Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1952, p. 6

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ts goingto bribe addressed ovcr LOGO Polish to group of chumhlpgplc mmwmbocoming from lmsu Hearst to attendthc am meeting of the Toronto Con bunch of the Womens wary Society of the Unltod Church of Canada In addition to the northern delegates there will be delcantts present from the thrcc Toronto presbytorials This is only the second time that the annual the City of Torontovlasl year It moved out of the city for the first time to North Bay meeting has ever been hold outside The gathering is to be held here on April 22 23 and 24 Collier szl church The main Cuttleltlttt speaker has just returned from Newfoundland and local SOCtLl members are looking forward to hearing about her tour of Canndasi newtxt DIOVIIICL 0mm Mlhzl Ioltanewskis ud dress to the Barrio Womens Canj adlan Club on Thursday cvcning was the 29m he had made in tour of Western Canada and Ontario after this province he will continue on to the Marilfmcs for lecture tour and then the Unith States for month In the Fall he returns to England where his has rosidcdi since 1945 and will continue to broadcast along with llltlS fromg many countrics to the nations bc hind to Iron Curtain lhc gcncrul says that he broadcasts are not propaganda only facts about what being done in different countries Often the broadcasts are made from Madrid and Ankara as no censor ship ls placed on talks from thoscl places In Canada General lokarzcwski has had numerous mcctings of hisl fellow countrymen Al Winnipeg Janie Conlind To Hospital Inc Around Town column is brief today Early this morning the womens editor of The Examiner Miss Jane Hinds was rushed to Royal VictorIi Hospital where an appendect omy wos performed by Dr Neil Laurie Therefore for several wteks some substitu tlonwlll have to be nude or perhaps the male momch of the news department will come to the rescue with tIrucIy item for the ladies The editorial section of The Barrie Examiner has both had ly bent for some time Ronald Davies just got back this mom lng after 10 days of illnem and George Illll him been off for time with the flu Mlss Joyce Irwin had just returned prior to that following an ap pcndcctomy Wmaldu Mrs Betty Spcarc and little daughter Wendy formerly of Bar rio loft rcccntly to join her hus band SiSgl Spearc now stationed in Regina Whilc in Barrie to address the Womens Canadian Club on Thurs UNWANTED AIR Pcrmlmntly orndlcnlcd from any port of the body wllli EuroIM the rclnurhblc dltcovcry of the lit limoPolo contains no drugs or chemical and will kill the hair lot Locum LABORATORIES GRANVILLE ora wuycouvrzn no VivUPSIICKT vigilant Kiss or Lumrlously smooth 79 Naturally Clinging Lanolin Rich day cvcning LtGcn Mihal Toknr zcwski was mitertailch at dinner by Dr and Mrs Bruce Johnston Following the club meeting in the evening the speaker was entertain ed at the home of Mrs Hugh Wal itaco Mary St by Mrs George Rodgers and Mys Wallace Mem bers of the cxccutivc and their hus bands were guests Mr and Mrs George Dangerfield and sons George Jr and Bruce returned home from Florida last Wednesday They left Barrie Sun day Feb andmotored to Siesta Shores situated at the outskirts of Saratoga After twoWeek stay there they moved to Riviera Beach for another week before returning to Barrie HAMILTONAl Lachinc General Hos ital Montreal Sunday Mar 52 James CharlesHamllton dearly lovedson of Don Ins and Mildred Hamilton angdson 6f MrshE Knowles nd the late Major Knowles HARESuddenly at his residence Bally Brack London Satur day March 1952 Col Pat rick Hare ED formerl of Camp Borden beloved husband of Shirley Elizabeth Hare father of Patrick David and Michael Hare Funeral service Monday March 10 at pm from George Logan Sons Funeral Chapel Llntelment in Woodland Ceme cry PAPER MILL BUILT IN 