where he Bspdlitnt It the Shows dxc Prisms Hoopiszl allowing an cxrauou His many Farm Iorum 1ctzds Wish to my they are Wt MARCH fur speedy recovery to good J33 Mimi the Canada mmmyUnclcs and Alf Dawes If Mr vim can and mgCollcgc Kay Allen and Scott Jcck Midland entertalncd Williams Fort Williamfol bridge of the 8th 1th and 3th Egmlll an 1518 Emmi Mrs McLean has retumcd from more span Sunday evening in aid of thesthe weekend with Hr md Mulbgwm may but mm Rdle Victoria llosptlal Fumislnuglll GUM MOM idmtmer Mrs ROWE lmd The sum of 350 was rc Mm Benson Morris and chimau boll M11 MPLean will 8853 lrcn have been visiting in Toronto strength and soon be well again Leczl Denney accompanied the liter few days Mr and 511s Gilmore enter Ilmzzy Orchestra to Toronto Fry an and um Ron Cumm spengftaiucd to four tables ofccuhre do tVtfliflg where they provided Gummy with and My Thom chdncsduy last and Mr and Mrs mm LEROY Eat cards Kanday solidi in tho lecc Noble is 1mm an mole lllgil scars went to Km UTOPIA MARCH Conmtulatlom Mrs doscpk bdcbloster who 312 high price for the opening the new Coop building Friday Farm Forum met at tunes Smiths Monday mm with very social Evening Eugene Smith is in Toronto my tooledan to me balance If ht llownshlp winn the dgbentnre is YYth placed The deduction of $76106 which was raised by levy to i951 HUDSONS F03 1952 reach of benutywith new HudsonAfro Hardtop Styling offered at standard sedan and coupe prices Hudsons exclusive stepdown dc sign permits new streamlining and beauty with styling which heretofore has been con fined to premium priced models Pictured ls rv of it Innlsfll Council met in the com munity hall at Churchill Monday Murch Preceding the reading of the minutes Reeve Lockhcrt tendered the official condolences of Council and Township to exRceve and present Councillor Thomas Cook on the death of his brother John Cook Painswick The Reeve also suggested that arrangements should be made to have Council take an oath of alleg iance to Queen Elizabeth II Ask Tax Exemption Rev Muirhead Rev Widdows and Rev What nough delegation from the Aug lican Camp at BigBay Point were on hand to protst the levying of the new assessment and the tax that will result They claim that their property has been tax exempt for some years The cottages on the property were let on com profit basis of $1 per diem for clergyman who could not otherwiseI afford holiday Some of thecotl logos privately owned were on camp lands and were not for sale Onc lake front cottage that was rented they admitted should be taxed They claimed that tax on the property would make the use of the cottages prollibitive to many of the clergy who under present standards of living could not af ford to pay more The delegation said that their group contributed substantial fund to the local parish which was collected during the services at their church during the summer As matter of compromise they agreed that total tax of $300 to include allrates and services would be acceptable and asked that set rate be established It was suggested they take the matter toCounty Judge Harvie for ruling new heights compression Carl Wallln whose fence was damaged when bulldozer hired by the township pushed snow across It during the big storm of 1947 and 1948 came in and threw cheque sent him as settlement on the table You can keep that and settle the matter satisfactorily or fight the matter in court he told Council Considerable time was taken again on the matter which according to Mr Wallin had been agreed on between him and the road supervisor at the time Robcrt Stewart who had instructed him 1to clean up the brush when the mnchlne which was to come and do the work did not turn up did not charge for use of the tractor and the labor was left to your settlement am sure lid more in the hours than any man you hired and you sent me less than the cost of the wire Mr Wallin added The whole matter is to be inspected by Council and the road supervisors for settlement Bridge Tenders Received Two bridges are to be replaced one on the lllth west of Highway II and the other on tho some stream in Mlnets Point Tenders were received and the lowest was from anfney Construc tion 30 Stratford fOr $1870 for the Minets and $2402 for the 14th less $400 if temporary road is not needed during the construction per iod Mr Bruce of the Dept of High ways insisted that the lowest tend er should be taken He also dis qualified two other tenders which he said should not have been in bulk form as in case of partial completion the amount should be known Tenders do not include reinforcing steel and cement Cattle Spraying Cattle spraying tenders were read and after consideration the spray ing was given to Maitland Corby at the price of $225 per hour for truck or tractor to move the equip ment Kenneth McDonald was en gaged asinspector at 90c an hour and lo mile for car Pufcluse New Truck Tenders for new ha1fton truck used as transportation for the road supervisor Were read and tender from Corby Motors Barrie for replacement of new truck at $676 and the 1949 pickup truck was Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No endorsers fbrbanka38wityme inpmmptucash for goodpu1pose3 outof at prefer Household Financcfor mt friendly service Phone or accepted Suggest Oil Heating Tendersfor the placing of Var ious kinds of heating systems in the township shed Were received Some of these ran as high as $1150 The system suggested isforced with eitherwood and coal or an oilfired furnace The whole shed is to be he bed so that trucks can be kept wi out freezing Nothing was done on the matter pending consideration of used furrfaccoffered at $50 The duct system would be installed and forced air unit to circulate tbalr Police Discussion Constables Perrier and Fergusop were at Council at the request of thesllcevc invited you men here to hear how the matters of police protec tion are