all convench will have their reports ready and bring them to the April meeting flhanlg you notes were read and the treasurer showed balance of $4731 The meeting closed with God Save the Queen and deli cious lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Hofland Mrs Sellers Mrs Donnelly and Mrs OIIcarn Your best paint buy roc BEAUTIFUL WALLS CEILINGS Wltv ahcebhyom 4arlson jugscurtains in Ivy Orange Kali Towirds the close huge cake with 18 candles one 191 each play presentation was given and play director Mrs Ivan Caldwell cut the cake Mrs Caldwell was presented wtih an electric clock by the play group and Mrs Joseph Cochranc with cup and saucer she being member of the cast from outside the group Club memberships were presented to Helen Cochrane Mrs Harold Gibson and the assistant director Harold Gibson Chairman of the evening and play was James Henry The evening was concluded with lunch and ice cream and singing of Auld Lang Syne The club has already begun making plans for an other play for next summer summary of the play was read by Arnold Banting It was success fully presented in to communities both in and out of Simcoe County First presentation was in Ivy June 1951 and later at Thornton Cookstown Everett New Lowell Dalston Dunedin Rosemount Av spasm infuriated to her MMMmmmwra mm Momsem Wm WM sputter ammummmm Wt WW in PEI WWW an Wmmhw llatnhx Commutation to Mr and Mrs Later Reid nee Mary Wright on the birth of daughter mm Lyn Mrs William Evans is her daughter and cooindoor Mr and In Gottchalk at Byers Cola undo USA Mrs Bowden returned to her home here after six wceb stay evening Mornings Mills 30m Head Stroud Lofroy Beaten Be thel and Terra Nova Final prcs cntation was Nov l4 Scene of the threeact play was Kentucky and it proved highly humorous throughout MEAT Ps MARKET located at the Town Limits on Blake Street North FOIA MSHNG Choice quality Beef Pork Veal delicious home made Sausages and Jellied Meats Cooked Meats and Fresh Fish FREE Delivery dial 4212 Orders received up to oclock delivered by p111 the some day Graham Flen1ing Mm svjch asides 1519 Punlop St us ghrerdiminishiag girdlcrnakcs the inches vanish Musics mice the freedordgthatPlaylekgives youlltslike expressed BARRIE Phone 3345 mmqu but am flany In two an roofstle Hillts likesteppig into another worldto sec howilhis wearing sanctumIo mjoythcomfort of that powdersoft fabric liningnext toyour skifiefuscd tothc Iv Smooth litter sheathwithoutjhsaM stitch orsbone lt1 morefwsseifs visible lanthigaosfslhes clothcsQAIIthislaandllla 11st olWhifc Mcgictoolj