1866 The first chemical pulp mill for paper was built by Angus Logan and Co at Windsor Mills Que in Lirsncx otaltm 1366 mm from om wmmn muttonMm Edwin meson Canvam Jack lPollsh mm lAsks AM Continued one can be regained at the cost of many Buller casualties lost cam not ml Mrs Hamills Greene Mm MacAulcy Mm Hambly Mrs Charles Hurtlbese Mrs Wilson Mrs Athens easily reconstructed Orgmlultlml Forces The general pointed out that soo Collection Artists seriies Spivak Quartet Reg GOdden The Canadian Artists Series op enmg concort of climber music by the Splvak String Quartet on Thursday evening at the Barrie District Collegiate auditorium was Mrs Moore Mrs Gain C955 depended Oil 083me no well received by an audience of rity Mrs John Manet Mrs only malerlfil but also moral towns close to 500 people Assisting in the Miller Mrs Haslett Mrs Don and lheu application 07 Mmbl program was Barrier own Reginald aid Tomllnson MrsKcnncih Chanl lcr Mm James Boorman Mrs Frod gkaighin Mrs Arthur Tllbrook shevismumil the victory of real Mrs Charctte WARD room Team 1Mrs Ed Green captain pcacc iiassurcd The necessary moral power could gbe realised and vitallzcd only by onions cooperntion among all thosc Goddcn concert pianist greatly to combat the evil of Bot2 The quartet consisting of Elie lSpivak Frank Fusco Jack Nielson and Philip Spivak was introduccd lily Fisher director of the gnarrle Collegiate Concert Band hm par Mrs Roy ChumLn ideals which would actually help to which is Sponsuring the series Mrs Jack Butler Mrs Crowcl dcicnd the fundamental value of iIhcir performance was aptly de Mrs Lines Mrs Darch MrslClVlllWin allleed 35 ll i5 by litilscribcd as very pore very rich Fred Smith Mrs Bart Simmons Team 2Mrs Watterworth theory and practice of RussoCom gmunlsm Ihc minimumtscope of Eamd very satisfying In part One the group of first captain Mrs Wllf Rldlcy Mrs Jeang NS ideals is contained in lhiliailid second violins viola and cello Lcylnnd Mrs Hinton Mrs Atlantic Charter and in the Unitg played Quartet in Minor by Hart Mrs Marshall Mrs cd Nations Declarationon the Right llaydn built up into proportions of lA Iribblc Mrs Gundry of Man while the United NalimrslAlkgro the fifths Andante plu ers Nellie Hull Mrs Simpson Convention against Genicldc is dishosto allegro Mcnuct allegro and Mrs Knox Team 3Mrs Badglcy cap tain Miss MacDougall Miss signed to oppose largescale mass infringement of these human rights The speaker told of the Central llinalc presto Reginald Goddcn delighted the audience as always with his inter COlClldgc Mrs Smith Mrs Al Eastern European Federation which protatlons of three numbers Open Halfyard Mrs Findlay Mrs Maur icc Barrc Mrs William Bird Mrs Ihilpolt Mrs McNeill Mrs Gourlay Mrs Lowe Mrs Ilowcll Team imitirs Erial McNabb cap tain Mrs Fleming Mrs Smith Mrs Boatty Mrs Moran Mrs Saso Mrs Saso Mrs Cowan Miss Lyons Mrs Johnston Mrs Cameron Mrs Burton Mrs Harris Mrs McConkcy Mrs Goodcrham Mrs Gordon Foster Mrs Little Mrs Ross Ilcdly WAR FIVE ChairmanJ Richardson Team lG Longstuffc captain Boyd Mrs James Scott Mrs Wisoman Miss McGrcgor Larry Cnmpcuu Tram 21 Knowles captain Mrs Morris Mrs Parker Pringlc Icam 3C Fox captain Mrs Spencer Mrs Iloran Mrs Tod Scott Mrs Fox Mc Gowun Ibam 4H Stafford captain Mrs Banting Mrs Jcnnctt Mrs Grccnc Mrs Iurnbull Mrs Flshcr Mrs Arnott Tcnm 5Mrs Clcmmcns captain Mrs Nels Magoo Mrs El lott Mrs Wilson Miss Alma ebb Mrs Smith Miss Lawrence Mrs Scmmens Icam GMrs Bishop captain Mrs Harris Miss Hothcr ingtongAlrs Johnson Mrs Dcnnc Team 7MlssM Longhurst cap tain Mnry Mitchinson Audelenc Spccrs June Perkins Edna Long hursl Mary Frochcttc Laurine Sar jcantNan Hamilton Murg Halber ill Terry Smith Klly Dcmbcrlinc Phyllis Wallwln WARD SIX ChairmanN Knight Team lMrs Goring captain Mrs Dobson Mrs Kcllough Mrs Kcll Mrs Renlncr Mrs Yarmlll Mrs Watt Mrs Pugh Mrs Gough Team 2Mrs Noble cap