Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1952, p. 7

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WEDNHDAY In delayed judgment Hula tntte Gordon Foster dismtsted come of careless driving centrist Charles Walton resulting from highway accident on Doc to 1951 on Highway 89 when Walton coll Ided with the rear of another car Evidence of two witnesses showed that the pavement W35 very slip pery at that section and the ac tuned was unable to slow down sufficiently to avoid the collision when travelling at 45 miles an hour Dismiss Charge charge against Jack Wham for taking two mattresses on Feb from but at Camp Bordon and using them in the back of his truck to seat some of the work men going out was dumbed by His Worship who painted out that although Whan know that they were the property of the Depart ment of National Defence be con sldcrcd them to be discarded had used them in the truck for to days and had been working in camp on huts etc for over year SI Ind Cash In judgment pending for Some time Robert Saunders was fined sicwith costs of $2170 on con viction under the Highway Traffic Act Ablllty Impaired On conviction for driving on Highway 27 in Vespm on Feb 27 while his ability to drive was im paired by alcohol Frank Matty 60 Honey Harbour was ned $50 with costs of $7 Provincial Constables Scragg County People$e Disp oralus or LEATHER WORK bycohadas master craftsmen which were part of the travelling exhibit of the Canadian Society of Creative Leathercraft on display at an open meetmgofthc Simcoe CountyArtS and cultsrAssociatlonWednesday evoningg Al centre is the most writing case locked and modelled and embossed by Tim hmberg of Community Hall commentator was lqu Controls the Canadian coat of the whole superb EWBRR 9f Toronto using an Work of Margaret Jennings valuable piece in the Esthbnlan techn tarms surrounded byanorlgln9l border intricate dyeing The ladles shoes of mission grain stccrltide axelihe of London who did the carvmg and saddle and WChandlc arc that they hid Wad his car for two will and noted that hit was waving hoof and forth for that We They nally stopped him after the third attempt by their stop light at 1210 to the middle or me mood The olhocn stated that he had mg um was not in 45 up doing damage Lo his ownrccovery was made to Bradford propcny The best of character cvldencel was given by two erends of Man condition to drive car cey Didacc Grise and Mr Boyer both of high standing in his home town Boll Set At 5200 Cnh Charged with auto theft on Feb 37 and of forging cheque on the Royal Bank here on Feb John Bryan was allowed week to secure legal advice Bail was set at $2430 cash or $4000 property Reserve Judgment charge against Gordon Muir of lowing door to the extent of 310 to $15 In the home of Mrs Teasdale on Feb 27 was heard Magistrate Foster reserved judg ment for two weeks Two other charges will be heard at that time against Muir first of retaining stolen shing rod the property of John Reid and second of stealing coat owned by John Henderson For the defence Stew art QC presontcd on the rst charge technical argument verging on Gilbert and 811111 van effect to prove that Moir and his wife wore really part Iciy of Leatherwork by Canadian Master Craftsmen ekhibition calfskin Che Barri Examiner MONDAY MARCQ0392 owners of the hunde on titanium been installing the they were paying instalments will Camp Bardcn new booms me mm ten On Feb lit the officer had tall Cum new he pointed out lm 3W WW SUCCESSFUL EVENT CREEMOREl is not Willie to convict an own lgmk 3w Wefhig mil on Feb 23 Simone Crop Improvement During tho afternoon President Hts Womhip found Warner gulll3 aslun hold their annual and Gordon Bredlet mentioned the N43 Gin To That tv is charged and at the suggest 13 Crccmorc on Wedncsdiyfwork the limitation bird 4003 in young Bmzllffd m0 Rolltion of Crown Atzomcy Millard and despite bad wrathalto county in the past and asked Hutton Warner 29 single lackdilhompson remanded him in cus their was capacity crowd mifor the support in projects which Charge of the between 53th litody for one week In ordcr with town hall Furtydwo farmerswould be undertaken during the ind Ftb 15 V$Fm piulnbdconstdr th case more fully the county exhibited samiwmmg year One which be rutn mil 53111115 and lilg mcludmgl of grand small seeds and wTtioncd particularly was the organi two tubs