being handled the Reeve stated gt17 cusps in courtlastTyear and lost two One becausa the actual driv Sound on 5519 myom OlfttlAIMltgzi mumsa mintle Constable Ferguson said he had er of the car had not been estab lished Twentydour car accidents bad1becn mistgated Hc siated that no largobreakins bad oc curredlf his area Constable renter statedthat the famouslludson Hornet powered by lower priced running mate Wasp the Commodore and the Pacemaker nd the sum of $3780 received as lyrunt from the Ontario Govern ment and the closure to pay off inline H145 engine most powerful six cylinder automobile en gine in production Included in the 1952 line of Hudson cars is new amid the Home is gtun to an mvestment broker the Hudsonu payable against all ratepayers Another case before the fine was paid he again charged and is now pool for three months One serious breakin had occurred when truck had removed some pieces of furniture lgh 5427130 by the community will re the ducc the debenture to an even $11 1300 which will likely be placed at around This open to ratepayers unless the me ill the two school sections Accounts were passed by all the was ned but chairmen and the treasurer author wai izctl to Mlle cheques Next regular meeting will beltllll held wellattended meeting bold Monday April at Stroud The Reeve advised that he would large be delegate to the Tourist Com Occasionally mittce meeting in the Parliament first Australian to be elected Lord cottages were discovered entered Buildings Toronto on March by use of keys that did not become apparent until the owners came Both officers stated that they wanted more salary Perrier rc ceives $l700 per year and Fergu son $2700 and uses own car The whole matter was left unsettled The hiring of chief was not dis cussed Sanitary Inspectors An inspector of the County Health Unit utold Council that if proper care and attention was giv en lo the poll type of toilets in the park and no complaints were re ceived that method of toilet could be continued The toilets must be kept fiyproof and well sprayed He stated that unless the township was in position to spend perhaps $10 000 it could not put in the flush system cspcially as the rock form ation of the most suitable place was matter of consideration He was told that the advertisement for tenders to install these toilets last Full had brought no replies The pit type of outhousc is to be done away with Private Sewage Systems The inspector told Council that all private installations of scwzlge systems would hav to pass spection and anyone failing to have this done would be prosecuted Places where summer resorts have been turned into permanent dwcll ings will have to have proper toxlet and garbage systcms Park Rate Same Although Councillor Cook advo cated the raising of the entrance fee at the park to $1 Council agreed that it was to remain the same as last year The only change was the raising of the monthly camping rate from $18 permonth to $20 Also the large plcmcs wrll allowed flat rate as per 100 persons Mr Black asked thatthe used truck which will be traded in on new one by the roads department be handed over to the park He was told that this had been sold to the dealer on the new truck He stated that the hauling of the fire wood to the different parts of le park was big chore It was done by twowheeled curt Deputy Reeve Sproule suggeEtd rubber wheeled barrow Mr Black reported $4700 had been colected at the park gate last year The Reeve stated he was of the opiniqnthat park should be free similar to parks every where else Matters Left Over Council took tbelrlunch and the clerkmade tea in the kitchen of the hall Even With this there were many matters not given attention The consideration of township building was not on the agenda The placing of the parkrrconcession and the garbage collection for lake shore have still to be dealt with The township insurance was giv en hearing when representative of the firm handling it was presi eat It wasnot placed The World mens mpensctiOn which is paid to an ins ce company instead of dirct to the Commislon was found to be considerably in arrears the outstanding premium for last year being nearly $500 plus the estimatedpremlunl paid at the be ginning of the yeor Churchill nobmture The debenture of the Churchill hall although bid was saidtobe availablc watscnotplaced This de bentuxe which is now total of $1142789 Which amount included an accumulation of interest dds to the township for money advanced WEVE CLICK investment is Iztlgnburj lmifmg ducks0n Wd at their home Friday and music for the Cookstuwn Old Boys lion Steppe gamma Ingram were hosts to four Mr and ms Harry stewan at tablcs of bridge Friday evening compamm by and My Venoler and Mrs Jim Elliott held ihcre was good attendance atStcwarL mrric were goats amrtt lms Of kWhWK Saturday lllt Weekly cuchrc with cables 3b and Mrs Clarence Stewartgevcning Mrs Tom Lindsay on Saturday See Womens Pugh for Institute pleasant evening was enjoyed lnews ILLlllllll at the Umon Station ball rift lYl competing for prizcs McFadden had lodlcs high score Archie Duckworth mens high scum and five way tie for lam bands Allen Miller Fred Mc Brzdc Vern Miller Mrs Robert Bruckwcll and Corbett was won by Fred McBride The Twmteen young people and social evening on Friday Locks Repaired 35 In aid 3878 WHILE YOl WAIT Dial 3814 Sir Leslle BOYCE in 195l was the Mayor of London England Ionic Ilx Mm ill 11 LEAVE YOUR LIGHTS on an All mu will NowaExcluSIVe Distributor in BARRlEELMVALE ORllLA AVAILABLE rooAY Wm with ole exclusivejnsw EASY srmALAros mucous out even the most stubborn dirt with powerful spiral water cub rrentsyetwiunotharmtheostdellcatefabricsstth more cloth per tubful cuts mum mi current moron 13 an ekclusive tested andppproved in thousands ifhome washings and available ONLY in the new Easy Washer hilundolouddnlo viaWV irilt194lwhicb Awwwmws 4Malumpmw