tain Mrs Mitchell Mrs Gos ney Mrs MitchclkMrs Stew art Mrs Lee Mrs Loughccd Mrs BuschlenMrs Fraser Mrs Collins Mri Gilhooly Tcam 3Mrs Scruton cap tain Mrs Cumming Miss Ardcll Miss Reid Mis Roy Grant Miss Joyce Pcarrall Miss Fern Birch Mrsllurold Webb Mrs Shear Mrs RJScrulon Mrs Wright man Mrs Williams Miss Baillie Mrs Couch Mrs Mil lar Mrs Henry WOMENS INSTITUTES GilfordMlss Rothwcll cap tain Mrs Bell Mrs Baker Mrs Hughes Mrs John Hughes Crown HillMr Dunsmorc captain Rome Partridge Miss Hickllng Miss McLean rrEdcnvalcvMrs Bonscr cap tain Mrs ward Mrs Ward Mlss Partridge Mrs Good lcllow Mrs MawMrs Glf fen IvyMrs Reld captainers GF Davis Mrs McVancl Mrs Lyons Mrs Nelson Mrs Lee Mrs Jonnett Mrsn Cochranc CraighurstMrs Ellsmerc captain Mrs George Snider Miss Mabel Richardson MineslngMrs Maw captain Mrs Orchard Mrs Muir Mrs Pearson Mrs McLean Mrs Parker MrsH Wood Mrs Camack had nriscn us reaction to imper ialism wherein all the countries hoped to unite and become power for peace and prosperity of the many countrlcgs behind the Iron Curtain which werg selfsufficient in men and materials of the mcn in the Russian armies who were opposed to Communism who if they were to risk lives and families must have 21 certain hope of help from other countries He spoke of his own experiences whilc impri soncd and of Polands treatment at lhc hands of the many Restore Confidence Only restoration of confidence in the sincerity of ideological cn unciatklns can assure on the other side of the Iron Curtain sustainqd readiness to make those sacrificas which will yield victory in the struggle against Communism They want to know what they are to struggle fight and die for They dont want their sacrifices to be wasted The organization by the West of any army composed of refugee Con tral Eastern Europeans Would greatly increase the physical poten tial of the Western lineupand at the same time tend powerfully to draw the satellite armies over to the camp of Western democracy It would also advance the concept of federation of the Central Easf crn European countries and so ulti mately provide factor in making for security and order in the fu ture Europe The speaker was introduced and thanked by the club vicepresident Mlle Raina Shopoff lt Canadian leather Masterpieces on 19 Are Displayed Continued from page one onto and insured for $1000 tab ephonc or magazine cover mak ingeffective use of alternating tex ture and geometric pattern blot tcr pad of mission grain sfeen hide matching bookends and let for holder reside bellows carved and saddle stamped ladies shoes mi underarm bag of cowhide dis playing llagree work shoulder bag by Reta Larmour of Toronto which won second prize at the ONE in 1950 shoulder bag with carved and antique dyed apple blossom design in pale pink and green on natural and ladies gloves in shortle and bracelctdength were among the many articles on dis play Keen interest was shown by the many questions and close atten tion paid by the group during the commentary Seventy people from Barrie Orlllia Goldwater Elmvalc Holly Stayncr Strcucl Churchill and Beavcrton were present for the openmeeting At the beginning of woven log lml1he Loans Necklgcg was shown and introduced by Gor don Beswcthorick Tho film com bined realism and fantasy in tho proscntahion of legend of the British told how the Icon got his neck lace of while markings around his peck Ceremonial masks rcp Columbia Indians which ing with his own Variations on lZurly One Morning The Adagio from the Moonlight Sonata chctho will and Chopins Ballade in film were the other numbers For Inn encore Mr Goddcn played prelude in the style of folk song llis Variations were quite remark blc as the pianist skilfully hitch cd lnany sorts of musical forms in various moods to the simple melody The String Quartet returned for another group Pastoral poco an dantcl by ElgarRondo