tank basma tnllct mmlm mime mud bus Lou to Ottawa which bowl and tank and other tartanch charge against LOUIE lVw wg be conducted some time early valued at 3500 by cpl pawljhzcb was hard some time Zia lm Ltigt II Dam uf Burricm Jump lch RUMBCam Bordon unmbcaring on an infringement omitting on the exhibits said mg mp chmEa local bylaw through failure to so wcrc exceptionally good mitestyddiieuiou curc 21 Italy to rate unk lt in th he medium Defence counsel Mailer of p6 Fm b0 ione of tho directors of the asso Mord llard on Collier trcct no 113 own and the Junior Farmer wt th cecremrv we tfdfnd tiedemi as am brimmisscd by His Worship on the Following the show it way at Avricuuire vxgh 53 lfmunds of insufficient evidence itcd that some of the exhib parne mm mom mg on hc The cage was presented by thy Lil oats and wheat had been mn 11 93 0i amen Th 31ij Fading town solicitor Rowe who no winners at the Royal Winter Morris Darby district director been uken from Camp Boidmldmmed mat me 30 of Plating Toronto and the Internal501 the Ontario Crop Improvement and are an rmwwd Brmtoign over the door of the office In Shuw Chicago Association referred to the work tori Tm accusw hfm nu rellmplli carrying 011 bUSiBBSS of the parent organization in us cordhad Ahdd Wiuonf 109 F0 if defence Slewa Gm Qm lasting the county clubs with their ml wpermtcndmt frm rmlmaintaincd that sale mmt be Emmi 13me Mtlprojects and praised the county and hough 33371de 5m lhc shown to indicate the transaction 35355 56 qua was colassoclation for taking the activc charge had sun held pumuon busms Nam Offered be mu wmch was ope mylpart which they had in crop lm mm them evidence leaving the decision to It attending UN fillhfmd forlpmvemem work He asked the leniency of the Magistrate Foster iVliL we were f0 W395 01 court andpossibl suspended scn litl GopdCrccmore Support tcncc or failing at the altcrna Bert Smith Crccrnorc chairmang ve of mm lour cnargcs under the ILA Ic unnum of lhl competition me local wmmmce thanked were laid against Douglas Hayes on 151 Ken Ralston Lefmy me dimdors for holding the fair6 Cpl Pavclich stated that tho arti of Shanty Bay district war Lmi Calvin Ireland Everett amid Creemore and expressed the clcs were the property of veteran llarry Wilcox Berton tied itlLihope mat it might be held thew Fox plumbing subcontractor who tIurn to page nine please 3821 Watt Tottenham iagam in me no too distant fumer Crccmorc have ouppoxtcd this 121le Every well and Mr Smith with this committee deserve great deal lof credit towards the success of the show Herb Dunn county weed IIIl spector and Kingsbury tieldv man for the Crops Seeds and Weeds Branch acted as panel of experts answering questions uni weed control Both of these mcn have had considerable experience lcontrolling various types of weeds and working with the Weed Conl trol Act so that they were able toi answer all questions asked by these present Bop Shows Pictures Keith McRuer agricultural repl rcsentatlvc showed some pictures which had been taken last year during the associationsponsored tour to Ohio and montioned bricLl fly some of the points in conncci Ition with conservation which hadl ibcen viewed during the tour The speaker of the afternoon was Paul Fisher of Fisher Farms Burlington He has travelled wide ly and has always been interest cd in agriculture gathering c0n siderable amount of information in connection with soil manage merit During the course of his marks Mr Fisher referred fowork which was being done in Europe and Asia as on as that which has been done by our neighbors to the south with particular stresxi on the work if Blubaugh Land Louis Bromfield Soil Management Mr Fisher stated that 20 yearlt iago be had practically stopped us ing the moldbonrd plow on hicg Ifarm and as far as he was cong Iccrned it would never be used again However his type of farm lng is quite different from om iin that he is an orchardfarmerd but the principle is the sumo er Fisher maintains that instead of burning the organic matter by lburying it deeply it can be main ltained as mulchon top of thei isoil and at the same time hold 1moisture for the soil This talk was certainly well apj gpreciated and stirred lot of dm cussion from the group presept Irlxe Winners EARLY OATS wulia 111 Bell aniy Alliston MEDIUM 0R LATE OATS Carl Peacock Stayner Harold lBryce Staynet Wilcox and Beeton