Mozart iNogro Spiritual Dccp River ar rangod by Pochon and Saint Mulo on French Canadian air MncMillan For an encore the Spi vak group played Scrcnado by llaydn followed by second on corc Schuberts Moment Musicale using the cello as bass In Part Two Mr Goddcn joined the string quartet for brilliant performance of Schumanns Quin lct Opus 44 in four movements Schumann is Supposed to have set the model for the modern piano quintet with this piece since no precedent existed for justthis com bination of instruments It was finisth in 1842 and given its first performance with Mendelssohn playing the piano part It was Mendelssohn too who suggested the insertion of the agitalo section in the second movement The new problem was one of sonorities since not only was the piano combined with four stringed instruments but the piano itself had undergonc great change since the days of Mo zart and even Schubert The much greater tonal weight was balanced by Schumann in the distribution of parts and the complexity and rich ness of texture in his music as whole Patrons for scrlcs Those who have consented to al low their namcs as patrons for the Barrie Collegiate Canadian Artists Series are Roy Fenwick direc tor of music Ontario Department of Education Major Brian McCool Toronto Ettore Mazzoleni prin cipal Royal Conservatory of Tor onto Morrison MBE and Mrs Morrison George Johhston MLA and Mrs Johnston Principal Bowman and Mrs Bonan VicePrincipal Heath and support it by giving it publicity nding quilts and rugs to display etc An announcement was made that meeting on the Massey Re port was being arranged by the Simcoe County Committee on So cial Service in cooperation with the arts and crafts association It is to be held near the end of lip rll Mrs Cockbum thanked the county association on behalf of the night classes in vlcather craft at the Barrie District Colleg late Institute for the invitation to come to the meeting She said that the display would prove to be an inspiration to the students Guthrie ladies Opened their lunch counter to the group atgthc end of the evening and scrvcd pic ice cream and coffee Mrs Heath John Hutchinson and Mrs Mitchinxon 8cm Adrian loonine Leighton Clarke chairman Parsons HFlshor Moro row treasurer Robert tchcll secretary Rev uwls BDCI Board Walls LII Cutler Mrs Inger Kirsch Harmony Club Mists Jessie Bryson Reglxtcrcd Mus4 to Teachers Miss Kay Smith Col legiatc staff Ronald Kean band president Mu Fred Rowe Mrs Frank Perkins Mrs Alex McKin non Sales committee for the band Dorothy Leishman Helen Thomp son Nancy Cameron Jane Per kins and Douglas Stewart Key Club president Jim Agnew is re SPOIBIDIC for stAging Next concert in thc series will be Backstage at the Opera on Fri day march riesl Addresses PTA Calhplic Reading Stlblect Rev Oliver Maloney addressed St Marys PuentTeachcrs Asso ciation on the topic Reading in the Catholic Home at their mouth ly meeting held Tuesday evening Feb 26 in the new separate school Introduced by the president Mrs Sheppard Father Maloncy gave an interesting talk which was enjoyed by all the members Mrs Eugene Smith thanked the speaker on behalf of the association It was games night which was past poned owing to the death of King George VI would be bold after the Lenten season The data will be decided in the ncxtmectingz This month the school crest was won by Miss Marlon Edwards room Refreshments were served at the end of the business meeting and social half hour was enjoyed by the members Barrie Audienc Hears Missionary Work With lepers The marvelous story of mission ary work among those suffering with leprosy or Hansens Disease as ibis now called was told by Rev Harold Etter General Director of the International Christian Lep rosy Mission at Collier St Baptist Church Barrie on Sunday March Mr Etter former missionary in China is an experienced leaderond has made two trips to the0rlent visiting India China and the Philip pines since World War Two He had excellent kodpchromc motion pic tures and slides taken on those trips which covered ovr 48000 miles This type of missionary work is unique Christihnwlmess in lands where people with leprosy have been so longncglecled and often cruelly killed The engagement is hnounced of Constance Evelyn daughter of MlsG MacPhall Sr land the late Dr MacPhall of Barrie for merly of Sqlntj John iNB to Oswald Olzlc James IBIOgg son of the lineup and Mrs William Blogg Six Barrie they timidlogo to take plactl on Saturday April 12 1952 in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie 28 inhibit tuttiqu lupus wksuisirs in yo um announced that the mx EACH YEAR crippled child is des typify the handicapped youngsters on whose behalf the On arlo Society for Crippled Children makes the Easter Seal cam paign for funds Timmy 1952 is Fred Atkinson of Woodstock shown here with his mother Mrs Edward Atkinson MOrrisonCockburn Nuprials are Held In Edgar Church The marriage of Miss Marina AnnoCockbum daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Cockburn of Ed gar to DRWSOIIMOIIISOII son of Mr and Mrs Hiram Morrisonof Fort William took place in Edgar United Church on Saturday March 1952 at three oclock in the af ternoon The ceremony was per formed by the Rev Hugh Mac taggart Wedding music was played by the brides aunt Mrs Elmer Emms of Shanty Bay who also accom panied the soloist Stuart Emms cousin of thcbridc Gilen in marriage by her father the bride was gowned in white satin Her flowers were red roses Miss Phyllis Cockburn of Edgar who was maid of honor for her sis ter and Miss Donna Strachan of Edgarcousin of the bride as bridesmaid were gownedin lime green and yellowtaffcta Gordon Cooney of Bancroft was groomsrnan and Ross Bowls and Kenneth Emms of Barrie uncles of the bride acted as ushers Atthcvreception which followed machines SEWING iMAQIlINEST0 incur Phone 3721 Tummmio TECHNICIAN AND SERVIQEMAN 139LDundOp St Llnaunavslir lgnated as mummy to at the home of the brides parents in Edgar the mother of the bride rccivcd wearing navy blue satin Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to New York and points south the bride travelling with black ac On their return Mrand Mrs Morrison will be making their home at Malton in coral suit ccssorics mo TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI PHONE 2414 SOLIDlFlED PURSE PERFUME MARIE RICHARD Bplelt Radm Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer We servICe all makes of electrich prices including ranges washerselc Expert repairs to all mhkoo of sewing ooou resenting famine tho moon wolves FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE EdgarKeith Lclgh captain Fraser JohnstonAJaMcLean Louder Hutchinson Dawson GlithrloNorman Stoddart cap tain Clarke Miss Caldwell Harold Caldwell Genrge Cnmpbell LoVe IJamieson Bar tholomewtg naturuor rtuzuu More than 170000 acres ofppstpre landln NeyLanland were fertiliz payers in the sum mer 196 Sample Concdlpn ILlotvd priced in 1836Welel icat at 1flvc to eight canton5poundhut AiIRCACTIVEL and even mosquitoes were used In lkl ff tProduced by CianIelyg 1311 Go ltlias rcy INDIVIiDgUAL celvcd international acclaim Mrs Llew Beaver of Barrie was In tho chair for thcmeetlng do no iroirs K1eli0rton thc3county1wldc art exhibit wasglven by Mrs Jo 00 Leach of Stayner She tolduhow successful the 1951 exhibit had boon and urged urtlls to start preparlhg for the vnextahow be heldln the jall 25 coughing Mrs chn Cavanagli of Barrio reportedon thplans ninth to datei or thcSlmco Couhty Quilt and Bug Fair to hekl this year in Barrie Slop elded themem hero to get beth rythc flair nominal Ii conic ch beta pot Ctnpln Grundy Pulsar uproot 15350 shown for your old wdshvcr moo dlsc

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