Clarence Leach Ab listen Gordon Bretbctmottenham Gordon McArthur Stayner othe county association mg mgram StiJAX garSwmnoggti GLDSZIII film The Lobns Necklace was on even met om hecxblbit which isrxnaking or coast to coast tour of Canada we imarighlnsarlli an Son aging seen in London and Toronto beforecoming to Simcoe County the third lona can Allist blbl case at left IS Mumart original by Robert Muma cuff The decoration is embosed and modelled Wlth the work done by trainer and modeller Seventy people from Barrie Orlllia ColdwaterElmvale Holly Stayner and Beaverton travelled to sag the exhibit at Guthrie Sintud Chumh Garnet Prottnrof Barrie member don McArthur Stayner Eugene Smith Utopia um tum ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SHOWING ox SAME PROGRAM The strange story of MAN forced to live in Childs World Its Small World PAUL DALE LORRAINE STARTS TODAY MILLER STEVE BBODIE IMPERIAL COMINGTHE LAVENDER HILL MOB 14 WEEKS rxusr RUN TORONTO and Sons Bceton Calvin Ireland Everett Delmar Wilgton and Son Alliston Clarence Leach Alliston Banting Ivy Kclls Collingwood ALFALFA Kclls Coll ingwood Other Seed Grains RYE Carl Peacock Stayncr OATS ANY VARIETY Elwood Jerry Stayncr Don Brethet Tot tcnham Charles Wilcox Becton Evan Wilcox Bccton Douglas iWilcox Bccton Marion Leach Al listen BARLEYANY VARIETY Donl aid Gibson Stayncr Elwood Jer ry Stayner Jim Applegatc Ivyt7 Joanne Smith Utopia KcniiMoncyu Ivy Helen Smith Utopia Jennett Special for Junior Farmer Club winning most points in classes for Oats and Barley any variety to Nottawasaga Junior Farmers Potato Section TABLE STOCK Eugene Smith UtOpia Clarence Leach Allistonzf Bert Kidnic Everett Smith Utopia Ronald McKenzie Alliston Don Gibson Stayncr Championships BEST EXHIBIT OATS Willj lam Bellamy Alliston BEST EXHIBIT BARLEY Dou aid Gibson Stayner Clarence Reads Scriptures iRegularly Though Blind Some Years COLDWATER Dr Robert Park Midland osteopath who has been friend of Mrs Cornelb and family for many years another visit to Goldwater recently Dr Park is blind but that der not deter him from reading the Scriptures regularly He has just completed his secondf reading of the Bible from cover to cover The second reading requirv cd one year and four months am was accomplished by the use 05 the index finger of his righthamk Only The digit traced tho Bibl from Genesis to Revelations using copies of Pin Point text for Ville rblind system which preceded Bmilla cortlesof Scriptures were presented to Dr Park as gifts in communities where he resided before settling in Mid land BEST EXHIBIT SMA LL SEEDS Wilcox and Sons Beeton BEST EXHIBIT WHEAT Elmer Halbert Allister First Aid ST JOHN AMBULANCE ClaSses For eight weeks commencing Thursday March 13 COMMUNITY nous Dr Turnbull Instructor If you are interested please Phone Jim Gilmore 2735 or Moreton brigade superintendent 2301 ING Ontario centre to boyislted Donald Gibsonsm stgmplngjilheshoess were designed and constructed tryhand sum EBay March 1952 tli rum Editor me Barrie mam scooxo nur COOkSiown Assn As Deputy pincth of the Inter gt inutional Bureau oftheBoy Scouts Dinner and Dance lAssociation MajorGeneral Spry Qttawa left Canada on ilr zoommil slrrehrviphimwwf Al Umo Slam will mnmm fulliii CIoseto 300peopl attended the Coolmtown Old Association annual dinner and danccleb 29 more Oak nooin of the Union Sta tion Toronto During the next two months Gen eral Spry is scheduled to visit Scouts and Ieadersfin Mexico Cuba Jamaica Columbus Ecuador Peru Child Argentina Brazil nor Gordon McArthur Stayner Eugene Smith Utopia Gigicoco Smith Utopia Erwin Lem Beeton Apple gate IVY Money1fy We Smith Utopia Jim Hill Beeton William Bellamy Allistou WINTER WHEAT Dawsons Gol den Chaff Carl Peacock Stay per Donald Gibson Stayner El wood 3cm Starter Harold crime mils livery but do strong light Cookslown wawnkpreenldl Wadi Yenwkm FMS Same vtlnvelling by melal busand pri WINTER MM iglotafashmlnabl sportmmpny we en Storm Gordon olfsllldliixtmi Wm the world as by no meringue Smith Ute ultimatum delegation and his WWPFFW rim molesting rem ks contributed rot$333k Mr on Tb WW kastowu am Wed Home treasurer ents on pperey wm mw hummus mm old timoaudt modem REGISTERED oars bred on were waver by we ngg awaken wr all SPECIAL mount Emit VV ISGAMES 25 19903 colnan dismount mcwnmo new rug

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